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Med-Man Tables By Krunchbubble...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
has anyone else noticed.. some of the best looking buds in the gardens can be some of the stuff thats not directly under the bulbs? .. i have a few plants on the outside of the light .. and those plants look a lil different then the ones directly below.. this is the first time im seeing this with a single strain looking different being under . an on the side.

That's because the heat and intensity from the bulb can break down terpenoids, and cannabanoids, and cause bleaching, making buds to close to the source being not the best. Its always been that way for me. The best buds are in the middle. imo


has anyone else noticed.. some of the best looking buds in the gardens can be some of the stuff thats not directly under the bulbs? .. i have a few plants on the outside of the light .. and those plants look a lil different then the ones directly below.. this is the first time im seeing this with a single strain looking different being under . an on the side.

Some cuts are touchy about lamp height. I can tell you it doesn't matter if you run ambient temps lower they still want them high. It is either like lumen overload or there just sensitive to the IR heat. Fwiw raising the lamps and letting the par distribute evenly gives very favorable results when you deal with these kinds of plants. Also the plants directly under tend to salt ball faster (makes sense when you think about it) getting some runoff on every feed can help a lot with this in soil/soilless/coco, hydro just keep flushing like you should.


Active member
has anyone else noticed.. some of the best looking buds in the gardens can be some of the stuff thats not directly under the bulbs? .. i have a few plants on the outside of the light .. and those plants look a lil different then the ones directly below.. this is the first time im seeing this with a single strain looking different being under . an on the side.

Solution? Move the plants around, if possible.
I grow vertical, and have had the bulbs as close as 6 inches from plants with zero bleaching.


Active member
DHF helped me out a lot with advice when i was playing around indoors, i dont care if he is a chinese bot or a 12-year old girl or whatever, the info was solid and timely. But everyone has their own way of doing things.

KRUNCH come back and crush it on the next one brother.

I honestly have to agree Shcrews... I don't know DHF personally, and I actually think I live fairly close to him, not that it matters... But I've ALWAYS noticed that he does give knowledgeable, considerate, and solid advice in all the threads I've read that he posts in... And I've read here way before I became a member...

@krunch-sorry how this grow turned out for u brah... Shit happens... We live n we learn... Don't feel bum'd... We all know ur a helluva grower... For ex, those last two pics of chernobyl and sour d that YOU grew, got me drip'n with drool out the mouth and slobber'n all over the keyboard... U f'n killed it with those Krunch... However, the last several pg's of this thread has turned into a Jerry Springer show... :tiphat: -F.S


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Looking at the table today, Its coming back, but will never be even half of what it should of been....

If I let the table crop out, may get 1 lb if im lucky....

So im going to cull the Blue Dream's today...

Have DHN's Purple Kush, The White and Grape Ape that could go in there and kill it...

Thinking a Purple Kush and a Grape Ape table. Or maybe all Purple Kush and they would be ready to go in to the tables immediately...

Have a few repairs I have to do to the tables first, going to replastic the insides and have a bad leak on a hose that I have to replace...

On ward and upward, its been a ride!


Well-known member
Your handling the grow like a pro. You must have had some sleepless nights coming to this conclusion. So on to greener pastures.

PK & GA sounds gooood:)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Some other recent harvest pics...

Headband, going to run this strain for a while...

Outdoor Blue Dream...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Looking at the table today, Its coming back, but will never be even half of what it should of been....

If I let the table crop out, may get 1 lb if im lucky....

So im going to cull the Blue Dream's today...

Have DHN's Purple Kush, The White and Grape Ape that could go in there and kill it...

Thinking a Purple Kush and a Grape Ape table. Or maybe all Purple Kush and they would be ready to go in to the tables immediately...

Have a few repairs I have to do to the tables first, going to replastic the insides and have a bad leak on a hose that I have to replace...

On ward and upward, its been a ride!

Good decision to reload fresh. Ive made the mistake many times before it sank into my head that a healthy crop will yield 2 to 3 times more than a severely damaged crop. that's if u have the plant stock to reload asap.

Headband looks fantastic!


Looking at the table today, Its coming back, but will never be even half of what it should of been....

If I let the table crop out, may get 1 lb if im lucky....

So im going to cull the Blue Dream's today...

Have DHN's Purple Kush, The White and Grape Ape that could go in there and kill it...

Thinking a Purple Kush and a Grape Ape table. Or maybe all Purple Kush and they would be ready to go in to the tables immediately...

Have a few repairs I have to do to the tables first, going to replastic the insides and have a bad leak on a hose that I have to replace...

On ward and upward, its been a ride!
Sounds good, I would maybe skip the grape ape. I have fucked around with dhn grape ape a few times and it is just so so kind of. There are better purps out there for sure. It's the terps and flavor with that cut, it's just kind of bland, looks bomby, grows well, but no real knock you down complexity to smell taste or high. The only reason I would add this is I have thrown one or two in for the last 3 runs and gotten the same results.


Active member
great thread.

thnx for sharing your process on here. Always been paranoid about Recirculating Hydro settups so it's nice to learn more...

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I just re planted my tables, 6" clones , started the bulbs high and only running every 2nd one until , they take . started nutes around 750-800 , will work em up to 1250 once plants can handle ,only running 3part, and h202 , and the occasional roots excel in veg. usally flip around 24" , I love to over veg , krunch good luck with new run hope things work out better this time.



Active member
More "cut and paste" bullshit from Dr Dumbass.....Zinc deficiency my ass.....:laughing:.....Not gonna try and fuck up Krunch`s thread cuz most here know what a dick with ears you are , but takin pokes and punches at me in other folks thread`s not the best way to get folks to TRY and see your point of view , like quoting breeder descriptions of certain strains to make a point that`s pointless....and yeah .....

Back when I started doin this shit there WAS nobody to ask about deficiencies , plant structure , finish times on each strain , actually NOTHING to help us old heads........and how did we learn ?.....

By doin and fuckin up , learnin from our mistakes and movin on toward increased knowledge and understanding HOW to exploit pot plants INSIDE , again cuz NOBODY had ever done it before...and while you were still in your pore `ol daddy`s nutsack , I was learnin and getting better at my craft , cuz back then we all helped each other and there WERE no Dr Dumbass know-it-all kids around to spew bullshit and fuck up threads like you`re so adept at doin ...now.....

Only someone of your limited intelligence and age would spew shit like "Care to show some pics of your 1000`s of murdered plants over the yrs" and why ?.....To make YOU feel better ?......Please.....The reason those plants got sacrificed was in the quest for knowledge and not to please dumbass naysayers like you to hold over my head like it means something.....

Go back to your cut and paste wannabe world cuz you definitely don`t belong here where folks like me TRY to help folks from yrs of knowledge and experience , while folks like you LIVE to derail threads and spew shit like there`s NO way vert`s better than flat grows , cuz EVERYONE here has seen you beatin this dead horse for awhile....and for the record....

Anyone that could POSSIBLY ever think that Krunch`s problems stemmed from zinc deficiency , or ANYTIHNG of that sort since Krunch ain`t no newbster , is a fuckin moron.....Oh wait...that was you with your cut and paste bullshit again...

I rest my case....Again sorry for clogging your thread Krunch , but this idiot and a few others like to follow me around and fuck with this old ass....

Good luck Krunch and....


More "cut and paste" bullshit from Dr Dumbass.....Zinc deficiency my ass.....:laughing:.....Not gonna try and fuck up Krunch`s thread cuz most here know what a dick with ears you are , but takin pokes and punches at me in other folks thread`s not the best way to get folks to TRY and see your point of view , like quoting breeder descriptions of certain strains to make a point that`s pointless....and yeah .....

Wow starting off with the name calling where did i ever mention Zinc Def in this thread >>??? And taking pokes at you on other threads ??? lets face it most threads you stick your nose in does go south in a hurry maybe its other members here realizing your nothing more then then a talker... You sure talk the talk but never walk the walk
IMO i think you need to get your eyes checked there DHF,

Back when I started doin this shit there WAS nobody to ask about deficiencies , plant structure , finish times on each strain , actually NOTHING to help us old heads........and how did we learn ?.....

Now this is funny Back when you started doing this hahaha DHF you have never done it ,,,, Lets face the truth here wake up and smell the coffee dude. for many you bore us with your gangsta wanna be talk, and same repetitive replies ,, Again way back when ??? when what 90 percent of the weed came from mexico and Canada idiot ???? lets talk the truth here even your real xmas trees came from Canada only took americans last 10 years to figure out they can grow them lmao so in last 5 years the business has slowed down
Way back when ??? only seeds you got was brick weed, skunk, tai stick half the weed out there was no name brand yet you talk like you have grown every strain out there ,, Your really amazing there DHF glad ICM finally caught on now you can get that mini bike and join the circus Clown
And on other note ..... Internet is a amazing tool that really came into play 10 years ago
Remember Mj is a weed its the new styles of growing growers have to figure out not the actual plant that is the easy end

Go back to your cut and paste wannabe world cuz you definitely don`t belong here where folks like me TRY to help folks from yrs of knowledge and experience , while folks like you LIVE to derail threads and spew shit like there`s NO way vert`s better than flat grows , cuz EVERYONE here has seen you beatin this dead horse for awhile.

ICM does not need folks like you someone who has not one journal on this site or picture talks the talk like some low life Gangsta, And is in continuous brawls on the site ... Seriously you talk like you ran some huge grow's
yup your favorite line
me ans my boys hahaha
Again where did i post No way verts better then flat ??? see your assuming once you assume you become a ass

And on last note DHF you talk like you made millions lmaoooo
Heads up know one makes millions doing this its a fucking fairy tale,,,, specially not the growers there the whole salers its the people buying the shit and making double profits you think these top cartel leaders go out and water there fields lmao no they got some grunts like you DHF doing it
You talk like your sitting on your beach front living the life retired when i would place bets your probably living in a one bedroom slum apartment living on food stamps living off the system
this is why your so upset and angry isn't it ??? It shows really it does you feel cheated out :laughing: anyways enough with this clown
I have real friends coming over to house helping me get my hot tub in place then its lots beers and steaks :dance013:
thats the life right DHF hell i might even take alcapone out for a ride before

OWE i forgot you are banned for your ignorance suits you


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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
More "cut and paste" bullshit from Dr Dumbass.....Zinc deficiency my ass.....:laughing:.....Not gonna try and fuck up Krunch`s thread cuz most here know what a dick with ears you are , but takin pokes and punches at me in other folks thread`s not the best way to get folks to TRY and see your point of view , like quoting breeder descriptions of certain strains to make a point that`s pointless....and yeah .....

Wow starting off with the name calling where did i ever mention Zinc Def in this thread >>??? And taking pokes at you on other threads ??? lets face it most threads you stick your nose in does go south in a hurry maybe its other members here realizing your nothing more then then a talker... You sure talk the talk but never walk the walk
IMO i think you need to get your eyes checked there DHF,

Back when I started doin this shit there WAS nobody to ask about deficiencies , plant structure , finish times on each strain , actually NOTHING to help us old heads........and how did we learn ?.....

Now this is funny Back when you started doing this hahaha DHF you have never done it ,,,, Lets face the truth here wake up and smell the coffee dude. for many you bore us with your gangsta wanna be talk, and same repetitive replies ,, Again way back when ??? when what 90 percent of the weed came from mexico and Canada idiot ???? lets talk the truth here even your real xmas trees came from Canada only took americans last 10 years to figure out they can grow them lmao so in last 5 years the business has slowed down
Way back when ??? only seeds you got was brick weed, skunk, tai stick half the weed out there was no name brand yet you talk like you have grown every strain out there ,, Your really amazing there DHF glad ICM finally caught on now you can get that mini bike and join the circus Clown
And on other note ..... Internet is a amazing tool that really came into play 10 years ago
Remember Mj is a weed its the new styles of growing growers have to figure out not the actual plant that is the easy end

Go back to your cut and paste wannabe world cuz you definitely don`t belong here where folks like me TRY to help folks from yrs of knowledge and experience , while folks like you LIVE to derail threads and spew shit like there`s NO way vert`s better than flat grows , cuz EVERYONE here has seen you beatin this dead horse for awhile.

ICM does not need folks like you someone who has not one journal on this site or picture talks the talk like some low life Gangsta, And is in continuous brawls on the site ... Seriously you talk like you ran some huge grow's
yup your favorite line
me ans my boys hahaha
Again where did i post No way verts better then flat ??? see your assuming once you assume you become a ass

And on last note DHF you talk like you made millions lmaoooo
Heads up know one makes millions doing this its a fucking fairy tale,,,, specially not the growers there the whole salers its the people buying the shit and making double profits you think these top cartel leaders go out and water there fields lmao no they got some grunts like you DHF doing it
You talk like your sitting on your beach front living the life retired when i would place bets your probably living in a one bedroom slum apartment living on food stamps living off the system
this is why your so upset and angry isn't it ??? It shows really it does you feel cheated out :laughing: anyways enough with this clown
I have real friends coming over to house helping me get my hot tub in place then its lots beers and steaks :dance013:
thats the life right DHF

OWE i forgot you are banned for your ignorance suits you



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Have to let this dry out the next few days, then replastic the tray.

I fucked up by NOT getting enough plastic through the hole the drain back into the res...
