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Medical Cannabis Scene Going Underground

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The underground always has better bud anyways lol.. Just ask me where I want to get my bud and it's not above ground lol.. but thanks anyways lol.. headband 707


True story.... and we all need to be thinkin about this right now

True story.... and we all need to be thinkin about this right now

Obama at least backed some of the heat off at first, but then didn't hold to his word.... bid surprise. That said........

We are coming up to a new election and it could turn a big tide. Obama hasn't been kind to us even though he knew he would need re-elected. What happens if he need some political credit on something else and he throws us under the bus to get it from those that would make such a deal?

Next, is Romney... If he gets in, he has already said he will take the medical apart piece by piece. That does not go good for anyone whether white or black market. Those on the black will have more cover and market than was before the medical blew up.:dance013:

Just thoughts to ponder. Elections usually bring some type or change.



New member
As far as I know that Medical weed has been made legal in 14 declares.The medical use of weed is an intense new activity in the treatment of certain illnesses. This beneficial fast information should allow you to more easily comprehend it. By the way, nice to read.


Active member
the way i understood obama, was that , it was not really his decision to legalize weed.

that he cant do it, till enough states have legalized it on their own.

the point is though, if all the states legalize it and most of the people are for it, he cant do shit but say amen and smoke on brother.

all change comes from the grassroots.

politicians Can Not rock the boat.

their livelihood depends upon Deep Pockets and keeping the right people happy.

if the majority of the voters are for marijuana, then they are the Right people to keep happy.

14 states out of 50 plus, sounds like just a minority still and not that influential on the vote ballot.

we got work to do. spreading the gospel as it were, spreading the truth.

he aint.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Obama at least backed some of the heat off at first, but then didn't hold to his word.... bid surprise. That said........

We are coming up to a new election and it could turn a big tide. Obama hasn't been kind to us even though he knew he would need re-elected. What happens if he need some political credit on something else and he throws us under the bus to get it from those that would make such a deal?

Next, is Romney... If he gets in, he has already said he will take the medical apart piece by piece. That does not go good for anyone whether white or black market. Those on the black will have more cover and market than was before the medical blew up.:dance013:

Here is just one more thought,, If you let either of them in were all fucked..
Again what happened to Ron Paul?
What exactly did Ron Paul say to get him where he is? I can tell you.
It's not going to matter to the cannabis community one way or the other. They will do what they want they have already proven this.
They have lied,cheated,steal,changed the laws to suite them,throw ppl in jail and let them die for abolished laws, They have thrown ppl in jail for 10 years for 2 joints 10 for 2.
They make no applogizes for what they have done and who are they and what are they allowed to do? Kill you with no impunity.. According to Obama You can be Killed with NO TRAIL just them thinking your an enemy of the state. For whatever the reason things have gotten WAY OUT OF HAND HERE !!! The only guy standing up and making any sence whatsoever is being ignored.. Ron Paul.. this man is right in all he says right now I suggest everyone listen .. headband 707:)


This is what illustrates why California has the best model. No registration needed with state, just the doctors recommendation. That means your not signing up for volunteer prosecution with a pre-existing confession. Its a pity more places didn't see this coming and make state registration optional.


The underground always has better bud anyways lol.. Just ask me where I want to get my bud and it's not above ground lol.. but thanks anyways lol.. headband 707
Well....I agree to a certain point. It all depends on who you know that grows, and if they grow it right or not.
This happens alot:
Newbie growers sell weed riddled with spider mite corpses and droppings that can only be seen through a microscope.
Mold or Powdery Mildew issues. Immature white seedlings. Fully developed seeds here and there from a hermi sack popping off undetected to the sloppy grower.
Spraying plants with chemicals at the wrong times.
Early harvesting~ 2-3 weeks early. All kinds of issues... and they still get top dollar for these great genetics turned into garbage weed that smells good on the black market.

Atleast in a controlled above ground MMJ store they test it all thoroughly first with hightech equipment before shelving it. I understand that if you get your bud from someone who does things right...Its way better in alot of ways, but there are legal growers, growing great genetics perfectly, and selling it to the MMJ stores. Remember when Harborside rejected that dudes Sagen'Sour for spider mite issues all up in his gear under the microscope. I bet he either made hash or still got rid of it to some shlup who didnt know better.

Years down the line I bet alot of people develop lung and respiratory issues because of inexperienced, sloppy growers who are still learning... but at the same time, there learning to grow and cure right at the buyers/smokers expense.


Active member
It has always seemed to me, that GOVT wants to lure us out of our spots, with promises of medical and decrim, then once we get comfy, feel like things are finally changing, when they have our names and addy's as med growers, the goon squads come in and rip it all away, and then try to lock us up. Underground is the way to go...keep your heads to the ground, and don't believe a word GOVT says.....they are all lying liars!!!!!! Stay HIGH, it's better than being low!!!!!


Ive mainly been a very small 2-600w hps lamp grower. Its enabled me security and stability in my life so as not to worry if I get laid off and loose everything. Car,Apt,Wife(arguing over financial matters).Having lost everything 7x and having learned 3 trades to provide for my family, I still dont have job security.

Marijuana has provided my family food and shelter. As a bonus it has helped with stress, anxiety, and depression over all money issues. As an extra bonus it left a negative carbon imprint to aid in helping with global warming.

Wait what?
You're only taking carbon out of the air if you grow plants and bury them whole or vaporize the buds then bury them, smoking will cause more harmful chemicals than just CO2 to be created.
That is if you're using as fertilizer/soil compost from your own yard, don't use electrical lights to grow your plants, don't use plastic pots which are made petrochemicals, don't use any chemicals or pesticides whatsoever as those also cost a lot of energy(and thus creation of CO2) to produce. The list goes on, but I don't see how an (especially indoor) grow could have a negative carbon imprint.
Basically to get CO2 down and back to the levels before we started burning oil, we'd need to bury complete forests - probably more than there can be on the planet at once - so that C turns into fossil fuels once again, or remains there locked forever(composting also releases CO2 and even worse for global warming, CH4).

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well....I agree to a certain point. It all depends on who you know that grows, and if they grow it right or not.
This happens alot:
Newbie growers sell weed riddled with spider mite corpses and droppings that can only be seen through a microscope.
Mold or Powdery Mildew issues. Immature white seedlings. Fully developed seeds here and there from a hermi sack popping off undetected to the sloppy grower.
Spraying plants with chemicals at the wrong times.
Early harvesting~ 2-3 weeks early. All kinds of issues... and they still get top dollar for these great genetics turned into garbage weed that smells good on the black market.

Atleast in a controlled above ground MMJ store they test it all thoroughly first with hightech equipment before shelving it. I understand that if you get your bud from someone who does things right...Its way better in alot of ways, but there are legal growers, growing great genetics perfectly, and selling it to the MMJ stores. Remember when Harborside rejected that dudes Sagen'Sour for spider mite issues all up in his gear under the microscope. I bet he either made hash or still got rid of it to some shlup who didnt know better.

Years down the line I bet alot of people develop lung and respiratory issues because of inexperienced, sloppy growers who are still learning... but at the same time, there learning to grow and cure right at the buyers/smokers expense.

WELLL lol I guess I would have to agree with some points here . I mean yes I have run into a few problems with ppl's personal grows.. But it's not like what I have gotten from the clubs has been great either. We don't have the same tests on our cannabis as the US does. No microscopes checking things out. I have not seen a mold problem on our bud as much as I have heard about it on yours. I assume this is the climate. We throw anything with mold away. I have been smoking for so long that my tolerence is too high to mess with weak shit. Most of our clubs have pretty weak bud now not sure why this is, I just know it is As far as getting problems in the future because I didn't buy bud from the clubs ? I doubt it.:) headband 707


Active member
most the "medicine" at the "clubs" are all whacky...its amazing patients still go there and get raped for costs. I actually was talkin to a buyer of a club, he told me he smokes for flavor, not too get high?!!! WTF!! im sure patients aren't spending 60$/8th for some "candied" smoke. they are trying to get medicated....the clubs nowadays are just trying to find the cheapest "name" regardless of the looks.... i.e. Sour D that is Professionally grown A+++, compared to a very cheaper "regular""grassy" sour, they will take the reg sour anyday, "as a business stand point". that is not compassion, unless your pockets are the ones u are being compassionate to.. as far as im concerned, they could do away with all the clubs, they're all criminals fronting like they care, in turn actually ruining it for the people that would actually use MMJ regardless of the legalities.

My final thought: screw the dispensaries, they are evil, money grubbing bastards that can't even stock a solid product. AND the ones that HAD a solid Product got shut down!!! LOL... let it go back underground, at least we wont have goobers caring about "the name"...the only question should be "is it good ganja?"....its either a yes or no answer....not "what is it?", or "is it og, or now the waaaay overhyped Girl S****(no sp) Cookies


Active member
Yes, the Fed crackdown has indeed forced most growers underground and turned them into dealers now too!

Nearly everyone in my neighborhood now has a grow, possibly including the cop across the street.

My neighbors are getting much better at growing and increasing their genetic selection. As they get more grows under their belts the resulting product is getting better too.

My choice is to buy from a dispensary that's still open at $45 an eighth ($270 an ounce), or from $100 to $140 an oz from my neighbors. Guess who'll get my biz?

So the new system is to buy directly from growers, no middlemen. Give the growers a copy of your rec, and everyone is in compliance. Since everyone has relatively small grows and they don't have a regular biz license there is nothing to interest the Feds.

This is apparently the new model for medical cannabis (in Cali), and so far I'm liking it! :)
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Active member
This is what illustrates why California has the best model. No registration needed with state, just the doctors recommendation. That means your not signing up for volunteer prosecution with a pre-existing confession. Its a pity more places didn't see this coming and make state registration optional.
yep . being on a list makes you easy to locate and round up. i been carrying on all along like i was still illegal . i have seen in person how the feds roll. and even superman dont want any of that. i purposely had limited connections to dispensaries and have been dealing with patients directly. they cant get us all. things have gotten better for me actually. have considered bribeing carlos my pizza delivery guy to do deliveries for me . lol

Jon 54

Grow your own supply for your own head. Homegrown is better than what the dispensaries rape people for, fuck all the fancy names that they charge for!!! Jon 54 :plant grow::plant grow:


Active member
It's kinda ironic that in my med state thousands of squares jumped in and invested all they had as a way to help pay their mortgage due to the dismal job opportunities only to have three admin judges shoot it down. Now these former squeaky clean types are just a bunch of criminals like the rest of us who who were in it all along, LOL!


Yes, the Fed crackdown has indeed forced most growers underground and turned them into dealers now too!

Nearly everyone in my neighborhood now has a grow, possibly including the cop across the street.

My neighbors are getting much better at growing and increasing their genetic selection. As they get more grows under their belts the resulting product is getting better too.

My choice is to buy from a dispensary that's still open at $45 an eighth ($270 an ounce), or from $100 to $140 an oz from my neighbors. Guess who'll get my biz?

So the new system is to buy directly from growers, no middlemen. Give the growers a copy of your rec, and everyone is in compliance. Since everyone has relatively small grows and they don't have a regular biz license there is nothing to interest the Feds.

This is apparently the new model for medical cannabis (in Cali), and so far I'm liking it! :)

Great post. Problem is in my neck o the woods, the local growers almost highball you as much as the clubs. Sux.

Grow your own supply for your own head. Homegrown is better than what the dispensaries rape people for, fuck all the fancy names that they charge for!!! Jon 54 :plant grow::plant grow:

Sage advice. If renting, find a good landlord, if possible. Good to go.

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