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medical marijuana and Republicans: fast track to reversals, harassment


Kiss My Ring
ime, there is but one politcal party, it's called Cash. that is the extent of my non-partisan views that can be expressed without vulgarity.

on the medical aspect, i believe you have it backwards. the ingestion of any drug (other than a poison) is to induce euphoria, disrupting or distracting or destroying the perception of the reason for using it.


...at least that is what i gathered from this article^^^.

just opinion.


The biggest threat to medical cannabis right now are the threats coming from the current administration. They have threatened to prosecute any local or state employee that licenses or approves a patient to use cannabis. The paranoia that the Obama administration is causing is the locals to distance themselves from state laws and regulations. The only presidential candidates that are pro cannabis are republican. Your liberal conservative thinking is exactly what keeps the country from getting anywhere. Is Obama a right wing conservative? By most people description of them he would fit the bill.


Active member
The biggest threat to medical cannabis right now are the threats coming from the current administration. They have threatened to prosecute any local or state employee that licenses or approves a patient to use cannabis. The paranoia that the Obama administration is causing is the locals to distance themselves from state laws and regulations. The only presidential candidates that are pro cannabis are republican. Your liberal conservative thinking is exactly what keeps the country from getting anywhere. Is Obama a right wing conservative? By most people description of them he would fit the bill.

Obama? or DEA drug warriors (our conservative heroes) zealously doing their duty? still federal law. did you expect Obama to tell 'em to stop enforcing federal law? - or expend what little political capital he has to overturn this law? (i can almost hear the shrill response from republicans). i'm guessing that if there's any hope that he might do something positive for cannabis users, it would happen at the end of his second term, because by then he couldn't be hurt politically.


weed fiend
Presidential decree... interesting.

So cannabis prohibition was an act of congress... does the constitution allow the president to repeal congressional law?

FDR signed the repeal of alcohol prohibition but not before it passed house and senate. States ratified respective constitutions accordingly. With the economic problems we face today, introducing legislation from the executive branch would be politically dangerous, if not unwise for the president.


Obama? or DEA drug warriors (our conservative heroes) zealously doing their duty? still federal law. did you expect Obama to tell 'em to stop enforcing federal law? - or expend what little political capital he has to overturn this law? (i can almost hear the shrill response from republicans). i'm guessing that if there's any hope that he might do something positive for cannabis users, it would happen at the end of his second term, because by then he couldn't be hurt politically.

The president has the ability to change cannabis from a class 1 substance to whatever he wants. And will do so as soon as big pharm is ready.


Active member
ijim hits the nail on the head. The President can simply remove MJ from Federal control and let the States sort out access questions as they choose.

The real resistance would come from Big Pharma who want strong Fed control in their favor to eliminate 'non-aligned, non industry' growers. The profits are too large to even allow sharecroppers to provide raw material.
The other is the Law Enforcement cartel that stands to lose a huge amounts of Fed money and control over a vast fiefdom that include lawyers, courts and the now ever-present private prison industry.

The question of the personal right to consume whatever one wishes for any reason will always be subordinated to the desires of those who stand to profit from the billions of dollars that criminalization produce. The legal juggernaut could not exist in it's present size without the illegal side to support it.

One only has to go back to pre-Anslinger legislation to see the largest industry in the US was hemp production. The benefits of this miraculous plant are so far beyond medical and recreational use that the positive effects to our economy and way of life are staggering to the imagination.

Look at a simple hemp tee-shirt. Hemp grown on a farm that produces triple the amount of fiber using a fraction of the water and fertilizer would produce a softer, far more durable product much cheaper without depleting the soil and the consequences of runoff in the water table.
Multiply this tee-shirt into the thousands of products that can be made from hemp cheaper and better at much less, if any, negative environmental impact and you would see the difference in your wallet and drinking glass daily.

The irony is that this plant has the ability to produce 1000's times the profits by it's industrialized use than criminalization could ever hope to produce.

Honest profits produced by better goods for everyone and not just for the few well placed in a corrupt criminal atmosphere under color of law.
The real crime of MJ that it isn't the largest crop in the world that provides a higher (!) standard of living for everyone on the planet.

Think we ought to tell a few folks the facts about this weed?
Democrat's and Republicans are two wings on the same bird. Its all entertainment folks! Some of these politicians deserve emmy's for there performance.
Freedom for MJ and MMJ is only happening by excuse the pun Grass Roots Organization. The vast majority of Politicians do in reality as little as possible for fear of the Bogey Man Hate Pot Voter. Put your effort and energy in organizing locally and statewide to force change on all these Troglodytes. Its the only way.