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Mbdz's ...~Bright Side of the Moon~...


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Howdy and welcome to the new thread!

I have finally decided to create a new diary and abandon the old one. Things have changed a bit, as I went through a very intense time in life recently. Lost all of my old cuts, lost my entire vault of beans, and a whole lot of my equipment. I am slowly rebuilding my seed collection back together and obtaining some nice cuts here and there as well. Thanks to everyone whom has been here for me through these ruff times, it means everything and nothing less... Good karma is in the air!

I would like to start by explaining my setup. I will be running 3, maybe 4 1000w HPS. Room will be sealed and running bottled co2. Not sure on plant count yet, but various strains and a whole lot of seeds as well as a few cuts that I have received. Still have a few more cuts on the way in the next 2 weeks. Plants will be vegged and flowered in 3 gallon grow bags, promix, advanced nutrients. I am going to switch to mega crop after this run, I have heard nothing but great things about MC!

Basically this run I am going to have less veg time, higher plant count, to get a harvest underway in the quickest time possible.. As well as search out and pheno hunt some keepers to use for mommas.

I will list what beans I have popped as of now and also a few pics later on tonight.

Any questions, any discussion, everything goes here!

This is going to be a good year!!! I am on the hunt for my own elite keepers and building up a nice collection to breed with, eventually.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Bruce Banner 2.0 Keeper

This is the BB 2.0 keeper that I lost... I had mentioned it previously in my old thread that I had found a few seeds here and there in the buds that I popped. They are 1 week old as of now, hopefully they can produce some frosty rock hard nuggets like their momma did...

Sweet earthy strawberry smell with a touch of pine... Rock hard nuggets and tastes like strawberry pinecone. She was a little on the OG side of the spectrum and the potency is out of this world. Still have about a qp worth of bud to search through and hopefully find a few more beans. She ALWAYS pleases!






I will get some pics up in a few of the Crumbled Lime from Karma I also lost her, as I did EVERYTHING else. I also found a few seeds in these buds too and hoping for some keepers!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I got a sample of megacrop around here somewhere. They may still be doing samples.

Thanks for the heads up packer :tiphat:

How do you go about getting a sample? Just visit their website I assume and is there a link from there?


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Also, meant to ask... Have you used MC yet? If so, how were your results? I have always had great results using AN pH perfect in simple promix, but need something a little easier on the wallet ya know?


Active member
Also, meant to ask... Have you used MC yet? If so, how were your results? I have always had great results using AN pH perfect in simple promix, but need something a little easier on the wallet ya know?

Yeah, just go to their website, I am only partially computer literate, I assume you should be able to figure it out. It was like 4 bucks for shipping. I haven't used it yet. I am still sitting on a couple pounds of Veg and Bloom. I should do side by side.

Jack's is really cheap, alot of people use it, and get good results.

Advanced is a freaking racket. I have issues with them. I am not familiar with promix. I have used coco for years. I know it like clockwork and see no reason to change. I would like to do some organic outdoor, it's just not in the cards at the moment.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Yeah, just go to their website, I am only partially computer literate, I assume you should be able to figure it out. It was like 4 bucks for shipping. I haven't used it yet. I am still sitting on a couple pounds of Veg and Bloom. I should do side by side.

Jack's is really cheap, alot of people use it, and get good results.

Advanced is a freaking racket. I have issues with them. I am not familiar with promix. I have used coco for years. I know it like clockwork and see no reason to change. I would like to do some organic outdoor, it's just not in the cards at the moment.

I am fixing to head to their website in a few mins, and see what I can find. I have used Jack's for years, I remember when it was called Peter's.. I still use Jack's for my outdoor grows. I would love to give coco a shot, never tried it before and I have been growing going in 18 years lol go figure... Never ran hydro either, but would love to someday.

I guess a lot of it was how I was raised... around here everyone used promix, I learned in promix, grew up working greenhouses, so peat is my thing. I also cut and root in promix as well. We are just plain Jane country boys around here, doing and using what's cheap and gives us results.

I hear ya on the whole advanced thing... I know a lot of people hate on AN but once I started using them I have never looked back, I have amazing results with AN. Its quiet simple and effective as long as you dont buy in to the whole "you need 28 other additives for best results " thing lol... Simple A & B for me and I use anywhere from 3 to 4 additives. Usually the b vitamins, beneficial microbes, bloom boosters.... Just the general boosting necessities, that actually work.

I try to keep it simple.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Wow! Never have I ever recieved any cuttings this far into growth and with a kick ass set of roots to go with it! My man hooked me up just right on this one...

Let me introduce to you Brothers Grimm Cinderella 99. Just got these planted into 3 gallon pots and they were in mint condition upon arrival. Can't wait to run this one!!! She smells deliciously pineappley and candy citrus on a stem rub. Very tropical and exotic indeed!






⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
The clones look a little sad, did they have to travel long?
Good luck! Subscribed

No they are perfect now. The drooping was due to them being mashed down inside of a small box. I took that picture soon as I opened them up. I will take another today and show the difference. The leaves were all pointing straight up like normal not even an hour after I sit them out and misted the leaves with rain water. You can definitely tell this cut is vigorous and hardy.

Everytime I have ever had clones shipped they have that droopy look to them until you get them out and expose them to fresh air and freedom. They bounce right back in no time.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Gonna try and get some pics of those c99 clones when I get out to the flower room today. I went ahead and threw them beneath 600 watts to start vegging out, once they take off decently I will increase to 1000 watts for a 2 week veg on top of what they already are, take cuts and then flip em over to 12/12.

Gonna give my seeds a good 3-4 week veg period before I flip those as well. Gonna be something like a SOG with the seed run.

So it will work like this... I will flower 5 of the c99 clones under 2 1000 watt lights, with support. The seed run will be flowered beneath the other 2 1000 watters. Gotta get the show rolling...


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
My forgetfullness

My forgetfullness

Forgot to tell you guys that I got word on a new cut coming my way... New to me, but has been around for many years. Coming all the way from England, the UK/Exodus Cheese... From what cheese I have smoked in my life and the very few I have grown out from seed, you can never go wrong with a good cheese. And knowing its gonna be the true UK cut really gets my taste buds rolling and peaks my interest in the history of the cut. Gonna have to invest in better odor control for sure once I get back on my feet. Thanks to everyone for helping me stand back up... I am not sure I could do it without the great people out there!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I am going to do my best to get a few pics up of the grow and how things are progressing so far, later tonight when I'm not so busy. Things have been really busy for me lately...

I got 3 more clones of the c99 (for a total of 5) now coming along nicely and transplanted into 5 gallon smarties. Just mixed in some promix and epsoma tomato tone for now and plan on using what AN I have left then switching over to Mega Crop. As a matter of fact, I may go ahead and run the MC aside the AN and compare the two. MC is most definitely the easiest to use and everything packed into one solid line which I really enjoy, as well as that cheap ass price tag!

Now I do have some good news... I am expecting to receive a few more cuts and will update as I find out more.. I am supposed to get the MAC cut for sure, super excited about that one! Possibly Wedding Cake... Albert Supertramp, Kurple Fantasy and a few more that I am not sure of yet. I am REALLY looking forward to that MAC though, I got lucky with that one. :woohoo:

Some other good news...

Yesterday SHN dropped Cannarados Sundae Driver line on presale. I got lucky and put in an order for the Sundae Driver s1 x Sundae Driver and the Blueberry x Sundae Driver... looking forward to see what those are packing, I bet they are fire.

I'll drop back by later tonight hopefully with an update of the seedlings.

Not sure exactly how many but I popped quiet a few beans and had 100% success rate!



Bruce Banner 2.0 Keeper

This is the BB 2.0 keeper that I lost... I had mentioned it previously in my old thread that I had found a few seeds here and there in the buds that I popped. They are 1 week old as of now, hopefully they can produce some frosty rock hard nuggets like their momma did...

Sweet earthy strawberry smell with a touch of pine... Rock hard nuggets and tastes like strawberry pinecone. She was a little on the OG side of the spectrum and the potency is out of this world. Still have about a qp worth of bud to search through and hopefully find a few more beans. She ALWAYS pleases!

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I will get some pics up in a few of the Crumbled Lime from Karma I also lost her, as I did EVERYTHING else. I also found a few seeds in these buds too and hoping for some keepers!

Beautiful buds indeed. :thank you:


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Here is a little update...

Of what's going on down in the hole. I have several seeds popped, more than I had intended that's for sure. Also, I ended up receiving 5 total clones of Cinderella 99 and they are already pretty far along in veg. The first go around I recieved 2, I screwed up sticking them in 3 gallon bags because I now want them in 5... Oh well, I will give the roots time to settle in for a week or so and then transplant over to 5 gal. The other 3 are in 5 gallon smart pots. Soil is just recycled promix from past seasons guerilla transplants charged with epsoma tomato tone. They seem to be liking it so far.

You can see in the photos, the first 2 c99's I recieved are already greening up quickly and starting to shoot out a bit of new growth. The other 3 in the smartpots are still getting "adjusted". I gave them a light foliar feeding tonight of micros and a bit of organic N-P-K to give them a little boost since the roots are kinda still stalled atm. But they will bounce on to the move quickly, just as the first 2 did. I only received them a few days apart. These clones being as far along as they are, is gonna give me a hell of a headstart into the flowering zone and I cant be thankful enough for the man that helped me... You know who you are! :tiphat:

Got the seedlings vegging 24/0 under floros and the Cindy's are chilling 24/0 beneath 800 watts of HPS.
I cant wait to see what I can do with this run...Like I said previously in my thread, with the seed plants I am after a short veg, larger number of plants and gonna be doing some pheno hunting. I hope to occupy at least 3 lights at flip time. I will likely run the seed plants in 3 gal/promix sorta sog style... Have to keep in mind that half or so of those will be culled due to males. I am not currently searching nor looking for any males atm unless something really really stands out about one and grabs my attention!

Here's a few snaps I got this morning...







⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽



Here is a crumbled lime and a few banner 2.0 bagseed...




More seedlings... They are all very healthy and I had an astounding 100% germination rate! This is not all of them.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
This should be an interesting little trip. Think I'll hitch a ride. :lurk:

Go head and hop on in, your riding shotgun! Lol.. thanks for stopping by my friend. Hope you enjoy the show, the gravity here on the moon is fairly low so buckle up ;)!!!!