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McGruff The Crime Dog, BUSTED!



If this isn't a perfect example of why you should never drive around with anything growing related in your car, I don't know what is. Driving home with some bags of soil or light bulbs isn't much to worry about, but it is when you also have a bunch of cannabis seeds with you! This guy could have easily avoided being raided, but I suppose with that level of carelessness it was inevitable.

I think people get comfortable after a certain amount of time with being under the radar. They feel like nothing will ever happen. And thats just when you get hammer smashed.

Point to all of this......Stay forever vigilant and never forget your in a war for your rights and your freedom. Wake up and go to bed with that in your mind and you probably wont make mistakes like that guy did.

Anyway just what I think.


I think people get comfortable after a certain amount of time with being under the radar. They feel like nothing will ever happen. And thats just when you get hammer smashed.

Stay forever vigilant and never forget your in a war for your rights and your freedom. Wake up and go to bed with that in your mind and you probably wont make mistakes

1 of the best things posted....EVER!!!! K+++
He has my vote for the dumbass award; but damn, he sure got raped by a train though.

Nothing illegal about owning that amount of weapons & ammo, (provided they're not stolen or unregistered), and it was no damn grenade launcher like the media claimed, it was just a flare gun. No matter; unfortunately, the popo just help themselves to it all....house, car(s), everything!

I can never say he deserved what he got like some idiot or two did. To say so, is like saying you are okay with the drug war, and support the DEA.
I agree that it wouldnt have been so bad had he not had all those weapons in the home.
But like another poster said it is possible they were legal.

I do agree its not funny ive been in the jailhouse before.never did 16 years but i dont wish it on anyone except rapist or muderers.He sure did take a bite out of crime.going out in a blaze in the end woulda been great.especially since he got 16 years by the time he gets out there will be flying cars everywhere!!

Im gonna take this as a message to remember to be smarter then the boys in blue.I say dont break more then one law at a time.If you go by this your life could be alot easier.


But seriously though 1000 plants in a residence, that's kind of asking to get the book thrown at you. Of course I think it should be legal to grow as many plants in your house as you see fit.... but that just seems excessive
I agree 1000 plants was a commercial grow..in a home 1000 plants could destroy the home and make it uninhabitable.He musta been sleeping eating and shitting in his grow house if he was living there.!!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
That sounds like a pretty average collection for the Texans that I know. The guns, the "grenade launcher", and the ammo are all legal. The woman judge thought that he was "scary" - fuck legality, bend over.


Well, it's not a total loss for him..... He's gonna get a bunch of loads of "seeds" deposited back into his trunk.

And he got a Fem judge who apparently grew up a little bit sheltered. that sucks.


Active member
The linked Huston Chronicle piece says he had seedlings in the trunk, not seeds. He was probably cloning for a warehouse grow, which would explain all the plants.

Speeding at 3 AM in Texas with a trunk full of clones? Foolishness. It's foolishness if you're not speeding.

To be honest, my hat's off to anybody with balls big enough to grow big in places like Texas. Y'all got to be just a teensy bit crazy in the first place.

Guns are not a requisite to outlaw growing. Stealth is the requisite. If secuurity is right, you'll never need a gun. If you shoot somebody trying to rip you off, you'll get busted for shooting 'em.

The smart answer, if you grow & you own guns is to keep the guns somewhere else- your mom's place, a buddy's place, any place but your place. You can't really use 'em anyway, and they're a liability if things go bad. People who can carry themselves as hippy pacifist types generally do less time. The system just sees 'em as idiots, not armed idiots.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If you want to grow in Texas you'll have to bring better game than that foolishness. This place is not one for the complacent. They tend to disappear for long periods at a time.

America has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The epicenter of which is the state of Texas.

All the gangs from New Orleans flooded Houston after Hurricane Katrina and gave the H-town gangs a run for some territory. Once HPD swooped in and these New Orleans boys got a taste of how things are done over here, they all scattered as fast as they came. (History Channel Gangland had an episode on it).

It's fucked up over here. They love throwing people in cages for extended periods of time.


drive around with a fucking diagram of your rooms GOD PEOPLE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS.. keep your shit like that in a suitcase locked in the trunk.. if u need to move it. or just don't move it..

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
If he didn't have the grenade launcher I wonder how much time he would've got. That has to be 15 years right there. That'd be cool though, blow up stumps

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Deeeep in the Hearrrrttttt offfff TEXAS!!!

Gernade Launcher that's insane... whats next...Smokey the Bear is going to be caught burning down the woods


Active member
Funny shit.

It seems those Reagan era PSA's were so full of crap even Mcgruff the crime dog knew they were bullshit.

Old Reagans got to be rolling in his grave over this.