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Oh, and if you don't mind oh sensei.... (sorry for bad spelling and PUNCTUATION)

Anything in particular you or others, would name- that would assist someone who wanted to get a handle, on things more visual.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Forgive the shorter post (sure welcome by some :smoke:)....I was actually thinking about wrapping this up for various reasons but not quite ready as wanted to add some very significant things before doing so....

Into to the above?.......well, I say all the time in life, and have shared here....my greatest moment of joy I can name in the field off the top of my head was in the pouring rain in a t shirt, covered with mud and blood......a sense of peace and satisfaction I wish all could feel at least once in lives...(outside of this group......)

"Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day in your life"

I will be neck deep shortly again in the game......and am thrilled to "be back" myself...know the feeling......but in my specific situations....some lifestyle and career aspects that makes me smile every day when I wake up :smoke:....

AF bulk a great subject actually....
Personally, I think the producers are shortsighted, and shooting themselves in the foot with current marketing and pricing. Pricing crossing the line into making little financial sense, (for bulk purchasing) and as a result, you have everyone making their own stock....ie: Instead of many purchasing $1,000 to $5,000 at a time....we'll buy $500 at most, and won't again cause will just have produced $500,000 in stock in 90 days that will last a season (some into future seasons....) Which would be my suggestion of course to anyone.....Their only value is early....later one could go with bulk fem from various sources for cheaper for same volume, so.....

If was reasonable price points, I'd love to do bulk....(I actually made inquiries some time ago into bulk purchases, and was met by accusations I wanted to steal the genetics, make crosses and sell the stock. I guess lucky for everyone that exchange didn't take place in person :smoke:)

Hmmm.....I guess I left customer service out of the above flaws in current business strategies :smoke:.....

A lot of most covered...(including power line areas)...

I was talking to someone yesterday (here) and the topic turned to this and sister thread is approaching 3 years.....

I don't know about anyone else....but for me?....Yesterday is a distant memory.....and I spend every waking moment trying to be twice the man I am/was tomorrow.....(Likewise.....I'm so far from who I was even a month ago, it's not even funny........)

A lesson to the young un's :smoke:....The sooner you realize this, the better....no one knows everything today....no one is finished growing :)biglaugh: funny pun) today.....Not when your 20...not when your 30...not when your 40...and hopefully not even when 50,60...Embrace the journey as such...you will find if you do?.....You will grow :)biglaugh: that much more...(and that much faster :smoke:)........and in understanding that.....actually makes time go faster/or patience easier and everything that much more fun :smoke:....

I myself have in many aspects become the eager student lately......and I'm good with that....absolutely....(I'll be that much smarter, better, more effective tomorrow :smoke:)

"Watch, listen and learn. You can't know it all yourself.Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity." Donald Trump

My own amusing quote of the month:
"Medical? Production is the easy part, it's the fuckin law degree that's hard" :biglaugh: :smoke:

(In the course of looking for certain things, at certain points...I have gone back.....and most actually I stand by this much later......others have changed around us (such as securing properties and such).....others remain exactly the same....(Business's, minis, environments, etc.....), and, in doing so and discussing, have identified many areas left out and worthy of being addressed.....(Things during the course of that time I have experienced....we learn more every day......and while I might in many cases execute the exact same way, the overview and exit strategy might differ :smoke:)

In future hope to bring quite a bit more across all areas (in's, outs, 100% compliant in's and outs, a lot of other business commentary, properties also (none touched on because in process during course of this.....and dying to get to how I got out of last funk......think many people could gain quite a bit and possibly be able to do some great things.....(Also how I structured investments/loans....which amused most who know)

(Granted.....the above was a work in progress for quite a while with many revisions along the way....again something which could be explored in depth and I think many could draw something from...(The revisions, the changes in approach, the changes in the pitches, investor responses and arrangements,and so on......I find it more interesting and revising daily.....Not even close to being where I want to, but, with what I realize and understand daily......feel more certain that getting where I want overall now?.....Just a matter of time (dare I say nothing can stop it.....just a matter of time.....lot also related to "closing" the deal.....and again, the process to get there and how to vary approach depending on investor and their resources and mindsets...(literally, 1,000 ways to approach and structure to meet almost anyones preferences and comfort levels.....)

What does the above mean in case that escaped anyone? :smoke:

Imagine being able to secure funding to start anything you want, anytime, anywhere, without a penny out of your pocket, make investor extremely happy, and pull satisfactory profit in the process? :smoke:

Just waiting for some last things to drop , and everything to fall into place before wrapping it up.....so...bear with me....many things will start to settle down within next couple weeks (as I knock on desk of course :biglaugh:)

"I've failed over and over and over in my life, and that is why I succeed"
Michael Jordan

Was discussing with someone the periodic conflict....the trolls.....even recently above more silliness, and, came out to basically one conclusion: 3 years of someones life?.....Well...I don't know about anyone else, but, I'm completely in.....(Unfortunately.....no one has really shared the same, so...:smoke:...guess I'll just have to wait until someone does :smoke:....)

My greatest reward is simply if one has made an extra dollar, saved an extra hour, or so on due to something shared...(see sig quote :smoke:)


As such....maybe it's time to wrap this up as "Chapter I".....

Will close it out shortly and will have a MCOG Chapter II to follow....(Which should delve much, much deeper into many (fun) details.... :smoke:)
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New member
Just finished reading through the thread. Reading on and off at my pace, it took about 2 months from start to finish.

Before you close this up Julian, I have to say thank you. Thank you for just taking the time out of your life to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with all of us. I can assure you that I am not the same person after having read through everything. Or rather I am the same person, just with radically changed thought processes. The way that I think, plan, and execute things has been forever changed. Thank you.

You mention the "ferocity" quite a lot. I'll admit I had little to no idea what exactly ya meant at first, but I think I feel it creeping up and settling within me.

Anyway, been a pleasure reading through this thread. Can't wait for the next one. Stay safe bro. :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
thunderpig said:
Just finished reading through the thread. Reading on and off at my pace, it took about 2 months from start to finish.

Before you close this up Julian, I have to say thank you. Thank you for just taking the time out of your life to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with all of us. I can assure you that I am not the same person after having read through everything. Or rather I am the same person, just with radically changed thought processes. The way that I think, plan, and execute things has been forever changed. Thank you.
Your quite welcome......as always...the pleasure is truly mine...(sincerely, not the pleasantry which most offer day to day)...

Of course.....none of us (hopefully) are the same day to day....(I know :smoke:, the same but different, etc)......and hopefully all evolved into something better (for us)....but it's hard work I think for anyone, everyone.....

Rewards are nice though :smoke:.....

Glad of interest, some benefit....and of value.....

Of course....I share that thanks with everyone else who participated...

(I gotta get to below :smoke:....)
You mention the "ferocity" quite a lot. I'll admit I had little to no idea what exactly ya meant at first, but I think I feel it creeping up and settling within me.
Sounds about right :smoke: :biglaugh:....

Only going to get stronger as time goes on, and as the situations which create will inevitably do :smoke:

If you "think" you feel it?.....

Then you are........and I'll be the first to congratulate.....

Why? :smoke:

Because you will get done whatever you wish.:smoke:
Anyway, been a pleasure reading through this thread. Can't wait for the next one. Stay safe bro. :smoke:
Thanks.....you too, and, really.....pleasure mine......I learned as much as anyone, and a lot about myself also, etc. Even if sometimes just "thinking out loud"....always some benefit here (to me).....(I always literally laugh to myself at the trolls and such...so much being accomplished, realized, understood, gained.....in many cases forever....yet missing it all and they consider themselves the "smart" ones :biglaugh:)

Fuckin people :biglaugh: Ya gotta love it.....:biglaugh:

Thanks again.....seriously.......I'm really looking forward to the next one....and going to take it in a lot of interesting directions......definitely.....(3 years more experience...profits, wealth made and lost, hardships, and so on...)

But in the end :smoke:.....the real "truth"?
We all....know..nothing....:smoke:

Best starting point :smoke:...sooner ones realizes it, the sooner they can start learning something....:smoke:

Myself never excluded from the lessons needed to be truly wise....:smoke:

May we all be one day. :smoke:


Saw this posted elsewhere and had already seen it previously, but, thought worth posting....

An appropriate story relating to everything mentioned, and, one can play around with site and entry to site and access and read Federal search warrant. (40 pages). If one has read through this thread and other, one will find almost every one of his "mistakes" leading to his downfall discussed....

I think would be extremely interesting for anyone who doesn't see how pieces all come together :smoke:

Just in case anyone follows that and has difficulties, the affidavit can now be found HERE It is a priceless read, thanks J.

Also, this has me scratching my head, find it kinda funny, wonder if he knew the appraiser.......

The log cabin and encompasing 39.07 acres was appraised for $420,000

Up to page 47 and loving every minute of it, can't get enough, entire attitude has changed for me, big things coming.


julian said:
I don't know about anyone else....but for me?....Yesterday is a distant memory.....and I spend every waking moment trying to be twice the man I am/was tomorrow.....(Likewise.....I'm so far from who I was even a month ago, it's not even funny........)

A lesson to the young un's ....The sooner you realize this, the better....no one knows everything today....no one is finished growing ( funny pun) today.....Not when your 20...not when your 30...not when your 40...and hopefully not even when 50,60...Embrace the journey as such...you will find if you do?.....You will grow ( that much more...(and that much faster )........and in understanding that.....actually makes time go faster/or patience easier and everything that much more fun ....

I'm glad you said so. I was recently writing a friend, and mentioned that I was feeling change every day, didn't mention learning, but something like, growing and seeing things differently every day. Since writing it, I realized, that's something I've been saying for the last 5 years or so, to family and friends sometimes, and even though it feels like eruption is imminent, I think it's more important to be on that always changing path. To recognize new things and to feel stronger and more sure of life, each and every day, THAT is plenty to be appreciated on it's own, let the eruption come as it may, stay on the always changing path, and enjoy the weather.

On success or the lack of...

A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions- as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him are answers above all. - Nietzsche

Just wanted to add, as something on my mind. Been getting my walks in here and there, more and more. Got stock in veg and stock en route, so, ever closer. And the opportunities are 'kinda nuts', but I'll save mention for a little hind sight.

With renewed vigor, I'm looking forward to an inviting season. Only I can stop me. and the always waiting ironic x factor, knock wood But it's the I that must be overcome.


Active member
Can you give some pointers on finding a safehouse?. ... i cant trust using my name, how do i ask someone to use their house for weed? .. I dont feel comfortable asking someone to take my risk either...


Hey Julian, just wanted to stop by and give thanks for the thread and how much it is truly appreciated. Totally changed my mindset, halfway through reading it twice. Wish i could work with ya day to day and have someone really challenge me. Pipe dreams:smoke: right. Here's to a prosperous and safe spring my friend. Btw how are things with the trades going?


What's up bro thanks for that note. Honestly it just gets me because I want to chop it up with cats like me who are doing it...If you back read that kids posts he wants to guerilla grow all season and camp out for a whole 1.5 #! ! That doesn't even pay for the soil for my planters..let alone the perlite and amendments..

I'm blessed to be doing it in my yard so I can tend them all the time...I'm going to auto water this year..last year I used a pump and spray wand on 50 3' diameter holes that were planted july 1..got a pound each...it sucked watering! this year I want to do minimum 42 ideally 72 6' holes so I need to irrigate!

I'm thinking about 4 of these http://www.dripworksusa.com/store/sprayer.php PN # MSGR300 , 360* emitter 13.8gph @15psi , per plant..My buddy who does 6' beds was telling me he used 50-60 gallons to drench his and when the weather was hot hit them with 15-25 gallons to keep the soil from drying out excessively and causing the EC to spike. 42 beds with 4 of those emitters per bed works out to 2400 GPH , wondering if one of those ECOPlus 2400 GPH pumps will have enough pressure to do the job or if I need something more industrial..


Active member
42 beds with 4 of those emitters per bed works out to 2400 GPH , wondering if one of those ECOPlus 2400 GPH pumps will have enough pressure to do the job or if I need something more industrial..

in my experience, those eco plus mag drive pumps are worthless for pushing the kind of water you are talking about... i would get a 3/4 (at least) HP sump or utility pump.

granted, my experience is one of handwatering 18 plants in 65's and 18 in 200's. i bumped my pump size several times, ending with a 3/4HP because i wanted the hanmdwatering sessions to be done in a matter of an hour or so... if you are watering in over the course of the day maybe such a pump as you mentioned would do the trick.

I am thinking about an irrigation system for this year too... not quite ready to dedicate brainspace to it...soon come.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hey guys.....(people )....Hope all is well....know a lot in planning, beginning.....and you know silence from me means working on something :smoke:......

Didn't forget, ignore....but getting very close to a lot of things.....so......very close.....

Haven't really had anything to add either, and been wanting to and will wrap this up, and, now?...even more so.....

Not even the same person I was yesterday, let alone a week ago, or month ago, etc.....

GroBoy2000 said:
I'm glad you said so. I was recently writing a friend, and mentioned that I was feeling change every day, didn't mention learning, but something like, growing and seeing things differently every day. Since writing it, I realized, that's something I've been saying for the last 5 years or so, to family and friends sometimes, and even though it feels like eruption is imminent, I think it's more important to be on that always changing path. To recognize new things and to feel stronger and more sure of life, each and every day, THAT is plenty to be appreciated on it's own, let the eruption come as it may, stay on the always changing path, and enjoy the weather.

On success or the lack of...
A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions- as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him are answers above all. - Nietzsche

Just wanted to add, as something on my mind. Been getting my walks in here and there, more and more. Got stock in veg and stock en route, so, ever closer. And the opportunities are 'kinda nuts', but I'll save mention for a little hind sight.

With renewed vigor, I'm looking forward to an inviting season. Only I can stop me. and the always waiting ironic x factor, knock wood But it's the I that must be overcome.
Well......I believe walking, running, etc.........I believe it to be essential to ones mental health.....creativity...inner peace, etc.....(that are driving are really almost the only time I get my quiet moments, so.....and accordingly?...really?...I mean, those are the times when I really get to reflect on everything.....and a lot of new things and solutions and ideas and such come to me.....

Regarding any and everything else?
Lot of talk about viewpoints, ones evolution....changes.....and on and on?

The final is to adopt, and put in to practice as part of ones daily life today. (I know....it's hard......I face that every day, more now than ever)....but once done?.....life becomes something a little different :smoke:

Was just talking to someone about something I've been doing lately (I think funny :smoke:)

Someone/couple people were fucking with me about something basically "yesterday"....

So....I greeted them with " How you doin yesterday"....:biglaugh:

They said "what?....yesterday......what do you mean".....(people are never as quick as they think they are :smoke:)

So I said.."Yesterday...How are you yesterday"......(I had to eventually explain.....:biglaugh:)

Then it came back "Well........I dunno....that was yesterday"...

My reply was then along the lines of:
"Aha!...Exactly.......I live a life where what I am and who and what I do today is the only important thing......where tomorrow?....I wonder what dream will be coming true next...so what makes you think that I think about, care, or even remember yesterday?..."

I left them, btw, with "Oh...and btw...have a good last night" :biglaugh:


Contemplation...realization.....anything positive is a good thing.....but...in the end?.....they most significant is putting all into practice and actually changing day to day, etc......

HOVAH2.0 said:
Can you give some pointers on finding a safehouse?. ... i cant trust using my name, how do i ask someone to use their house for weed? .. I dont feel comfortable asking someone to take my risk either...
How does one answer something which one cannot? :smoke:....

Easy: With all such matters.....properties, money, business's: You work your way backwards from the end.

(As much earlier in thread....You become the investigator....you start at the end, and you work your way back to see if you can trace if back to the beginning :smoke:...)

The "answer"?.......is when you, in that role, hit the "dead end" :smoke:....

swicker said:
Hey Julian, just wanted to stop by and give thanks for the thread and how much it is truly appreciated. Totally changed my mindset, halfway through reading it twice. Wish i could work with ya day to day and have someone really challenge me. Pipe dreams:smoke: right. Here's to a prosperous and safe spring my friend. Btw how are things with the trades going?
Quite welcome and very kind of you to say.....changed me too :smoke:....

No trading lately....will pick up again soon (love it, miss it.....but 09' was an amazing year.....truly....800%-1,200% returns.......which I wasn't in on and could have fixed everything.......another aspect of changes, learning, growth.......I pulled back.....I didn't trust my instincts......and I missed out on the very same above....(remember thinking about throwing every single penny I had into AMD when it was around $2....10 months later hit around $10....(If margined heavy, and flipping everything back in?....total could have came out to near 2,000% in 10 months........fuckin shame....coulda woulda shoulda....live and learn....but a little different for me.....enough experience to know should have followed instincts....again, goes back to the whack I took affecting everything...confidence levels, etc.....

Won't happen again......so far from who I was 12 months ago.....might as well been 12 years ago.....:smoke:)

I wish I could say "Howdy neighbors" :biglaugh:.....but not quite yet :smoke:.........not quite......:smoke:....(but gettin there...)

planty said:
What's up bro thanks for that note. Honestly it just gets me because I want to chop it up with cats like me who are doing it...If you back read that kids posts he wants to guerilla grow all season and camp out for a whole 1.5 #! ! That doesn't even pay for the soil for my planters..let alone the perlite and amendments..
No problem man....no problem. I'm going trees, so....have been on it for couple years, but last couple months, even more so, as coming to execution shortly, so....and, my thanks to all who do, and have.....I've drawn more than anyone could imagine from it....and wouldn't think twice humbling myself saying without all you guys....probably won't/wouldn't be as smooth as it will :smoke:....

(You know...one of those things....either you add something or value to topic and conversation, or STFU and listen :smoke:)

I got you on supplies.....last budget/order list I did came out to somewhere around...like.... 125,000lbs :biglaugh:.....(and that was just for a single op :biglaugh:)
I'm blessed to be doing it in my yard so I can tend them all the time...I'm going to auto water this year..last year I used a pump and spray wand on 50 3' diameter holes that were planted july 1..got a pound each...it sucked watering! this year I want to do minimum 42 ideally 72 6' holes so I need to irrigate!

I'm thinking about 4 of these http://www.dripworksusa.com/store/sprayer.php PN # MSGR300 , 360* emitter 13.8gph @15psi , per plant..My buddy who does 6' beds was telling me he used 50-60 gallons to drench his and when the weather was hot hit them with 15-25 gallons to keep the soil from drying out excessively and causing the EC to spike. 42 beds with 4 of those emitters per bed works out to 2400 GPH , wondering if one of those ECOPlus 2400 GPH pumps will have enough pressure to do the job or if I need something more industrial..

nomaad said:
in my experience, those eco plus mag drive pumps are worthless for pushing the kind of water you are talking about... i would get a 3/4 (at least) HP sump or utility pump.

granted, my experience is one of handwatering 18 plants in 65's and 18 in 200's. i bumped my pump size several times, ending with a 3/4HP because i wanted the hanmdwatering sessions to be done in a matter of an hour or so... if you are watering in over the course of the day maybe such a pump as you mentioned would do the trick.

I am thinking about an irrigation system for this year too... not quite ready to dedicate brainspace to it...soon come.
Same thanks above for you too man.....absolutely.....

Certainly appears I will be going irrigated trees from now on......but not at that phase yet, so..(layout, purchase, installation, etc....)...I'm just following, listening, etc, and when comes time, will also defer to others for opinions and solutions on how to set up and equipment, layouts and such.....(and in the process, following others comments, helps to speed up the math for me on certain things.....)

Getting really close to completion of a move (per se) and efforts, so.....really not much to say lately....:smoke:...just working it all out, on it....

Hope all are well.....think 10' going to be a different ballgame for many (for the better)......and my best wishes for all.....think going to be a better one weather wise also...have that "feeling".....(overall)...haven't in at least 2 years......

Going to be wrapping this one up soon.....not even close to the same guy......(and much, much happier as this one :smoke:)....


Something struck me a few minutes ago while running some research on a possible site. Completely forgot about this, should be helpful for those trying to find sites (Can maybe help them find sites but more importantly can provide semi-legit reason for being at sites)

There is a website out there for people who are "into" abandoned buildings, old factory's, etc. People post up pic's, descriptions, history, and other useful info regarding each site (ie, oh btw it's getting demo'd in 3 months to make way for a walmart)

OK, Jules, just have to say (asides from a HUGE THANK YOU, TRULY), If you delete the thread before I finish it I'm gonna be ticked, up to pg 129 right now & still loving every minute.

Side note, just saw Homegrown for the first time thanks to this thread, awesome movie :thumbsup:


Active member
Hey Julian... just popping in to say hi. Good to see your positive outlook and focus on this next steo. Good luck, bro.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
argoagro said:
Something struck me a few minutes ago while running some research on a possible site. Completely forgot about this, should be helpful for those trying to find sites (Can maybe help them find sites but more importantly can provide semi-legit reason for being at sites)

There is a website out there for people who are "into" abandoned buildings, old factory's, etc. People post up pic's, descriptions, history, and other useful info regarding each site (ie, oh btw it's getting demo'd in 3 months to make way for a walmart)
I've actually done and had quite a bit of success with such sites, but, all depends...(some heavily trafficked....kids, bikes, and so on....but then some fenced up tight, some construction sites in limbo, and so on......)

Did an interesting one last year which would have turned out well if I put a little more work into it...round Aug had some water/drainage issues at site, and a shame......but I still laugh about the spot overall......(I did pull many from there end season....I say more work because if would have run things above ground in any way, shape or form (what I did contemplate) I think would have turned out better.......

I get a kick out of that stuff anyway......really, I do....:biglaugh: (ie: Right in front of everyone, etc).....
OK, Jules, just have to say (asides from a HUGE THANK YOU, TRULY), If you delete the thread before I finish it I'm gonna be ticked, up to pg 129 right now & still loving every minute.

Side note, just saw Homegrown for the first time thanks to this thread, awesome movie :thumbsup:
I liked HG....maybe will watch again to kill some time.....(Breaking Bad starting new season tonight also btw for anyone who likes it.....)

No problem man.....glad something of use......glad I could contribute a little something to site and people.....do my own little part, as many do.......For quite a while now in absorbing mode myself....and grateful to all myself.......

I truly believe we sit at the greatest compilation of knowledge on the subject currently in the world......

Hindu Killer said:
What strains this yr J?
Not really 100% sure yet brother.....falling behind on a lot of things but still pushing forward......very uncertain for me right now and redoing many things on a daily basis.......Going to be working with a range of options never available to me before :smoke:, so......that was unable to even dream of before.......so......(I'd really like to run every OG, every Chem, and so on.....and still getting input daily.....)

Right now facing the situation that quite possibly I can never participate in an illegal op ever again.....(hold on......had to take a deep breath and stop a tear from welling up :biglaugh:......)

Don't really know brother...I'm at a point ready to execute things yesterday.....just still waiting...(more to it than that of course :smoke:.....)....outs, in's, different places, etc...and still a lot of things to lay in place anyway, etc.......(I wouldn't be surprised if that made no sense whatsoever to some :biglaugh:).....

As such (the above).....also will (unfortunately) depend on availability of things when I begin execution.....(as with many things in process, and some of my fears.......many in my world right now don't seem to understand all these aspects......(availability, veg time, prep time, advance time, etc......)

Have the feeling (deep breath) that going to have a go ahead and everything dumped in my lap last minute and have to work it all out as fast and efficiently as I can.....and then of course if any problems, any yield issues later on, of course, then all going to be my fault :biglaugh:).........

We will see :smoke:.....

HOVAH2.0 said:
Julian the NYC market is promising, worth the risk via rhode island, you agree? 2.0
I think, at this point in time, that for any of us who have risked every waking moment of their life in the name of this game, that it makes absolutely no sense not to direct the very same energy and effort towards any and every legitimate opportunity they can.......wherever that may be.....whenever, and however...(what,where,when,how still applies :smoke:.....always......)

I will not be continuing my business's and companies in other areas, and have made a 100% concrete decision to devote all my time and energy from now on towards legitimate operations.

I look forward to one day soon being able to proudly present my card illustrating that this is my full time, legitimate profession.....my career.....:smoke:...

nomaad said:
Hey Julian... just popping in to say hi. Good to see your positive outlook and focus on this next step. Good luck, bro.
Thank you.......and the best of luck to you also on the season.....

Thank you to you and many others for your contributions....input.....assistance....support.......

I'm approaching the final.......positivity and focus all I have......so close it keeps me up days at a time.....(and actually quite a bit laid out far past initial executions for other things....) Putting in 100-200hrs. at a time.....(Feb slept 18hrs.).....

I enter that/this specific arena humbled, and honored to be a part of it....it's already beyond anything I ever dreamed.....and I wake and go through every day with a joy greater than I ever imagined was possible to experience.....

Thank you for the wishes and words....just a matter of when for me.....the "if" no longer exists, and hasn't for quite a while..... :smoke:....

Wish I could share more.......really do.....but, so many things up in the air, etc...just trying to stay quiet....:smoke:...(trying...)....and let the universe do what it will......

I wish the best to all on the upcoming season.......know many far into it....of course know the feelings and thoughts faced during this time of the year......

Positivity and focus all we have, definitely what is needed, for all of us...anywhere, anytime, any op......

My warmest regards and wishes to all......the further I get, the more I see that we are, as earlier, all a very unique breed....so far removed from the rest of the general population in many ways that only another can understand our own specific set(s) of issues....

I'm honored to have the chance to exchange with such.....and acknowledge the greatness of such a place......(It's only through such that many things possible for many of us, I'm sure.....)


Active member
Good luck to everybody this year!
I'll also be doing some trees this year - or at least I hope they will be - unknown Danish genetics but supposed to be good (Cafeparadis).

Autoflowering plants (Pehkuruder) and clones (Freja) will also go out there, as well as various breeding spots.

Last year I had terrible luck with late flower minis from seed - perhaps it was the strains or perhaps something else - but they didn't flower very well without a veg phase first, and then they got soo close that they were busy fighting for space while they should have been building buds.
I hope clones will be different.
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Mr. Stinky

Julian said:
I will not be continuing my business's and companies in other areas, and have made a 100% concrete decision to devote all my time and energy from now on towards legitimate operations.

I look forward to one day soon being able to proudly present my card illustrating that this is my full time, legitimate profession.....my career.....:smoke:...

haha funny how we can be so far apart, but walk the same path.:tiphat: glad to hear your keepin yourself off the block, and getting in the legal game. i might even have you beat this time buddy! it will be a sweet day when i can cut ties with all illegal activity, and just do my thing on a salary. that day is just around the corner:yay:

this thread needs pics!!
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