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Medical Marijuana dispensaries in California - ALL ILLEGAL


Active member
assholes. well if the clubs shut. i will be expanding my patient list . thank god i dont rely on clubs for anything


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
so they shutting down clubs in cali like they are in michigan???

If there ever was a time to vote in ron paul this would be the year.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
good luck Cali

I voted for Obama, the fucking liar. Problem is what to do in 2012, when it is Obama Vs. Perry. Certainly can't vote for christian crazy Perry.

vote none of the above on every1 running need a compleatly clean house to start over in. prezz is just a puppet on strings congress/senate/house of reps are the puppet masters
Hell its dangerous to track down murderers and rapists. Those people are actually violent and have weapons to hurt our police. Its much easier to bust a pot head on a state list eating cheetos on his couch...

This country and every right we have was fought for and blood was spilled to get here. Think of how out of control the prohibition of alcohol was, problem with prohibition of cannabis is that the majority of people using have become so paranoid and complacent they refuse to stand up and fight.

The only real way things get done is sadly with violence and revolt to spark everyones attention. We reside in a country built off blood of revolts yet we have no spine to do that same thing when we know we are being wronged every day.

I think abe said it best

Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes crimes out of things that are not crimes.

The day will come when the people gain the control of their gov't back, but its going to take some real uprising to do so.


Bent Member
I know some places in Cali that in this last two week period 9 clubs opened their doors for business. One i went in still had the phone guys doing the install, lol

I just dont see it, not yet anyways


Active member
so they shutting down clubs in cali like they are in michigan???


The only clubs getting shut down are ones that don't meet zoning or local law requirements. So far there has not been a state or federal push to shut em down.

emerald city

The climate seams to be degradating as far east as Maine.
Tho proactive mmj language is still being implimented in the form of "ld-1296" the local PD's along with federal DEA are not interptating laws as intended by the peoples vote...2/3 of Maine voters agreeded to let mmj be an option between a patient and doctor,not federal law enforcement....Back to the closets we go..E/C


Active member
In 1969, we, the college students of the United States, put an end to the war in Vietnam by mass demonstrations, and by shutting down our own universities. We came together and demonstrated relentlessly, and we won.
I think that is what we need here and now. Massive demonstrations in the streets, complete with add campaigns highlighting the hypocrisy of our so called leaders. Let's embarrass them, show them for who they are, put them on T.V. day after day. That seems to be the only way to get through to people. The politicians do it to get elected, why can't it work for us? Forget about trying to work through "the system". It's their fucking system. I really think it's time to take the gloves off and get down and dirty with add campaigns. Let's hire the geniuses who get these scumbags elected. Or just do it ourselves. If we bludgeon the people with the truth about cannabis, maybe we can get something done. It's either that, or we can keep on being victimized by the system. The question is, do we have the money and will to do it, because what we have been trying to do with good intentions just isn't working. We are dealing with lying snakes in the grass, so let's treat them as such. I am so tired of this crap!

rick shaw

IMO the California dispensaries are unlawful,but not illegal.

Good luck trying to put the genie back in the bottle.


Well-known member
If I got a dollar for every contradiction in CA medical cannabis laws I would have enough to grow for personal stash...


Active member
this thread is OLD!!

its not related to anything happening in michigan.

for now, its only happening by city and county. certain areas in california have made laws against dispensaries and have been rolling back the plant numbers to 6 flowering.... clubs are only getting audited now instead of raided, IRS wants to make sure their books look good...


Active member
nobody seems to mention that many times when local state cops cant prosecute a case against dispensaries and growers, they simply pass it off the feds...and feds come in with massive charges like "continued criminal enterprise".....which is MMS 20 years in prison...

if you a club owner who does business with more than 5 people....which im sure many people are doing...and the cops can prove this you are at risk. yea they arent knocking down doors left and right but the fact remains that sheer luck of the draw is keeping most of us out of jail right now....

if anybody doubts me google Luke Scarmazzo and Richard Montes, Dustin Costa, and richard marino.....and theres dozens more we probably havent heard about..

unless you simply grow and sell to 1 single person and dont talk to anyone else, i think most people in california right now could possibly be charged under CCE if they were tapping the phones and really paying attention..

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
All call BS...People in Cali will do what they want no matter what is going on with the "FEDERAL" law..Been happening for yrs...People are starting to fight law all across the board...



Active member
yea tell that to all the growers and dispensary owners locked up in federal prisons........a case might start at the state level but can easily be passed off to the feds who will repackage the charges...and growing/distribution charges in federal court have MMS sentencing...

if you just grow in your closet or a bedroom you dont have to worry about shit...but i know theres a bunch of folks out there pushing 20, 40, 50 lighters and pulling 100lbs easily out of outdoor gardens......most "regular" guys who might drop 5 a month off at the club, just casual shit that happens everyday in california......shit doesnt fly in federal court and trust me they are out here....according to some secret sources they have a forensics building in hayward, the attorny general is also in oakland and they specialize in the mail, and they have other offices in san francisco and sacramento...they have lots of buildings in SoCal up and down the 5 from SD to LA as well filled with floors of people tracing telephone calls and shit......i was even told to send them a job application because they are hiring right now......be careful out there too many californians are complacent and feel like they are invincible because of prop 215...its an affirmative defense for medical use it doesnt give you a free pass to grow or sell for donations, or as the feds would say manufacture and distribute..

im not saying not to grow....i want everybody to overgrow this fucking joke of a country. just want some of yall to be aware of the forces fighting against us...and to drop the complacency and assumption that 215 can protect you, i used to be a big believer in 215 because i saw a few friends wiggle out of jailtime using 215 in state court, but luck of the draw placed them in state court and it places others in federal courts....

Grass Lands

Yeah man, I'm with ya. I see to many folks advertising about growing the herb when they should be following the old school advice of "tell no one"...

I was standing outside a pub not to long ago having a casual conversation with a friend...and up came this young cat spewing off about he grows the bad ass kush and how he can give us deals...not to mention the guy who spouted off about his 14 light grow just last month...some folks just like to talk to much...