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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


Active member
Thanks PP -- ya I've actually had her doing just that for the last 3 weeks, maybe she was still catching too much light. Ill just keep her in the room completely outa the way just getting ambient light for another 2-4 wks (if yellow don't spread to flowers)


The Mad Monk
Nice shots, fellas.

Baph, I like 70 days for the PK. I scoped a couple different sections of the plant and liked what I saw at 10 weeks. Mostly cloudy, very few amber and clear heads.


Color me gone
Baph, i am with Rasp, 70 is good. I've even taken her 75 but don't think I felt much of a difference between the two. Things are looking beautiful as always man, can't wait to see what your GSC looks like. Also whats up with the Elvis x Widow, something your made yourself?
Nicccceeee CDM .... oh how I lovely sativas ...... I got some Mexican/SA landraces in the fridge ...... I think next season I'll run 2 GIANTS in my GH ....... Been holding on to a pack of chocolate Thai for a year or so now ...... Hard to not pop em

Baph ... Doin ya damn thang bro ...... Lookin good

Elvis .... Is that a silverback strain ..... The shit that killed Elvis? Which widow was crossed? GHS W.widow or Shanti's black widow

Ras ..... Was the PK we puffed on 70daze... If it was ....... Shits lethal at 70 .... Very few strains put me to bed .... Most keep me in a daze .... Or energetic ...... But PK .....ZzZzzz


Active member
here's some conn chem finishing up


and here's some candy chem finishing up


Active member
If they are trying to push for no caregivers will patients be able to atleast grow there own? If so ill just rock some lb vert trees haha. Make the most out of those bitches.
Or just stay under ground... One or the other.


As some of you know I lived most of my life outside of Mass so I'm looking for some advise or any experiences with this matter. Today N-star called, that our electric bill is high and want to do an inspection to check our windows or whatnot to see what they can advise us on how to make the property energy efficient.

Is this something common here or does it sound shady? So any input is apreciated. It happened to be perfect timing since I chopped everything last week, so removing the equipment won't be much work.

Any thoughts guys?


Slip Kid

It is very shady.I've never heard of that happenening.Not once.Were you real behind on your bill??


Active member
WTF, looks like they might change the RI program. . .

*Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition** **April 2, 2013***

* *

*I. RI Attorney General Files Bill That Would, If Enacted, Change MMj

There are two identical bills, 5823 in the House and 558 in the Senate that
were filed on behalf of RI Attorney General Kilmartin. They would, if
enacted, reduce plant limits by 50 percent, double the amount of
permissible dried usable cannabis, require a cultivation certificate for
patients and caregivers who grow cannabis, require local inspections and
more. Hearings on the bills have not yet been scheduled. Summary is below:

*PLANT LIMITS: *HB 5823 would *reduce the number of permissible plants by
half* as follows: Patients may now have 12 mature plants and 12 seedlings.
The AG proposes changing limit to 6 mature plants and 6 seedlings.

Caregivers with one patient may now have 12 mature and 12 seedlings. The AG
proposes changing this limit to 6 mature and 6 seedlings. Caregivers with
2-5 patients may now have 24 mature and 12 seedlings. The AG proposes
changing limit to 12 mature and 6 seedlings

*POSSESSION LIMITS: *HB 5823 would *double the amounts of dried usable
medicine* as follows: One patient may now possess 2.5 oz. of dried usable
medicine. AG proposes increasing that limit to 5 oz.

Caregivers with one patient may now possess 2.5 oz. of dried usable. AG
proposes increasing that limit to 5 oz. Caregivers with 2-5 patients may
now possess 5 oz. of dried usable. AG proposes increasing that amount to 10

*CULTIVATION LICENSE WOULD BE REQUIRED: *Patients and caregivers can
currently grow MMj plants as long as they are in possession of their MMj
licenses. *The AG proposes that all patients and caregivers who grow be
required to have a cultivation license. Cultivation licenses would:*

=B7 *Require annual fee and application* fee would be determined by
Health Department (DoH). DoH would retain funds for costs of administering
MMj program

=B7 Cultivation certificate to be revoked if there is any violation
of the MMj statute

=B7 *Only one certificate will be issued per residence unless proof
that more than one patient or caregiver resides at that location (=93proof=
is not defined or specified)*

=B7 May grow in only ONE location

=B7 *Grow location must be in applicant=92s residence or property o=
by applicant *Growing without a certificate could result in arrest and

=B7 Cultivation certificate to be revoked if there is any violation
of the MMj statute

=B7 Requirement for cultivation certificates would take effect
immediately if bill were

=B7 Application for cultivation license would require:

=B7 Description of grow location - Growing permissible only at
residence or other property owned by applicant patient or caregiver

=B7 Written plan ensuring grow not visible to street or to the publ=

=B7 Proof of security devises (does not specify any standards or

=B7 Proof that grow location complies with local and state

zoning codes. (*This means inspections by local building inspectors)*


Caregivers would be required to have *national background check (cost of 35
dollars) *in place of current BCI requirement (cost of 5 dollars). Any
felony drug conviction will be a disqualification. The DoH would have the
discretion to permit someone who is an immediate family member of a patient
to be that patient=92s caregiver. It is not clear whether they would be
eligible for =93cultivation certificate=94.

*Caregivers would not be able to use the affirmative defense*. This means
that anyone who possesses or grows MMj for a patient prior to receiving
their caregiver license could be prosecuted and would not have the
opportunity to have the case dismissed because they were possessing or
growing within limits for patient who later received license and appointed
them to be their caregiver. **

*24 HOUR VERIFICATION SERVICE: *Would require DoH to maintain a twenty-four
(24) hour automated verification system for law enforcement personnel to
verify the validity of a cardholder by confirming a random registry number,
name or address.

Currently, the DoH can only verify cards (licenses) during regular business
hours. Caregivers and patients have been detained, in a few cases,
overnight waiting for verification. Patients and caregivers who have
misplaced their licenses have been detained until they produce actual
license. The AG=92s bill would allow law enforcement to confirm, in additio=
to the MMj number (which they can do now), cardholders names and addresses.

*LANDLORDS COULD PROHIBIT GROWING: *Landlords could say =93no=94 and refuse=
rent to patient or caregiver who wants to grow and/or could refuse to
continue leasing to patient or caregiver who is growing.

RIPAC ADAMANTLY OPPOSES THESE BILLS except for the provision that creates a
24 hour verification service and the provision that would increase the
possession limits for dried usable medicine. The Slater Center and
Greenleaf Compassion Center will join us in our opposition. We will let you
know when the hearings are scheduled.

To read the actual text of the bill:


Active member
Dear patients, caregivers, and supporters of MMj and RIPAC,

I contacted you a couple of days ago, about identical bills submitted on
behalf of RI Attorney General Kilmartin. The bills would, if enacted,
dramatically change several aspects of the RI MMj program.
In order for these bills to become law, they would have to be passed by
both the RI House and Senate and be approved by the Governor (with certain
exceptions). They must first have a public hearing before both a House and
Senate committee.*The first hearing *will be on the Senate Bill, Senate
Bill 558. It will take place *next Thursday, April 11 before the Senate
Committee on Judiciary at 4:30PM.* It is important that patients and
caregivers who have been taking good care of their patients testify as to
how the bill would, if passed, affect patient access to quality medicine.
If you are interested in testifying on this bill but have questions or feel
unsure, please attend one of a series of RIPAC preparation workshops. They
will take place on Monday, April 8 at 3PM and 4:30PM. Tuesday April 9 at
5PM and 8PM, and Wednesday April 10 at 7:30PM.
All patients and caregivers who testify at the hearing on April 11 will be
serving as representatives of the MMj program. We strongly encourage all
speakers and attendees to dress appropriately - no t-shirts and/or jeans.
This is a PUBLIC hearing so please keep in mind that it will likely be
filmed for cable tv and there may be reporters from various media outlets
present. Dress in layers because the hearing rooms can be very warm. Bring
water and a snack because, in the past, we have had to wait for a
considerable length of time to be heard. To read the bill, click on:

Slip Kid

Well that sucks!! I hope they don't change the laws.Rhode Island is awesome!! That's where I picked up my sour d cut which provided this fresh dried pile heading to a paper bag for curing...I sure hope Mass politicos aren't pressing on RI , damme clowns...


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
:laughing: I like the bit about the "sausage party". :biglaugh:

"See you in the Cage, sucker!"

Sitting here growing it alone.




Slip Kid

This is part of my 4x5 veg room.This monster Melty Magnum Kush is going to have to stay in here throughout my growroom remodeling scheme.The whole ceiling is 4ft T5's, I think 12 bulbs and then I have a 600 bare bulb hanging sort of near the middle.When I threw in the 600, the place went crazy.:)


Thanks guys. I wasn't behind on the bill any months. I thought it was shady too, but I've heard of this happening at other states so I didn't know if it happens here. The only reason I didn't think it was weird because that house had a low power bill for years, and this winter most of the heating was done using electricity besides the extra load we put on it.

Was about to drop the new set of girls in that have been vegging. So now instead it's clean up time. No bueno. But I guess I'm lucky cuz it couldn't have been at a better time


East Coast, All Day!
glad to hear you just got a harvey in before having to close down! it's a shame killing midway flowering plants!

I found it amusing as well. lol