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Matisyahu-Anyone Ever Heard of Him?

I Used To Grow

Active member
This guy is pretty unique...it's like reggae and hip hop..pretty interesting stuff for sure.

King Without A Crown is a good song..I let my friend listen to it through my speakers just now and he thought it was good.


Cannabrex Formulator
If you like Hasidic Ashkenazi Reggae-Hiphop, he's pretty good, I guess......



Cannabrex Formulator
I know folks who have....it is kinda fun, hanging and blazing with a crowd of Hasids....


One good song. His message and beats are tired and old. Unique does not equal interesting; he is proof.

Just my opinion.
I enjoy his music and he is a pretty interesting person as well.
He doesnt smoke anymore tho, because of his faith that he has found.
When growing up he use to be a hippie and grew dreadlocks.


damn it sucks that its taken aol music to get matisyahu known... heh
he's a damn good preformer, and hes got some quality music imo


FormerOGer said:
One good song. His message and beats are tired and old. Unique does not equal interesting; he is proof.

Just my opinion.

Damn dude, you're always hating. Where's the love?

He is a religious singer. Yes, his songs are going to be about his God. Oh well. he is good, you gotta give him that.

e Tarded

New member
I haven't heard any of his songs except King without a crown, which is pretty good. I like his voice and his rhythm. Anyone know some of his other good songs?


I actaully saw this guy before he got all big...kind of a weird story actaully.

Last year I was attending college and walking to class. Well I see this Jewish guys standing in the middle of campus (dressed like in the pic). Thought it was a little strange but I walked by him and he and the guys he was with were hyping up his show around the campus. Heres the weird part, he gave me an apple on a stick for some reason and a little piece of paper with his website on it. I threw them both away (for all I knew that weirdo coulda poised that apple and I'm not so into reggae. A couple months later I start seeing him on MTV U (mtv for univeristies), then hearing him on the radio, then a little later seeing him all over mtv. Looks like I shoulda payed attention to this strange guy because I actaully like that one song he has.

Not to mention I coulda had him autograph my yamica (sp? I'm not jewish nor own a yamica) :joint:.


Ska is what it sounds like to me,,,, Matisyahu has good messages in his music,,,, i am not jewish but really enjoy Matisyahu...

I Used To Grow

Active member
My friend just sent me all of his albums through Bulletproof...I'm gonna listen to him and blaze a bowl after I listen to some more KoRn.


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
... its ok........ a bit boring really ... king without a crown is really good ... but it is just copying other styles... Weird mix of influence....


He is a poser. I cant stand that he talks down the mighty herb. He needs to let the true Rastas sing praises...I suppose that is what he is trying to do..LoL
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New member
This guy is a total 19 y/o DMB parking lot-graduated , collegiate prep pharce. If he wasnt a jew (and he only CONVERTED to judaism about two years ago) the guy would definatly NOT be famous. There is so much good reggae out there and they promote this asshole. Just shows you how tastless Americans are to good reggae.

There is a reason the top selling reggae album in America is SNOWS INFORMER !

Makes me sick to see the unoriginal and people eating it up.
Listen to good reggae people and for christ sake stay the fuck away from MTV.
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Damn lots of mixed feelings about the wannabe jewish dude. :biglaugh: You know what who cares what he believes. When he paints the scene for you its art. Close your eyes and be there. His studio stuff is lacking but see him live and I know you will change your tune. If you still have seen him live and dont like then dont listen. Live at Stubbs is the album to get. He just doesnt have the energy in the studio. Oh yea and his guitar player sucks. :biglaughs:

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