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MASSIVE Trouble In Bat Country....

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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
"I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits - and millions of Americans agree with me."

Hunter S Thompson

I really like the way this guy thinks, seriously of all fruits he says grapefruit. Classic! :biggrin:

jack Haze

Yeah. 9 g's was a good rough average. I had just started with the SOG a few months back and it was a work in progress. I had just figured the ideal height at finish and working on new strains when this happed.

The best I ever did was 26 grams off a White Rhino x AK47 cross. That would've been the ultimate strain for what I was doing. Luckily, all strains were saved and something may start at a later time.

jack Haze

I really like the way this guy thinks, seriously of all fruits he says grapefruit. Classic! :biggrin:

Dude! Read his books. Watch the documentaries. Anything on Youtube. One of the most brilliant minds I've had the pleasure of reading.

The Proud Highway will split your mind by the time you finish reading it...


since i have already learned to keep my mouth shut and not grow with a partner, what i will take from this thread is...

i need to start reading some of Thompson's books


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Si Senor he is a good friend in spirit, I love HST dude is a legend round these parts :canabis:
I've never even done a full flower cycle indoor (yet), I use the sun. So, don't read that as being snobby or anything. I'm just baked and figured 2 litres under decent lighting should be producing at least half a Z.


real lucky, good story and thanks for sharing.
relationships with grows in the mix are always hard.. you'll find your sweetie, keep looking :)

jack Haze

damn you are real lucky they didnt blurp you doing the getaway....yea im starting to realize that i can never have females at my house anymore. thats why cheap hotels were made....

Now that I have at least a bit of clarity in my thinking and the electricity has quit shooting from my fingertips/nerve endings...My lil' ''Evacuation Plan'' was off-the-chain insanity.

This popped up. I knew they were driving through my neighborhood, both marked and unmarked. I live 1 empty lot away from a National Guard Armory. My neighbors were already wondering. I had no idea who was watching or from which vantage point. I had no time to get the proper boxes/tubs or anything else I could find to throw stuff in. We staged everything in a common foyer to load and I had no idea who would show up and why and it was just barely dark.

I downed about 10 shots of Crown in one swig, grabbed a couple boxes and ran for my life. We made about 10 such trips, got everything loaded and took off with my hanging off the back of a step van, shutting the door as we pulled away.

We got to our destination and my buddies are more terrified than I. They explain that once we got out of my neihborhood and on the main rd. A cop pulled behind us and followed a couple miles before turning off.

Half the plants were Afghani 1. Anyone who's ever grown Afghani, knows exactly how pungent it is. As we loaded, my entire block smelled like a Ganja farm. I imagine we left a trail through 2 cities that likely smelled the same.

My life is still reeling but at this point. I can't imagine catching any charges which is the important thing.

I learned enough in the past year to write 10 books on this. I assure you, nobody here will ever read another of my postings involving this sort of thing.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
You are growing 350-400 pot plants in an upstairs apartment, for which you are behind on the rent? Your psychotic exGF lives immediately below you and your landlord has a key? You manage to get 300 plants out of your apartment, down the stairs, staged to load, onto a common foyer, in the open, into a truck, drive away only to have a cop "tail" you for a a couple miles and turn off ?
(Sheriff knocks 1/14/2010)

With all your neighbors watching, cops cruising the neighborhood, next door to the NGA, you got at least 2 other people involved to risk felony charges for moving your shit?

The And you honestly think that 48 hours later you are in the clear? (Posted thread 01-16-2011, 09:14 PM)

Man I'm not calling you a liar or a complete fukkin idiot here on the forums...

I don't believe a word of your entire drama and I still contend that you should stay away from weed and every aspect of it. I also firmly believe that you are a danger to yourself and everybody around you.

You have some serious handicaps that jeopardize the health and welfare of everybody who comes in contact with you.

If even a portion of your story is true? You seriously need to step way back and analyze your life and future. Because if you don't make some major modifications you won't remain a free man for very long. Or a live one either.


Anyone else think it's time for a busted sub-forum? There are so many similar stories I feel like people could benefit from seeing just how often lunatic women (and other security risks) screw growers over.


I learned enough in the past year to write 10 books on this. I assure you, nobody here will ever read another of my postings involving this sort of thing.

One year under your belt and you know enough to write ten books? Ive been doing indoor going on 12 years and feel like I still know very little, and I know people that have been doing both indoor and outdoor for longer than that and they still feel like they know very little.

Sorry, but I just don't buy any of this. Its either a complete fabrication or a fabrication with a little truth to it to make it sound better.

I wasnt going to call this post out, but it just goes on and on and is just obviously BS.


Active member
Geesh.... yummybud.... His fucking threads are like nails down a fucking chalk board...
And this thread is yummybud-esque.
Like the boys have pointed out,there are way too many inconsistencies in what the OP (original poster) has written to not call this exactly what it looks to be: Bullshit.
<<Either that or yummybud has a bastard,moron twin who actually grows weed!!>> :D :D

Let me make this Crystal-Clear:

A 12' x 15' room has,at maximum,180 ft2,and that's not necessarily usable space.
Fact: 350-400 2L bottles simply would not fit,and even if they did,you could not possibly adequately light them in an apartment bedroom that has only a single 20a circuit.
(In fact,you most likely couldn't adequately light a 12' x 15' growroom using 600w/1000w lights if using an entire 2BR apartment's circuits!)

I could go on,but I have better things to do.


****If one was a really,really lonely,bored,"Paul Blart" rent-a-cop,you know,one of those pathetic, neo-conservative wankers with pictures of Bush and Blair (and Lady Di!) :D on their living room walls,yeah,that type of asshat,one might overdose on MillerLight and write drivel like this,on a bad day.
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