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Mcveigh Tapes

Who's watching it? A very bad man obviously for murdering civilians but the propaganda being spewed is disgusting. Keep em scared!


Active member
dude the way the government portrays TM is very extreme. the dude admitted on tape that he regretted that there were kids, he said his original plan was to go after political officials, but nobody mentions that.
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there is a Bill Cooper tape which Bill said Tim and another guy
approched him and he sent them on their way apparentley Tim mc veigh,s
accomplice was going on about how (them) knew what they were going to
do and all other weird/intresting stuff was talked about on Bill Coopers door step.
i will try dig it out later today if i can find it.
As I understand it he's not spewing anything anymore, he's been dead since 2001. I worry more about people that fit a similar profile. And the Turner Diaries of course.


Can't say that I am or that I will. I hear there is a lot of fear it's going to happen again with the war, and the corporate meltdown, and the bailout, it's a fucking miracle we're not all blowing the shit up out of this place.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My understanding is that he said he did not know what he did - Manchurian Candidate?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
High Times did an article about it. HERE.

I personally don't believe any "official" story coming from our Official Fascist Government.
Heard about it on the Daily Show when John Stewert interviewed Rachel Maddow. Should be very interesting because he was a very disturbed individual who believed 100% in what he was doing. One of his quotes on the tapes was "Even if they kill me I win, because in the end its still 168 to 1". That's some pretty cold blooded shit. A sociopath/psychopath's mind is quite intriguing in how it works. If we can better understand what compels these individuals to do what they do hopefully it will be easier to recognize them and prevent disasters. The show should be a good watch I'm definitely going to set the DVR to record.
Any man who sets off that large of an explosion KNOWS that he will radomly kill women children old folk.. you freaking name it.

I don`t like the death penalty.

What a waste of life.

Hate beget hate. When will this madness end.


Active member
quoted from article...

"Finally, there is the possibility that fascist elements within the U.S. military may have been involved, at least in creating the "mad bomber" Timothy McVeigh.

According to the book The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of TerrorM, McVeigh claimed that the Army had implanted him with a microchip, a miniature subcutaneous transponder, inserted in his buttocks, in order to keep track of him. "We used this with military personnel in the Iraq war, where they were actually tracked using this particular type of device," says Dr. Carl Sanders, developer of the Intelligence Manned Interface biochip.

Following the war, McVeigh took a job at Burns International Security, where fellow employee Lynda Haner-Mele described him and his personality:

"Timmy just wasn't the type of person who could initiate action. He was very good if you said, ‘Tim, watch this door--don't let anyone through.' The Tim I knew couldn't have masterminded something like this [the OKC bombing]. It would have had to have been someone who said: ‘Tim, this is what you do. You drive the truck.'"

That the OKC bombing may have been engineered behind the scenes by fascist elements in the military, the German government and on the neo-Nazi/CI fringe seems fantastic, yet the evidence continues to mount in that direction, regardless of being covered up by the government or ignored by the mainstream press.

McVeigh was quoted in the book American Terrorist as saying, "I did not do it for personal gain... I did it for the larger good.""

crazy....how can ONE person do all that shit??


Active member
Seriously...McVeigh apologists? Get a grip people. Jeez, it's a good thing he didn't actually MEAN for all those babies to be blown to pieces, otherwise he would have been a real asshole! He was a fucking terrorist, and regardless of what he thought he was doing and who he thought he was helping, he is also a mass-murderer. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't absolutely condemn what he and others like him did/continue to do, you're no better than they are.

man...only on this forum would we have idiots saying that shit and then other people throwing out words like "fascist" when they clearly have no concept of what Fascism is...:tiphat: keep it green boys...lol

Clackamas Coot

Active member
McVeigh wasn't a hero. He was not a patriot. He was a murderer - nothing less.

In spite of what 'High Times' has to say - hardly my 'go to' source for information on anything.

McVeigh was a pussy. He set the bomb in place and ran off. He got what he deserved.



Active member
McVeigh wasn't a hero. He was not a patriot. He was a murderer - nothing less.

In spite of what 'High Times' has to say - hardly my 'go to' source for information on anything.

McVeigh was a pussy. He set the bomb in place and ran off. He got what he deserved.

god damned right :tiphat:
This is precious.

The stoners hiding out in their basements commenting on the prose and cons of 'direct action' political statements.

there should be a word for that...


Clackamas Coot

Active member
This is precious.

The stoners hiding out in their basements commenting on the prose and cons of 'direct action' political statements.

there should be a word for that...

There is such a word - pussies

It doesn't take much 'heroism' to kill 4 & 5-year old children. Or citizens simply going to work.

My problem with these 'militia' types is that generally they are over-weight slobs without a job chanting 'Da black menz done gotz all da jobs' or fretting about the 'gubmint' - i.e. mental derelicts.



Active member
McVeigh wasn't a hero. He was not a patriot. He was a murderer - nothing less.

In spite of what 'High Times' has to say - hardly my 'go to' source for information on anything.

McVeigh was a pussy. He set the bomb in place and ran off. He got what he deserved.


mcveigh was a pussy....his stance wasnt entirely out of whak tho.:bump:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
This is precious.

The stoners hiding out in their basements commenting on the prose and cons of 'direct action' political statements.

there should be a word for that...


The word you're looking for is decent.

Mass murder of innocent children is not a political action, it's simply mass murder.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm not apologizing for what he did. He was a mass murder plain and simple. I'm simply saying the official story, as it almost always is, is bullshit.

Our government is a bunch of mass murders, yet we never hold them accountable. We are all a bunch of pussies if you ask me.

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