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Medical Marijuana Caregiver Facing Life In Prison

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Chris Bartkowicz is a Colorado caregiver facing federal charges for growing medical marijuana. He is the first caregiver in Colorado to be targeted by the feds. If his prosecution is successful, he won't be the last.

Sensible Colorado has organized a protest and rally for him at the Federal Courthouse in Denver on Wed. (9/22). Please see below for the announcement from Sensible and contact them for furhter information.


Life in Prison for Growing Medical Marijuana?

Not in Colorado!

Dear MMJ Supporters,

Colorado caregiver Christopher Bartkowicz is facing life in federal prison for growing medicine for sick Colorado patients. We need your help in bringing attention to this government supported atrocity. Join us on Wednesday, September 22 at 8am as we rally at the Federal Courthouse in Denver. Then make your way inside to show support as Bartkowicz’s attorney makes the most important arguments of the case-- whether all charges should be dismissed because Bartkowicz was following Colorado law. Concurrently, the US Attorney will argue Bartkowicz should be prohibited from even mentioning the words “medical marijuana” at his jury trial scheduled for November 1st, 2010.

This is a crucial day for medical marijuana in Colorado, and we need your support to tell the feds we will not stand by as they attempt to destroy Colorado’s medical marijuana community!

WHAT: Protest to support Chris Bartkowicz and Colorado Medical Marijuana Patients
WHEN: Wednesday, September 22nd, 8:00-8:30am
NOTE from CTI: Chris' hearing starts at 9am, so be in line to get through security into the courhouse by 8:30am.
WHERE: Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse (west entrance), 901 19th Street, Denver, Colorado 80294.
COURTOOM: 7th floor - The Honorable Judge Philip Brimmer
WHY: No one should be sent to jail for growing legal medical marijuana.
WHAT TO BRING: Signs, water bottles, noise making devices
BE RESPECTFUL and DRESS TO IMPRESS! Please be very respectful in the courtroom. No signs or noisemaking devices or even T-shirts with slogans on them inside. We don't want to harm Chris' case, but we do want to be there to show support.


Now in technicolor
The man doesn't deserve a single day in jail for growing weed no matter how many plants or where the weed went, but why would you go on TV to show off your Cannabis garden and 6 figure income directly from said garden?

The problem is that people watching will think it's easy money and begin growing, flooding the streets with Cannabis. This is a great thing of course but definitely something the DEA is constantly on the lookout for. Law enforcement loathes people who make money, especially those who make more than they do.

But I wish him the best. Write to the senators in your county.


Active member
life in prison is a fucking disgrace....not even rapists get that shit

he was going on TV showing it all off, thats not too smart but stilll doesnt justify the sentence unless he was using smuggled midget slaves as workers or something... was he over the limits, etc? is he accused of directly shipping marijuana himself to non med states?


the guy is an idiot, no doubt about that....quite possibly an egomaniac....definitely a showoff.....

NOT a criminal!


just don't molest my colas..
this is ridiculous. i wonder how the feds feel about the billboards all over my city and state saying "learn a career in 6 weeks, grow medical marijuana" not only are more people growing, theres places training them to do it for a living. fuck the feds.

sac beh

Judge denies first effort to dismiss pot charge
A federal judge has declined to dismiss the case against a Highlands Ranch medical-marijuana grower who argued that medical marijuana is fundamentally different from the marijuana prohibited by federal law.

Federal District Court Judge Philip Brimmer this morning said that granting the dismissal motion would make him, in effect, a "super legislature" deciding the wisdom of Congress's policy decisions.

The motion was the first one heard on what will be a critical day in the federal case against Christopher Bartkowicz, who was arrested and charged with federal drug cultivation crimes after giving an interview to 9News in February in which he described the medical-marijuana-growing operation he ran from his suburban home. If convicted, Bartkowicz could face up to life in prison.

Bartkowicz's lawyer, Joseph Saint-Veltri, has filed a sweeping motion to dismiss the case and arguing, among other things, that federal law should not trump the Colorado Constitutional amendment authorizing medical marijuana. He will also argue that an October 2009 Justice Department memo instructing federal prosecutors not to target people in "clear and unambiguous compliance" with state medical-marijuana laws should have provided Bartkowicz with legal shelter.

More: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_16144639


Active member
what a fuckin retard flashing his cash, trying to be a public figure? flaunting your shit be prepared to be made an example of by the feds.. doesnn't deserve life though, maybe 2 years probation


oh shit, i hope he can beat this crap. it's the same all over the world if you push your neck out too far they will come and chop your head off. the worst thing you can do is give an interview, that is like marking a big bulls eye on your ass.

still, this man doesn't deserve prison, not 1 hour. not if he was just growing for profit. specially not if he was in compliance with medical laws in Colorado.


Freedom Fighter
Then this will be of great importance to him-- If the Precedent gets set...he should be able to use a Medical Defense also--
Then it will be up to the Jury still...but they will be better informed...and much less likely to convict him, knowing what a harsh sentence he is facing--

Concerning the Steele Case:
April 2010: The Honorable Cormac J. Carney, who presides over this case, rules that the medical marijuana issue will be heard as testimony – the first time in a federal court in U.S. history. The case has been continued over a dozen times; Click here for the current trial/rally date.

sac beh


Steele has a great chance of influencing some changes with his case, then. He has a much more sympathetic case it looks like, given the disease for which he need MMJ. Sept 28 is his trial date..


Freedom Fighter
This is a real shame, and it will be a mess in Colorado if this guy loses his case. This Federal Judge was appointed by Bush and doesn't look like a big fan of MMJ either. It definitely doesn't look good. But, like everyone's already said, he was a complete moron.

It is never Cut & Dry...Moron or not...he is a Kidnapping Victim...much like Eddy Lepp--:dunno:


The guy did not have paperwork, his grow was not legal, and with him flashing his grow, and bragging about $250,000 per grow without paying taxes to the Feds.
Wonder why the Feds came down? Flash your grow and cash in a illegal grow op on TV and brag about not paying taxes...fucking dumbass screws it up for everyone here in CO.
The Denver Ch 9 TV news show about growers in CO was a setup big time. LMAO

sac beh

Attorney General candidate Stan Garnett gives his opinion on the Bartkowicz case

JB Woods
Kush Magazine
September 22, 2010
All Rights Reserved

In federal court today, marijuana grower Christopher Bartkowicz lost his right to use his medical marijuana caregiver status as a defense against charges by the federal government.

Bartkowicz and his attorney, Joseph Saint-Veltri, were hoping to convince U.S. District Judge Philip A. Brimmer that Colorado’s medical marijuana laws protect Bartkowicz from federal prosecution. Brimmer did not agree, which could result in Bartkowicz facing a life sentence if convicted.

Bartkowicz became famous after 9News aired a video of him in February 2010, proudly displaying his medical marijuana grow to a reporter. (The jungle in your neighbor’s basement) Despite his belief that he was following Colorado’s medical marijuana laws, federal agents raided his suburban home in Highlands Ranch, confiscating medical marijuana plants and equipment.

The conflict between federal and state laws regarding medical marijuana continues to be a major source of confusion for those involved in the industry. Colorado’s recently enacted House Bill 10-1284 was designed to license and validate medical marijuana centers, growers, and infused products manufacturers. There is even further recognition of the “caregiver” designation that Bartkowicz could have embraced as part of his defense.

In a recent debate for Attorney General, incumbent John Suthers and Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett discussed the ambiguities of medical marijuana laws. Suthers described the quagmire between federal and state laws as a hypocrisy, while Garnett recognized it as confusing, especially as it pertains to land-use regulation.

An exclusive statement released today by Stan Garnett, provides further support that change is required between the federal and state government.
September 22, 2010

The ongoing federal prosecution in Denver of medical marijuana grower Christopher Bartkowicz highlights my belief that this evolving and complex issue is currently best dealt with through land-use regulation, rather than the criminal courts. This prosecution, threatening Mr. Bartkowicz with decades in prison, for an activity he believed to be sanctioned under Amendment 20 and Colorado law as it was currently written, is totally unjust and unnecessary. John Suthers, a professed staunch supporter of states’ rights, and obligated as the current Attorney General to defend Colorado law, should call on the U.S. Attorney to promptly and fairly reach a proportionate and just resolution of this case.

Stan Garnett



One day you will have to answer to the children of
The ongoing federal prosecution in Denver of medical marijuana grower Christopher Bartkowicz highlights my belief that this evolving and complex issue is currently best dealt with through land-use regulation, rather than the criminal courts. This prosecution, threatening Mr. Bartkowicz with decades in prison, for an activity he believed to be sanctioned under Amendment 20 and Colorado law as it was currently written, is totally unjust and unnecessary. John Suthers, a professed staunch supporter of states’ rights, and obligated as the current Attorney General to defend Colorado law, should call on the U.S. Attorney to promptly and fairly reach a proportionate and just resolution of this case.

Stan Garnett

Ohhhh, noooo!
A guy on our side advocating more regulations. I think I would rather duke it out in criminal courts than with dirty scum-bag landlords taking a monopoly on growing areas in Colorado.

Anyone here remember the whole debacle regarding dispensary zoning.
Zoning, this absolute first barrier to entry passed when debating legalization.
Why? Because we just can't have everyone and their mum growing it in their basement.
And zoning is the easiest way to push out the competition.

Not one of our benevolent senators even once thought about "commissioning a study" to assess the benefits/risks of MMJ Advertising, Health Impacts, End User Impacts.

Nope. Not one.
Just 'Show Me the Money'.
They just did their dance, because the people pulling their strings were a lot smarter than me and already had a map of Denver (and Colorado) drawn up. Using what they saw happen in Cali and getting in quick in Colo.

Oh well, lesson learned. We were all so happy to not have to worry about the County Sherrif, we forgot who else we needed to worry about.

Also, the big reason the Feds won't let this drop is because he had his chance with the plea bargin to get out easy.
Now this is a State's Rights issue and he is the pawn.
Life??? No.
But they will probably slap him in the face with the mandatory minimum. Maybe add on a few more years if he makes tooo big of a ruckus.
This is a prime example of why you don't rub it in the mans face. He will fuck you. This happens all the time, guy goes on tv, next thing you know feds bust him. If you don't want to get busted then don't break the first rule of growing, don't tell anyone. Going on tv and bragging is pretty much the opposite of that.


Smokes, lets go
you see richard lee flashing his dick on tv all the time talking bout his 6 figure income (closer to 7 i imagine)

you dont see the feds busting him...

also this guy should have never agreed to a news interview at least dont reveal your identity use a voice changer like on those shows on the history channel...

anyways.... i would cite in court that OBAMA was quoted as saying he would put and end FEDERAL RAIDS not WASTE FEDERAL RESOURCES on medical marijuana growers.... what happened OBAMA?