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Medical cannabis documentary (filming)?


Capital G

Been doing my homework on filming the movement and I had a few questions for those with insight about filming such a documentary.

Is this a common practice for legal clubs and collectives to being filmed or is this a touchy subject? I tend to think transparency would be paramount.

Would it be customary to make a donation to these clubs or would a credit suffice?

Lastly, how does one professionally approach a collective without any personal contacts tied to that entity? This isn't a problem for me through my personal contacts but, I'd like to broaden the scope of knowledge and opinion.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
it might behoove you to do this documentary with a bona fide med patient @ your side to give it not only authenticity but a legal reason for them to allow you to interact on that level, just my .02 is all as I'm very far removed from any med states myself.......

his/her med card might afford you access to what you desire to find and film.


I just spent a few days with discovery channel. They were all over the bay, and LA, filming dispensaries, patients ect ect. I made an ass of myself. There are plenty of folks willing to whore themselves out to reality TV for 15 minutes of fame.

What you want to know?

Capital G

it might behoove you to do this documentary with a bona fide med patient @ your side to give it not only authenticity but a legal reason for them to allow you to interact on that level, just my .02 is all as I'm very far removed from any med states myself.......

his/her med card might afford you access to what you desire to find and film.

Right! I'm solid in this regard. I see documentaries all the time with journalist who don't smoke yet, they have access. I understand they have credentials but, I'm wondering how hard is it to gain that type of access.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Right! I'm solid in this regard. I see documentaries all the time with journalist who don't smoke yet, they have access. I understand they have credentials but, I'm wondering how hard is it to gain that type of access.
you're right, they have credentials that get them a pass. if you approach it a bit differently though you may find the same access. have a game plan/business plan, they'll certainly want to know what the end result will be and they'll want to ensure that it's done in a good light w/out any back stabbing or lies. how you'll convince them of your earnest efforts is up to you.

again, I'm not in any med states & know nothing of those entities nor their attitudes on a subject like this. expect to be turned away more than embraced as MANY just want to stay under the radar of the feds.......

Capital G

@ decarboxylator will be in touch

@stoner thanks for the direction. were pretty much on the same page. everything has been mapped out already and my contacts have been established.

thanks for the comments


stoner4life has the right idea.

EDIT: I'm not sure how familiar you are with the process, so I hope you don't mind me giving an in depth answer :)

Documentary filmmaking is VERY political. The biggest factor in getting your documentary made is how much people trust you.

That being said....it all comes down to one thing - and this will set you apart from the amateurs - the pitch. Call them in advance and tell them you'd like an hour of their time for a business proposal. fill out a few forms beforehand, come up with a cool name, and make an official LLC so you can say youre with an official company.

Your pitch should be about 45 minutes to an hour long. Start by introducing yourself and your LLC. Prove to them that you're passionate about this cause, and that everyone in your company (your DP, sound mixer and editor) wants to benefit the movement and NOT slander it. Get personal here - tell a story from your past, or something you read about on the news that made you realize you had to do something to help. Show them you're human.

Next, give a treatment for your idea. Have EVERYTHING planned out; from interview questions, who you're planning on interviewing, what kind of B-roll you plan on shooting, and how exactly they play into the picture.

After that, show them your projected budget. Go over every little detail. This will show them that you have your shit together and you're not just gonna half ass it and quit halfway through cause you're bored (so many people do that, leaving investors hanging).

Then show them a tone clip, which is a clip from a documentary that you feel is similar to the one you want to make. It can be similar in many different ways - cutting, manipulation of interviews, even coloring.

Wrap up with your final statement, which should come straight from your heart. What do you hope this doc will accomplish? Why are you asking them for help?

if all goes well they'll agree to participate...and who knows, play it right and you may have just found an investor ;) then you can use that $$ to hire a good editor, which I feel is the most influential position (except the producer and the director) on a documentary.

I've pitched a few projects in my time, and learned from all my mistakes. Its not always easy to speak to a group of strangers about something that your passionate about. All the same, have fun with it - thats the most important part! :tiphat:

Capital G

I actually have one company already and i have the LLC for my production company in which the project is gonna fall under. i'm well planned out and much of what you've written is spot on to my approach. i'm not out for major profits or investors. i really am passionate about cannabis. i'm not big on recreational use or believe herb is for or should be consumed by everyone but, i don't see anything wrong with it. i really feel there's been a conspiracy to miseducate the masses. my goal is to bring intelligent, accurate, and honest information to my target consumers. this is a dream project. i have videographers, interviews with dispensaries, an accredited music producer on board, distribution and everything. i don't really need much but, to stock pile content. i want to have a ton of content, a treasure trove if, you will. it all ties into a bigger plan.

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