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Massachusetts? Hellooooo?!!



Now, I don't live in MA or anywhere close, but wtf? You have a voter initiate available there, and probably much more support than in CA. Why is nothing going on up there to get legalization on the ballot?


Active member
it was supposed to be on the ballot,but he somehow had it taken off after teddy diedHe is also trying to pass a bill repealing the decriminalazation that was just passed.the guys stance is zero tolerance so once again its an uphill battle here.beacon hill is corrupt as it gets


Dude, Scott Brown and Teddy Kennedy have nothing to do with state law

Decrim passed by 65% in favor....65%!!! Why then can't legalization pass by 51%


Active member
Dude, Scott Brown and Teddy Kennedy have nothing to do with state law

Decrim passed by 65% in favor....65%!!! Why then can't legalization pass by 51%
makes no sense, it dosnt become a law until itpasses the vote
how does it make it to the ballot ?through our elected goverment officials of course.

of course it would pass at 65% but it cant if theres nothing to vote on.

It took years to get this far ,and mass fucked it up royally IMO
take this into consideration
you get busted with an ounce its a hundred dollar fine.no big deal right .next you get aletter from the rmv satating no more license for one year and a 1000$ reinstatement fee.WTF your saying ,well in MA posession of any drug is a one year loss of license driving or not.
now you might be saying well WTF does that have to do with anything.
Well the RMV and state goverment are there own entitiesSo the RMV gets there $ if you ever want to drive again .Beacon hill iss adiffrent story you get the 100$ticket and there is no way to collect (unless your a real honest person) they cant do anything but send letters thet cost the state $
Thats where the prob lies .
officials like the good senator scott brown are not 420 freindly at all and have publicly said it

Ive lived in ma all my life,and my guess is that the next 420 issue on the ballot will be to repeal the law not an mmj act

I can see the commercials already "the decrim. of marijuana has cost the state 1billion dollars in lost $' Teens dont care if they get busted ,Its the same as booze they claim ".
Now if teddy was still around things mite be alittle diffrent .Everyone heard some of the Kennedy storys


Right now, there are two bills before the state house: one for medical marijuana and one for outright legalization. The medical marijuana bill has at least 20 co-sponsors in the house and several in the Senate, including leadership on both the majority and minority side. The bill is currently in the joint (no pun intended) Public Health Committee - several of the House members of the committee are also co-sponsors of the bill. I think the house medical marijuana bill is House 625.

Truth be told, with work and concerted effort, this could be the session that Massachusetts goes medical. (Personally, I don't believe that the legalization bill stands a chance in hell - despite my desire to see it happen. I will, therefore, speak only about the medical bill.) House leadership (The Speaker of the House - Rep. DeLeo from Revere) has sent the bill to the Public Health Committee. The trick is getting it out of the Public Health committee and up for a general vote. What is needed are: doctors willing to speak in support of medical marijuana, those who use medical marijuana with compelling stories and lots and lots of people pressuring their legislators through phone-calls, emails and letters. You and your friends should contact your state representatives and senators and POLITELY AND COURTEOUSLY find out where they stand on the bill. Let them know that you support the bill and you vote. I know that the Massachusetts Patients Advocacy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project and MassCann, are three advocacy groups in Massachusetts, have more information on how to contact your legislators and what needs to be done. Perhaps there are other groups out there, as well.

There have been several district wide non-binding votes that have generally passed by 2 to 1. If nothing else, these bills have been noticed by the local legislators in the district and many have been in VERY conservative areas. Some of these have directed the legislators to take efforts to support and/or vote for the bill - and the legislators feel bound to do so. The thing is, a state wide vote -along the lines of the decriminalization vote is very expensive, time-consuiming and it WON'T occur before action on House Bill 625.

So, in recap...if you want to see medical marijuana become a reality in Massachusetts, it's time to call to come forward with your stories, or get your friends to come forward with their stories. OR...if you know doctors willing to come forward...now's the time. For this to get to a full vote, it must first pass the Public Health Committee. I know that there's a public hearing in front of the Public Health Committee on June 28 and the more compelling stories that they hear, the greater the likelihood that we can get the sufficient support to bring this to a full vote in front of the State House. BUT...the public MUST come forward to let their legislators know how they feel. This requires effort on your part and the parts of your friends.

In sum, at this point, Massachusetts, the center of western medicine, is getting surrounded by states that offer medical marijuana in one form or the other, including Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and maybe Connecticut(?). It's overdue for a change here. The bill would provide for 19 dispenseries - it's my believe that this would also bring in a bunch of revenue to the state - and boy, they could use it. It CAN happen in this legislative session - for the first time a lot of forces have lined-up favoring passage. But it's going to take alot of people doing a lot of work to make it happen. The legislators would much prefer to put it off for another state-wide referendum - like decrim, it would take the heat of the decision off their shoulders - ya know..."the voters made us do it." But it doesn't have to shake out that way. The bill is there and there's a number of co-sponsors - some of them leadership. We can make 'em vote for medical marijuana now if we show a massive amount of support in the right way.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
calm down Mass folk!
at least you still have what is really important.

Tom Brady and those long flowing locks of awesomeness!

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