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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thank you very much, and, very kind of you to say....

It's always a true honor to be of assistance, to make a difference...

I've always tried to address in such a manner of actually talking to someone, as if sitting down in a conversation.....speaking to a person....and, to a lot of us, we do go back quite a ways....even to different sites at different times....now almost several years.....(shortly....will be approaching 10 years.......)

Everything about options, realizing them....ability to adapt...and so on.....as of course knowledge and techniques and such are constantly growing I think for all of us.....

I just realized lately that I think I am finding myself in a mode and "chasing it"....as discussed much earlier......I'm aware of it...I know the symptoms...acknowledge have been there....

As with anything.....always a long process, and, really...we never really reach the end...season after season...batch after batch.....revisions.....adjustments....change ups....shut downs. I've talked to people recently how my desire was to only go minis....and, lo and behold.....back to larger ones, and, adjusting to trees (which I have always wanted to do anyway)...although I think will never phase the minis out if the time and ability....have planted all season now for longer than I can remember and know the reasons why.....ie: I get everything done early...sit back and can't stand the boredom.....(and have to see a sq. ft. go to waste :smoke: drives me crazy.......always has......space, time going to waste?....could never sit still, but, right now facing a situation having to do with the legal issues, and, numbers just not going to lead anywhere good.....this season extensive losses which most likely could have been avoided in some cases (some) due to earlier larger ones.......although we have had a pretty unusual season, and not assuming it's going to automatically switch over to "typical" tomorrow. Lot of things started much later than normal, and, of course, since in later, are going to push me to the limit as far as finishing times and frost and such.....so....in many ways just gone over.....the activity in itself even if plans and knowledge established, require constant change...(on our part.....psychologically)....also as our views and opinions on any and everything change constantly....never ending...and hopefully some growth in there also.....(Change....starting some in's and going to run approaches and methods I haven't before...etc...of course feel confident because have spent about 2 years now on all, and, of course, even the 2 and success of several means nothing.....even with learning and discussions continuing throughout?...will still mean nothing......as 20 more years ahead of that.....I don't think anyone of any serious level and commitment have/would/will stop proceeding further and further if find themselves in a good situation...indoor or out.....(Also of course every day that goes by, more is known about any given aspect of the plant itself......1-5-10 years from now who can even imagine what will be known.....indoor will find the same changes with equipment.......as will nute lines and production and composition I'm sure......

(Is it obvious what kind of mood I'm in? :biglaugh:)

I'm humbled to be of assistance.....despite all our differences in any way, shape or form.....location, age, experience, profession, interests...the similarities of any two peoples issues they face at any time throughout the process might vary, but very little.....

I'm proud and humbled to be a part of it....

Hope everyone is doing well.....my thoughts and work has shifted for a while now towards the future.....I really have no idea how going to end the season......could very well be much better than I believe it to be.....but, for me?.....doesn't matter....won't be good enough..(for me)....

Feel pretty good about going back to in's.....(all relevant to the above and throughout).....have had a break....drawn quite a bit during that break, which of course will impact every single aspect of any future I believe in a positive manner....could very well be possible that will be some of best work I have done.........sadly, not the biggest...(at the moment :smoke:....) but....not about that...right?.....about "practicing the art"......being proud of ones work........doing what they love....improving, and so on......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
My latest show plug:

Very few shows exist or have that could be considered significant works....Sopranos, The Wire.....Breaking Bad something worthy.....some like True Blood.....but not on the same level of the aforementioned......

I was recently strongly advised to check out "Sons of Anarchy".....going on second season which started today (FX if you can believe it....), and, I have to say........I watched the entire first season at one sitting..(wasn't intended.....couldn't pull myself away.......13 episodes........13hrs+/-...)

I'd say it falls in between The Sopranos (better) but not quite The Wire....(which I don't think we will see another as complex...period.....)

Starting second season today...first season can be found many places.....

I was quite surprised.....(dare I say literally speechless during the entire first season.....)

It's not often which something like the above comes out.........(I say only the 3rd-4th time something of such quality has....)

Like everything.....no...some moments.....some things here and there, well....not "real" in my mind....but not enough of those moments to allow you to forget it's not :smoke:

Great fuckin show.......I'd recommend anyone, any walk of life, any age catch it all.....


....starting some in's and going to run approaches and methods I haven't before...
I've been interested Julian what method do you prefer indoors? I've read this and sister thread and dont recall you specifically saying what you prefer or think is best? I know this is outdoor forum but your input is appreciated greatly. Thanks for your time:joint:


Julian you are on some next level shit...I'm humbled coming into this thread..one day (hopefully soon) I'll be there..hold my spot til then...Proph


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Kushed said:
I've been interested Julian what method do you prefer indoors? I've read this and sister thread and dont recall you specifically saying what you prefer or think is best? I know this is outdoor forum but your input is appreciated greatly. Thanks for your time:joint:
I like that question, and, going to share a bunch of things right now (was going to post anyway, but, many of these things actually fall in line together, and, an illustration how all does come together in the end......)

The best?, well, of course, everything relative and I am sure 99% would agree that the best is what one feels most comfortable with...(bear with me........)

What I have the most of in storage are 4 x 8's, what was most utilized was EF/tables/RW/rocks,etc......always liked rw, but (indoor direction now), it's an extremely unwise medium selection, due to it's very nature and what I would caution anyone setting something up....ie: Anything where you have to be constantly returning to any store, anywhere, in any form for truckoads is a major fuckin security....have done soil, also......(easy supplies to obtain safely.....one of many reasons why I shifted to outdoor...can accumulate virtually any and all supplies, in any amounts safely and easily...never have really done the buckets and trees.....or verticals, and, of course, attractive as it cuts down numbers...plenty of examples where people pulling fairly nice/significant numbers from minimal numbers, but then power issues kick in, so....going to also start running coco in a couple shapes and forms....went through a quick thing with it, and have on it now for about 2 years.....which of course, my thanks to everyone who helped me with questions and such during.......and, based upon that, feel comfortable running it, and will do fine....(will have to do another quick brush up on it right before, but more a quick reminder, etc....)

Might do irrigated coco in 1, medium per light....(9 per light...something like that......maybe 16....will have to space it out and decide, and of course depends on what I'm going to run also......and might start running a lot of different things.....), might do larger container vertical hand watered coco trees in another...(note: all going to have someone watching over, so, another factor is simplicity is an issue.......simplicity of instructions and tasks for any one given person....I can't be tending to everything all the time....same with outs. Going to go digitals (I've been waiting them out :smoke:), sealed/ac/CO2 (LP generators....which few younger people are just gold.....in the older days, I'd forgo many times and just get places where I could go straight outside (privacy,distance) because scoring multiple large tanks always scared the fuck out of me......to me was always no different from getting lights, etc (and, I know, many uses, blah,blah,blah.....but, you know...that's a textbook use and any surveillance, etc, boom....that's all she wrote....

See, my problem has always been the mechanics....(of everything....don't work on anything myself, cars, household, etc......and, I mean, I have a fairly good idea about many things...(actually, knowledge of construction of homes from excavation through finishing), just never did it...with my own two hands.......and, that's been changing more and more for quite a while now...slowly but surely, and, again...I'm not uncomfortable or anything, just have never, but, actually picking a lot up last couple years...(helped on little work on some bikes recently, doing my own car stuff lately, and have helped with some bodywork here and there for some vehicles :smoke:).......so....problem is anything in future, I'm going to have to do myself because mechanic isn't really.....available.....so...and, getting that down....I've set up and bought a lot, etc, so, again...something not uncomfortable with per se...just never had to do it myself....never needed to, never a reason 2, and, those just not some of my "things"......and always an admiration for those who do everything....especially electric....which is something I've always felt uncomfortable with....but, again, and like anything...broken down in to details, steps, procedures, so....who knows :smoke:......and of course bringing someone else in a safety/security issue..(actually,I have other people for electric, but, you know......I'm just anti people lately.......) and a matter of time also.....(not only learning, but doing the work...which don't have a problem with if I have the time...in fact was just talking to someone that once I begin....probably going to be one of those 1-2 week periods with minimal sleep, 22hr days, 7 days a week working, etc, etc....

Of course, all of the above....have gained a lot from others....lot call me a "know it all", but have never said so myself, and first to state not the case, and, this just another reminder....coco...the verticals...the Cali thing, etc......lot of extremely knowledgeable and talented people around.....(also going to start some larger BHO runs, which I never have.....and in's always cleaner for such purposes, so, looking forward to product......

So, in short...tables and rw/rocks most done.....followed by soil, slightly larger..most of the larger wasn't doing cooled hoods and such, and, many times, no ac/sealed, just straight out on larger things..(nutes, have run virtually everything released to public in last 25yrs..but going to go coco, sealed ac/CO2, fewer plants, at least one coco vertical tree...

You know...I've had a few set up here and there last couple/several years, etc, and always veg, but, not hardcore long term set ups...just hit and runs, etc...none were what I would do if I could today, etc.....but, was talking to couple people last couple weeks.....I feel "rusty" :biglaugh: (and, yes, rightly so......but thank god stayed close and on top of it...because always lot of changes, products, etc........(ie: talked to someone who didn't grow for 10-12 years in, and, I mean, forget it......my approach to him, and as far as I was concerned, I mean......he's a "newb"......had to start at square one with the guy.......(and when he was, wasn't ideal anyway...yeah, sure, I've run a lot of stuff that wasn't, but also have that was :smoke:,m so....

Wiring, stuff like that my concern, but, getting there...(will probably go half and half and just have someone run the initial 240 and go from there...(just buy a board,etc.......and talked with someone else about a flip flop....again..probably just buy one....have to check on lot of things and maybe do them myself, but, you know....I've done much more difficult things, so....

In some ways a little exciting (having to learn it and do it myself.....) and dare I say "fun"....but, in other ways...fuckin pisses me off and annoying cause not my fuckin job! :biglaugh:.....it's all very humbling and always (always have) respect(ed) the people who do it all the time....(Note: As such....(wiring/set up)....that means instead of just having it done and walking into 4 finished spaces ready to go 12/12 with plants in hand......well....going to slow me down, so....maybe will get someone on board last minute to just take care of it.....(just thinking about it gives me a pita....I have many things I could be doing at any given time,.......throw 200hrs worth of work on top which has to be done immediately, and, well.....great......that's nice...more work when didn't have any time in the first place :biglaugh:...

Little bitter about it all........and, guaranteed.....those $3500-$4,000 days are long gone.....:smoke: (but not the painstakingly close trim, minimal stem, good dry, and fairly good start of a decent cure :smoke:......)

Yeah man.....the in's....fuckin feel like a noob lately :biglaugh: (at one point had 50 seperate in's of all sizes, and have had larger warehouse/industrial also in distant past)

Going different now though.....no more numbers...not going to conduct myself in a manner which prevents squeezing out of it...(my previous position as who gives a fuck, would run and never come back and make more than ever had.......and that still is possible and true, but, that's on my terms...I'm not going to be forced out of anything, anywhere, anytime......that's my call :smoke:..(also as above...have been having lot of pressure lately from people close about the numbers.....and to be honest....I understand and knew anyway......it's not uncommon for me to get a little spooked, uncomfortable, concerned, paranoid....(touched the entire range :biglaugh:), and, I mean, I do better with it all than most, so....it's hard for some of my guys......and it should be...it is...I understand their concerns, and, I mean, they're right......we do single rounds that are "Oh shit, I'm fucked" penalties :biglaugh:, so.....and lot of my problems as of late haven't helped.....ie: I'm down....getting hit when your down is a serious thing.......getting hit when flush, eh.......but when your down?.....ehhhhhhhh.......limits options that one has otherwise....

People with in's a totally different group (known them 30yrs)...extremely clean.....no record, no traffic, no nothing.....going to try and never come close to spots after set up, etc, etc, so...feeling pretty good about it and set ups going to be shortly..(plants not ready for spots yet really anyway.....) Feel good about the ins......very, very serious individuals...as I am....and have been feeling better already I say something, it's followed to the t...any questions, and they ask them and listen, etc...

Some ways looking forward to it, and, in my case, as I think with many....well.....break was best thing possible that could happen and will be doing better than ever have...more efficient, safer, smoother, etc.....going to run a lot of different things also...have some fun....

Anyway......let me get to the below before you nod off :biglaugh:.....(I know, I know.....blah,blah,blah,blah,blah!.........but......all runs full circle, and all illustrated quite a bit that relates to many at any given time, and, still some more to add below, so...don't nod off just yet :smoke:.....) We're here to offer something of substance...right?

UnknownProphet said:
Julian you are on some next level shit...I'm humbled coming into this thread..one day (hopefully soon) I'll be there..hold my spot til then...Proph
Well....right now.....this second?....I'm actually not, but, as always, sincerely.....No....I'm the one whose humbled....I mean, your the one actually doing what I want to do......so.......and, I don't think I have unrealistic expectations of Cali.......and, as above....so many talented and skilled people...we all have our unique skill sets and such.....maybe I'm just lucky enough to have an extra one or two with a little more time at it, etc......

You know....we're all growing (pun's fine).......as above....I'm back to basics in some ways, and, wanted to throw in an overview on some things which some have asked, commented, which, again, may seem like I'm off topic, but, no....are actually quite on...and things which any and everyone might face at one point or another.....

So......I'm fine.......coming off great year....astounding....business's good and looking like might be even better......major (major) hit in market (would have to check thread to see when that was.......almost 2 years ago?)....

Truth of the matter
is I should have fuckin cashed out.....or at the very least, cashed out and took a long vacation.....

Positions took a major dive (my first (significant) loss ever......business's took a downturn.......but, you know...coming off major season, and, ready to start another....right?......can spend whatever and be fine....no problem.........no problem, right?...

Wrong....Lose major spot.......business's got worse....started scrambling a little, but, fine, can make it up, right?........

......new spots secured last minute and new crew present endless fuckin problems.....all the while market taking a dive across the board, properties losing value......major fuckin losses on the crops.......

But what about money?....still some serious money to sit back on, right?.....

Wrong...3 business's, average 20k a month to keep open....households another 20k....do the math on virtually nothing coming in for more than a year....(yeah, some coming in here and there from little things, but, not enough to stop the freefall......).....of course, sometimes some more or less....and sometimes something coming in, etc....but point is made I'm sure....

Current season......some stabilization.....actually, if was back in market, would have been right again...but, when things are like the above?, well....I wasn't comfortable.......normally I am "all or nothing"....in many ways, but, this was getting worse and was being careful, etc...

And the above an example of how it all happens...

The good news
is have made a lot of changes...sliced expenses like a mutherfucker...cut dead weight...consolidated some other stuff....monthly required shrinking and shrinking.....and, did partial round, and things a little better than I had thought:smoke: (so much for earlier rounds staying short :smoke:, most 5-7ft range, maybe 3-5 weeks to go.....heavvvy sighhh :smoke:).....and still many spots to hit........and actually, a possibility of a small favor which, in the end...going to be able to bridge the gap.......fund next year locals (still doing af fem stock), fund the in's, and start the ball rolling for Cali, and stabilize the business's and households, and business's starting to turn up....so.......I recently got to take a deep breath if not get some sleep :smoke: (cause how can I sleep now when so much to do :smoke:)..........

And........I think all of the above relevant......on many levels.....psychological.....adversity....adaptability....positivity.....persistence....

Was telling someone down today less positive than I......."Wind blows the right way your good....".......(Topic how was single good op easily puts one over the top.......has me many times....and will again.......11 months away from it....new spots.....some new methods..(still want to try the AF early op, and have a spot to....not as large as I had hoped, but......not bad for a quick run if works well.....going to shoot for trees....starting the prep this fall (another change...one reason to remove disturbances in early spring, summer to surrounding......going back to all fems, always....which for me with rainfall has cut more than half trips........I've put plenty of things in May and not came back till Oct.......)

So.....nah.....it is I who am humbled....and the above a reminder of one of my motives.....have seen a lot, and, if can prevent anything for anyone, it';s all worth it......ya know?. Once again I get hit, and, looks like work way out of it, lot of changes, flexibility, etc........so.....and, truth be told.......well......not ashamed in the least to say I've had more than a few moments that were damn near Sig/HK/Kimber to the head moments....(But of course....well....I've never been one to walk out before the movies over...even if sucks :biglaugh:....so...)

You focus forward......you do what you can....you never give up.......self awareness of value....limitations and options (ahhh :smoke:, they key) always in mind....always open...and, who knows......might make 10' spring out west on top of it....

Was starting to become quite concerned recently.......as we all know......when pressed....when cornered.....when have to produce, a lot, fast......I think impossible not to slip a little.......easy to make mistakes.....but feels okay.....still a little spooking here and there..been keeping an eye out and seeing things here and there didn't like.....but really just been keeping to myself/family, and silent for quite a while, so.....

Such is life......and, as earlier?....well....psychologically while has been pure fuckin torture......and the entire range of emotions...true fuckin assault and moments of madness....in the end?....well.......I give thanks.....and tried to maintain faith that was for a reason, etc...part of the plan per se, and, well......maybe it was.......have cleared out (mentally and literally) everything not of benefit and use......have a piece of mind I haven't had in a while....that mountain of maintenance ($) that I built (unsustainable) has collapsed, leaving me with much less....easier to maintain.........at peace.......close to family....(spent more time with them in past 2 months than I have in past 2 yrs :biglaugh:)....adjusted life...business's....etc.......and, in the end......as long as that gust of wind comes I think may.....well...I'm good......:smoke:

Very good......

I wish the same comfort and sound mind, piece of mind for all in such times, and the result when exiting......I do......

Not sure if a gift "from the universe", but......most likely was as almost tearing me completely down to nothing and than enabling a clean rebuild last minute nothing short of miraculous.....

Best of luck to all......we're nearing the end...(for me was one of worst years in life......maybe the worst...).......weather a judgment call......next season right around the corner, and all the possibilities in the world for all of us across the board...(be that relationships, ops, business, personal, knowledge, etc).......think positive and just hustle......move forward.....(and during, have had finger in more and more pies as weeks went by.....knew eventually would all come together....some from here, some from there, little here, little there, set up here, some work there, some more from over here, and on and on......think on a 72hr day myself right now....but not sure, as lost track......)

Hope all are well.....almost there.....and best wishes to all......and thanks......I'm humbled a skill set here and there and some experiences which span couple areas, etc, etc....

Sons of Anarchy note:
I just watched the first episode of 2nd season on TV (with commercials.....see....I thought was yesterday and just realized was , I think Tues night....there's that long day I suppose...)...and, had watched entire season, straight, no commercials, and, have to say....commercials and such change the "tone"......so...if someone has on demand, well, better to just wait till the next day,watch straight through....have noted they have repeats on for people who haven't caught it but would like to (Henry Rollins in S2 E1.....whom I've always liked a lot....), and, also, was talking with someone that kind of show where you can actually come in late and go back and works fine.......so......but, wasn't happy with commercials....seems to change the "tone" of it.....at least for me....but, great show and think all should check it out.....turned about 10 people onto it this week alone.....all absolutely loved it....ranged from younger, older, M/F, parties, doesn't, blue collar, white collar.....no one didn't love it...)


Julian that was beautiful...no lie I can read your writings for hours....its never enough. Thank you sincerely for your input


I'd seen the previews for the show. SoA. Right after watching gangland, on motorcycle gang of some sort. And I thought what a joke, yeah right. Maybe I was wrong?

You focus forward......you do what you can....you never give up.......self awareness of value....limitations and options (ahhh , they key) always in mind....always open...and, who knows......might make 10' spring out west on top of it....

Edited out more nonsense. This is essential. Limitations and options, THATS the playing field. I'm always capable of Spring where I am, couple hrs driving, no spots ATM though, so, of course, the options to go out and look, almost always present.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Kushed said:
Julian that was beautiful...no lie I can read your writings for hours....its never enough. Thank you sincerely for your input

Thanks.....Very kind of you to say, but I checked checked/scanned last post and was going to apologize for drawing a lot of things out, :biglaugh:..punctuation, sentences, etc.....was end of one of longest days I've had in a while....lot on mind...reflection, etc...

Some other notes actually I thought of when scanning above:
1. Regarding CO2, generators, tanked, etc. Point above, was generators just fuckin gold. Tanked, securing tanks, delivery, etc, always made me skittish....yeah, would be nice actually (no temp issues, etc), but, I mean, propane......fuck....we buy truckloads just for grilling :smoke:...can anywhere,anytime, no one blinks an eye..I feel very comfortable vs. tanked. (See, nowadays and recent a little different, because as time has gone on, could just create business's to receive and use supplies, etc, but, years ago...not the case, and, as above....had a lot of things and went through quite a bit...

Another example of new things...new approaches and ideas, etc: Just set up recently a 12/12 bed op...(soil beds, used some stock on hand..they're already in flower :smoke:)....Familiar with 12/12 from seed, done it out (minis) for many years, and have done as little as 1 week veg in many times, etc...but, something saw here made me do the jump (had that fuckin spot set up and running within like 24hrs of thinking/deciding to do it.....) Have never really done beds too much, but had an overload of a lot of certain containers, and had a spot, so..(again, supplies). Actually wanted to do coco beds, but, didn't work out that way. (Had plants ready to go, remnants of last outdoor round, and didn't have coco on hand/accessible, so....) Last I saw/heard, they're about a foot entering flowering (1k's), so.....Found a Chem/OGK AF and think going to make some stock for such things in future.....

Still going to maintain veg centers I think for everything as always, so all spots strictly dedicated to 12/12, but, going to change veg centers up also...more private locations...etc.

Another thing is as above, going back to fems across the board...last 2 seasons strayed for several reasons.....and, issue for me personally, is males, everything aside...represent just an extreme security risk (plus all other downsides) in the form of visits and traffic, etc....so...going back to fem only...would prefer seed due to as throughout thread, lead time, but going to start having some moms around if doing more in's, etc, and maybe divert some here and there for outs.

Another great relief is I feared quality and stability of stock I had, and, from last couple places I saw this week, appears that all stock indeed straight M/F...(Of course aside from end quality, issue is any stock coming out would be worthless.....but, everything looks good......quite a few things got hit....one site I went to had a handful of males left (we got in there twice earlier, but then I left it alone and didn't go back unti this week...) in full flower :biglaugh:.....a horrible sight for people such as us, but....I knew already...so.....for that specific spot?, well, I just wrote it off as stock and bho, so......(quality is astounding......)

Beds above mostly organic so far....(soil, perlite, manure, compost, threw in a few crystals...some other things, but, only have the FNG/B onhand...what I've used for past couple years and like for simplicity....(Note: While I said I have run different lines, I've always cross run supplements,so...above and less than recent was running GH 3 part for quite a while. I heard that FN was actually basically just Lucas, which I didn't know....)

Was thinking this week, due to the above (securing supplies), trying organic coco...(ie: dry, similar to out custom mix, but with the coco)...but going to have to read up and see if it lends itself well to that.....couldn't see why it wouldn't.....

So, just some things I thought of when scanning......Have a couple people also who have couple spots and thought about using some tents.....have seen the 4 x 8's and the 6 x 6's, and thought about attaching 2, stuff like that and actually saw something here, of course, has been done and works well, so....of course an easy tear down and set up (Having a quick and easy tear down when setting up always the desire.....) Don't really have any significant spaces this moment.....have to work with what I have and create....so.....just working with what I have, and, spots coming to me everyday.....some might be as small as 2k.......several 4k's......some I think can get up to 8k...so......and, will actually fill some gaps for me in the end...ie: consistent supply...I've been working gaps quite a while.....ie: Harvest good for a while, but then when out only regular, which is sporatic, etc....Also going to put someone in business for smaller things (Anything small gets referred to them, they get a piece, do small stuff.....everyone sends their small stuff that direction....minimal on hand,etc..and probably a good solid monthly for them with minimal risk.....keep them light (stocked, amount on hand)

A different note: I think of outlets as a total and yearly breakdown..ie: Let's say you have smaller guy...but he's solid and good for a p a week.....like clockwork.

Well........that's 50 p's a yr just for that single person..(Call it 4k a p, 200k a yr coming in from 1 person.....stable, solid,dependable)...so, you know...you break it all down, and, a constant supply for everyone not always easy to have (and, keep in mind we're talking the range, from people who take a quarter a week to people who take 20 a week, etc......the good stuff, the regular, the bubble, etc, so.....I mean, you sit down and add all that up, and, man....to keep everyone flush year round?.......fuck.....not easy.....(And of course any and every day anyone goes without, losing money....), so.....(Of course, for some the issue would be during that time, they find new sources, and you lose them, but, for me, no :smoke:....majority, we go back many years, because to be honest I beat everyone's prices...ie: I do regular up to $500 a p cheaper, and sometimes better.....and the good stuff I do $200-250/$2,700-$4,000, when alternatives are $400-$500/$5,000-$6,000+, so...never really a concern for me.......(and still room for me to bump it up quite a bit and still come in lower......so..) Said above going to run more/different things....some going to be request, market things....ie: Someone buys something specific for $6,500......tell em will get them consistent, same thing for $5,250-$5,500, etc.....shit like that......

Not about greed.......have always tried to take care of everyone....very hard.Well....in my time of need?......they were nowhere to be found,so....I don't think saving them money and making them money should be my concern any longer....

I talked above about last couple years...and talked earlier about people, and favors, and, ohhhh :smoke:, forgot to mention something :smoke:...

I forgot to mention that worked in the before and after was me giving, between green, discounts, favors, gifts and even the same to legit business customers....well....figured (tried to) that last 3-4 years more or less those figured total to probably well over $1MM...(That's my net......that;s what could have been in my pocket if I chose not to....)

And look where I ended up and who was there when I needed something? :smoke:.....so....

Anyway....thanks man....sorry I took it every direction :biglaugh:, but, again.....I think always applicable across the board......

And, yes.....while going to switch things up, go easier on the numbers.......early AF run still a desire....(but will be fraction of the initial desired size, so....still really would like to, and have spot now to, etc......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
You got in right before me :biglaugh:.....I don't want to leave ya hanging, and, just remembered I didn't get to several a couple pages ago...(I had them cut and pasted and was working on replies, but....to me?, with all my shit lately...seems like worlds ago and not sure my replies even valid, as have undergone a lot of change, so.....my apologies...maybe I can get them in later.....)

GroBoy2000 said:
I'd seen the previews for the show. SoA. Right after watching gangland, on motorcycle gang of some sort. And I thought what a joke, yeah right. Maybe I was wrong? Ive got the extra time to watch it today, so will see a few at least. (Still got S4 and S5 of the Wire, was giving it a break, hopped right through 2 and 3. )
Well.......I saw a couple previews....didn't "move" me, and heard FX show...(not famous for their serious things :smoke:.....), but, as above man.....I went through all no commercials, and, really liked it...was impressed, but with commercials was different for me.....Good show though I think...really like it....yeah..couple things here and there, but, you know, overall.....good show I think.....
This is actually reassuring to know. With a constant psychological struggle myself, I get little done. Always anxious and doubtful, always spinning around from what I just did or said. Madness. Well, a close friend, owns his business 4 years, and its constantly growing, he works at it 60+ hrs a week, and treats his team real fair. Takes modest pay, and sees a nice year end bonus. All would seem well, but the last 3 or 4 months been harder than ever and he hates it. Claims he'd never start again if it fails. And this guy has always been a night and day worker, 50-60hrs/wk and more. I've been really surprised to see him struggle with it so much. They are moving forward, competition is actually crumbling around them some, but the amount of headaches and responsibility and change, and etc. It's guess it's nice to know that pure pain and torture and madness is the price to pay for wrangling this life up like we want it. Cleaning the mind of the useless junk, I could go for that too I think.
Well.....couple things.....

He can/should think about a little delegation...if can bring someone in and even take 10hrs off his week, might feel better....you know, and, of course my big breakthrough recently has been just being happy being healthy, alive, okay, happy, family,etc....

You know....when facing losing everything....lot goes through your mind........values, priorities, etc, and......brings a lot of changes in things, views.....

My thing has become just doing what I love....my home.....family.....would like to keep business's and such, but whatever......will hurt if I can't/don't, but, still have my life, my interests, things that make me happy and family, and, those have filled me with quite a bit of happiness and piece of mind lately......

Lot of things I cared very much about...that now could lose and would be fine......could sit on a mountain in Cali grilling and would be fine :smoke:....

As long as can keep home that I love, live comfortable and have family, well...:smoke:.....I mean...that's golden right there..(and of course some ops :biglaugh:.....)
I saw responses to my lamenting, about no motivation. I took on some additional side work, looked great ,pay really good for amount of time, and of course after a week I blow it off. My mind turns to straight rot when I have to be told what to do, and have to pitch myself to people I'd just rather watch. Anyway, mine's not so much a growing issue, but working. Just got no grit, don't wanna mess with people (whom I feel like don't wanna mess with me), could seriously use some psychoanalyst appointments, but can't afford. Would like to do education, etc.

Anyway, I decided I'll do everything I can to keep the money trickling in through 1 grow. I've got some seeds on the way. Will run form start to finish under my 1k, havent done yet, so excited. Blue Cheese and Deep Chunk. (hopefully will find the thick and frosty DC and mom it up for next year.) Was gonna do coco, but just a tad expensive, need the extra $30 elsewhere. Should start by Oct 1.
Maybe your not doing what you like or suited for....(or maybe you are but just need to press harder)....

Through my recent problem.....to stay barely okay, was doing many things, and, actually, liked it more......

Gotta stick it out man....do what you have to, and in the process try and make it things you like..(greens autopilot........a side thing, etc......last of priorities but yet another piece coming in, etc.....

Mo0st people have quite a few things they don't like to, want to do....but, is what it is man......
Limitations and options. I think those are two ideas to explore. Me, I always try to run through my options in my mind, and paper too, theres a whole lotta gd options. And I look at what I can do, ie, limits, but I never really think of them together. As, for example, a playing field. I haven't exactly staked them out, haven't explored the full terrain maybe. And if I do now, it is because of the presentation of your thoughts. limitations...and options...hand in hand, the key. I'm waking myself up. Getting too old too fast, life is a struggle period, whether you take it on or hide from it. I really hope my next 'in' goes smooth. I also of course hope to break out of my comforts and fix some of my head issues. Probably most of what holds me back just pure anxiety. And a little disgust for self. Cheers Julian for keeping us awake man. On our toes and looking at what we can do, thanks to you brother.
You work out?........seems stupid, but, helps in lot of ways....many ways actually.....mind, body, and both together.......adds something you can't get otherwise......I've found really helps.....

Anything you don't like? Change it......If you can't at the moment?, then you think of ways to and options......

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say lot of my world is "autopilot".....is what it is, has to be done, case closed.....hopefully the right thing, etc...and hopefully some enjoyment, etc......

Self awareness, analysis, recognition of the what and why is always good...many never even come close, but, in the end, just have to do what you have to do and then work it all out as you go...easy to get stuck in the "analysis paralysis" thing sometimes....


Thanks a lot, had started a response in edit window and lost it above.

Means a lot, taking time out for, answer my, little complaining. I don't work out now. Have before, loved it. Guess it's a solid recommendation for an improved life. And an autopilot mentality could definitely help, no need to think the shit to death when you already know what your doing, just adding stress with thoughts and viewpoints. Doing what I have to is never easy, I just blow so much shit off man. Degenerate personality disorder, lol.

Reviewing all of life recently, where I sold myself short, where I denied who/what I truly was and wanted to be doing. It's helping to clear things up, give direction, and focus on the essential problem centers. Constant trudging trying to carry the soul man. Thanks for inspiration, spring right around the corner, so is the coast and therefor warm weather. Grrr, just the money, but I got an old idea I'm about to put to new work for that I think. legit, no worries, very enjoyable, just no big profit margin, unless unexpected demand. never know...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Note is can find whole first season on free-tvshows.com, but, have to watch your connection.....ie: click links...if goes to white page disconnect, try again....they have all that cross marketing bullshit loaded sometimes....went and checked it, and,rewatched couple episodes, but, couple times went to right screen and was scanning lot of bullshit sites, etc....(bottom left hand corner of browser can see it...)

All 5 seasons of wire on there also.....(but, again..I didn't check it all....they're all there..checked, just noticed some bullshit loading......) Someone asked me where they could find, and, they do have all complete episodes there....) Also noticed all episodes and seasons Trailer Park Boys, Breaking Bad both seasons and all episodes, Weeds the same, The Wire.....wish I would have found it before, could have axed all my cable that I have everything only for those shows anyway :biglaugh:
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well it would be nice to have another IcMer up here in northeastern ca. Im telling you this is the gem of california, the gem of the sierras.

i wish those 4k an elbow days were still here. things would be easier



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
Thanks a lot, had started a response in edit window and lost it above.

Means a lot, taking time out for, answer my, little complaining. I don't work out now. Have before, loved it. Guess it's a solid recommendation for an improved life. And an autopilot mentality could definitely help, no need to think the shit to death when you already know what your doing, just adding stress with thoughts and viewpoints. Doing what I have to is never easy, I just blow so much shit off man. Degenerate personality disorder, lol.

Reviewing all of life recently, where I sold myself short, where I denied who/what I truly was and wanted to be doing. It's helping to clear things up, give direction, and focus on the essential problem centers. Constant trudging trying to carry the soul man. Thanks for inspiration, spring right around the corner, so is the coast and therefor warm weather. Grrr, just the money, but I got an old idea I'm about to put to new work for that I think. legit, no worries, very enjoyable, just no big profit margin, unless unexpected demand. never know...
Well.........as above.....awareness and all is fine...reflection, planning, evaluation, but, as always, they key is not to do it instead of.. :smoke:...

You do such as you go along....as with any/everything...same with green....ie: you run it and change as you go along...

While it might be nice to be able to do just one thing in life (be that grow, fuck, ride, play, etc), I mean, it certainly doesn't create a well rounded and balanced individual.....anywhere, anytime......so...you work, you grow, you pursue any interests, be that education, hobbies per se....and, as above, in the end create a variance of activities and interests, etc...(noticed I highlighted the working out....the running and stuff, and, sometimes just walking, and, sometimes both....well, what did I get?....I had that time to reflect which didn't affect other activities, and combined it into another dual purpose activity, everything involved of some benefit on many levels....(I do weights and shit also, on and off, but all that more consistently....get to enjoy weather, etc, and on and on....

You know...it is what it is man........we all don't like what we have to do....and, tough shit to be honest :biglaugh:(same to me....I don't want to?.....too fuckin bad....I don't feel like it?, well shut the fuck up and do it...I'd rather not?....Ohhh welllll :biglaugh:..sorry Charlie :biglaugh:.....

Is what it is man....no room for excuses...for any of us.....

theJointedOne said:
well it would be nice to have another IcMer up here in northeastern ca. Im telling you this is the gem of california, the gem of the sierras.

i wish those 4k an elbow days were still here. things would be easier

Thanks man....and, whole different ballgame out there as far as social issues.....People have been very helpful and generous so far, and, not used to it.......at all......and have always found that of interest out there.......

Yeah, no 4k, but trade off is similar to Canada.....2k and safe and some halfway decent volume beats the fuck out of 4k and 20yrs...ya know?.....:smoke:...(Sure would kill me at first tio dumpfor 2k what I could get 5k for in different situation, but, you know.....I've been aware of that now for a while, and, it's sinking in, so.....is what it is.......for everything in life we have and make "trade off's", and, it's one I'm okay with.....and going to look into alternatives....ie: Can store possibly for off season.....can send south if allowed, back to the script issues and counties, and so on...so....a possibility can pull more....if not?..Oh well, is what it is....went through same mental process when talking about south ops..(same product for 5-7-800 a p :biglaugh:, so...regional is regional, is what it is but the trade off's take care of it all....the lowest end of food chain south might get like $50 a p, so...all relative, and I'm good with accepting what is, for what it is....I'm realistic on expectations, etc....

I think I'm more suited to NorCal from everyone I know, everything I hear and see.....know a lot of people south, but, seems like I would be perpetually annoyed/offended.....Lot have told me I would love it, but, I just don't think so......Maybe years ago I would (fuck, even 2-3-4 years ago), but?, now?.......nah.......give me mountains, scenery, peace and quiet and grilling and sitting back any time and I'm good.....

My intention of course to keep to myself, humble....a guest and behave accordingly......(and hopefully that will ensure I don't have to put a couple holes in the heads of theives, etc.....shit like that.....) Didn't know Cali had concealed permits....just found out recently.....I've got a bunch from everywhere (8 concealed permits from 8 states) which covers almost the entire nation, but, seems as though they don't have the same reciprocity other states do as far as honoring out of state and non resident permits and such...

Looking forward......hopes all goes well and I realize that wish.......the thought of growing in a friendlier environment creates many thoughts and feelings.....most favorable.....and the social aspect would be nice....to a lower, controlled degree of course......but, nevertheless....a situation and environment I'm not used to, in the least, and completely foreign....have realistic expectations as above.....know my place per se, so......that being said...I think a good thing in many ways.....
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Note is can find whole first season on free-tvshows.com, but, have to watch your connection.....ie: click links...if goes to white page disconnect, try again....they have all that cross marketing bullshit loaded sometimes....went and checked it, and,rewatched couple episodes, but, couple times went to right screen and was scanning lot of bullshit sites, etc....(bottom left hand corner of browser can see it...)

Good, I spent about 2 hours looking yesterday and got swamped in all kinds of BS. I don't regularly watch shows online, so I was lost.

You know...it is what it is man........we all don't like what we have to do....and, tough shit to be honest (same to me....I don't want to?.....too fuckin bad....I don't feel like it?, well shut the fuck up and do it...I'd rather not?....Ohhh welllll ..sorry Charlie .....

That's funny, lol, I don't talk to myself enough like that, heheh.

I'll stick around. If I get my shit together like I should, I plan on being in CO next summer. No reason being a criminal in one state when you can be a caregiver in another. And as above, even if price 2k, much more enjoyable (imo) to have those plants all in my yard where I can see them with my tomatoes, peppers, and enjoy them while I grill. Family for certain, and likely self, qualify for med card, so why BS and complain about the laws, couple states this way or that the sun is apparently shining bright on us and our plant.


I've just spent a lovely saturday grilling with my wifes family. My daughter is turning 2.5. Life is so good that I started questioning why do I risk so much. I have to go on a spot a bit further away and one that freaked me out a bit last time I went (rush of paranoia when two cars blocked my parked car when I was leaving spot) and I started thinking: just leave the shit alone. you got enough elsewhere.
but really spot is good. super stealthy, the entrance could be better, but at sunset is good enough. but I feel I need some camouflage this time to feel "at ease". And a 20 min ride with the wet is not such an insanely daring act...
I don't like the fear factor in our thing.

anyway season looks promising, although far from perfect on my side. But I learn a lot and I have fun.
Got some issue with hillside. Two big plants just died (root rot? flush?). First mid july, second now. In a matter of weeks. The one in the middle of the terrace is fine so far and huge. I hope it doesn't face the same fate. Otherwise some strange leaf burn on the very top of the plant on three others, but mold contained so far and as much as planting not perfect, some nice plants there.
first things already drying, fem seeds on the way. sts worked for me very good and I hope for some nice stock for the future.
but I need a brake from growing. to relax and concentrate on studying and career.
and regroup before next op.

you sound good julian. it's good to hear. wish you a nice social aspect. another great thing is grill on the mountain with friends and family.
reading your stuff rises my morale (life and growing). wise words aplenty.

busy time coming. best wishes for all.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
Good, I spent about 2 hours looking yesterday and got swamped in all kinds of BS. I don't regularly watch shows online, so I was lost.
I of course never do......ever, but, if everything I watch is available online?, well.....my cable bill(s) piss me off.....matter of principle....I'm paying like, almost $200 a month for fuckin cable and really, it's just so I can watch "my shows", which are few to start with....(and the one above updates...I checked for someone....first episode second season Sons of Anarchy is up there,so.....(seems to go to white screen, top righthand corner will get a "skip this ad", and then good to go, and, it seems a lot of stuff is HD/Divx,etc, so, can get larger screen, good quality, etc....not half assed quality....
That's funny, lol, I don't talk to myself enough like that, heheh.
I always do........always have......and make a point of always stating such, as lot of people think I'm too hard on them, on others, etc......which is incorrect in itself, as taking a firm position, dealing with what is in the moment and such is hardly "harsh", etc......

Are we not men?...(sorry :smoke:)....or rather mature, responsible, reasonable, rational adults? Everything is no more than it is and I think in no ones best interests to talk themselves out of anything......I use that a lot with people....ie: Fear: Afraid of what exactly? this, that?, etc.....and almost always comes out to fear not supported, etc.....

I'm very hard on myself that way.....and use such dialogues with myself......helps me get a lot done :smoke:....

vod said:
I've just spent a lovely saturday grilling with my wifes family. My daughter is turning 2.5. Life is so good that I started questioning why do I risk so much. I have to go on a spot a bit further away and one that freaked me out a bit last time I went (rush of paranoia when two cars blocked my parked car when I was leaving spot) and I started thinking: just leave the shit alone. you got enough elsewhere.
but really spot is good. super stealthy, the entrance could be better, but at sunset is good enough. but I feel I need some camouflage this time to feel "at ease". And a 20 min ride with the wet is not such an insanely daring act...
I don't like the fear factor in our thing.
No one does (like the fear factor), and, questioning risk?, well, sure we all have, and, I've given in to that myself......I wanted to stay minis, remember?, and, next thing I know not only back to larger but focus on trees, so.....and of course all that driven by such, and, in the end, most likely the right approach, although I can't see totally abandoning the minis,. just not relying on them for entire season hit, etc....

One of the most attractive things for me regarding green has always been the risk factor.....ie: Good money, minimal risk and penalties.....but, numbers grow and grow, and, latter is tossed out the window....(but still doesn't come close to other money making ventures.....)

I got a thing for grilling :biglaugh:.......and, 2 cars blocking me in would give a serious adrenaline boost :smoke:....
anyway season looks promising, although far from perfect on my side. But I learn a lot and I have fun.
Got some issue with hillside. Two big plants just died (root rot? flush?). First mid july, second now. In a matter of weeks. The one in the middle of the terrace is fine so far and huge. I hope it doesn't face the same fate. Otherwise some strange leaf burn on the very top of the plant on three others, but mold contained so far and as much as planting not perfect, some nice plants there.
first things already drying, fem seeds on the way. sts worked for me very good and I hope for some nice stock for the future.
but I need a brake from growing. to relax and concentrate on studying and career.
and regroup before next op.

you sound good julian. it's good to hear. wish you a nice social aspect. another great thing is grill on the mountain with friends and family.
reading your stuff rises my morale (life and growing). wise words aplenty.

busy time coming. best wishes for all.
Thanks man........feeling okay lately......changes not going to be stress free, but reduced in many ways..(trading one stress for another lesser one :smoke:)......

Had problems with hillsides before and quite possibly a flush...(I had some clay hillsides I did before......which actually did quite well until a significant later rain(s) came through, otherwise, was doing okay, and was lo maintenance, so...couldn't complain.....wasn't enough prep given the native soil, so....which I questioned when planting but thought would be fine and were for the most part until near the end, as above....I've always liked hillsides..(exposure, surrounding veg and stealth, etc.....have several far back in gallery, taken pretty close and not easy make it out still, so :smoke:.....

I'm working on it all, and, we'll see.....

Was talking with several people this week about many things and wanted to add something somewhat amusing:

So, my issues with in's are basically only power issues.......what does the specific location comfortably allow regarding power. I mean, that to me, is my major issue.....

I mentioned 4's and 8's above and such, and figured some flip flops and such, but then was talking to couple people who run staggered/flip flops...(One running an 8k with 2 ballasts/2k continual draw, and another running a 16k, with a 4k continual draw.....)

Now of course, yes, I am sure that yield is impacted in some way shape or form.....(anything under lights only getting 6hrs direct, but that would be completely discounting anything falling outside that, which I don't think is the case.......and have seen many in past with fairly good results......) I thought funny....couple quick and simple conversations doubling size, so....anything I wanted 4, could go 8 if staggered flip flop, and anything going 8 could go 16 staggered flip flop, so......of course makes quite a difference.....so, will probably be going that way and focusing more on placement...but do a little more research in the meantime to see if beneficial in the end (yield), and, sure that is enough to justify the extra expense.....ie: If it even adds 25%, initial equipment aside, is worth it, and most likely gained yield would exceed 25%......(over unstaggered op).....

(I think I made a mistake above......point made though....if I run staggered flip flops can double lights......2k continual, 8k (instead of 4), 4k continual, 16k instead of 8k, etc....)

Had completely forgotten about staggered......(haven't run it, but was aware years ago....), so.......means I might very well be able to have 2 -16's and 2 8's set up shortly...(even if averaged out 1 per...which is probably a low estimate.......well.....still comes out to 48 every 60 days....96 in 120 days from filling spots after set up, so...........of course locations and rooms will also be staggered, so.....20 something a month, 10 every 2 weeks after all scheduling made, welllll..........I can live with that :smoke:......

Thought a good example of the smallest things and the impact possible.......and actually a little pleased.......(wasn't as excited about 4-8's.....expenses after all, so.......8-16's something to feel a little better about.....)

Hope all are well, and will be getting pics up in future of something.....haven't really been around everything (outs) and, just not too happy overall, and working on new stuff, moving forward, although a lot turned/are turning out halfway decent, but, got hit left and right, so....I'm not impressed with projected yields.....(don't even know what those will be, but, I'm, not jumping for joy.....more excited about getting a pair of 16's up and others and starting prep for next years trees.......and going to try and work the af run in earlier also, but have to get some stock made on several levels (AF and regular stuff......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Let's say 2 rooms, layout:

1 2---------9 10
3 4--------11 12
5 6--------13 14
7 8--------15 16

instead of lights 1-8 on for 12hrs, then lights 9-16 on for 12 hrs (requiring 8 ballasts,8k per hour draw), it would be lights 1,4,5,8 on for an hour, then lights 2,3,6,7 for an hour, and so on, and then flipping after 12 hrs onto room 2 and doing the same, instead requiring 4 ballasts, and taking a 4k per hour draw..(double the lights, 1/2 the draw)

Have never run a staggered...many people do it though, and I am sure a reduction per light, (as compared to straight 12 on all 8 per room) but, with good spacing, still overlaps and you are gaining an increased yield but with reduced hourly draw....


Oh ok, that makes perfect sense, especially with your example. Thank you again Jules! That sounds like a really good idea tho especially if doube the lights and half the power, Id definatly say why not?

So would 1k lights be better suited for this style of growing i would think right?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, certainly no expert...never ran staggered, but, know people been doing for years, and, seems larger the op the more suited it is due to overlapping and coverage.....

Specifics I would assume lie upon style and placement (plants and lights).....could imagine it working for any number of situations, as long as coverage is there.....the above diagram just explanatory...might work even better with a different set up (9...but even number necessary)......12 in a 4 x 3 or 3 x 4 layout x 2, making it functional with 6 ballasts....(go 600's if set up allowed and you have a 3600 (light only) draw, which pretty much anywhere, anytime isn't anything too over the top....3600w continual (light only) for a 24 x 600....well......Glad I was reminded, and, felt worthy of mentioning as an example of something small, made a difference, etc....(Now I'm thinking about 24/600 :smoke:...one spot with the size could definitely handle a 4k and change draw....raise em up a little and sog...(although trying to get away from numbers), I would think would be more than worth it, etc.....pull em off and run verticals on semi trees, and might work just as well...(I might have seen such used on vertical tree ops....)

Anyway, point was doubled spots I have in mind, and, again, sure a reduction....not going to be pulling the same per staggered as if was not, but, sure good numbers still....I think (always have) too many people waive off the power of good overlapping anyway....

See.....:biglaugh:....fuckin rusty.....:biglaugh:.....took 2 people to remind me :biglaugh:.....

I always estimate lower, for everything, so.....I think all comes out and wouldn't see 1 per light as a pipe dream if everything in line...

Thinking now more about the 12/600's-24/600's...

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

2,4,5,7,10,12 I think would be much better coverage than the above, (6/12 example above) but would still put me at 7 and change or into 8's,(constant draw) which at this second, don't have a site I could set that up in tomorrow, so.....

4/8/16....no problem.....that's why pleased at idea...but a 6/12/24?....only if 600's....(which depending on method and placement/coverage, actually not a bad idea...)

Not thrilled about having to wire this all up myself either :biglaugh:.....someones going to be getting multiple calls in the middle of the night with questions :biglaugh:....(Actually....as long as can get a 240/30/50 outlet depending to spot...pretty much have everything else within reach and think can set it all up in a single day/night..(plug and play pretty much)..will just buy everything....and a little guidance regarding setting up the flips and such....the staggered mixed with the flip and setting up timings confuses me a little, but, sure nothing can't handle...
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