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Medible help please? I can no longer smoke


Well-known member
Hi folks,

It's been a while since I have posted. Mainly due to health taking a drastic u turn on me and my work life getting hectic.

Cutting a long story short.....

I have been a hard core smoker of herb for years. At the most upto 14g a day.

Since getting diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy and fibromyalgia I lowered my intake down to around 3G a day so as to get more out of life and more out of my herb.

But for the last few months I had been noticing strange feelings in my jaw, teeth and ears when I smoke. To the point where it is now so painful if I smoke that it feels like someone has pliers on all my teeth on left hand side and squeezing them to breaking point, accompanied with major jaw ache and a pain in the ear that feel like some has rammed a soldering iron down my ear canal along with a tazor.

Now I feel all this ontop of my pain meds which are damn strong. Fentanyl patches, pregabalin and diazepam. The diazepam is the only thing that actually really helps.

The pain during the day if not smoking is virtually non existent but after 10 mins of smoking it goes from 3-4/10 on pain scale to 25000/10 and I have been hospitalised a few times now because of this.

So after a few trips to dental surgeons and doctors it seems I have trigeminal neuralgia and or cranial mandibular dysfunction. The trigeminal neuralgia has the nick name of suicides disease and I can fully understand why. Imagine breaking every bone in your body and then getting someone to push on all the breaks.. Your not even close to the pain this brings.

So I have had to stop smoking and since stopping I feel a lot better. But I found that for the first 10 mins of smoking before the pain set in I was feeling a little better.

So I have started to make crude medibles. I already had lowered my smoking intake down to just one spliff a night and this would be a pure spliff with a gram in. By half way down the spliff, a few hours I would be a sleep, if not in searing pain. And out of my head. Which was great. If not hurting.

So on with the brownies. I hate the taste of weed if eaten. I can not take glyc tincs etc for this reason. They make me gag so bad.

So I litterally get one of those pre packed baking brownie trays and grind up 7 grams of herb and mix. Bake for required time and then cut into 7 cubes, one for each night.

Now I always thought eating weed was stronger than smoking it, but I hardly feel anything. Do not get me wrong I get a tingle and the need for weed is quenched but I am far from being stoned.

The odd one may hit me but apart from that it's very hit and miss. I guess I am not decarboxylating the herb correctly, if at all.

But I want to get away from eating neat herb. It's not good for my already bad gastric system.

I have been looking into making some capsules.

What are peoples experience with these. Particularly ones made with coconut oil. I was thinking of getting my 7 grams and baking in oven at 220 deg f for 20 mins. Then mixing this with coconut oil to make a paste and then cook this for a few hours on a double boiler. Squeezing out the oil and filling some caps.

Will this have more of an effect than my current crude method of eating it?

Further to this I may invest in a vaporizor again as something like a volcano can be used to blow vape into my lungs rather than using jaw muscles to tug / toke on a spliff an upset my facial nerve.

Any other ideas are gratefully accepted.

Thanks guys.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Your going to want to make oils then you can put the oils on anything..
I make coconut oil and you can add this to anything but I make a lot of chocolates and this is great if you make it with the good chocolate not the cheap shit. I add the coconut oil to the chocolate and I just eat the coconut oil/cannabis aswell
I also make lots of olive oils infused with cannabis.
You can make batches with different effects some more wakeful then others. I never overcook my cannabis I do different cooking times and temps for different effects .
Once you get good at cooking cannabis it's amazing how you can change it and play .

When making the oil you can cook it in water/oil first bring to a boil the time is up to you maybe 2 hours on simmer add more water if you have to don't let it burn down. Some ppl do this for 2 days I don't.

You can recook this if your not happy with it or add it to other batches etc.
When I add the chocolate is when the oil is done I take boiling hot water and put the oil into the chocolate and when it's melted in the glass measuring cup I pour this onto a big glass roasting pot and put that batch into the freezer until hardened. Then I keep the whole thing in the fridge where it will continue to cure. Obviously every batch will be slightly different then the next one good luck headband 707


I am so sorry to read that you've been going through all of this, I cannot imagine the pain.

I'm going to suggest using kief, dry sieve, for making your medibles. I detest, I mean absolutely DETEST the flavor of cannabis. But I've found that it's something resembling palatable if it's used with lemony flavors instead of chocolate. A friend of ours has her kief cookies DOWN, and it all starts with top quality dry sieve.

I can't give you recipes. I've made medibles once. 19g of hash in an 8" pan of brownies. They are now labeled with a skull & crossbones, and I would not allow anyone to eat more than a 1/4" square.


Sorry to hear this my friend, I cannot help you on the oils but I can highly recommend the Volcano mate its an amazing bit of kit :)
I make a tea with canna milk in it. make tea the regular way and add a teaspoon or so of brown sugar. Then put about a quarter cup of milk in a separate mug with some chopped up herb, a couple bowls worth, microwave about a minute until boiling but watch so it doesn't boil over. strain milk into your cup of tea and there you go, can also add some chocolate syrup if the taste isn't what you want. Maybe a little more cold milk or water to cool it down for easy drinking.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I made a chai of sorts last night with some hot milk , a dollop of cannabutter, some black tea,vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon.
Yum.... And it works great.


sorry to hear this bro, hope the medibiles help with the pain. heres a reciepe for canna caps, i've posted it over on bbay too. but thought others may find it usefull hear too.

this was taken from another site, there where pics posted but i'm not sure how to get them up. be careful though as they are very strong. big up to elite nugz for the reciepe.

CannaCaps 101. Very potent and easy to make.
A few people have asked me for the recipe to the CannaCaps that I make. They come out super potent and it only takes one to get the job done.

So here’s what you need….

- 7+ Grams of some good shake, or small buds
- Virgin Coconut Oil (Has to be raw, virgin coconut oil)
- Size “00” Gelatin Caps (perfect size to hold 1ml of CannaCap oil)
- A small pot and small glass dish that can withstand high temps
- Cheese Cloth or Coffee Filter
- Grinder (optional)

The amount of weed you use, depends on how many caps you want to make. I usually start off with around 7 grams of tiny dry popcorn buds, or some good keify shake.

I like to get the weed and toss it in a grinder and let it run for 15-20 seconds, to turn it into a more fine powder. This step is optional, but I think grinding everything up exposes more surface area, and helps things along some.

After you have your ground up buds, pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees. Once your ovens hit 250 degrees, put your glass dish of weed into the oven and leave it in there for about 30 minutes. Cooking the weed at this temperature activates the psychoactive components in weed. For example, if you eat a dry bud, its really not going to have much of an effect on you. If you heat that same bud up to 250 degrees for 20-30 minutes, and then eat it, it will have a major effect on you. So make sure not to skip this step, it will drop the potency of your caps big time.

Set for 250 degrees

Cook for 30 minutes

After your buds are cooked, then its time to add the Coconut Oil. The amount of coconut oil you use will determine how potent your caps turn out. I like my caps nice and potent, so I add just enough coconut oil to saturate the weed. You want to get a nice muddy mix going on. Not soupy, to where your weed is swimming around in coconut oil, but just enough to where you have just a little runoff oil sitting in the bottom of your dish. Mix it up nice and good and slowly add the coconut oil, to make sure you don’t put too much. If you do add too much, just prepare some more weed and add it to the mix until things are nice and muddy.

Now its time to cook it again. This part binds the THC and other psychoactive chemicals to the fat in the coconut oil. Coconut oil is extremely high in fat. Its almost 100% fat, so in my opinion, it’s the absolute best thing to use for making these caps. If you use something other then virgin coconut oil, and don’t get good results, then don’t blame me. LoL.

So you can either use a crockpot for this step, or you can just use a small pot like I do. The key is to heat your mix up to around 200 degrees and keep it there for hours. The longer you cook it, the better. 180 – 220 degrees is the range you want to stay in. Anything out of that range, and your mix wont be binding to the fats how you want it to. I use a pot filled with a couple inches of water in it. I heat the water up to a simmer. Not a crazy boil, but right before it starts really boiling. Water boils at around 212 degrees, so if you cooking things at a simmer, then you should be perfect.

Place your glass dish of weed and coconut oil in the water, and let it cook. The longer you let it cook, the better and more potent your caps will be. I let mine cook like this for a minimum of 4 hours. If you decide to use a pot like I do, then make sure to check your water level every 30min to an hour and add more water as its needed.

After cooking your mix for at least 4 hours, then its time to strain out all of your oil. You can use a cheese cloth, coffee filter or what I use is a “press screen” that came with my extraction bags for making hash. You could even use an old t-shirt, if you don’t have any of the above. Just make sure its clean. Place your oil soaked buds into the middle of your cloth and squeeze as hard as you can until all of the oil it out. I try to get every last drop out of the mix.

Once you’ve squeezed out all of the good stuff, its time to put the oil in caps. I use a small dropper to put 1ml of oil into each cap. 1ml is all that is needed to really get you high. It doesn’t seem like much, but trust me…. Its more then enough!! I’ve had people complain and even get mad at me for giving them such strong caps. If you have a super high tolerance, then you’ll enjoy one cap. If you have a medium to lower tolerance, then you may want to add extra coconut oil to dilute them some. Personally, I like to take a half of a cap if I have things to do. If Im just home, with nothing to do, then a full cap is more then good enough.

Storage. You should store these caps in the refrigerator. Virgin Coconut Oil turns into a solid below about 76 degrees. Anything higher then 76 degrees and the coconut oil turns into a liquid. The oil can and will leak out of the caps if you keep them sitting at warm temps for too long. So storing them in the fridge is the best way to go. The oil stays in its solid form and will easily stay good for months. The longest I’ve kept caps in the fridge for was about 2-3 months, and they were still just as good as when I first made them. So I don’t know how long exactly they’ll stay good for, but you’ll have at least a few months.

I ended up being able to make about 50 caps out of that small batch. Not bad for just a little bit of shake.

So that’s how you make em. Pretty simple and easy. Instead of making hash and edibles, all I make now are these CannaCaps. With 7 grams of good weed or shake, you can easily make 30+ caps. The only bad thing about them, is that it takes 45 min to 3+ hours for you to feel the effects. How fast they hit you totally depends on the person. They hit me within an hour and a half. I’ve seen them take over 3 hours for some people to feel the effects of them. So a good time to try them out is usually around 4:20pm. : ) If you take them too late, then you’ll probably fall asleep before you feel the effects.


My favorite medible of all time is decarboxylated hash oil/coconut oil capsules. Make them all the time! I prefer to use ethanol 190 proof, but also use butane as the intial extracting solvent and then winterize using ethanol to remove waxes, lipids, fats and residual butane. After purging the ethanol at around 173F, scrape up your oil and place it in a small ceramic dish that can withstand heat during decarboxylation. I then decarboxylate my hashoil by placing the ceramic dish in a hot oil bath at 252F for 27 minutes. While your oil is still warm mix in the ratio of coconut oil you have decided on untill a homogeneous solution. That ratio for me is usually 1:1 hash oil to coconut oil, the capsules I use are 00 and weigh .1, I fill them up till they weigh .5 so thats .2 of decarboxylated oil per capsule. I fill my capsules using an oral syringe. These have to be kept refrigerated or they will eventually leak, mixing with corn meal, soy lecithin or something similiar to make a type of putty that won't leak when warm.
Have you tried vaporizing concentrates?

Harry Lime

Active member
I don't have anything to add to this other than my good wishes for you in your difficult times, Man. I hope and trust that with all the advice and help you'll get here you'll find the best way forward.


ruger 500
have you considered bho ?highly potent and you could put it in capsuls if there large ,good ol friend ,good to see ya still around


Really feel for you Herb, them Valium are real buggers. Might not be the thing to say on here but maybe your better to put the weed to one side for the time being. Remember things can and will get better.


Damn bro that sound nightmarish.. for sure you gotta break that thc down into oil/fat.

Even canna butter can taste funky if made strong.. peanutbutterfudge cookies are very nice no green taste atall, easy to make.

But im sure the ppl will advice some better "meds" for you.. glad u in a better place atm tho mate.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sorry to hear about this herb.

i agree with the cannabutter advice. there is good instructions on IC to make cannabutter and then you can use this to bake what you like. if you dont like the taste of canna then you can use something strong tasting to overpower it.



Well-known member
I make a tea with canna milk in it. make tea the regular way and add a teaspoon or so of brown sugar. Then put about a quarter cup of milk in a separate mug with some chopped up herb, a couple bowls worth, microwave about a minute until boiling but watch so it doesn't boil over. strain milk into your cup of tea and there you go, can also add some chocolate syrup if the taste isn't what you want. Maybe a little more cold milk or water to cool it down for easy drinking.

Thanks for the input Full of Peace. Unfortunately I can not drink milk being quite lactose intolerant. Which is another reason I want to avoid butters.

I made a chai of sorts last night with some hot milk , a dollop of cannabutter, some black tea,vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon.
Yum.... And it works great.

Thanks capt. Bet that works a treat, I think I spwould gag at the taste tho. And be I'll from milk and butter.

sorry to hear this bro, hope the medibiles help with the pain. heres a reciepe for canna caps, i've posted it over on bbay too. but thought others may find it usefull hear too.

this was taken from another site, there where pics posted but i'm not sure how to get them up. be careful though as they are very strong. big up to elite nugz for the reciepe.

CannaCaps 101. Very potent and easy to make.
A few people have asked me for the recipe to the CannaCaps that I make. They come out super potent and it only takes one to get the job done.

So here’s what you need….

- 7+ Grams of some good shake, or small buds
- Virgin Coconut Oil (Has to be raw, virgin coconut oil)
- Size “00” Gelatin Caps (perfect size to hold 1ml of CannaCap oil)
- A small pot and small glass dish that can withstand high temps
- Cheese Cloth or Coffee Filter
- Grinder (optional)

The amount of weed you use, depends on how many caps you want to make. I usually start off with around 7 grams of tiny dry popcorn buds, or some good keify shake.

I like to get the weed and toss it in a grinder and let it run for 15-20 seconds, to turn it into a more fine powder. This step is optional, but I think grinding everything up exposes more surface area, and helps things along some.

After you have your ground up buds, pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees. Once your ovens hit 250 degrees, put your glass dish of weed into the oven and leave it in there for about 30 minutes. Cooking the weed at this temperature activates the psychoactive components in weed. For example, if you eat a dry bud, its really not going to have much of an effect on you. If you heat that same bud up to 250 degrees for 20-30 minutes, and then eat it, it will have a major effect on you. So make sure not to skip this step, it will drop the potency of your caps big time.

Set for 250 degrees

Cook for 30 minutes

After your buds are cooked, then its time to add the Coconut Oil. The amount of coconut oil you use will determine how potent your caps turn out. I like my caps nice and potent, so I add just enough coconut oil to saturate the weed. You want to get a nice muddy mix going on. Not soupy, to where your weed is swimming around in coconut oil, but just enough to where you have just a little runoff oil sitting in the bottom of your dish. Mix it up nice and good and slowly add the coconut oil, to make sure you don’t put too much. If you do add too much, just prepare some more weed and add it to the mix until things are nice and muddy.

Now its time to cook it again. This part binds the THC and other psychoactive chemicals to the fat in the coconut oil. Coconut oil is extremely high in fat. Its almost 100% fat, so in my opinion, it’s the absolute best thing to use for making these caps. If you use something other then virgin coconut oil, and don’t get good results, then don’t blame me. LoL.

So you can either use a crockpot for this step, or you can just use a small pot like I do. The key is to heat your mix up to around 200 degrees and keep it there for hours. The longer you cook it, the better. 180 – 220 degrees is the range you want to stay in. Anything out of that range, and your mix wont be binding to the fats how you want it to. I use a pot filled with a couple inches of water in it. I heat the water up to a simmer. Not a crazy boil, but right before it starts really boiling. Water boils at around 212 degrees, so if you cooking things at a simmer, then you should be perfect.

Place your glass dish of weed and coconut oil in the water, and let it cook. The longer you let it cook, the better and more potent your caps will be. I let mine cook like this for a minimum of 4 hours. If you decide to use a pot like I do, then make sure to check your water level every 30min to an hour and add more water as its needed.

After cooking your mix for at least 4 hours, then its time to strain out all of your oil. You can use a cheese cloth, coffee filter or what I use is a “press screen” that came with my extraction bags for making hash. You could even use an old t-shirt, if you don’t have any of the above. Just make sure its clean. Place your oil soaked buds into the middle of your cloth and squeeze as hard as you can until all of the oil it out. I try to get every last drop out of the mix.

Once you’ve squeezed out all of the good stuff, its time to put the oil in caps. I use a small dropper to put 1ml of oil into each cap. 1ml is all that is needed to really get you high. It doesn’t seem like much, but trust me…. Its more then enough!! I’ve had people complain and even get mad at me for giving them such strong caps. If you have a super high tolerance, then you’ll enjoy one cap. If you have a medium to lower tolerance, then you may want to add extra coconut oil to dilute them some. Personally, I like to take a half of a cap if I have things to do. If Im just home, with nothing to do, then a full cap is more then good enough.

Storage. You should store these caps in the refrigerator. Virgin Coconut Oil turns into a solid below about 76 degrees. Anything higher then 76 degrees and the coconut oil turns into a liquid. The oil can and will leak out of the caps if you keep them sitting at warm temps for too long. So storing them in the fridge is the best way to go. The oil stays in its solid form and will easily stay good for months. The longest I’ve kept caps in the fridge for was about 2-3 months, and they were still just as good as when I first made them. So I don’t know how long exactly they’ll stay good for, but you’ll have at least a few months.

I ended up being able to make about 50 caps out of that small batch. Not bad for just a little bit of shake.

So that’s how you make em. Pretty simple and easy. Instead of making hash and edibles, all I make now are these CannaCaps. With 7 grams of good weed or shake, you can easily make 30+ caps. The only bad thing about them, is that it takes 45 min to 3+ hours for you to feel the effects. How fast they hit you totally depends on the person. They hit me within an hour and a half. I’ve seen them take over 3 hours for some people to feel the effects of them. So a good time to try them out is usually around 4:20pm. : ) If you take them too late, then you’ll probably fall asleep before you feel the effects.

Thanks Biggs, as said on another site this is the method I will use. I have ordered all the required bits. So by the end of th week I should have my capsules.

My favorite medible of all time is decarboxylated hash oil/coconut oil capsules. Make them all the time! I prefer to use ethanol 190 proof, but also use butane as the intial extracting solvent and then winterize using ethanol to remove waxes, lipids, fats and residual butane. After purging the ethanol at around 173F, scrape up your oil and place it in a small ceramic dish that can withstand heat during decarboxylation. I then decarboxylate my hashoil by placing the ceramic dish in a hot oil bath at 252F for 27 minutes. While your oil is still warm mix in the ratio of coconut oil you have decided on untill a homogeneous solution. That ratio for me is usually 1:1 hash oil to coconut oil, the capsules I use are 00 and weigh .1, I fill them up till they weigh .5 so thats .2 of decarboxylated oil per capsule. I fill my capsules using an oral syringe. These have to be kept refrigerated or they will eventually leak, mixing with corn meal, soy lecithin or something similiar to make a type of putty that won't leak when warm.
Have you tried vaporizing concentrates?

Thanks for that. I am going to try this with weed. But not with alcohol or bho. I am not a fan of alcohol or bho extractions. I want to keep it as pure as possible and I cam not consume any alcohol with my other medications.

I don't have anything to add to this other than my good wishes for you in your difficult times, Man. I hope and trust that with all the advice and help you'll get here you'll find the best way forward.

Thank you Harry, your support is more than enough help.

Do a search for Green Dragon.
I think this will be the ticket for your probem.
Very easy and not bulky like other edibles.

Thank you. I have a friend that mad me some green dragon once with 151 rum. Seriously horrible taste. And again I got I'll from the alcohol.

have you considered bho ?highly potent and you could put it in capsuls if there large ,good ol friend ,good to see ya still around

Thanks you. I am not a fan of bho. I'm going to try coconut caps first.

Really feel for you Herb, them Valium are real buggers. Might not be the thing to say on here but maybe your better to put the weed to one side for the time being. Remember things can and will get better.

Thanks. Yes f not smoking anything for a while. I can not tolerate that pain. Its just too much.

Damn bro that sound nightmarish.. for sure you gotta break that thc down into oil/fat.

Even canna butter can taste funky if made strong.. peanutbutterfudge cookies are very nice no green taste atall, easy to make.

But im sure the ppl will advice some better "meds" for you.. glad u in a better place atm tho mate.

Thank you. It's this strong flavour I hate and why imgoing to give capsules a whirl. Should be fun at least.

sorry to hear about this herb.

i agree with the cannabutter advice. there is good instructions on IC to make cannabutter and then you can use this to bake what you like. if you dont like the taste of canna then you can use something strong tasting to overpower it.


Thanks vg, and thanks for the recipe.

I have all the stuff coming to make coconut caps and also have sonic sending me his volcano so I can try vaporising.

Thanks to you all. I'll be back with how my capsule experiments turn outl but I like the idea of having a tub of casy caps, twog caps, blueberry caps and chem dog caps.

Will make some bubble or dry ice extraction caps also.


The amount of alcohol that will be left over is in the parts per million if anything at all, esspecially after the high temps during decarboxylation. Well If you have access to high quality bubble you can make these capsules almost as potent as if you were using an ethanol extract. I've made them with bubble quite a few times, but it does not create a complete homogeneous solution like hash oil does with coconut oil. To be honest you can't get a cleaner safer solvent than 190 proof ethanol, hell even my inhaler has ethanol as part of its ingredients.

I decarboxylate quality bubble in a ceramic dish, but in the oven instead of on the stove top for the same amount of time and same temperature to activate the cannabinoids for oral consumption. Then mix with your prefered ratio of coconut oil to decarbed hashish while warm, after a solution between the too has taken form you can strain out any contaminate that didn't dissolve in to the coconut oil using a steel strainer and cheese cloth. Your end product can now be easily put into 00 capsules using an oral syringe.


Well-known member
Well my gel caps arrived today.

Last night I made my first batch of coconut oil.

Ground up 7 grams of Chem d nugs. Real fine. Then placed this on a ceramic dish in the oven at 220 deg f (the lowest setting) and decarboxylated for 20 mins.

Then placed the weed in a small bowl and set onto a double boiler. Added just enough oil to make the mixture to the consistency of slurry. Kind of like an over oily curry paste.

Then kept this at the simmer around 202-210 deg f for 4.5 hours. Stirring every 15 mins.

Let this cool for a short while and then got a cheese cloth and strained into a small ramikin.

I wore a latex glove on one hand that was holding the weed and twisted with my unprotected hand. All strained but got loads of it over my UN protected hand. Well about an hour later I was really stoned. So much so I fell asleep shortly after and woke on my sofa at 6 am. Lol.

I didn't know this stuff would get you high if it seeps in thru your skin. But it certainly does.

But I'll reheat the oil this afternoon so I can syringe it into capsules.

Tomorrow I'll come back with my final thoughts on the coconut oil capsules. But so far its been quite good fun. I worried it was going to stink my house out but it was fine. Could smell a slight dank smell when decarbing in the oven but after that it was a nice coconutty smell.
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Great! you definitly have your meds now bro.

Be careful dosing if it knocked u out through your skin lol.

Thanks guys im gonna give these a go myself.