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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
Thanks Julian.
Best wishes to all for the comming year.
Thank you........in full force mode....will either accomplish what I want this year or die trying..(I"m quite serious....).

I talked with my friend the other day and he said: let's do it.
I'm very pleased and hope for a succesful test & training op.
I also realized that my travel/time at op estimates were way optimistic... but he wants to help with planting and do the sexing so we should be good...
Well, as it goes........plan, then readjust, then plan more, etc....

One less trip, then rework duties, etc......

The one truth when working with people is as long as all are reasonable, anything can be gotten around...dealt with...(I've never had problems when all reasonable,rational, understanding, etc......it's when they're not.....)

Test and training op the right way to go.....expectations down....margin for error.....etc......might have a lot of problems first run......

People sometimes fuck with me because I want to "go over the same things 10 times"....:smoke:...(which I can insert at any given time a dozen different comments :biglaugh:....)

Lot of things one can plan for, a lot of things not....

10 times?....well, maybe somewhere in there will be things not planned for...:smoke:

Even with best people....training not always easy........all a matter of understanding and realizing best approach for specific individual....


Could you please go into a little more detail into the four senses of self please? I believe I've read some things before that may be of similar subject matter but I'm not sure. I'm definitely interested though.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Im thinking of flying solo this season J.....after last seasons toils....Ive had it with lames. That want the result, but wont put forth the effort. Or they get paranoid and effect every one envolved. Or there neglection of duties make my work load/risk load increase.
I think ill get alot more done..and it will all be mine in the end. Depends on what i do I guess......have some seed I want to germ...and found sevral clones that are absolute killer....love to see alot of these....Hip Cats....ChemDxAffie#1.....a BB thats been passed around left a thick BB syrup on my tongue and was very stony.

I dont know what are your thoughts J????? Haveing done what you have...would you now consider a proven line as the whole crop? Or maybe a couple?

What Fems have you ran?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, first a Happy New Year to all, and hoping it's finding any and all in good spirits....(not for me....in the slightest....starting to grasp it's going to be heaviest workload of my life.....but a reason and a target and my choice, and, hopefully end result will be proportionate.....)

(hopefully chance in March/April to get some sleep....:biglaugh:..)

Going to throw in some personal stuff for perspective.....

Hindu Killer said:
Im thinking of flying solo this season J.....after last seasons toils....Ive had it with lames. That want the result, but wont put forth the effort. Or they get paranoid and effect every one involved. Or there neglection of duties make my work load/risk load increase.
Sounds like my last season :biglaugh: (Which I say I'm past but still find myself grumbling about :biglaugh:)

I especially liked the part about how paranoia bleeding over and affecting everyone involved, which is very, very true.....(I have 1-2 people around me who I have just forbidden to bring up and discuss certain topics.,....and, not even a joke.........don't bring it up, leave it alone, don't want to hear about it.......I listen to them for 5 minutes and am scared to jaywalk :biglaugh:

My last season carried every one of the above and others, and, just as the above, each and every bleeds over and affects all involved in any number of ways.....without a doubt....

You know.....I'm truly, truly sorry you had to have exposure to such....but, in the end, experience is priceless.....and, no one, you or I can't hold it against them in the end.......we can't....

It's our fault...no one to blame but ourselves......in my case, was aware of certain things....dealt with such in certain ways.....etc, etc...

I've always done partnerships and helpers and employees.....so, not going to condemn the entire process due to a single season.....(ie: If one can do it 10-15-20-50-100 times and only have one bad one to speak of, well..:smoke:.....Your ahead in my book........one of the approaches that helps me keep everything in perspective.......)

I'm not about to discontinue such....but, I am now focusing on something just for me.......lot of ideas.....best spot I can find, etc, etc, and, going to focus a part of my energies on that alone......(and actually to use that as a slap in itself........ie: If I can do something single-handedly and then compare it against the work of 2-3-4-5 others combined, etc.........interested at the outcome and comparison......)

And, as above...not going to discontinue......starting to develop something of my own, for me......then locals as always have done, and, been working on down south things also....etc,etc.....

Don't forget though.....not their fault-was yours..(and mine,etc)...

(I also know the disappointment that carries when one is close to people involved.........and future implications to relationship(s),etc......)

My case had lot of issues which truly were unexpected....truly....ie: People were some of hardest working guys I have ever known.....etc,etc.....

Earlier in thread talked about screening people....time known, etc, and, I presented several interesting examples......ie: someone known 30yrs vs. someone for 2.....who worked out, etc......so....again....while criteria assists.....I mean, as is said with living with someone: Until you run an op with someone, you have no fuckin clue who they truly are...

Which could also feed into a lesson about larger things:
The entire process from start through finish will cause one to express every aspect of their personality....and, no one is perfect.......was telling someone recently and also earlier in thread: Your strengths will be magnified 10 fold, as well as ones weakness's......physical strength....work ethic....mathematical abilities :biglaugh: ....scheduling.....memory and recall, understanding...etc.....list goes on and on.......

Will I personally do anything different?....well, as above, the "partner" thing is getting put to rest....or will at the very least be revised quite firmly....as will my tolerance and understanding....which maybe the latest level(s) were a bit high due to prolonged success, and ease of people previously worked with, etc......Most recent "partners" and crew did not fuck around.

Note: The crew that I speak so highly of?........well, they did have shortcomings :smoke:.....they did...each one a different set.......but, all were/are known and we worked around those accordingly...

Examples: One specific member got a bit skittish come harvest time....being at locations cutting.....but, in every other way?, he always came through 100%, and was solid....so, we arranged scheduling to accommodate what we readily knew about his psyche...

Another couldn't do the travel required full season......so, we again switched off scheduling to make certain times a little easier on him....ie: Not necessary for him to be present for routine checks.....most of the time nothing done during those, and, if we did decide to do something (haul, top feeds, etc), well, we knew we'd have to do it without him, but that it was okay......as we told him he didn't have to......so, that alone could cut a month or more of trips off his schedule......(lower key family man.....weekends and family important to him, etc.....)

Anyway, sure point(s) made.....

All about ones self, right? :smoke:.....Have to be real in ones analysis......which helps what we draw out of certain situations, etc......

If it's your/my/our op?.......well, the shortcomings rest in our lap...not anyone else's....(and, me personally, fuckin pains me to take that stance, but, such is only appropriate when considering it "our" op......:smoke:)....

Buck stops here.
I think ill get alot more done..and it will all be mine in the end.
Well, hopefully not more per se, but, again, basics of others is automatically multiplied to cover all, so....ie: if 20 alone, than have to do 40 automatically with one person just do bring in the same....60+ with 2 people, and so on...applicable to any level....so....if 2 partners, and was doing 20 alone and with 2 only bringing in 35?........already not worth it.....doesn't make financial sense......(well, for them it does :biglaugh:, but, you know what I mean......above scenario actually doing less with partners....

As above though.............I'd like to do the same.....for a lot of reasons....lot of different reasons....(not so much about money......everything else).....so, of course, I do understand....can't wait to get my own thing.......and, who knows?...might make me quite happy in many ways.......might have an impact in ways I don't even know yet upon future ops with people, etc......
Depends on what i do I guess......
Well,you know...even when I have a crew......I do a lot myself.....and , have had my own spots many times...lot of city spots, so....depending on location (rainfall, soil, prep), I mean, what a single person can do is beyond what most think.....

Almost every season I plant at least a couple thousand with my own hands...so......planting one of things I take a heavier hand in...always have......

Digging?...well, depends on soil and prep.......(also hauling, etc)...my city spots, minimal hole and prep have always done pretty large numbers, and done alone for most part (sometimes little help harvest, etc.....)

So, does all depend.......environment determines a lot.......soil/rainfall, access....

In the end though, work ethic I think and physical issues set the tone.....

Ready to transport?.....as earlier...can do 450 in a sq. meter......so...(even more actually, pic was just example...could maybe get up to 800 covered in same spot/light....

Holes?...well, good soil and smaller holes?...my last city run I did 100 in under an hour....(I timed it.....also was end of season......so, had been all season....first run of season might have gotten 30-40 an hour, etc.....repetition increases your speed over time, as with anything in life.....)

In the end?......I mean...you can always do more :smoke:.....(how I started doing whole seasons.......did what I wanted....then done...nothing to do,so, figured some more....then done, etc, and so on and so on.....)

Basics of season......it's quite long actually in most places :smoke:......an always do more if one wants to and is able to...supplies, the strength, the stock, and, as first post...can hold things back for more rounds of clones, etc...ie: hold back couple, couple weeks, another round ready....then hold back some more, couple weeks, more ready, etc.......
I dont know what are your thoughts J????? Haveing done what you have...would you now consider a proven line as the whole crop? Or maybe a couple?

What Fems have you ran?
Nah, I still would do different things........I have the WE stock, but, not sure I would run it tomorrow...and would be happier with some solid fem stock....

Another reason as earlier I like many different things (and from seed)...Will all be individuals.......lot of variance......Plus, lot of things I still have yet to run that maybe I have not or haven't in a while....

I've run basically entire FMS line..(always happy for most part)...half of the DP line....(same, for most part always happy)......

Would like to try GHS fem line......lot of other things........and lot of other later things due to climate issues...(or what I believed to be and am not so sure anymore :smoke:)

I'd say run them all from above :smoke:...why not :smoke:....

BOG SB was a favorite, but, think has been contaminated now......had the pink/lemon which also a wide variance now, etc....and lot of other things....

DP PPP I like if a drier finish/end season......quality very nice...a general favorite among most people....

You know...like anyone, anything, anywhere.......something to be said for each thing.....really not much to say negative about anything really.....

Lot of other things I am sure I have forgotten, but, when I look through shopping something clicks, ya know?......

Oh.....no...I would never run a whole crop the same thing.....absolutely not......especially if clones.....too many variables as to what might occur.......I like best many things, and from seed......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Im thinking of flying solo this season J.....after last seasons toils....Ive had it with lames. That want the result, but wont put forth the effort. Or they get paranoid and effect every one envolved. Or there neglection of duties make my work load/risk load increase.
I think ill get alot more done..and it will all be mine in the end. Depends on what i do I guess.
Btw......some more perspective:

A man that tries to put something together, larger than himself, including others.....even if failed?

I personally hold such in very high regard.......and is a man worthy of respect...

I would say more importance and significance attached than someone who did it all alone and success ....

Such can be utilized and translate into all other areas of life, at any time.....

One single failure is merely that, and doesn't have to be repeated.....but, from that single effort...countless lessons can be learned....and can be used to advance farther than one might be able to without such an experience, so.....

It is what it is.....make sure not to let it be negative.....lot to be proud of from such a situation......lot that's been earned....


Happy New Years all glad to see everybody carrying on this great thread. Also glad to see your still pushing and expanding Julian, keep it up your an inspiration brother and be safe.

Back to coco for a minute. I came across a hell of a deal from a nursery going out of business. $1 dollar per 5 kg. bale. Fuck man I got a truckload for 50 bucks. I was reading some of your experience and experiments with them and found it very interesting. I have absolutely no exposure with this stuff and am going to run a few experiments of my own.

I was really interested in the idea of bringing them out in initial prepwork say a month before planting and breaking them into small chunks and adding them to the middle/top of the hole with nute/crystal mix and coming back and turning it all over before planting(after rains and expanded).

Just wondering if you have given anymore thought to the above and if anything else to add to the topic

I'm running some of GHS stuff this summer along with some stuff thats been mixed up but pretty good. GHS Himalaya Gold stands out to me aswell as a few others and am looking forward to running them and seeing what they can do.

Stay positive everybody and plan and think and plan some more. Don't let other peoples negativity stiffle you. It's easy to get sidetracked through other peoples negativity so I try to eliminate all that and stay focused on tasks at hand. Not preaching just thinking outloud about past and present situations.


hey wolff...i have heard that animals are attracted to the coco in an outdoor setting. may be something to check into, i was told that deer were especially into it.


That's something to think about triple d. I've been pretty fortunate that I don't have much trouble with deer. As long as I ammend the holes a couple weeks before I plant it seems to give the animals enough time to dig and sniff out whatever it is they're looking for in the soil.

I usually give it a month to be safe. It seems that once they sniff it out or dig it out and have their "fun" they don't come back. I guess it's stored in their memorybank somewhere.

I've had alot of success or seemingly so with predator urine. You hang little bottles of it with a cotton swab in it and a opening for the scent to come out. I pour a little in everytime I visit maybe 2-3 times a season. Seems to help. Maybe I've just been lucky. No cages and no losses...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Interesting.....always good to hear the pro's in put.
You should know, you're the pro :smoke:...

Wolff said:
Happy New Years all glad to see everybody carrying on this great thread. Also glad to see your still pushing and expanding Julian, keep it up your an inspiration brother and be safe.
Thanks man, and thanks for the wishes, and, likewise......
Back to coco for a minute. I came across a hell of a deal from a nursery going out of business. $1 dollar per 5 kg. bale. Fuck man I got a truckload for 50 bucks.
I'd have got a truck there myself while I waited :biglaugh:

I recently saw larger rolls of it also (what I saw were I believe 20' x 36".....) Got me thinking about the possibilities also......

I like it, will be using it again....can't say exactly how this second, but, will be :smoke:...for sure.....especially in revised capacity as mentioned, etc....)
I was reading some of your experience and experiments with them and found it very interesting. I have absolutely no exposure with this stuff and am going to run a few experiments of my own.
Well, starts with your needs, purpose, soil, etc.....(might decide to use less, etc....but, I mean....overall, if I wouldn't have used any at that time....I mean :smoke: It would have been used.....for sure.......and, what I really like about it..(ie: adaptability....indoor, outdoor, larger, smaller, etc......going to run it in eventually somewhere, sometime.....sure will be pleased with it........(I think I ran a small batch of starts last year in it just to fuck around with it, understand it, be more comfortable with it......Have heard of people I think running straight coco and irrigation outdoors also.......
I was really interested in the idea of bringing them out in initial prepwork say a month before planting and breaking them into small chunks and adding them to the middle/top of the hole with nute/crystal mix and coming back and turning it all over before planting(after rains and expanded).
That was the way...........fuckin magic....but, for future reference, I'd say run them past a saw into sizes you want before......(I would/will again depending on what form I had it in....with all of it...we did couple different things, but, yeah, was the way man...one of those "genius" moments which was really no more than a second though to the obvious, etc.....

Depends on what your working with and rainfall....and personal preference...and procedures utilized, etc......(We were drilling so just threw them right in....might have been when idea came to me.....could also just throw on top if coming back to dig....(and mix it in....) could throw dry mic under quick turn and then on top....I mean, the benefit of it (to me) was, of course, less work (rain expanding), so....

All depends on how you do it......(and then work into your style for most efficiency, etc.....)

Anytime I can get something done with no work :biglaugh:, I mean, that's a good thing....
Just wondering if you have given anymore thought to the above and if anything else to add to the topic
Only the above.....will use again....will use basically same way (might alter approach depending on procedures we're doing, etc, but, basically same....and, again, procedure and style would dictate, etc......(If I was doing containers close that could be maintained I might try some solid, but, then again, would just add another mixture needed of nutes, as wouldn't be the same with soil and different prep, etc....

Good shit.....lot of uses, could have a lot on hand and be happy.....
I'm running some of GHS stuff this summer along with some stuff thats been mixed up but pretty good. GHS Himalaya Gold stands out to me as well as a few others and am looking forward to running them and seeing what they can do.
Well...like anything I do my research on things of interest.....see what I can find on it....etc....go through threads of people who have run it....(and of course, try to always read between the lines....)

Has annoyed me for quite some time about their stuff.....(Don't know what to believe.......so, in such a case in the end would just run and judge for myself......sure some nice things......my primary concern though would be stability of fems....(more so than quality and yield....yield?....well, I'm doing other stuff and can do more.....quality?, well...these days hard to find something not fairly decent......ie: If not up to expectations?....well, then I don't keep for ps, and then I adjust price a little depending on what I think of it, etc.....and, would cost me money...I always try to price fair.....so...if an issue, wouldn't run again.....)

I plan to try a bunch....(maybe half their line....what appeals most at the time....test run and see what's what........but, then again?......if nice and only do smaller test runs will be annoyed, so...you know how that goes :smoke:
Stay positive everybody and plan and think and plan some more. Don't let other peoples negativity stifle you. It's easy to get sidetracked through other peoples negativity so I try to eliminate all that and stay focused on tasks at hand. Not preaching just thinking out loud about past and present situations.
I'm usually pretty good about brushing off the bullshit or not letting it get to me in first place, but, occasionally in life you have it from multiple people and multiple directions.....and, if you don't get a breather....easy for it to effect...the old "you become who surrounds you".......

These days I cut many conversations pretty short......(won't continue it, period....but, yeah, as above...had some from an unexpected source and left a bad taste in my mouth, but, of course, you use that to your advantage......ie: Right now?....I might be better than I have been in a long time as far as focus and motivation, etc....ready to take on everything, and, considering my own thing somewhere.....(would actually like to see what I could do myself....whole season....aside from certain duties (harvest, trimming, etc), might get a lot done.....

Bleeds into all of life......work ethic....vision......focus.....for everyone......

The "can't" earlier in thread......for me some of those people creeping back in, so......have less patience than ever for the "can't" people........anyway....

Excited btw about getting something for myself..........wouldn't be surprised if I pulled the same or more than other put together......(Have thought about something smaller down south for myself...acre or 2....then local...etc..lot of things...but, we'll see where it ends up.......discussed this week a 1/2-1 acre mini or AF this year....but, lately....with so much talk and realistic possibilities of a friendlier place(s)....I mean.......same money could be devoted to something else where I could get some rest at night :smoke:

Wolff said:
That's something to think about triple d. I've been pretty fortunate that I don't have much trouble with deer. As long as I ammend the holes a couple weeks before I plant it seems to give the animals enough time to dig and sniff out whatever it is they're looking for in the soil.
1. My use was heavy deer, and one where they didn't cage and was terrified would lose big time.

Didn't lose 1.

2.All marketing pieces I have ever seen tout animals disinterest, so, I would lay any losses upon any other number of reasons.......ie: The mix........eaten despite of mix....etc....)

No. I didn't lose a single one, and have never heard of such. I don't believe it for even a moment, and, all experiences and knowledge of such don't support it. At all.

Note: At that specific op....holes, epansion, and planting was done within 1 week btw.
I usually give it a month to be safe. It seems that once they sniff it out or dig it out and have their "fun" they don't come back. I guess it's stored in their memorybank somewhere.
As is always the best.......and lot of other reasons beneficial also (nutes, crystals, surrounding veg, etc)


Julian said:
A man that tries to put something together, larger than himself, including others.....even if failed?

I personally hold such in very high regard.......and is a man worthy of respect...

I would say more importance and significance attached than someone who did it all alone and success ....

Such can be utilized and translate into all other areas of life, at any time.....

One single failure is merely that, and doesn't have to be repeated.....but, from that single effort...countless lessons can be learned....and can be used to advance farther than one might be able to without such an experience, so.....

It is what it is.....make sure not to let it be negative.....lot to be proud of from such a situation......lot that's been earned....

God damn monty...Very well said.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Fast_Pine said:
God damn monty...Very well said.
Thank you my friend......and glad all is well...

I'm sure you would agree.....(and are familiar)...

People can talk all day long and in the end?...what of any significance in life is achieved without others?...

Not many things I can think of off the top of my head containing great achievement by a single individual...(and I know what most would reply with, and, no.....they're not "alone"......other individuals/support systems brought them over the top......their level of talent and skill alone is not enough for the complete journey and process...

Which, again, as above, translates directly into any legitimate industry on earth.....and always will


In anything of substantial substance, doesn't exist.

Not easy to head a project.....less easy to train any and all.......and with any obstacles thrown in?........well, for one to push and complete?......enormous amount of dedication and commitment...(throw on top people fighting you along the way?...well, then becomes really special :smoke: :biglaugh:)

Work?, get something done?....

Of course, admirable......

Head up and control a project?......well........the difference....the implications as to who and what one is and potential is self explanatory...

On a different note and train of thought (not applying to you my brother) Lot of other things on my mind regarding psychology, individual screening, personal growth and self realization per se.....

Might be of interest and I am going to word everything a completely different way to take myself out of equation...:smoke:

So how about: What I observe and place value on in others and see as a display of their mindset and capabilities.....(can be used anywhere, anytime, for any reason.....)

Examples will vary....

Lately I am becoming very disappointed in many....

1. What do people draw out of anything presented to them?
Several examples,and, I believe a powerful tool to completely gauge an individual.

One example: I sent someone recently multiple write ups on multiple subjects and ask them "what they drew out of it"..........asked "what would they say was most significant statement made"....

Their reply was basically the title of subject.

We see examples here......everywhere......a topic is brought up and many will focus on what is the most obvious, the most recognized by anyone......yet within things of great significance will be overlooked and fail to generate any discussion (when those things are in fact what might be considered the most worthy of attention and most beneficial things in articles, etc....)

Another silly example....
Was getting some work done just today.....had something on in background , and, heard a quote than made me stop everything and start to watch..........really affected me.,...

So, I started searching for all "quotes" from it to see if I could find it listed......(was to the effect of one only being as good and strong as people they work with, and etc, etc)...

But all I could find is jokes.....

In every case something of value and great significance being presented and not of interest....unnoticed, etc....

So.....my approach to many who hold themselves in high regard lately is merely to present something substantial and gauge, observe, note their response.

What they drew from it...

So.........something of interest to anyone who might come across this:
What do you draw from what life presents you on a daily and hourly basis?

(I know 100 people would would begin to talk endlessly about what they do...........unfortunately, one such of those is listed as an above example :smoke:)

Now let's expand
that train of thought and topic to something else I was discussing with someone:

In conjunction with the above is not only what they might draw from any given thing asked to, but furthermore what does one draw from everything life presents them?

I've noticed something lately:
The most impressive people I come across perform the above to everything presented to them throughout every moment of every day.

Let me explain:
We tend to do such only to things which are of interest to us.

Rarely will you find someone who performs and absorbs from things which are not of interest...

(I make it a point of life....but trying to take focus of me and directing to anyone, about anyone....)

What is their knowledge and interest in things which is beyond their current set?

Just because it is not something which one is directly involved in today does not mean there is not some aspect contained which one can build upon.....for any number of reasons....

Something one can use in conversation with a party who has different interests.....

Something one can add to general knowledge for a greater understanding of the world around them......

Something , which, even though one might not have a current interest, nor know anyone with said interests, that might come together with further knowledge to affect an area of interest in the future...

In short and meaning:
I place such very highly when I come across them anywhere, anytime, and it's usually quite easy to recognize such...

I see in life lately quite a few distortions in many people and the 4 senses of self.......I see a lack of the above mentioned.....and, thought the above worth mentioning...maybe of some interest to others......lately very quick and extremely effective screening...


This is a huge/awesome topic that permeates throughout all human interaction/life. I've become aware of this very fact more and more over the last few months. As I go about my daily tasks I've been noticing quite simply that some people help and build while others hinder/divert and destroy even if unintentionally. This comes down to the level of the moment, second by second in conversation/interaction. After someone says their piece, it's then your opportunity to speak and either expand upon what they've said, taking it further, or you negate or divert the topic/subject matter. Although these are only words being spoken, it's a literal power struggle within the moment that plays out according to our individual personality types and skills. When the right group of individuals are together, it clicks, and things flow. The individuals themselves have to be able to flow on their own, but the group flow is much stronger as everyone brings different strengths to the table.

Day by day I am developing/building my flow and trying my best to surround myself with the right people; good people.

You are only as good as the company you keep.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
psilopod said:
some people help and build while others hinder/divert and destroy even if unintentionally.
Unintentionally often being the case and not the surprise.

The actual surprise being these are the individuals who most often consider themselves the opposite and above such.

An example?

Of course, my pleasure :smoke:.....

One would have no further to look that where we stand for an example of the above.....

Who are we?...where are we?...what do we do?

Yet for the most part one can find no shortage of claims from others about the impossibility of tasks might might have in mind......


And who would have thought.........

Me?....on name changes have had to deal with such.....and see often others....stating impossibility.....demanding proof of even the smallest of claims....

Was talking with someone today.......Feb 09' will mark the 3 year mark since OG has been down....

Was on OG 3 or so before that..maybe 3.5 which would make been around almost 7 years....

You see a lot if actively reading for such a period.....(I use search for topics of interest :smoke:)

No secret also, and equally amusing growers as a whole the cheapest group one will ever see....

Another note of interest considering hobby is growing money...

One wouldn't have to look far also to see an intolerance of others preferences....way of life.....behavior...lifestyle.....

But the very same would hold themselves to be firmly the opposite of all at any given time......

Personally?....I see much worse than all of the above in people an inability to not only fail to recognize such, but a refusal even to attempt it...

Which to me is something that determine quite a bit......


You can't do that! :biglaugh:....

That wasn't directed toward anyone in specific, just something over time which I notice more and as of late see far too much.....

How can one achieve any true level of growth when one does not even know their current starting point...their current position....how they are growing in the first place, since don't know who they actually are to begin with?????

What I see lately in life is very disturbing regarding such.....

Can not be reasoned with.....logic a worthless attempt, etc.....

Such scares me....literally.......and a reminder such not uncommon....and exists in many......

When the right group of individuals are together, it clicks, and things flow. The individuals themselves have to be able to flow on their own, but the group flow is much stronger as everyone brings different strengths to the table.
As do they have to be able to function within a group, and, depending on the mindset and approaches of the group as a whole, that may or may not prove simple......

All aspects of personality would determine this....(any and all activities may very well span many different skill sets......)

A group in itself with positive chemistry does not in itself though determine such..(I have several such social groups in life.....many of them poor choices for such an operation....and chemistry in social situations not near enough to approach a work one.....)

Strengths?.........always a simple one...

Weakness's?...well, therein lies the problem, doesn't it :smoke:

Seriously?.....How many of us actually know someone whose weakness's can not only be acknowledged, but discussed and altered?

Strengths.......weakness's?...........a group effort?..

Have to acknowledge first :smoke:.....

Lot of negativity in real life lately about my training style..........they say might be a little........a little abrasive :smoke:

A little.......vicious.....:smoke:...



Last I checked, acknowledging our greatest weakness's, our shortcomings, and maybe even a readjustment of ones position in life and status to a more realistic view was all of the above....

Major changes?......to ones psyche......to ones life?.....

A firm approach unacceptable?........:smoke:....

Hmmm........maybe we should just stencil such on a lace doily and deliver it on a bed of flowers...maybe that will help one change from the inside out.......permanently.....:smoke:

I recently told someone I want to see them with a six pack within 4 months.....(they're probably 50lbs over that.....)

I think a good example.....

How can one claim a superior power and understanding over operations, over others, their families,.....a superior understanding of psychology.....of themselves.....a superior command over themselves and their thoughts:

But not even have control over their own body.

(And when such is stated, I will (of course) receive a reply which deflects all and usually be that I smoke.......(of course, all know I quit every spring because health and condition more important to me......)

And conveniently ignore I always have my six pack by May 1st :smoke:..

Of course, I disagree in the above, and my approaches, since they start with asking one to question and place themselves.....

I suppose merely asking one to understand themselves has now become the above...brutal...vicious :smoke:....

Where's the number of that doily company :smoke:....

Change.....actual realization who one is...readjusting what we believe ourselves to be.......

No one ever said was easy, but, I think a very strong indicator and screening point personally.......for reasons above and all associated....

This thread?......I've referred people to it for my own training purposes......claim to have read it.......claim to understand it.....Yet I ponder how one can claim to be on page 75 and have full and complete understanding over all subject matter and themselves, when the "4 Senses of Self" is only page 5 or so....:smoke:....

How can a person claim to have command over life when they don't even have a suitable command over themselves??


jmo......I believe success in anything and everything in life begins with ones own mind....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
The above continued and expanded....some additional thoughts....

Many people's views and approaches which are negative about things external of course a reflection of much deeper issues....

As addressed earlier...."Can't" mentalities most of the time is merely their translation, which is "I Can't"

We speak of observation....of analysis.......acknowledgment.....self awareness, and even change.....

We start with how many are even capable of such thought...(you know, for more than a moment :smoke:)

The we move to those who actually might dwell on such from time to time.....and the group usually shrinks rapidly from there.....

I know more than one who are incapable of the phrase "I'm sorry"...."I apologize"....

I think such is a further indicator in itself of ones mindset, especially regarding acknowledgment and change of ones self.....


Hmm.......maybe because of a displayed inability to even acknowledge one might be wrong about something :smoke:

If one cannot even face that one might be wrong about something insignificant...how can one be expected to face and recognize that which might be their worst fear(s)?

Many people view such as weakness.....

Easy to listen to people say the old "nobody's perfect", but then refuse to admit they aren't either....

Not easy to look in a mirror and be realistic with what one see's.....

(Simplicity of it is one can change anything they like for the most part....any aspect...any time...anywhere...........)

Been done before


This is a little bit deviated but it's all in the same vein.

Many individuals have problems/confrontation moment to moment due to their personal boundaries/limits and overall confidence levels. To me this is one of the main aspects of life, expanding personal limits, on all fronts. Now this may be a little vague/broad, but I promise that it's fitting to the situation.

Imagine if you will the individual whom has grown dank indoor marijuana for the last 5 years successfully pulling down 2 lbs every two months. This individual, although he has not grown on a commercial/massive scale, he for all intensive purposes has the majority of the needed skill sets to produce and care for a thousand or more plants(remember it's your own personal limit) but b/c he's never actually planted/harvested this many plants he is for sure hesitant. This is a direct expansion of personal limits and as always people are afraid of the unknown. This is where you see true personality come out; either the aggressive/dominant sled dog type comes out to play, or the yelping little passive/submissive lap dog comes out that never goes out of it's owner's sight. This is the most basic classification of personality that I can think of right now. The dominant/aggressive dogs explore/venture/go further, while the submissive/passive dog never pushes those limits/boundaries and so remains in the same little bubble their whole life.

Now this is also played off in confidence levels as well which are often time directly proportional to dominance/aggression levels. If the subject has had passed experiences that they viewed as positive/ a success, then those incidents directly build the subjects confidence levels and prepares them to go further/expand their boundaries.

This also comes into play in the self evaluation situation that Julian described earlier. The confident individual is much more likely to try and change after acknowledging a flaw of character or being, while the non confident individual is much more likely to lash out or revolt in anger/defense when either another individual criticizes them or they criticize themselves. The amazing thing is that even after seeing a specific flaw in themselves many individuals will rationalize/justify the trait or characteristic instead of trying to change it and do something about the undesirable trait.

Now to veer away from the generic/non-specific, I have been going through this process with myself pretty intensely over the last couple months. The hardest part of it is remaining truly conscious of/in the moment and acting accordingly. What is meant by this is often times within a conversation I will phrase something from my perspective inappropriately using pronouns like "I" "my" "you" etc... where instead of just conveying the message in mind, one makes it extremely personal/personalized by directly referencing themselves.

example- Charlie- "Has the dog been out today?"
Pete- "I took the dog out earlier."

Now in this example Pete did not listen to what was actually being asked of him " Has the dog been out today?" and instead of simply responding "Yes" or "Yes, the dog has been out today." Pete declares that he had taken the dog out earlier.

Now this is extremely subtle but within those two lines there's more being said than just on the surface. Pete is answering Charlie's question but he's also asserting himself as the one who did it; this kind of builds Pete's ego a little in a subconscious way. Charlie honestly doesn't give a crap though, he just asked whether the dog had been out yet today.

Now this is an idiotically simple example of what was being referred to earlier but I figured it would be a good illustration of what I am personally trying to overcome as I have a natural tendency to phrase things like Pete on occassion, lol. I am getting better at it though, and I make a conscious effort every day. That's all that matters.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I'm going to address below, but, that being said, such things do tend to have limited value in many respects, including each and every individual and situation contains far too many variables to ever completely address...

I would also be the first also to dismiss any who think no relation to topic, (such a statement alone would lead me to believe one has no basic grasp of subject matter) but you can only take things so far....

I am also fairly displeased as of late as I have someone who I hesitantly referred to this, and, frankly, they are turning out to be more of a source of examples......which cannot of course now be mentioned, (and more than a shame)....and of course would resist any and everything about themselves, as has been shown, so, would all be pointless to address......Have no intention of doing so.....and a shame I think actually as many might be able to draw quite a bit from it....(and not about he or I....about what is of value to people as a whole.....which holds greater importance......)

But I'll throw in a few things.....and we may or may not move on....(I'm contemplating locking up and starting and MCOG II focusing only on 1/2 acre and up, different locations, different styles....but might hold that off to coincide so same tone can be kept...(ie: Picture of each and every point made for illustration)

(Talked to someone also not too far back about a book or two....pictures, dvd's included...ie: Large book, with accompanying dvd so everything in book accompanied by video commentary......)

Anyway......the above being said, let's address.....

psilopod said:
Many individuals have problems/confrontation moment to moment due to their personal boundaries/limits and overall confidence levels.
True, but far more comes into play.....which I think is due to people misunderstanding all those fine lines that lie within and throughout regarding the above...

Boundaries and limits alone would be a clear indicator someone "not ready"....

In life lately....I have been cutting many things short by simply declaring such....."Not ready"....."Don't get it".....

Explanation?......No......one is not offered.....


If you want me to make you wealthy.....
If you want me to place my safety and the safety of my family in your hands?

Well :smoke:......I'm not the one who should be providing explanations :smoke: Am I?.....
Imagine if you will the individual whom has grown dank indoor marijuana for the last 5 years successfully pulling down 2 lbs every two months. This individual, although he has not grown on a commercial/massive scale, he for all intensive purposes has the majority of the needed skill sets to produce and care for a thousand or more plants(remember it's your own personal limit) but b/c he's never actually planted/harvested this many plants he is for sure hesitant.

This is a direct expansion of personal limits and as always people are afraid of the unknown.

This is where you see true personality come out; either the aggressive/dominant sled dog type comes out to play, or the yelping little passive/submissive lap dog comes out that never goes out of it's owner's sight. This is the most basic classification of personality that I can think of right now. The dominant/aggressive dogs explore/venture/go further, while the submissive/passive dog never pushes those limits/boundaries and so remains in the same little bubble their whole life.
I might agree on the surface, but, again, not only all variables but how life actually works would come into play......


1. Every day of 5 years in itself demonstrates a readily acknowledged level of commitment...

What have they learned (or tried to, or experienced within that time frame?.....) I mean.......The statement alone (5 yrs and moving to 1,000) I assume would carry with it such has been researched and contemplated and in preparation throughout 5 years....

Again....variables........the actual sequence of events life carries......the above fairly cut and dry.....

As earlier......the subject as a whole.........contains elements of natural progression, which, backtracking, it seems the majority do not possess in any area of life.....

You see how that works...I mean, we could analyze all day but in this medium in this place, easy to see the specifics contain the true details.....

Has he run multiple strains?
What is position on security?
An interest in evolving? (basics dictate such it would seem, etc.....)

Now this is also played off in confidence levels as well which are often time directly proportional to dominance/aggression levels. If the subject has had passed experiences that they viewed as positive/ a success, then those incidents directly build the subjects confidence levels and prepares them to go further/expand their boundaries.
But it all starts with the highlight above......which I have seen late can produce quite a dangerous individual when those views aren't exactly accurate.......


When all of ones group lives and freedom and families are on the line....what would anyone call that?

Which goes back to what some might consider melodramatic......

Prison and financial ruin and torn apart families aren't "melodramatic". It's real, and happens every day all across the world....

Again.....someone making such a statement would not in my mind be included in the group that "gets it"......

The point: I have known more than a few whose opinions and views of themselves and their life and knowledge and experience(s) are terrifyingly distorted....

4 Senses of Self.......

Staring to believe should have been called "Kept to myself" :biglaugh:

Can't be taught........holds much more significance that I ever began to imagine when originally thought of it......
The confident individual is much more likely to try and change after acknowledging a flaw of character or being, while the non confident individual is much more likely to lash out or revolt in anger/defense when either another individual criticizes them or they criticize themselves. The amazing thing is that even after seeing a specific flaw in themselves many individuals will rationalize/justify the trait or characteristic instead of trying to change it and do something about the undesirable trait.
Again.......addressing the above.....the problems I see go back to square one, which is perception....

What good is realization and even understanding if one does not accurately see it in the first place?........

Again....I could provide some great examples, but.....not possible....
The hardest part of it is remaining truly conscious of/in the moment and acting accordingly. What is meant by this is often times within a conversation I will phrase something from my perspective inappropriately using pronouns like "I" "my" "you" etc... where instead of just conveying the message in mind, one makes it extremely personal/personalized by directly referencing themselves.
Touched on earlier in thread, and, it's "We"....

"We" signifies a shared interest.....
"We" signifies non of us alone and face the issue alone.....

"We" all tend to sometimes forget that........

"YOU" tend to sometimes forget that....

Simple translation:
"You better smile when you say that mister" :biglaugh: (western draw.....)

I would say though all is easier if you care...ie: One doesn't have to "remember" when they have a genuine interest,.........when they truly care....


Going to cut this short......could go on and on and on and one of those things which is "The people that get it don't need it explained and the people who don't can never have it explained/will understand......)

Was thinking of some interesting examples....which might surprise some :smoke:, but would require quite a bit of extremely accurate and personal details.....

Me?.....I know exactly who I am...

I'll think about it.......reader would like it :biglaugh: (everything that I am but my name and address......)

We all are only who we are....

Don't like it?, well, today is just as good as tomorrow morning to redesign who you are......

Hmmm........I'm going to give serious thought about the above.....(actually already have several different times in this thread and others and OG......) Many know the overview of my life........

Hmmm.....I'll repeat.....

mid/late 20's found myself penniless, essentially homeless (families couch with single duffle bag), no credit, no documented employment, no "skills", no education, no training.......

No nothing.

(actually, point is lost somewhat as always been an earner....a big money maker, so.....guess story a moot point.:biglaugh:......that situation was the culmination of many years and literally millions upon millions made and spent....(which no one anywhere who knows me would dispute....) which finally came to an end, and which I wasn't prepared for.....didn't train for.....didn't see beyond......)

Hmmm.....that didn't turn out to be such a good example....:biglaugh:.....


I throw in sometimes what I can but, extended focus is merely mental masturbation.......too many variables........too many specifics......

In the end?.....it's all about how one can apply any to themselves first......


Active member
Julian said:
mid/late 20's found myself penniless, essentially homeless (families couch with single duffle bag), no credit, no documented employment, no "skills", no education, no training.......

Shit that makes me feel better! (No offense!) I know you come from poverty, but I thought you were a real estate mogul at 20 the way you drop knowledge.

On a different note, what would you do with a $1000 tomorrow in the market? Seems like right now people could get into some long term things that will see significant appreciation in the coming years at a discount price. (C, BAC, FRE, FNM, MGM, LVS, DOW, GE, etc).

Would it be better to split such a small amount up, or throw it all on one conservative choice?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
Shit that makes me feel better! (No offense!) I know you come from poverty, but I thought you were a real estate mogul at 20 the way you drop knowledge.
Not at all........mentioned elsewhere here and there....

Come from family too poor to even pay attention :biglaugh:....single parent with couple kids living in basically studio...(later, they worked 3 jobs 7 days a week and we made it into a 1 bedroom)....

I don't like repeating topics.....let's briefly revisit though:

around 15 or so got into it....by 18 was pulling down more than 1MM a year...(and easily spending 1.2-1.5MM...:smoke: )

No grasp of real estate, financial matters.....no understanding how to launder, business's so figured couldn't do anything with it anyway, so...why not, and, at that age, from poverty?.....well, no true understanding of life and the world (read: save, tomorrow is coming......not to mention the biggest factor: Everything comes to an end.......:smoke:)

(Actually.....I think interest in such started around then...tried to read hat I could...tried to get an idea.....really not enough material or direction available.....so......it didn't go anywhere.....tried to buy a couple buildings actually at one point (one year).....ran into issues such as tax returns, financing documentation....soon gave up the idea..:smoke:)

Eventually, as such things always do......came to an end through lost load(s) I had almost all my money into....went from rich mutherfucker to penniless overnight.......kind of interesting to read the words....then ponder....yet truly.......go to sleep in one situation....and wake up completely the opposite....)

Words or imagination can't truly express............truly.....(I sometimes ponder.....)

Had nothing....and, in the process had grown a conscious ...(while I always was into green, loved it, grown, etc....my primary was whitey....on a fairly large scale...a "multi kilo offender"....

So :smoke:....
No stranger to looking in the mirror one day realizing entire life and nothing to show.....,have nothing, am nothing......

That's when I started in everything.(properties, finance, trading, etc).....of further interest was spent next 2 years on that couch.....I slept (hadn't in a decade)....worked out.....read.......learned everything I could, talked to everyone I could.....watched everything I could....eventually growing crept back into the picture :smoke: :biglaugh:....and, well.....there you have it.....in process several companies in other industries (I created)....some kept and built...some left behind......marriage soon after that (6-10 years married....gave her 1MM in money and property at divorce which few know :smoke:...because, I could just make more, so...:smoke:....she was not of that type....a good woman......most true and best I ever met....just weren't good together....and a shame, because will be surprised if find another..(June Cleaver....:smoke:...)

But, again, for me a little different........

My "nothing"?.......

I was working odd shit stuff on the street when 6 years old.....(legitimate go fer kid shit.....)...had another job at about 8-9....

(Little different for me.......due to family.....I was cooking and doing laundry and cleaning house when 7 years old....single parent..always working, so........someone had to help, and, other siblings didn't......)

That's what I know about taking brutality and viciousness to the mirror.....

Waking up realizing one is nothing, has nothing......(but, again, a little different.....while that was true.....I'd been producing money from nothing since 6.....so :smoke:......

That's me.....
Nothing to something........right back to nothing once more.....then a little farther to something...and so on......the bright side to me is each time more focused and stable and better money......(afterwards, legally I got up to $50k at a time.....legally....)

Ever since the couch?......

I paid attention to everything....
Had IRS issues at one point (owed for about 600k)...dealt with them directly and handled all matters myself...spent the time reading until about 5 years later handed it over to attorneys and directed them for another couple years....

Dealt with INS issues with first wife...handled all matters personally....all paperwork myself....

I still try to pay attention to everything......:smoke:....draw something out of it...add it to knowledge in other areas, etc.......

Anyway.......some thing left out, some added in...some details rough (always aware of misdirection and surveillance here).....but, overall.....how it is.....left some aspects out because no direct bearing on point (such as other interests I have...activities, etc......)

Should also be noted at this point in time best shape of my life.....wearing same sizes I did when 18.....tell most women I am 28-30.....sometimes questioned...most of the time not...:smoke:....)

Turned down a chance somewhere later (when really needed it...) with the whitey which would have made me about 200-500k a month...(50-100 a month, every month.....3-5k per)

My stance on it......500k a month and won't go through with it......(and, again.....words...statements........yeah, fine.....but we're talking starting tomorrow, garbage bags, reality......)

Is what it is......wouldn't trade it for anything and pretty proud overall.....


No problem :smoke:.....
On a different note, what would you do with a $1000 tomorrow in the market? Seems like right now people could get into some long term things that will see significant appreciation in the coming years at a discount price. (C, BAC, FRE, FNM, MGM, LVS, DOW, GE, etc).

Would it be better to split such a small amount up, or throw it all on one conservative choice?
I haven't trader really, but, have started watching again...(made a decision a while back to lay off for now....)

My pick would have been AMD, but, they already had their 100% week (this/last week :biglaugh:...)

100% week :smoke:...(200%?)

Checked and saw around 2....checked I think earlier today/last night and after hours was 3....(on margin 200%?...I'm always heavy margin....)........wanted to get in on it...heavy...with long term in mind.....

People can talk fear all they like....personally?....I'm quite excited.......I think now is a historic time that 20-30-50 years from now we will be referencing as a time when fortunes were made.......property also..(contemplating new residence, etc........)

Just seeing a 100%+ week though has me a little optimistic....haven't traded in while (many reasons....from wanting to watch and let it settle down to being really busy and on the road, etc.....)....and, very optimistic......

(Trading.....I'm pretty good :smoke:...when in "the zone"........fuckin guru like status as far as my calls, and, made one to myself above......was right, so :swmoke:........Very excited and plan to start again shortly....going to watch a little bit more still....but, sometime this year.....maybe spring...maybe summer, etc, will be back in full force.......very optimistic......

1k?......my friend......it's all about returns......

1k with a 100% return? (which a novice can't expect to draw frequently)...still at 2k pre tax....

I'd save it........and keep saving....

I'd think about first home or condo..(at great low price :smoke:)...I'd think about putting into business....etc......

trading...I'd say minimal is 10, and, I mean......can't expect to pull unless your good....took me about 6-7 years trading before confident and knowledgeable enough to sit down anywhere, anytime and pull money out of anything, anytime, anywhere....

Book mentioned earlier a good starting point.......already touched on, so......feel free to go back...it's all there...like to keep everything moving forward and beneficial....

Real Estate matters....financing......trading?...well, my statements come from almost 15 years of immersion...(notice word selection....I bypassed "experience....I thought "immersion" more appropriate.....:smoke:.....)


Something else about "quick money"........(legal, or not,doesn't matter)...and, btw, we're talking real money (serious money) :smoke:.....

It was never my intention or approach in life that such is immediately possible.....but rather that with a foundation laid it follows eventually......

Legitimately?.....well.......10 years later I could pull 50k at a time....
Trading?......7 years later I could pull...whatever.....10k a day.......25k a week, etc....
Whitey above?...took years and years on street to have position for such opportunities...but, as above.....you pursue things....you work...your interests...your reputation...skills...work ethic, etc......if your good at it you get farther in...if not you eventually end up doing something else and starting over.....

Brutal self awareness?.......vicious unbiased analysis?....

Was talking with someone this week about couple things.....

1. Tears of desperation and dispair?......Not ashamed to say know this phrase...have experienced it in life.......have been there....

2. A half serious half joke:
Group discussion.......and came up ones extensive experience with life.....

The question/point/joke?

If you can't say you've ever put a loaded gun to your head, then you really haven't experienced the entire range of experiences that life offers..(good and bad ) :biglaugh:


I found that very interesting......(I was the one who said it btw :smoke::biglaugh:)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And maybe in the end it comes down to the above...(growing directly applicable)....

When it gets stepped up........when the deadlines pile up........when the pressure really starts.......

Some people stand up and overcome and fight it (maybe even after putting down the HK :biglaugh:...

And some start folding like a fuckin chinese laundry.......

I been told I have the disturbed gift of needing pressure to really perform......to really come through.....otherwise very disinterested.......

I'm usually the one who steps in when someone has to....(and, imo?.....well, when it comes to that point?...sorry...too late for everyone else to backtrack and claim status......because just the fact it is at that point means those claims were already forfeited....:smoke:)

Analyzed that many times........very interesting to me.......
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