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Medical Pot House Explodes - Butane Extraction


Active member
making BHO at 2:30 A.M while you are medicated is NOT what i call very safe hehe....lesson learned for sure.


The Dude
I made it inside the house once, a couple minutes later was messin with my cat and leaned down to the floor and smelled it! Opened up everything immediatly, was lucky I guess. Always made it outside after that; I like my face.


nevill was making hash oil via solvent when he got blown outta a second story window and figured he needed to grow better pot
I thought a member here making BHO and extractions for clubs in the sf area just went to jail for the same thing...

Edit: nvm I guess CO has different laws regarding BHO


I still don not understand why people continue to make bho in the fucking house. Blows my mind, and usually their house.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I here about this way to many times. When will everyone learn this method should never be processed inside any building without proper ventilation. Proper ventilation in my book is a air hood other then that it must be performed out side until all Butane has evaporated. People think oh it's only a small batch I can do it inside by a window. please think before you act. It only takes 1x to hurt /kill you or someone else do not attempt if you don't have common sense.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Four empty cases of butane fuel canisters were found in the home

Thats like 60 or more bottles, maybe over 100 depending on how many in a case...
Stupid mofos, I get scared shitless with one bottle on my patio LMAO,

Someone got the DARWIN AWARD!!!! Lucky them they don't live in Cali or it would also have meant heavy fines, jailtime etc.. Sucks, be careful kids!!


Why BHO when a quick, cold Iso wash gives as good a product? The only way to do BHO correctly is in a closed recovery system. I have seen them made from a refrigerant service pump( like for A/C and HVAC) and a dual chamber wash/ collector system. Making explosive clouds even outside is very stupid, making them inside is criminally negligent.BHO is a product which will bring much negative attention to MMJ due to it's inherent dangers


ICMag Donor
If they had so much to process, enough to need cases of butane, they should have taken that money and bought some icewater hash bags...

Really hate the negative publicity this kind of thing brings to the community when we're trying to make our case and fight for our rights....


Active member
People shouldn't be making or smoking this shit. It's unhealthy and I wouldn't recommend it to a mmj patient. Dry sift is the way to go.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Some dumbass is going to blow up their kids one day because they were making BHO in the nursery.

If you are messing with explosive gases, don't know what you are doing, and don't take the time to learn how to safely do what you are doing, then you get what you deserve IMO.

You may be a nice guy and not feel like you deserve to get your face blown off, but if you are stupid enough to load your house up with butane and make BHO indoors then unfortunalty that is the case.

Like I said, some asshole is going to blow their's or someone else's kids up these days pulling this stupid crap and it looks bad on all of us.


Now in technicolor
Anyone attempting this indoors needs to make a flowhood. It's basically a box with a small window where you do the work, that has negative pressure (an exhaust on top, going outdoors), intake is the window you're working in, thus not allowing any fumes to escape. It's made for chemistry labs where the fumes are dangerous if concentrated. Butane falls in this category.
Fucking idiots. I know it sounds mean but come on.
You gotta call a spade a spade.
Fucking idiots.
Have to admit I laughed pretty hard though.


you should have seen the new headlines they ran on tv

"medical marijuana causes house fire and injuries"

they made no point to explain what they were doing; or why it was so stupid - no they just want to put a huge negative spin on medical marijuana in general

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