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Active member
luck is on their side if no ones spotted this far along, DONT BADMOUTH UM.
its a habit thats become addictive to the site. i think its their own self doubt that bubbles up.

i hope they harvest every single leaf! FUCK DEA.


Tropical Outcast
luck is on their side if no ones spotted this far along, DONT BADMOUTH UM.
its a habit thats become addictive to the site. i think its their own self doubt that bubbles up.

i hope they harvest every single leaf! FUCK DEA.

How about adhering to not doing so yourself!? :violin:

A page or two back I am trying to help you by making a reasonable suggestion about how and where to place a seed order and all you are doing is making a silly and immature reply to that...

Way to go buddy! :rolleyes:


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
High all! :wave:

I have some sick spots this season. Planning on 100 plants. This would be double last season.

I have a big patch of blackberry to work with and a nice secluded area with very clay soil.


Would you recommend 1 large raised bed with plants all evenly spaced out and sharing same root space or say 10 x 100 litre holes? I dont have access to an auger and already broke my pick and spade!

I am thinking just one large bed would be easier to dig and fill...?

I also want to cut a nice path and patch into the blackberries. Going to go with some containers there. Should i go lots of smaller containers or a few very large ones? I was thinking plastic milk crates wrapped in weed cloth or summit. I also have some maybe 500 litre cloth bags for filling with garden scraps, leafs etc. Thought i could do like a mini Tom Hill style.

Anyway sorry if this has already been discussed but i have looked!

My area should get decent rainfall so should i still use the water crystals? Do you have a ratio per gallon of medium in a container? Thinking also of making all containers Hempy style...




Tropical Outcast
didnt mean to hurt ur feelings

You didn't.

Keep in mind you are the one with a problem, not me.

For someone claiming to be homeless you seem to be having fairly frequent Internet access though...

Maybe you should spend the 2K you have left on a place to live, get a job at McD and take it from there...instead of investing in a volatile and risky business such as planting MJ especially now with winter approaching...


Tropical Outcast

SilverSurfer_OG no offense here :) but since you had to ask the type of questions you did maybe you should re-consider a 100 plant grow...there are a few BIG basic "no no's" in your questions and there is a LOT more to add to what you were asking about - all depending on your individual sitation which none of us know about.

Stay safe man - it's all about your freedom (and not greed)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Fuck is with all the nonsense last page or two?.......I mean, "off topic" and chit chat is one thing, but, is nothing of substance?, I mean....c'mon...That's what the Den is for......I thought we were doing something here......


GrouchoAnd on and on and on and it don't stop accumulating supplies scouting spots new and old prep and more prep but let's be honest [B said:
most of us here live for this[/B]

I know I do and not much in life compares to the explosion of emotions fueling another season. The disappointment and anger of a failed attempt or costly lesson determined to return and redeem yourself to prove to yourself what you can do and will do but always better than before. The pure rush of adrenaline the mission the rewards it's in my blood. What's almost insane is knowing that even if I had "enough money" I'd still be spending my spring playing with dirt. After twenty something seasons some real good some real bad it's just what I do.

Something inside us motivates weather it's love of cannabis,money,adventure or all three and then some. Taking the good with the bad is all part of doing business with mother nature lifes a gamble win lose or draw I'll be back next round! Good luck to everyone in these final days of the season. Grouch
Highlighted........amen....and well said........

Working my way through what is....remnants.....things unsexed.......and.....I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be (maybe because I already got that out of my system...)......

What I did experience past week or so.....cutting not what I wanted to cut.....(early, unsexed, gone...etc)....was an overwhelming feeling how I miss it in general........missed it period...missed the good batches.....and how much I fuckin love it...

Anybody in knows that I prepared myself a while back for what was coming...knew it wouldn't give me what I need...cover those holes I have to fill, etc.......is what it is....will fuel quite a bit far into future.........have gained enormous amounts....(last 2 seasons......I accepted failure on my shoulders last season, as was due to others, but I took responsibility for them as they were operating under me.....but, this season?...no....I don't....and won't again......

I know what I have done, and will again......and love it...enjoy it, and will prevent such from falling under another's control again.....so...best thing I can do......looking out for myself from now on....leaving others to their own......working on the in's....and so on.....

Yeah......I didn't/don't care what I'm cutting.....just glad to be cutting.....feels so........natural :smoke: :biglaugh:.....

Feels good......can't imagine life without that feeling........:smoke:....

HOVAH2.0 said:

Well............I've hit hard times myself.........so....know the feeling...know how hard to come out of it......Never give up is the best answer, applies to anyone in any situation, but, "win"?....well....as earlier or not.....life a sporting event.....and your only in the end of the first or beginning of 2nd quarter....

Green second......if necessary?, work 2 jobs 7 days a week and tend to op after waking up or when coming home before a couple hours sleep or both...(I've been there, done that....was talking to someone this week about a period in my life when was getting checks with up to 140hrs a week on them......did that for 2 years before decided couldn't live like that and had to go back to what I knew and in different directions......)

You do what you gotta do.....knowing today is only today...and that what your working for is a different (and hopefully better) tomorrow....

Seeds?...(below, elsewhere)....I'd do bagseed if I had to, to get a round going now (and have a round going into flower by the time stock arrives....12/12 from seed will be sexing em before you know it....)....(Which will not be addressed here........for obvious reasons....)

Sorry about problems.......but keep looking and working forward and will get past them, and, in the process, make you a stronger, wiser individual......build character, experiences, etc....
Stock security?........if down to the wire?, only option to contact retail outlet of your choice and make arrangements for extra secured shipment....

Don't give up man........(me?...worse it gets, harder I work, harder I push, more fierce I get.....) Never give up.

Richard Gozinya said:
"Will build right back up, 10 times stronger, 10 times wiser, 10 times better....."

J, no doubt about it, outdoor aint workin, you set up indoor, you trade stocks, you do something is the bottom line. But I think you might be the type of person that like's the process not necessarily the rewards. The fun is the game, if you were a selfish person you would have been set, but you have helped all those around you all noble things but the problem lies in that very few help you when you need it. Hell I'd bet that very few people even ask you how you are or if you need help. Just know that there are so of us sending good vibes your way as you have offered up so much info in this thread, truly you have helped me and I hope that all turns out well for you.
Thanks......highlighter above specific things.....

Well.....again....."not workin"?.......whose fault is that?.......it's mine.......I took a extremely well oiled machine and turned it into a wreck in 24 months.....(by "trying to help" people.....) Is what it is.....and I learned my lesson..(also with helping people out, doing favors, etc......)

No ones fault but my own, and, same applies to business's....(I was slacking when I should have been, along came economic issues, and my lack of attention caught up with me......)

No one to blame but myself. I accept responsibility. It's my problem.

Fun is the game....and, as earlier...maybe all the best thing which could happen........

Last week or two entering spots which previously would have put me into a fuckin rage! biglaugh:......and......no.....not at all......I was just happy to see them, smell them, cut them........missed it, and, yeah..loved it so much, so........

And, no.......no one ever does ask actually....(But most likely because I don't display I'm not well or need help......only to select few who could help...otherwise, don't show it...like many probably........)

Really not much to say..........lot of problems not laying due to my lack of effort........and, if others didn't learn last season enough to prevent issues this season?, well....really nothing more I can do for them.........

I had/have losses this season......fairly significant....but, if everything would have been sexed?........I'd be in a much better position...(and so would they.......but I have other skill sets and income streams......so.......)

Thanks for the kind words......and my best wishes to everyone........I'll be back on track myself shortly......some in's should be coming in within next few weeks...new being set up.....starting to begin prep for next season in many spots....(fem only from now on....was a fool for even fuckin with M/F's....ie:? A task which requires responsibility and work on others parts....so....was just foolish to even try knowing that....again my fault.....if stuck with all fems would have had 10 x more last season, and this season.....so...is what it is.....I switched things up out of necessity (didn't have enormous $ for stock), and, got what follows in such a case :biglaugh:?....

Going to be working the in's more, trading, starting to work on accumulating properties (now the time to buy for future), so...........when I'll be back up again?, who knows, but, truth is, for now...I really don't care as long as comfortable........

Won't be down for too long, and, that's good enough for me. I'm resting much easier lately....

SilverSurfer_OG said:
Would you recommend 1 large raised bed with plants all evenly spaced out and sharing same root space or say 10 x 100 litre holes? I dont have access to an auger and already broke my pick and spade!

I am thinking just one large bed would be easier to dig and fill...?

I also want to cut a nice path and patch into the blackberries. Going to go with some containers there. Should i go lots of smaller containers or a few very large ones? I was thinking plastic milk crates wrapped in weed cloth or summit. I also have some maybe 500 litre cloth bags for filling with garden scraps, leafs etc. Thought i could do like a mini Tom Hill style.

Anyway sorry if this has already been discussed but i have looked!

My area should get decent rainfall so should i still use the water crystals? Do you have a ratio per gallon of medium in a container? Thinking also of making
Basically all covered, yes, but, an overview would be (the overview...)

1. Growing 101: Yield/size is in your hole. If adequate rainfall, containers would only limit you. (You mention "Tom Hill style". This "style" per say is the above, ie: yield is in your hole. Your not going to do such plants in a 5 gallon..don't know what he runs off the top of my head, but most likely 400+ gallon holes..I would think most CA tree growers running 200-600 gallons per...which leads to visibility....spacing....etc....
2. Auger: Can buy right now brand new for under $300. (Check eBay for deals, or even craigslist.....or even a rental.....)
3.I have always heard many speak of complete replacement of native soil.....

I've done clay, I did last year almost pure sand......there is almost no valid reason to not utilize a portion of native. The result is countless hours of labor, and cost reduction...

100 plants?.....do the math on saving 10 minutes and hauling 30lbs each hole.....ie: instead of hauling in 60lbs, say........and on and on......

Volume about efficiency..........be that time, labor, expenses......every minute saved, every dollar saved, every 1lb not hauled.......you multiply those factors by the numbers and start to hit a serious excess......I'm pounding that issue into peoples heads right now regarding next season....(the 2-3 people who are remaining want to run trees.....making them understand the volume of prep needed....weight required to haul...etc.....and what can be done to work that down and still reach targets.........)

Hope all are well.........hope losses minimal.......and hope that those that aren't, and those who have had more than minimal learned and drew as much as I out of the experience......

Don't let it get to you.....(this season not one of the best weather wise also....)

I'm already working and looking forward to next season......can't get here fast enough.....as many know.....and some have shared.....in the end...it's all the nature of the beast......ups, downs.....good seasons, bad ones......what matters most is what are you going to do with the experience?...it's the bad times which shape who and what we are....etc, etc


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Beautiful work.....no doubt about it....too bad no specs on it.....and guy seems to acknowledge the gift....which I like :smoke:

Been 2 seasons now for me without the volume....and money not really that high on the list in the end of what I am missing...longing for, I've found recently...(Assuming he's pulling down 300-600...I would have been happy to pocket 200 this year...:biglaugh: Kinda like the trading....I remember shooting for 25-50-100k a pop...would be happy right now pulling 1k a day...which I could be easily if my reserves not shot.....)

Beautiful work.....and, given in the open with that spacing....all the more impressive...

Quite an accomplishment.....hope he's as proud as he should be....(and hope he doesn't go the next 2 without it :biglaugh:....)


Active member
Beautiful work.....no doubt about it....too bad no specs on it.....and guy seems to acknowledge the gift....which I like :smoke:

Been 2 seasons now for me without the volume....and money not really that high on the list in the end of what I am missing...longing for, I've found recently...(Assuming he's pulling down 300-600...I would have been happy to pocket 200 this year...:biglaugh: Kinda like the trading....I remember shooting for 25-50-100k a pop...would be happy right now pulling 1k a day...which I could be easily if my reserves not shot.....)

Beautiful work.....and, given in the open with that spacing....all the more impressive...

Quite an accomplishment.....hope he's as proud as he should be....(and hope he doesn't go the next 2 without it :biglaugh:....)

Must be far north where there isn't much air traffic. Nice and early though whatever strain hes running.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well.......(getting back to title, theme,objective)...one would certainly assume so, but, not necessarily the case, and, sure he's not the only one who had such out in the open this year.......not every single square foot of the U.S and up North is covered every single year, so......(I know of several much larger that got cracked in past 2 years east of Mississippi, that were long standing ops....ie: Each and every year, many years in operation.....)

I've never felt that comfortable that in the open...unless with smaller ones, hit and runs, etc.....

My understanding is up north they've always been out in force...(just reduced penalties compared to south....and, as always, whose to say every sq. inch covered......)

A beautiful job though.....always nice to see someone reap the benefits of their time, risk, labor, expense......Think he's in for a better season than I had, so...:biglaugh:....(Numbers, volume?.....ehhh....I didn't/won't end up that bad....just a long tiring season and lot of things got pollinated due to neglect and such.......even after spots lost....wouldn't be that bad if so many things wouldn't have gotten seeded, so....I know I can never, ever rely again on others to sex....(least time consuming, most simple task entire season.......go figure :biglaugh:).....

I know this though......money is secondary........behind many other feelings and emotions which can't be explained until one has done it :smoke:....

You know.....there hasn't been too much mention, at all (rightly so, for obvious reasons...), but.......there have been some serious member losses this year.....and they still weigh heavily on my mind.....and my best wishes to them......that they're okay, will be able to overcome, recover, etc......

No one should overlook or forget that any given harvest that we reach and enjoy.....well........there are those who haven't, and won't.......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I know season really off for me (timing, temps, etc)......I'm usually wrapping up cutting right now, and, quite a bit that isn't even close to being finished yet....have had to pull a lot that's far too early (security issues...bubble only value...and then not even such a great value)... and, I have things left that by a glance....I'd say 3 fuckin weeks left...(and almost always done by now for the most part....)

(All what I get for straying from what has been tried and true for me...ie: known fem stock, etc......eliminates the sexing problems, the finishing issues, etc......so...all comes back to the problems which I've had, actually due to my straying from what I've always done and has been fine time and time again...ie:If not broke, don't fuck with it,...but of course began that straying due to reduced budget from previous seasons for the following season, etc, so.........) Not going to be running M/F again anytime soon......even if I have to go back to starting my moms in January to be ready for volume in May.....)but, of course....I couldn't have dreamed people would have been soooo fuckin incompetent...so......)

Is all what it is.....new spots.....reduced crew.....fem only....so.....hopefully next season be back to "normal".........M/F+newer crew=fucked :biglaugh:...

Simple enough equation :biglaugh:........so....hopefully...all the bullshit behind me.....(and of course, they're all whinin and cryin about their end now....and, of course.....you know...it's my fault they didn't do their job(s) :biglaugh:..Yeah.....and now I have to hear shit....:biglaugh:....)


Active member
moms with elite outdoor cuts that are more resinous and earlier then anything you would get in seed form is always good.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Which in theory, if one has access to such, and people who distribute such, would be great.

Best I can do is start with specific things readily available, grow out, sex, and clone remainder, the best of which I wouldn't know until after the fact down the road. (Unless I ran the first set of clones early in year at another spot different from initial prep, which would of course add another op and space, and then would have extra moms other than selected, which I wouldn't get rid of anyway, and use, and on and on.......:biglaugh:)

Quite a few things which are readily available in seed form which are fairly nice :smoke:

I'm good. Would prefer to stick with fem stock as per Growing 101.....I view extra lead time for moms as a loss actually (as space could be used to produce product in same amount of time for a stock run....)

I'm alright........easy to play into the negative, get distracted....one bad run bad enough....2?...unless been there can't understand :biglaugh:....confidence was shook for a while.....people didn't help...(I blow one or two, and, what?, means I'll never have a good run again?: :biglaugh:...ever?.......when 40 seasons left in me and countless in's? (starting to come in, bout 2-3 weeks from now and more going to go up in upcoming months....)

I'm pretty good now.......had a chance to process this year before it even happened....and already mentally have moved forward to next year and starting some work on it...(accumulation of supplies, and some initial prep of spots before bad weather comes in...)....plus the in's.....Biggest loss overall from last 2 years for me has been sexing issues/access issues.......(some other issues, but, those the most significant out of all....), so.....keeping males out of the mix will eliminate 70-80% of all problems right off the bat......as above...would never have dreamed of such problems with it....had I even imagined....would have saved me a lot of trouble right off the bat....


Active member
The worst part is coming back to a spot and not even being able to see your plants and there right in front of you, its probably a bit different up here but we got people that do nothing but provide clones for people and sell em instead of growing for bud indoors all year round, theirs also larger production facilities for clones, its like the tree seedling business almost except its underground.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey thanks for the overview Julian. I can buy a 52cc auger on ebay for $340 with shipping... i will look into a hire. Cant imagine the hole will be all that big but i guess you drill holes right next to each other say 3 holes per plant. The native soil is only few inches thick but yeah i plan to mix it in with coco, perlite, bio-char and some homemade compost. Plus some special goodies!

However i dont plan on digging in the roots of blackberries! Unless you think otherwise?

I am going to dig out a whole bed and see how many plants i can adequately fit. Raised bed. Will be about 3 metres by 6 metres. How many plants would you fit in such a hole? It is early spring here and will be planting in couple of weeks...

Hope you and everyone else have a good end to your season up north.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
antimatter said:
The worst part is coming back to a spot and not even being able to see your plants and there right in front of you, its probably a bit different up here but we got people that do nothing but provide clones for people and sell em instead of growing for bud indoors all year round, theirs also larger production facilities for clones, its like the tree seedling business almost except its underground.
Well aware of such in certain environments.......thought I'd be well suited for it myself (can turn out 1,000's at a time, no problem whatsoever..."fun" for me.....), but, even if I had access.....probably wouldn't....I'm not "cheap" in any way, shape or form, but, cost, combined with security issues purchasing volume (face to face, or sending someone)...Nah.......

Hit another couple spots today, and, actually was talking to someone (old friend, ex crew, other side of country) about some things....As earlier...numbers, volume?......If I didn't have anything seeded?.....I'd be in seriously good financial shape right now...but, again.....only thing to do is make sure it never happens again...

I can do that, so.....that:?....makes me feel better...next season right around the corner...going to eliminate on my end what I know potential problems...(no matter who is on board....)

Going to get to something interesting below after post below....(source, strains, etc....)

SilverSurfer_OG said:
Hey thanks for the overview Julian. I can buy a 52cc auger on ebay for $340 with shipping... i will look into a hire. Cant imagine the hole will be all that big but i guess you drill holes right next to each other say 3 holes per plant. The native soil is only few inches thick but yeah i plan to mix it in with coco, perlite, bio-char and some homemade compost. Plus some special goodies!

However i dont plan on digging in the roots of blackberries! Unless you think otherwise?

I am going to dig out a whole bed and see how many plants i can adequately fit. Raised bed. Will be about 3 metres by 6 metres. How many plants would you fit in such a hole? It is early spring here and will be planting in couple of weeks...

Hope you and everyone else have a good end to your season up north.

Thanks man......don't forget/overlook several things, and basics, which you work around.....

1. Yield is in your hole. Always the starting point...(went through it today with someone....could have same plant in a shot glass, to 12oz cup, to 1 gallon pot, all the way up, and of course all will perform accordingly......)

Note: You mentioned Tom Hill style....well, if memory serves me, he does above ground...and can find many California growers who do above, some above and below, and all varying sizes, and, even those who do the largest, contemplating trying even larger..(I've always wanted to go overboard for an experiment....)

I did several things this year above ground where I essentially created the spot.....aside from them not being sexed :biglaugh:.....actually turned out extremely well...ie: We came in, dumped supplies on spot, raised bed style, planted, and nothing more....sometimes prep earlier, sometimes all the same time......

2. You said 3 x 6 meters, (basically 10' x 20').......well....how many depends on how your doing it...if trees?....might be the footprint for 2....( 2 8' x 8'....which if going for trees how I would space, and have in the past if going for large ones.....and of course, more plants, spacing would change....but, if going for less trees, than of course might not want to dig up entire spot (limit work, effort, expense),......and, relating to the above, could go above ground, half and half (dig down a little, above ground a little, etc......)

All depends what your running, how your running them, etc.....

I'm starting to work on next years dry mix and prep already :smoke:
"goodies" made me think of that....going to stay with organics, with a little extra boost on the beneficials, compost, coco end.....(coco the target to reduce hauling weight, let rains hydrate and expand previously.......have a lot of great locations next season, but I don't think any will allow bringing in 40 tons of supplies :biglaugh:, so......each and every lb that can be eliminated/reduced....worth it's weight in gold.....

If buying,renting, go for 12"+ bit/holes......I was pretty happy with the 12" x 3' drilled holes....(if I did them tomorrow, would do drilled, prepped, and then 3 bags worth with dry mix on top of that.......which considered previously, and would have been good I think.......)

Holes, numbers?...all about what one wants to do.........and site (which dictates the method......)

So, I'm talking to someone who refers me to a specific breeder/outlet.....(Canadian)......

I go there, and take a look (cause I didn't believe what they told me), and, they're basically pushing:

3lbs per sq. meter, up to 50% thc, in as little as 33 days flower.....(or combinations of all of the above)...for per pack prices of $500-$2000....

Now...:smoke:...I've done my share....run quite a few things..:smoke:...and, wouldn't consider myself completely in the dark, but.......I mean.......c'mon......

33-40+ days, 3 per meter (light....), and 41-50%?..........

Have I missed something? :biglaugh:.......
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