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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
I just saw that Billy Mayes Awesome Auger and it got me going over page 117 again. Have you heard anything about the cordless drill yet? The 24v job?

Im looking to go this route, since my spots are a little closer to people, factories, plus the later season holes dont have to be as deep either. I see all kinds of planting augers and earth auger bits for drills, but when I see that big hefty drills go for more than the gas auger, it makes me waffle.

Anyone got a line on a solid cordless drill that can handle the job?
See, the problem is, and, anyone feel free to correct me if I am mistaken, is, all the things I have seen, commercials, etc.......well, it appears to me, as though they are drilling freshly tilled and loose soil....

I've heard as above, newer, better batteries, more power, etc, but, until I see one in action to untouched soil.(or at least get a report from someone whom I respect and trust on results and use......can't go ahead and start..(I could end up buying 20 trying to find one to work, etc.......ya know?.....so.......)

If I see one that hits untouched forest spot?....I'll take 2 :smoke:

frostynugs420 said:
no fucking luck this year. everything is going to hell. the secure spot that i spent $300 on in someones house and gave them money for rent, they straight up tossed them out the door on me and said they cant have them in their house. WHAT THE FUCK.

after i already gave them 1/2 the money, i thought they would fucking want the other half too, but they would rather fuck me. i swear no one cares about their word anymore. i would die to keep my word.

so i guess im going to be planting the seeds at the patch still in the 2 1/4 sqare jiffy strips (on a good note, i love them jiffy strips, didnt know you could get them like that)

i still have a solid 2 weeks to plant right? cause i finally got my car back on the road (after 2 months of not being able to pay insurance do to over $10,0000 in death expenses for my brother) i could def get 500 in in the next 2 weeks if im still good to plant, i usually do early runs, im scared planting this late with bag seed especially. not bad seeds, i def know how to pick killer seeds.

atleast i have my PS spot in the ground and should be doing very well. ive had perfect conditions since theyve been in, and i was very happy with their location/ammendments.
No......it seems no one does......

I personally have put all on notice today....

If duties not completed as asked, if word not kept....if unreliable?....

Well?........maybe what it comes time to split and pay out?...I will return the same behavior...(And, trust me, I can be the dirtiest low down vicious bastard there is when fucked with.....no problem...I do it well......:biglaugh:

On a more positive note :smoke:...Yeah man, still time to get things done...although going quick.....

Sorry about issues......experiencing some myself, can relate..(actually getting set up right about now to be worst season of my entire life, with most problems with locations, with people, etc.....right about now getting ready to just address and finish current locations and ops, and then do my own little fem seed projects, and, come spring, stick with tried and true people I never had a problem with, know I can trust, and, that's it...never again going to do anyone any favors, train anyone, take on anyone new, etc....I think that's done with.......

There's still time.......if you can get them in.....just make sure get them in right way, and should be good to go.,.....I think how one gets them in most important in entire process....dictates entire season (or what's rest of it....)

Last week July not bad at all......I've done it many times, and will again.,....(I prefer a little earlier to get a little more veg time, but, you work with what you have when you can, etc......

Bagseed issue not about getting them in though, it's more about unknown finishing times...




This may be going back rather deep in the thread, as I have been absorbing the last 125 pages - but I too get very annoyed with insect repellent sweating off when working outside...I thought I didn't sweat much until I started working outdoors!!! Good lord!

Anyhow, after doing a little research into other ways to keep the bastards at bay, I stumbled upon a whole hearted endorsement for a small electric device that emits the sound of dragonflies buzzing. This lady was severely allergic to mosquitoes (she had bad scarring apparently), and had no problems whatsoever afterwards. This seemed very interesting to me because it would be sweatproof (unless I short-circuit the thing!!). She didn't specify which brand/device she used, but a little googling came up with a few devices around $20-$30 - a sneeze as you put it J. Well worth it, if it works. And I don't think she was posing as she didn't endorse any particular product.

Anyone else heard of such a thing? It would give me great joy to help someone else defeat those bastards. I'm very kind to animals but I will go out of my way to kill a mosquito. and horse flies. and a couple other things...

Also, as a first time poster on this thread and forum, I wanted to thank you Julian - I'm very humbled by the wealth and quality of info, and am very thankful for your energy spent helping other people, whether in growing or life. Your intentions are clear, and it is very refreshing to find an outlook such as yours. It is a shame there are not more people interested in other people's best interests in general.

You may have heard this story in one form or another - in hell there are 8 foot bongs, and there is much mashing and grinding of teeth because the herb is too far away to reach with a lighter. :wallbash: In heaven, it is exactly the same, except people are lighting each other up, and getting merrily roasted :rasta:

...not really sure how I got here from a mosquito related post, but you'll have that. THANKS , and that goes to everyone who has contributed to this thread. :respect:


hilarious, not deep in thread at all but literally the previous page...i've been reading pages out of order..have pages 70-100 left, then I get my certificate.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Ipsissimus said:
This may be going back rather deep in the thread, as I have been absorbing the last 125 pages - but I too get very annoyed with insect repellent sweating off when working outside...I thought I didn't sweat much until I started working outdoors!!! Good lord!

Anyhow, after doing a little research into other ways to keep the bastards at bay, I stumbled upon a whole hearted endorsement for a small electric device that emits the sound of dragonflies buzzing. This lady was severely allergic to mosquitoes (she had bad scarring apparently), and had no problems whatsoever afterwards. This seemed very interesting to me because it would be sweatproof (unless I short-circuit the thing!!). She didn't specify which brand/device she used, but a little googling came up with a few devices around $20-$30 - a sneeze as you put it J. Well worth it, if it works. And I don't think she was posing as she didn't endorse any particular product.

Anyone else heard of such a thing? It would give me great joy to help someone else defeat those bastards. I'm very kind to animals but I will go out of my way to kill a mosquito. and horse flies. and a couple other things...

Also, as a first time poster on this thread and forum, I wanted to thank you Julian - I'm very humbled by the wealth and quality of info, and am very thankful for your energy spent helping other people, whether in growing or life. Your intentions are clear, and it is very refreshing to find an outlook such as yours. It is a shame there are not more people interested in other people's best interests in general.

You may have heard this story in one form or another - in hell there are 8 foot bongs, and there is much mashing and grinding of teeth because the herb is too far away to reach with a lighter. :wallbash: In heaven, it is exactly the same, except people are lighting each other up, and getting merrily roasted :rasta:

...not really sure how I got here from a mosquito related post, but you'll have that. THANKS , and that goes to everyone who has contributed to this thread. :respect:
Well thank you for the kind words..........very nice of you to say, and, love the handle name btw........one should only hope to achieve/reach such :smoke:

I think the issue with anything (above, devices) would be actual use on site, as your movement, breathing and such while working is going to be what attracts them to you..So....while anything might work well, unless you can hang them on you while working, etc......they're still going to be attracted..........

We have used something on sites which works fairly well (fogger, handheld?......), but, not sure how long, have to go on site and do whole site first.....forgot about that one.....someone had one and we used it on one site early season...was actually talking about that with one partner recently about using it more often to test and see how would work heavy use/locations, etc....

Edit: Was something like this.....

(Which brings right back to mind why so fuckin annoyed with people this year.........Hmmm....took me a whole...what?, 4 fuckin seconds to look that up...(and another 15 to buy if I wanted one.....)....

Think on 3rd fuckin week now waiting for one partner to get back to me about it...

They have cheaper ones btw for anyone who wants to get and try one out..........maybe $50 bucks...

Or something like this...., but, should be noted they say effective for several weeks, but must be reapplied after a rain, so...:smoke:..(if planting in advance of rains, well, there ya go :biglaugh:....) Effective for a day...

Then you have a cheaper one (same machine), which states "good for hours" (which I am more inclined to go with and feel comfortable with.....ie: You rely on "weeks", don't bring it next time on that, and, lo and behold, you need it :smoke:....
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Active member
Well, looks like California growing isn't that great this year. Some friends of mine in different areas have had their hoses burn down. Then the people who didn't have their house burn down were evacuated from the area so they were not there to water their plots. Lot of people coming back to dead patches and melted water tanks. Even plots that didn't get hit directly are suffering from all the smoke.

Bad for some people, although good for others. Less outdoor means that prices could be higher. Possibly the next year and a half we could start to see some good prices for indoor. Had been pretty mediocre recently only getting about 3k per # in most areas. Hopefully we can get that back up to around 4k or so for top quality.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pico said:
Well, looks like California growing isn't that great this year. Some friends of mine in different areas have had their hoses burn down. Then the people who didn't have their house burn down were evacuated from the area so they were not there to water their plots. Lot of people coming back to dead patches and melted water tanks. Even plots that didn't get hit directly are suffering from all the smoke.

Bad for some people, although good for others. Less outdoor means that prices could be higher. Possibly the next year and a half we could start to see some good prices for indoor. Had been pretty mediocre recently only getting about 3k per # in most areas. Hopefully we can get that back up to around 4k or so for top quality.
Seems to be a lot of that going around :biglaugh: (being hit with misfortune, bad year........I know some other people more southeast who got hit also by the rains and floods earlier also....) But, all in all.....it is what it is......we do our best, we try our best, we learn from our mistakes (hopefully), but, that's "X Factor" shit (fires)........

Was talking about that with someone (possible price adjustments), which, of course, if good news for anyone in such a market who brings it all in this year...

Hopefully that will include me :biglaugh: :smoke:

You guys out West only getting 3?........I thought you guys were into much higher levels then that (I could get more than 4 if I wanted to be a prick....can do 35 in 4 different regions consistently year after year if I like.....)

Hopefully all is well with you man.........
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Active member
Well you can get more than 3 for good indoor if you do the legwork. If you want to do any sort of quantity and just be done with it then 3 it is. Depends on a variety of factors for sure. I think last year was a good year for a lot of people so there was so much around that prices dropped. I can and do get 5 regularly in certain parts of the country. Just takes an extra step and another risk with "x factors" which I need to be compensated for to make it worth my while.

Yep, people are learning the x factor lesson the hard way this year. Too many people putting 10 plants (just an example...multiply by 10, 100, 1000.....) in the ground and expecting to pull 10 plants out at the end of the year. All their eggs in one basket and they just watched that basket burn. Me, I am sitting pretty and will most likely benefit from the fires. With less supply and the same demand prices are sure to adjust.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pico said:
Well you can get more than 3 for good indoor if you do the legwork. If you want to do any sort of quantity and just be done with it then 3 it is. Depends on a variety of factors for sure. I think last year was a good year for a lot of people so there was so much around that prices dropped. I can and do get 5 regularly in certain parts of the country. Just takes an extra step and another risk with "x factors" which I need to be compensated for to make it worth my while.
Of course didn't mean your a prick :biglaugh:....Just my situation :biglaugh: (Partners are my issue, not where it goes....those guys are always good...across the board...:smoke:)

Know last year was okay for me in the end......(ops were fine, everything else caused me a few problems, but, whatever, life will produce those now and then :smoke:.....)

How did the quick hit and run end up?.........I assume well? :smoke:
Yep, people are learning the x factor lesson the hard way this year. Too many people putting 10 plants (just an example...multiply by 10, 100, 1000.....) in the ground and expecting to pull 10 plants out at the end of the year. All their eggs in one basket and they just watched that basket burn. Me, I am sitting pretty and will most likely benefit from the fires. With less supply and the same demand prices are sure to adjust.
Yeah....a shame, and, my heart truly goes out to anyone who experiences such a hit and loss....Just not right man.....all the time, money, work lost......a fuckin shame, that's for sure........truly....and, as above, lot of people got hit with problems....(and in addition, late start fucked a lot of people up also....me too actually....)

I'm already psychologically moved onto next year already myself....I should be okay....but, "okay" is not necessarily okay :biglaugh:....but, high hopes for next year and newer larger projects, etc....might even be able to pull off the quick large AF hit and run next spring and farther south might be able to get a start on that (if I could get in and get everything started on that one in early 09' and then come back and get AF one started spring and then back down there later for spring again and then back here again, etc.....would be happy ...


those foggers work pretty good.. if i remember correctly that knocks em down for at least a good hour.. coulda been longer it was years ago that we had one of those.. wasnt that leaf blower tho.. so.. who knows could do more


Re: mosquitos, I'm about ready to let off a few of those insect bombs you use indoors, lol...getting pretty fucking bad here. Sprays just don't seem to work, but I get some relief from the mosquito coils you clip to your belt. (Not really comfortable with attaching something thats burning to myself, but, hey...)

Nearly always wear long clothing, but they get all up in your face, in your mouth, ears, nose...you know what the little bastards are like.

Also noticed that the surrounding vegetation is infested with whiteflies, a couple on the plants but the neem seems to be working pretty well. Pests are one area, especially in veg, where I am sorely tempted to break my "all organic" methods that I decided on this season...the chem sprays I used last year worked v. well...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
tripples said:
those foggers work pretty good.. if i remember correctly that knocks em down for at least a good hour.. coulda been longer it was years ago that we had one of those.. wasnt that leaf blower tho.. so.. who knows could do more
Really good........I had totally forgot about it.......but, yeah, I would recommend them........(Well, as earlier, had remembered and asked one of my guys about it, to grab one, etc, to use again..,....etc........had forgot since discussion was weeks ago :biglaugh: Yeah....those are the shit...whole spot was dead calm after using it......)

Saibai said:
Re: mosquitos, I'm about ready to let off a few of those insect bombs you use indoors, lol...getting pretty fucking bad here. Sprays just don't seem to work, but I get some relief from the mosquito coils you clip to your belt. (Not really comfortable with attaching something thats burning to myself, but, hey...)

Nearly always wear long clothing, but they get all up in your face, in your mouth, ears, nose...you know what the little bastards are like.

Also noticed that the surrounding vegetation is infested with whiteflies, a couple on the plants but the neem seems to be working pretty well. Pests are one area, especially in veg, where I am sorely tempted to break my "all organic" methods that I decided on this season...the chem sprays I used last year worked v. well...
Nah, as above, try one of those on spots..(mosquitoes and such)...even cheapest one.....I had totally forgotten.........worked very well...very effective.....thinking back...not even sure why we didn't just go out and get ones for us the same day...

I haven't been to some spots lately, but, they were pretty bad last time and organics still seemed okay...guess we'll see when I finally get back to them soon how everything is holding up.....Chems definitely work well :smoke:....

Yeah.....I had totally forgotten all about those due to my mind on more pressing matters this season...(As earlier, crops issues, partner issues, etc.....repellent not on my mind unless covered with em :biglaugh:) But, yeah, if spots any length of time and bad?....I would think best 50 bucks one could ever spend.........or 150....etc, etc......would have had some if guy asked was doing his job :smoke:...grumble,grumble, bitch, bitch, whine , whine :biglaugh:)
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natural medicator
so wasn't going to say anything, take pics, etc til all was good.....

all was not good.....

I did an outdoor germ of 200+/- , was hoping to come out with 70fem minis off it at end of season.

Germed in 2.25round peat pots in 6 trays, all was going well first week. 180+ popped and out to cotyledons/beginning first true set. rain schedule was good (1 day rain, 2 or 3 days dry, repeat) for the last couple weeks, everyting looking good.

Went back to check yesterday, grasshoppers or something ate the tops of everything. 3 new ones/survived ......out of 200+/-......

still have ~100 or so seeds that i could lose......probably same thing would happen again.

Going back to first spring plots to check on plants and sex (if they're even there) at end of month.

All's not lost, but I'm a few steps back from where I'd like to be.

Fortunately, will have cash for new setup in a little over a month, getting ready to invest in some AFs, do a Fall AF fem seed run with CS (10k fem seeds out of 10 packs and 2k hps in 4x8 tent if all goes well). 2nd run under the lights will make up outlay. 3rd run, outlay for spring prep.

Was going to get enough lights to start all 10k (being optimistic here) at once, was thinking 20 1k's +space . 4 weeks total, 1 week setup, 2 weeks germ/veg, 1 week move out/tear down.

Now that I know outdoor germ works, will probably do that and just protect them better.

anyway, thats the rundown on FT's failed mini run and plans for AF fun next spring summer.


I'm feelin that idea about bouncin north/south/north/south doing AF runs :headbange

get a chance to travel a little extra while rakin in a bit more :smoke:

probably a little more stress with final movement with the south stuff? but i'm guessing your people have logistics covered on that end so once plants are in you just sit back and :joint:
(except that you'll be doing everything else at the same time that allows no time for such relaxing)

anyway, mosquitos?
what are we? pussies or living in AK with hummingbird sized bloodsuckers??
no, i know, they carry diseases and shit and can make it unbearable to work out on hot days. Worst is mosquitos+black flies landing on ya while going through poison sumac/oak/ivy (if allergic to those) and ya end up rubbin all of it around. Not my favorite, if you could tell.


Active member
I'm wondering about mosquitoes also... In Denmark we haven't seen malaria or other serious infections from mosquitoes for centuries but I'm wondering if this might change.
Seeing how the West Nile Virus is found in Canada, and also moving up ein Europe I'm wondering how long it will be before we have our first cases.
Ticks suck too, I always wear jeans when I plan on "going in" no matter how hot it is because I definitely don't want to catch Lyme's disease.

Germed some seeds last day - Royal Dane. It's supposed to be potent and early so with a little luck I'll have a nice late seedgrow to prepare me for next year.


Wanted to note on the "dragon fly" doohickle they make a portable version you can strap (to your belt?). here is an example, but sold out at this paticular store.

Saibai - If you have a mosquito problem inside, I bet your problem is coming from outside. Still water, etc...plus they have to be getting in somehow. I have these big outdoor beetle things that always seem to get in tho, it can really be a battle. :dueling:


julian - found the SN after getting lost in wikipedia (happens a lot)..I was like WTF?! "(10°=1□): Beyond the comprehension of the lower degrees. " hilarious...maybe one day ;)




quick question julian.

If you were to do a digging/ planting on different days. Would you recommend digging a hole and putting a dry mix down and then planting on another day... or the dry mix and planting on the same day while the digging be on previous day?

I know that its preference, however I was wondering if there were any disadvantages to putting the dry mix down for a day or 2 before the plants get to them?

What are you going to use as your base stock for the fem AF seed run? IM doing Brendas skunkXNL. Over in Silverbacks outdoor thread there is a little dicussion on them. about 40 % autos in a pack. I have the DC power supply with the sensitive amp meter to gague when the CS is done. All of the goodies in place. Im going to do them under 2k as well and start from there. should have about 10k seeds by next spring. Starting now indoors I can test and make sure they are 100% fem AF. I havent been this excited about a project in quite some time. Share the knowledge brother and I will do the same


natural medicator
JungleJim: I'll be running some form of autoflower. Looking at autoAKs at the moment for their yield, but also looking to support an IC brother and pick up some of his stuff instead. After the AF run, I'll probably do a fem run with some nycd x std from annaC and possibly a fem run from some of my remaining stock of skud x nigerian nightmare.
Mdanzig mentioned that something new is coming out pretty soon so i'm waiting to see...

Was going to do a fem run this summer outdoors, but i've been busy as all get out and haven't had any time to do anything. Besides, i don't want to risk losing expensive genetics to another outdoor germ ending in failure by way of insects feasting.

I also have some of mossy's JEM x reeferman's nigerian nighmare that i made this last winter/spring which i might be working with to find AFs and photosensitive phenos of the cross (i'd love something that flowered under anything less than 18/6 but stayed in veg above that so I could keep moms and just run clones that performed like AFs)

Always trying to source some auto affie from canada way but its held pretty tightly.

Mighty Mite is also on a list of possibilities to pick up. I'd take the 'OG' version thats full auto, but i may be able to grab seeds from some canadian vendor that are just very photosensitive. Kickin myself for changing my nic on here, as I lost a few sources, but thats how it goes. :smoke:

Bredndas skunk xNL eh? who's the breeder there? If its 'brenda,' you have the right to bash me on the head a few times. I'll have to check back into SB's thread, haven't been there in a few days. I'm guessin its a decent yielder?

I still need to find a full auto that runs a slightly longer cycle (90-120 days) but pushes out 3-4 Ozs. Was planning a project with that a while ago but certain situations have sidetracked it.
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