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Medical MJ: Michigan Town Hall Live Monday, April 25, 2011


Tune in and Chime in Today.

They are having a Town Hall style discussion on CMNTV today and they will be taking live discussion questions online and by phone. It will be streamed live or if you live in Michigan just tune to CMNTV (local public access channel). They do these live town Hall Meetings every week now I believe but today's is focused on Med MJ. It would be great if we could get a lot of use with our perspective to ad to the convo.

http://cmntv.org/2011/04/town-hall-live-medical-marijuana/ (now has a recording stream of event)

Michigan Town Hall Live
Monday, April 25, 2011 – 6-7pm
Open to the Public

Join CMNtv and The Oakland Press for a conversation on the the issues facing Michigan today. Host Charlie Langton moderates a discussion on Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Law.

TOPIC: Michigan Medical Marijuana Law


Attorney Matthew Abel
Attorney Michael Komorn
State Sen. Mike Kowall, R – White Lake
Oakland County Commissioner Mike Bosnic, R – Clawson
J. Van Dyke, National Director American Medical Marijuana Association
Charles Semchena, Royal Oak City Commissioner

STATEWIDE WATCH ONLINE: www.cmntv.org/watch
View a List of CMNtv Cities

SEND IN YOUR COMMENTS ONLINE: www.theoaklandpress.com
JOIN OUR STUDIO AUDIENCE: Doors open at 5pm. Seating is limited. First Come, First Served, No Reservations. Click Here for Driving Directions.
Get a taste of Michigan Town Hall Live @ CMNtv’s Video On Demand Department.

Tags: medical marijuana, oakland press, promo, town hall live


It would have been better if more of us had gotten involved with this by tuning in, tweeting, calling etc ... but here is a small write up of how it went.

Medical Marijuana Debate Rages on in Local Live Broadcast
CMNtv highlights the issue during a town hall because it makes for "good community television."
By Monica Mercer | Email the author | 6:01am

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Shrill laughter by card-carrying medical marijuana users as well as concerns over the state's medical marijuana law emanated Monday night from the tiny studios of CMNtv, proving the issue of medical marijuana in Michigan remains as divisive as ever.

The law was the focus of the local access cable channel's third Michigan Town Hall Live program. The previous two shows focused on the state budget and the movie industry and Monday night's live broadcast proved the most robust yet, according to CMNtv's executive director H. Jay Wiencko Jr.

"Why did we do this? Because this law is an unsettled issue and that makes for good community television," Wiencko said.

About 25 audience members crammed into the the tiny studio on Souter Drive in Troy during the hourlong broadcast, moderated by attorney and Fox 2 legal analyst Charlie Langton and sponsored by the Oakland Press. Langton gave audience members the opportunity to voice their opinions and questions to a panel made up of local lawmakers, lawyers and advocates. About 10 viewers also called in, and more than five dozen comments appeared via Facebook, Twitter and email.

The panel included attorney Michael Komorn, board member of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association; state Sen. Mike Kowall, R-White Lake; Charles Semchena, Royal Oak City Commissioner; J. Van Dyke, national director of the American Medical Marijuana Association; Mike Bosnic, Oakland County Commissioner from Clawson, and attorney and advocate Matthew Abel.

Those in favor of the law came out swinging hard and seemed to make up a majority of the studio audience and those who called in.

"There is no way you're gonna get a pound of marijuana off one plant. That is absolutely ludicrous," one angry caller said, responding to Semchena's statements that marijuana plants grow "as high as Christmas trees" and his assertion that the state law allows for too much yield by growers.

Semchena is a vocal opponent of the law, which continues to cause confusion among local governments that struggle to interpret it years after a majority of Michigan residents voted for it. Citing the federal ban, Royal Oak earlier this year banned the growing of medical marijuana within city limits even though Michigan law states that certified caregivers are allowed to grow up to 12 plants and distribute the drug to card-carrying medical marijuana patients.

"True medical need should be satisfied by this law, but there is a criminal component that's enhanced by this law," Semchena said.

Bosnic falls on the side of those who also are critical of the law, telling audience members that "the state law needs to be changed" in order to address many of the loopholes surrounding things like distribution and what constitutes actual medical need.

Bosnic expressed concern that doctors are now giving the green light to medical marijuana patients without much evidence that they have any real medical problems as outlined in the law.

"The law is open to a lot of interpretation," Bosnic said.

Royal Oak resident Sandra Wilkins seemed to validate some panelists' concerns that residents didn't get what they bargained for when they voted for the law.

"In my mind, I thought someone would be going to their doctor and getting the (medical marijuana) in pills to control pain," Wilkins said. "At no time did I think dispensaries would be popping up in neighborhoods. Medical marijuana users need to be able to get it without jeopardizing our communities."

Several dispensaries in Michigan have been raided and some certified caregivers have been arrested. There is no language in the state law that addresses distribution and the state itself reiterates that there is no place in Michigan to legally buy medical marijuana.

Those who advocate for the law say there is a simple solution: Make marijuana legal across the board.

Abel, an attorney who has argued issues surrounding the state law, said it is the federal government that ultimately must change its stance on the drug. Currently, marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic, sharing the same status as cocaine or heroin.

"Marijuana needs to be legalized," Abel said. "Our laws are gateways for marijuana dealers, not those who use it."


Damn sorry I just saw this. If the feds don't clear this up some of us are gonna have to run for office. Wont that piss m off. thanks for the post


The air around CMNTV seems that they may be inclined to schedule another Med MJ discussion in the near future. I'm sure if email/call/tweet interest was made it would help influence that decision. The station manager seems pretty liberal in wanting to have an open and fair platform for discussion ... and that is usually a great start.

The link I posted above has the video (recorded) from this previously live event for those that missed this live.

What did you guys think about this discussion? good points bad points in your opinions ....