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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



No offense but that's just plain not true. If you don't answer the door the police just go away, unless they have a warrant, in which case they can break down my door.


I think everyone needs to watch the "Why You Should Never Talk to Cops" Lawyer lecture.

Soooo Important - learn how to deal with any cop and avoid any illegal searches - legally.

Youtube Video Link @ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc

A Must Watch....

This advice is golden. It kept my ass as well as those of some friends OUT OF JAIL. "I'm not saying another word to you until my lawyer is sitting next to me" was the golden catchphrase and the only thing I said, they fucked off instantly. Felt pretty good to be like 19 years old and put an old pig in his place (afterwards, at the time I was scared shitless). Did I mention to you that we were all being grilled by like 5 cops on the front lawn of the grow house? And we were trimming inside so we smelled horribly. They KNEW something was up... Were doing the whole knock and talk and intimidation but we played it cool and they didn't have a foot to stand on with getting a warrant. That night everything was hustled out of there and we were were smoking bubble and playing call of duty.

Best advice ever: say as little as humanly possible to a pig. NEVER, EVER, EVER willingly speak to a cop. Their job is to take away your freedom, remember that!!!


Active member
Nothing you ever say to a cop or state/federal agent can "Be Used To Help You" in any case

Anything you say can only "be used against you in the court of law". Anything you think telling a cop that might help your case, remember it will be thrown out as Hearsay in court - only things that incriminate you in the crime can be heard from cops...

So right there, is the perfect reason to never talk to them and watch the video and learn how to correctly respond.

Good Vibes goes out to everyone....


Active member
Getting it done, thanks to a good friend! Need some major clean-up and training but at least they're moved in. :woohoo:




Active member
Chaco brooo, you will be missed! we're not worthy , we're not worthyyyyyy! (waynes world vocie)

stay high brotha


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
good morning!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

I made some bho from a zip of Chaco's Nev's keeper and it came out fantastic! also pictured is some candy chem.

dab all day




damn TacomaComa that nevs looks really nice! how long of a flowering window did you take her? i smoked some bud from a friend today who said it was a nevs cross while we were fishing a cooks corner. that smoke was super racy we were getting alot of bugs biting us while we were out their, i think they wanted to get high:)
Headstash, looking good brotha'! So much work goes into that shlt, in the process of setting up the new room myself, for now it's just vegging for the outdoors. Threw a ECSD outside today, so I guess it's officially on like donkey kong.....

Having a 6 x 12 mobile growroom kicks ass! I'm gonna buy a few more trailers this fall & kill it.....




Color me gone
Leroy, that mobile grow room is super kick ass bro! I've always wanted to do something like that. If you don't mind me asking you run that trailer off a generator or you got electric ran to it? Either way sweet set up, I can only imagine the looks you get driving a trailer with a AC hanging out of it, lol....


Active member
Guys I need some help! The A/C pictured in my post above is a 10k btu through the wall type unit. It is installed in a wall that separates two spaces, the 8 x 10 grow room and the 8 x 40 other space. The intention is to vent the other space and use it as a lung room for the A/C since I am going to try to run sealed with CO2.

The 8 x 40 space is not vented at all but is not getting hot either. The 3 x 600 watts in the 8 x 10 room is running at 86 degress right now. It does not seem like the A/C is doing anything. It is not even dripping anything at all, not even a little. Bad A/C or bad airflow?

The through wall A/Cs have all inlets and outlets for air exchange on the back of the unit, not like window shakers with vents on side and/or top.

I guess I'll uninstall the A/C and try it in a window and go from there.

edit: picking up an 11,5k unit tomorrow

we dont want to vent the lung room only to find out the A/C is kaput! Would it act the way I describe if it was exhausting into a closed space? The closed space temp is staying normal and the grow space is hot. Weird.


Color me gone
Seems as though things have been going a little stale, understandably so with our friend not posting, I always looked forward to running over to my computer and seeing what rabbits he pulled out of his hat daily, it sounds dumb but it felt weird not seeing him post the first couple weeks, but sometimes certain things run their course and its just time to move on, I hope its only a break tho, lol...Happy growing friend stay hazed out!

Gonna try and do my part to keep things fresh and I know chaco would want nothing else but to see some serious buds pics and keep this thread going as one of the best on these forums, lets keep him proud.... Took a picture of the room just as the lights went on and couldn't get any nice pics figured fuck it gonna post a shitty one now and take a couple better ones in the morning when the lights go out and I can grab a CFL, the more pics the merrier, right?



Color me gone
Well, looks like i should just edit that last post, :tiphat:.

here are the blueberries at day 20



The white widows at day 29, this is my last grow with her and I have to say the smoke was decent but these plants really pack on the buds and probably can be picked at 55 days, but I always take her 60-63, I got 16.5 z's off 10 gal smart pot with her last run, they'll be nothing but hand grenade buds come harvest time.



Color me gone
That mess of buds there is 6 widows in 3 gallon smart pots and i just raped the bottoms off. I also had a golden goat in the way back that hard to take a picture of unless I have to feed so later tonight I'll try and grab a couple pics, even with CO2 that plant doesn't stretch at all it seems....

Also got this Green Crack I wanted to give another fair shot at and she looks to be happy, something about a strain that legit finishes in 50 days I had to keep around. She is gonna get a fair shake next run, I have two GC that are going into 10 gal smartpots and 5-6 weeks of veg....

And this is a chem 4 I grew out to to get some more practice with her before i flipped 2 of them in 10 gal smart pot along side the GC's next run, also gonna try and fit in 2 10 gal blueberries at well, hope they'll fit...