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Massachusetts Outdoor


$$ ALONE $$
Wow OGDW, the security sounds strong. I wish fences weren't required. What brand is the security cam? Is it solar powered? Mine is too far from house to connect to wired power.

Its solar powered. Wireless. I can move them anywhere I want around the property. Not sure what brand. Gotta ask the home owner.


Active member
mind if i hang out w/you? i'm in New York attempting an old fashioned guerrilla grow this season...i want trail cams


Active member
my line up

c99 x c99

gg4 x c99

headband x c99

amnesia x c99

chem/diesel x c99

moonshines ghost train haze x c99

black lime reserve f3

& i'm also trying the seeds i got from you


slg is the in strain right now it seems! def post up ab those cams ogtw, i havent seen any solars id be comfortable spending that kinda dough on. eyeing a nice battery op wireless kit on amazonia for ab 350 for 4 cams w software & stuff.


$$ ALONE $$
The SLG is killing it right now all over the U.S. I just popped some more beans to pheno hunt abit.
Got a few real lemony ones that I hope retain its lemon smell and taste in the clones.


Well-known member
Pulling up a chair. I have a few questions as I'm on the north east also.
1 what size clones do you place outside
2 I'm not able to harden them off before hand will shade cloth help for the first week or so. Will be putting out 3 week clones and a couple 3 footers


$$ ALONE $$
Im not sure. They may flower on you, then reveg.
Bad idea to just put them out from 24hr veg. You can just put them in partial shade before putting them in final spot to harden them off if you cant put your veg light on a timer.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I don't do indoor, outdoor gardens are what I enjoy and do best at..

I do however start my outdoor crop under T5's to go outside between May 7 and May 15..
I crack my seeds and veg them at 15 on and 9 off under T5.
Where I live May 15 has 14 hours from sunrise to sunset..
and of course there is some light before sunrise and after sunset...

This way my babies don't have such a drastic change of "day" length when they go outside.. They will usually show sex, but not go into total flower mode..



$$ ALONE $$
Yea have enough timers to run a small country what's a good on/off setting

Try to match what natures doing, with a few extra hours of light.
My lamps go off at 10 p.m and on again at 6 a.m.
So its on for 16 hrs, and off for 8. This will help ease the transition from indoors to outdoors.
You can put vegging plants out at any size, as long as they're used to the light schedule.
If you cant spend a few hours a day putting them into the sun and taking them back outa the sun, then put them in a spot that gets partial sun. This will help the plant get used to the suns intensity. I always keep my plants in pots and stick them in partial sun for like 4-6 days before putting them in the "full sun" spot.


Well-known member
I'd like too see photos of the c99 in question I've got about 5k c99 s4 seeds that's I've be breeding for the past 7 years goes a little longer than 42 days take it 60 days and it's perfect thanks for the lightning advice


Active member
C99 purple cat piss??

C99 purple cat piss??

I'd like too see photos of the c99 in question I've got about 5k c99 s4 seeds that's I've be breeding for the past 7 years goes a little longer than 42 days take it 60 days and it's perfect thanks for the lightning advice



$$ ALONE $$
Lets get this thread started with pics of this years clones and seedlings that I have started now.
Under T-5 lighting. 16 on-8 off light schedule for 2 wks before going outside.

Clones of new SLG, GG#4, and UnderDawg ~

GG#4 x C99 seedlings ~

More clones ~


$$ ALONE $$
Female Seeds just PM'd me and the new seeds are on the way.
Will germ them as soon as they get here and veg them outside.

Blueberry Cheesecake
Outdoor Grapefruit