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Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Thanks captain! hows it going? yah, it is coming along ok despite that cabbage. the cc was sown 4/7 so it is the oldest.

I put them into the tubs today. hope that is not too early, but I think they will be fine. i've got one backup plant which is a critical kush or a liberty haze.

was a bit nervous about the transplant procedure. 8822 is a heck of a lot different than coco. i put about 4 gallans of jacks 600ppm thru each site before the transplant and they went more or less into their new homes pretty smoothly. the cc had the best established root system being the oldest.

going to veg with my epap. did it the last run and the autos seemed to like it. right now I've got the epap 18/6 at 600w nearly as high as it will go. I had them in the plant containers for a day or so under the lamp before I transplanted them a bit ago. I'll lower the light some as I see the plants respond to it.

will manually water for a while.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
here they are late April or early May.


test layout. i change just a bit but from posn 1-4 : CK, CC, GLP, SWD









Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor


spent a while getting them level. I also used a 4' ruler


the 'ol res



Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
prior to transplant i ran 4+ gallons of jacks+calcnit 600ppm thru each site.


CC posn. 1









Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
sweet seeds black cream (BC2) from last summer. last one to go down and 6+ oz


still have lot of it in jars


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Ok, they were transplanted today and had their first sleep in the tubs. They woke up seemingly no worse for the wear from what i can tell. They seem to be doing very well, no burns or anything.

Here they are waking up to their first day in the tubs.



Well-known member
Wasssup Kushy....Thought I`d stop by and show some respect for the old farts....now....

You are planning on letting them transplants grow some legs before pulse feeds begin right ?....hope so....and....

You did pull the trigger and flipped em for their first nights in the tubs?...just tryin ta catch up and follow along with your gameplan on the absolute smallest PPK micro grow to date yet that I`ve seen......

Can`t wait to see all the bondage and canopy management it takes to see end of cycle once they`re in blastoff mode.....

Over here on my bucket....killer job bro.....



Well-known member
MK excited too see you back bro,a learning experience as well I now nothing about PPK , looks like some good company here and no doubt good entertainment..Bud


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Hey Freds, welcome back to my thread old friend! I'm going to manually feed once a day, prolly at night for a while then I'll put them on the timer. So far a 1min run fills most of them up. I may install some valves as I think the farthest two away from the pump (1 & 2) will likely tend to fill first, with no. 2 prolly the quickest. If it seems close then I wont bother and always time to the quickest filler.

I haven't flipped them yet but I moved them from vegging under a 2' T5 to my epap @ 600w. So a bit of a leap up.. hehe got the epap nearly as high as it can go. I vegged and flowered out those sweet autos last year en situ under the epap and I thought they did pretty well. maybe couple hundred more watts than is necessary but meh, that doesn't bother me. I've been medicating soley with that run since August last year. not one time needing to look for a hook up

The tubs are big, they really fill up 5x6. I could have squezzed one more in here but 4 at a time should be enough for my mmj needs. First time with recirculating system so it will be a learning experience I'm sure. So far so good tho.

stop back in. I'm just making this shit up as I go and my purpose for showing my garden is to get good feedback so come back ya hear?


When I put my starts in the big ppk sites initially I was flooding once every 3-4 hours. Now I put a 12" rooted cutting in the system at its regular 90 minute interval and they absolutely take off. However, I did end up switching away from 8822 because it never seemed to dry out. The longer intervals between floods is probably smart with the 8822. Additionally, D9 recommended that I chop my root ball to a grapefruit size cluster when transplanting to the big ppk site. Once again, immediate results and rapid growth.

Is the top of the 8822 drying out at all for you or is it always wet looking? I could never crack the code on feeding the floor dry.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Hey Bud, thanks for droppin in brother! Yah, looking forward to this one. took a really long time to piece the system together. hell, filling the system took me two days so as not to be noticed. I've been at the ppk for a while, since Feb I bet. had leaks while testing, first pump and feed lines inadequate, terrible problems getting seeds started.... lol effin a Buddy. it is never easy... security is a big concern of mine, in the winter i'm exposed and i look forward to the green spring which then affords me more privacy. I often am waiting until I'm sure its dark enough until I allow myself to go out to the garden. and then with my IRL responsibilities, its slow goin fer sure.

We'll see how these 3" pvc tail pipes do. the system fits together like legos with my parts. you gotta use a 4" hole saw tho and a drill bit that is wee smaller than the 1/4" ss bolts works brilliant. I didn't take any pictures of the end of the tailpipe but its just heavy duty screen mesh and an o-clamp. the o-clamp is able to slide thru the 4" hole in the bucket lid with ease. slick little unit really.

I still have loads to do on this garden. gotta tack up some of the orca in places. need to finally install the floor drains now that I'm at real risk for water damage. I need to figure out a veg area. that one has me stymied at the mo. its costing me money also by not having a good germ & veg system going. I'm trying to figure it out... If i keep the veg area in a closet on the wall there I'll need to enclose it and get ventilation and light control figured out.

right now I'm vegging in my flower area so thats cool, if I want to go perpetual then I'll need a better veg space.

ah, ya. went out to check on things this morning. i tend to get nervous until I see the system running well so I visit my garden often. I did a check on my reservoir and noticed the floor by the drain was wet. so I quickly felt around all the bulkheads and they seemed fine. then i noticed that the side of the lid were moist, turns out my dehumi drain line had slipped out of the bucket I thought it was in... kicked myself for missing that. its pretty humid right now so I've got the dehumi set to 50.

well off to take care of other chores, take care buddler


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
When I put my starts in the big ppk sites initially I was flooding once every 3-4 hours. Now I put a 12" rooted cutting in the system at its regular 90 minute interval and they absolutely take off. However, I did end up switching away from 8822 because it never seemed to dry out. The longer intervals between floods is probably smart with the 8822. Additionally, D9 recommended that I chop my root ball to a grapefruit size cluster when transplanting to the big ppk site. Once again, immediate results and rapid growth.

Is the top of the 8822 drying out at all for you or is it always wet looking? I could never crack the code on feeding the floor dry.

hey cap. I don't know the answer yet since I just started up and need to get some experience with it. it is staying relatively moist certainly it dried up in the 9 hours since I put them in. Not dried out tho for sure, I don't think the 8822 is going to dry out in that amount of time. its messy though and dusty as all get out. if the turface was a bit bigger and less dusty then i would go thru the hassle of sourcing it the next time. the 8822 is dusty! its cool to hear it sizzle though, both when it is absolutely dry and gets wet and when air is being sucked down into the media.

anyhoo, maybe my GLP was 12" but i'm sure the others are not that big yet. so I transplanted them pretty young. I wanted to get them under more light since I wasn't happy with their pace under so little CFL (46watts i think) and with business travel coming up I decided to get going with the system. I think they will be fine. i'm more worried about how I should go about tying them up? I've seen people do it so many different ways but I'm not sure what would be right for my garden. whatcha think? netting, hoops, i could put latice on the walls even. I'll probably put nets up

as far as rootball goes, I didn't chop the root ball up at all but it gets all smushed up in the transplant as you see you still have too much in or have too little in the hole you made, that juggling act pretty much shakes them up and tears at them. I would kind of wiggle them around in their new home and then repack them. still pretty early so we will see. plants are pretty resilient things. this group has sooo much better color than my last group. jacks is much more friendly than maxibloom i think.

enjoying your thread. you really nail it don't you. hehe more on ya mate.


Well-known member
Hey Bro....Without a loopfield manifold for equal flow and pressure , the only way for each container to receive the exact same amount of juice is a small control valve on each feedline , or at least on the ones that fill the fastest to choke em back some......anyways , you get the drill once they`ve grown a decent rootmass till end of stretch.....but...

Startin em out handwatered should begin at or before lights on to get em used to metabolizing juice and processing it for fast hydro growth during said lights on sequence.....IOW....and don`t take this the wrong way cuz I`m just tryin ta help , but....

Feedin em lights off is worthless as tits on a boar hawg until true swellage has begun after end of stretch , and why ?....They don`t make foliage and or roots except during lights on till end of stretch , and THEN begin the flowering and swelling phase during "lights off" till end of cycle , and that`s where 24/7 recirculating OR timed feed sequences benefits yield most in fast hydro setups compared to soil or soiless based setups by keepin em fed at night WHILE they`re swellin.......anyways......nuff preachin for this old ass today......

Keep stroking Kushy , and pull the trigger as SOON as they get good rootset in their new home or you`re gonna have a mess on your hands....SOON....unless these plants stretch little to none for 3-4 weeks after flipping 12/12 , and I`ve been wrong before......just not much.....:moon:.......this is hydro bro , things can happen overnite , and even though all but bulletproof with the ppk , just stay on top of canopy management...... good luck..

Last edited:


What strength jacks are you guys running for clones and seedlings? I always hear everyone talking about one strength throughout the plants life, but they still seem to go like half strength for seedlings/clones for the first week or two.


Still Learning
What strength jacks are you guys running for clones and seedlings? I always hear everyone talking about one strength throughout the plants life, but they still seem to go like half strength for seedlings/clones for the first week or two.

HAHA.. I'm still using GH Nova Bloom for seedlings (400ppms) and young rooted clones, then go, after a week or three, straight to 600ppm Jacks+C... some go in the bin.. I been using the same quart of Nova for the last 4 years!! more years to go before I buy more..

Tap water for cuttings (bubbler) no room for starting clones in PPKvs'.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Hiya funnyguy,

I started them in paper towels this time and then moved them to root riot. Very first few days just tap water but very soon to 300ppm jacks+calcnit. The cotton candy (CC) did not get green enough for me at 300 so i moved pretty quickly to 600ppm and that did it. In the future i will likely just use 600ppm on RO which is 0 for me. Have a five stage RO system so practically nothing gets by it. I have watered them daily in 8822 and so far have not had any overwatering issues. Im pretty new so take what i say with a grain of salt.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Hey freds, ill prolly go with a manifold. Site 2 being the last site on the line fills first then 2 then 3 then 4. I didnt do a loop initially since the sites were so close and i wasnt sure the fill rate would be materially different but it is not even enough for my liking. Want to see them fill up as even as possible.

Really liking jacks tho. My foliage is so green and to me it the leafs feel better to the touch texture wise. Not sure if the texture is better or not but it seems that way. Last year i ran maxi which was fine and ill always be fond of dtw coco but ill prolly never go off jacks now.

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I'm still digesting... ive never fed during the dark cycle but at the start of light then throughout and stopping well before dark. Always thought feeding lights off was just a dwc thing...


hey cap. I don't know the answer yet since I just started up and need to get some experience with it. it is staying relatively moist certainly it dried up in the 9 hours since I put them in. Not dried out tho for sure, I don't think the 8822 is going to dry out in that amount of time. its messy though and dusty as all get out. if the turface was a bit bigger and less dusty then i would go thru the hassle of sourcing it the next time. the 8822 is dusty! its cool to hear it sizzle though, both when it is absolutely dry and gets wet and when air is being sucked down into the media.

anyhoo, maybe my GLP was 12" but i'm sure the others are not that big yet. so I transplanted them pretty young. I wanted to get them under more light since I wasn't happy with their pace under so little CFL (46watts i think) and with business travel coming up I decided to get going with the system. I think they will be fine. i'm more worried about how I should go about tying them up? I've seen people do it so many different ways but I'm not sure what would be right for my garden. whatcha think? netting, hoops, i could put latice on the walls even. I'll probably put nets up

as far as rootball goes, I didn't chop the root ball up at all but it gets all smushed up in the transplant as you see you still have too much in or have too little in the hole you made, that juggling act pretty much shakes them up and tears at them. I would kind of wiggle them around in their new home and then repack them. still pretty early so we will see. plants are pretty resilient things. this group has sooo much better color than my last group. jacks is much more friendly than maxibloom i think.

enjoying your thread. you really nail it don't you. hehe more on ya mate.

As for tying them up, I grow trees and am finding trellis netting to really help. How big are you planning to grow these ladies? On my smaller plants I liked tying laterals to each other on opposite sides of the plant. Seemed to work pretty well. Keep up the good work, brother! I'm really enjoying the show!


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
As for tying them up, I grow trees and am finding trellis netting to really help. How big are you planning to grow these ladies? On my smaller plants I liked tying laterals to each other on opposite sides of the plant. Seemed to work pretty well. Keep up the good work, brother! I'm really enjoying the show!

I checked out your albums for a pic, any recent ones of your trellis setup? I have a bit before I'll need it but would like to see your set up. I've seriously considered putting latice or mesh on the walls and tying them up that way but optimally I would be better off lighting vertically then i think, i've invested in the DE bulb technology so not ready to throuw out that light source at this time. I'm leaning towards nets and trying for a more uniform horizontal canopy. but oth I really enjoyed just letting the plants in my last grow just be themselves, was not optimal light distribution though.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
hey Avie,

I went back thru your thread a bit and in early march I found this pic, is this the trellis system you are using?


I always think trellis being vertical and netting being horizontal in orientation. I've considered suspending them from the ceiling but what I may do is screw in some hooks on the wall and put a post in and stretch netting across wall to wall. kinda make an L shaped net. least that is the idea I'm turning over in my head right now.
