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Medical Marijuana done as we know it

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
crafty people are starting to be looked as deceptive by the public.
it's hard to deny that the youth are much more liberal than the older generation
read the article, but everything changes, just look at the world 100 years ago. It's getting better and I would personally not worry,
especially when you look at Canada and their Federal Exemption System, prior to 10 years ago it was thought just as impossible for any legalization at all North of the border...

Cali almost went all the way, all these things are good things.
The number of states with lenient policies is 10 fold what it was 10 years ago.

looking at all these things it's difficult to be negative on Legalization. it's right around the corner.
Gotta believe something before it happens...

Puff on


DEA reschedule of THC is no panacea.

DEA reschedule of THC is no panacea.


Medical marijuana done as we know it possibly soon:frown:. Discuss.

DEA reschedule of THC is no panacea. :(

The DEA is making the only move that they can to prop up the Big Pharma industry while undercutting the States' Medical Marijuana programs.

The patents on synthetic THC as Marinol have expired. A foreign Big Pharma competitor is making in-roads in North America with a natural THC product called Savitex. USA's Big Pharma can jump on the naturally derived THC bandwagon only if there is no competition from the States' MMJ programs, which threaten about 2/3rds of Big Pharma's prescription drug monopoly. Grandma and grandpa must not be permitted to compete with Big Pharma for their natural curatives, grown in their gardens.

The DEA will make THC as naturally derived from cannabis Schedule 3 (from Schedule 1), but only for THC as an element in their patent prescription compounds, and in pill form. Every other modality of the application of compounds of cannabis for medical use remain Schedule 1. Smoked cannabis, to both the DEA and Big Pharma, is not a medicine -- it is an illicit recreational drug. Concentrated extracts of cannabis not done by Big Pharma, to both the DEA and Big Pharma, is not a medicine -- it is an illicit recreational drug. The USA's Big Pharma can enter the naturally derived THC market their very own monopoly. Fees will flow from Big Pharma to the DEA. Substantial monies will flow from Big Pharma to the only legal source of natural cannabis, the University of Mississippi.

Only Big Pharma will be permitted to certify the concentration and constituents of the patent medicines that they put in pill form, for sale by pharmacies as prescription medicines. And whatever other ingredients that Big Pharma inserts in their patent medicines will be FDA approved (and we know how well that works, don't we?) The DEA can point to the only studies that they have endorsed to make the claim that smoked cannabis is harmful, rather than curative. Never mind that the DEA has squashed hundreds of requests for approval for medical cannabis studies -- they don't count. And all those foreign medical cannabis studies that have opened so many eyes to the curative powers of cannabis -- merely anecdotal, since these were not DEA approved studies.

The USA's Big Pharma, which has done such a bang-up job pushing a witches brew of deadly poisonous and/or highly addictive products on the American people, will have the same chance they had in the 1920's and 1930's before Prohibition 2.0, but this time as a crony corporatist cabal aka monopoly, with the blessing of "our" government. Every States' Medical Marijuana program is undercut by this "pretzel-twisting" of regulations.

When a purportedly constitutional republic, created by, for, and of We the People engages in a decades-long war against its citizens for the sole benefit of crony corporations and to advance its Police State powers over its own citizens, it is no longer a constitutional republic.
"Private profits and socialized risk" is one of the principle memes of a different form of government, one of, by, and for the corporations. That government is called National Socialism, or more generally, Fascism. The USA has arrived at that point. The War on Drugs|War on People continues. The power and reach of the Police State increases, while the rights, freedoms, and liberties of the citizens continues to diminish. The Constitution and Bill of Rights has become nothing more than a meaningless scrap of paper. And the vast majority of the politicians of both mainstream political parties have aptly demonstrated that they are prohibitionists and fascists, two wings of the very same crony corporatist kleptocracy.

David :(


Active member
how does this kill medical marijuana? its only for the marinol pills, and no one likes those. like clubs are gonna take all dried meds off their shelves because of this? i dont see this doing much at all....except maybe laying base foundation for big pharma takeover some years down the road, but not anytime soon.


Get two birds stoned at once
This seems like legitimization of cannabis to me, I think most people who hear about it will think the same.


how does this kill medical marijuana? its only for the marinol pills, and no one likes those. like clubs are gonna take all dried meds off their shelves because of this? i dont see this doing much at all....except maybe laying base foundation for big pharma takeover some years down the road, but not anytime soon.

You could call me paranoid, or more properly highly suspicious of what "our" government does "for" us in our name.

First of all, this change at the DEA regarding cannabis Schedule change is Only for Big Pharma's patent medicine pills -- the Schedule status remains the same for any other form of cannabis. What this change Does do is reinforce the legal position of Big Pharma as the Only vendor for THC as medicine. It also reaffirms the DEA position that States' MMJ programs will be unnecessary, since (a) smoked cannabis has "no medical value", (b) home-made cannabis extracts are of questionable quality and medical value, and (c) too many States' MMJ programs are no more than "a cover for illicit narcotics trafficking".

Secondly, just as CA SB 1449 was used as a means of deflecting voters from voting for Prop 19, this will be used by the Federal government to undercut States' MMJ programs as "unnecessary", since Big Pharma will have the only legal prescription medicine. There is already a concerted effort by prohibitionists at the State and Local level to roll back States' MMJ programs -- this will add fuel to their "torches & pitchforks" attack on each individual patient's rights to "grow their own" or engage their medical therapies through a cooperative or dispensary program. Don't for a minute believe that there will be room for small growers to compete with the DEA's only legal supplier of cannabis, the University of Mississippi. When Big Pharma decides to get involved in actual cannabis grow operations, they will get the "green light" to proceed.

Thirdly, the Federal government & States & Local governments take a fortune every year in the form of asset forfeiture statutes. The private for-profit prison industry also makes a fortune every year. The private for-profit treatment centers that the drug courts funnel non-violent drug offenders through makes a fortune every year. None of these crony industry groups will be harmed by what the DEA is doing with that special loophole made in Drug Schedules for cannabis for Big Pharma. There will be no further progress made regarding the spread of States' MMJ programs -- that will have been nipped in the bud. There will be no further progress made regarding re-legalization (legal like beer) of cannabis, since there is a single tightly controlled legal outlet. There will be an increasingly strident propaganda campaign against legalization of cannabis, which has already started (marijuana grow houses as bad as meth labs?). The Obama regime has increased funding for the DEA, while cutting Pell Grants and social programs -- these are not the actions of politicians who have any regard for the suffering of sick citizens.

Sorry for the rants.
I would be interested in hearing how you think that these actions of the DEA in any way improve the status of MMJ programs, or the prospects for cannabis re-legalization. You have the floor, and the microphone (so to speak) ...


CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
I think I misunderstood this article. I was thinking medical marijuana states would have adopt marinol and make growing the plant illegal again.

This is still a good article either way though.


Freedom Fighter
Cannabis has no more to do with Marinol, than Opium does with Oxy's...they are both missing the full benefits of said plant...by separating the properties--:tiphat:


Active member
I think David 762 has it nailed. Reefer madness is increasing in the minds and hearts of the antis.


Active member
I think I misunderstood this article. I was thinking medical marijuana states would have adopt marinol and make growing the plant illegal again.

This is still a good article either way though.

honestly that would just drive meds to the black market again..no one wants to use THC pills we like smoking buds! clubs would become like speakeasys...let the government fuck things up. they could let us all grow and sell legally and collect a nice tax, or live in the stone age of prohibition...the one thing that will never change is the continued demand for high grade marijuana..


This may seem like a bad thing, but look at it this way if they reschedule synthetic thc people might figure out very quickly that the government is really two faced about marijuana!:plant grow:


Genetic Resource Management
The proof in how stupid this move is the FACT that THC taken orally, ie in pill form, passes through the liver before being distributed to the body. In the liver, THC is converted to 11-hydroxyTHC before it reaches the lungs, and back to the body.

Any lawyer worth their salt should be able to argue the stupidity of such a law, since their re-classification essentially extinguishes the possibility of THC reaching important neurological sites of action at the cannabinoid recpetors within the body....in pill form only 11hydroxy-THC will ever reach the body.


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