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Master A& B questions

So I decided to grow again this time going with a 20 gallon DWC setup under a 400 watter in a 3x3x6'5 tent scrog'd out.

I had some extra cash to spend so I got the Master A & B line.
currently I am just hitting the mother plants with 6.4 ph 500 ppm master a & b solution (didn't want to burn them). They are in soil and soon one will be re-potted and the other hopefully transplanted successfully to dwc. ANYWAYS
here is a nute regiment list for A & B from these maker for a 9 week bloom schedule

My questions are;

ppm during stages needed (I am wary about the 500 ppm needed from the 1st week of growth) What would anyone with experience suggest? I have read up and I understand what I should be at, but seriously nothing beats the advice of someone with hands of experience, you know what I am sayin?

2ndly anything I should watch out for? Burn, deficiency and such.

finally is this list going to kill my plants if I follow it, or will they live and go on to fulfill their destiny (too end up in my gal and mine's lungs and stomachs :) )


New member
ive used master a & b in coco for 3 runs...its a good (tho pricey) nutrient line, but there are 5+ additives u gotta use with the a & b..
roots, flavorful, humic, seamag, honey, enzmyes, ginormous...
being a newb, i did follow their dosing chart....and my ppms matched their chart...and the ec was well over 2.5 in peak flower!
i think one time i measured the ec (i have the bluelab combo) and it was 2.8

my strain is a dank, heavy feeder, & handled it well..but i just switched to the less is more method, never going over 2.0ec and my girls look exactly as dank, and id say more girth and stronger stem & root system in early veg...will know how my yield has been affected very soon :)

im switched to CNS-17 for coco with minimal additivies: sweet & floralicious (once or twice a week) and waaaaaay less enzyme dosing, gosh i spent a lot of money on PROZYME & HGROZYME

also with A & B/High Dosing i always had the clawing and dark green fans...their newest feeding regimen added Verde to the first two weeks of flower...they did not need that! claw claw claw
i was just over-doing it...

to be fair, i would use this line again, just use way less of the A & B..then what is "recommended"...watching the ec closely
since i think that its a well-made product

i was really impressed with my roots after two weeks veg with cns-17...never seen my girlz look like that..and a one part nute is like a vacation after you've been mixing 6-10 things everytime u
yeah I was looking for an alternative to their Humboldt roots. I am not going to pay $100+ for that stuff even as great as the hydro store guy says. Granted I am buying this line based on a few friends advice who say it works great. Then again I have gotten great results from pure blend pro line of nutes. soo.....

I will definitely post my results using these nutes in a dwc system. So far only one of my buddies has done a hydroponic grow with the master line.

I am definitely in tune with the less is better in this case. I haven't done a decent grow on my own in years so I feel I am newb again with cliff notes (in my brain).


Where am I?
Humbold nutes are great IMO. I use sensi 2 part as well. Amongst other things. But I understand it might be a little pricey because of the 2 part but there are a ton of things out there you could use to do the same. It's whatever works for you really
I feel like it's all preference also. Whether Itd be price range etc. Obviously sometimes you pay for what you get. Sometimes it's not the case. But the master ab is a good buy check out an sensi ab if u want