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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



The action just never stops in this thread, just about every morning I've got some fresh stuff to look at, gotta love it. It's been a great summer but I'm finally getting back to work. Don't have too much going on now but that will soon change.

Here's some mcfly a week in

Kinda a bad veg shot... chem4, purple kush, and green crack moms that just got ravaged a couple days ago. And behind them some bubba x nl5/haze plants from seed.


Next round... cups are a mixture of casey, green crack, and mtg diesel... as well as a chem sister and some pure kushes were also hacked to finish filling the cloners....


And the OD ladies... super happy with how these came out, my first time doing anything worthwhile outside. They were basically some shitty stragglers I had at the beginning of the summer and didn't really want to bother with, 3 bales of promix, 1 ghetto flower bed, and a couple months later they're all 5-6 ft tall. Been feeding them guanos as the summer goes along. This is a major motivator to do a proper OD next year and put some actual work into it - use the right strains, train them indoors early, and huge smartpots...


That's all for now folks, nothing too cool yet but it's good to be growing again. Time for a ecsd x nev haze joint!!

edit: First tomato!

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Nice work dude, my tomatoes are just turning too, I have a monster that I dump all my misc nutes into...Finally broke the camera, just dropped it and it won't close up...I reckon I'll find a way...the buds on the chemsour are as big as the inside of my hand, I'm having a bit of PM on the outer leaves but I havn't seen a flower go yet, it's damn near day 70 so I'm cutting the worst off and leaving the rest.It's actually pretty cake because your cutting bud before you harvest and I swear the defolioations I've done have made some badass bud.I search so intimately for the PM spots it's bizarre, but the buds grow, the Eagle def slows it from taking over.I think I may have hit this plant without using dishsoap in the mix...I cut about 6 leaves a day from my nice CC, I just love looking at that thing, I'll steal my old ladys camera, I will but it may cost me...:)


The chefro chemsour was/is a great plant to grow.I'd find it difficult to see a quality plant yield much more.Talk about wide fat clusters, just big enough to be not too big and stacked by the hundred, all from a 20" start...Just a few PM spots on the bigger leaves, I'd have cried if it had progressed much further.I just cut the bud in the flower room and spy 'em with the magna scope, the flowers are clean so no hash plant here....Need to find a new camera, one with a tripod to make up for my f-ed up arm.My arm was numb and I didn't know it was in my hand until it went flying across the room, same thing with my backup ph pen, couldn't feel it in my hand and I smashed the sensor on a bottle top.Anybody have any suggestions for a camera? My old one is headed for the firepit, and here comes the rain, back to cutting the chemsour....Oh yeah I saw the outdoor CC's yesterday, holy smokes!:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i think you will enjoy the smoke of the chemsour Chaco :)

here is some outdoor im helping a patient with.

some bubba, blueberry, cataract kush, cj and grinderella. some of the bubba and blueberry flower clusters have purple hue. most cuts were extras put out on august 1st.











Nice job on the outdoor Tacoma, we've seen no choppers here in Mass yet this year, 1st time since 9/11.Thank goodness for that.Tacoma that chocolope is one delicious plant to smoke, to smell, the whole thing.She's just dried up and I'm not trading any wood for this one ...unless it's cedar and it had better be a full cord because I'm bringing my tape measure!:tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Im glad you enjoy it :)

No choppers over here yet :good:

here is some chemsour1 and sister coming down in 10-14days :dance013:






The first pic above is exactly what my chemsour buds look like.I dentical.If you could grow one huge one of these things you'd be raking in the grass!!Mine had at least 16 tops with full sized colas, I cut almost 7hrs today and she's still holding 3 tops and multiple lowers.Big, fat ones.Certainly not anything like the old 08 chemdd, those plants were more like chem D itself, somethings diff with these and I'm not sure what Rez did to change them, I know he said he used a diff sour male but he might have used a female Chem IBL instead, just by the look of them and the size of the buds have a Hindu Kush trait, but certainly no extra leaf matter, a very easy cut.No complaints!:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
TC, awesome nugs. Good luck with the outdoor.

VADO, looking like you are ready to do your thing. Can't wait to see those BubbaNLHazes.

Sucks to have found those spots, Chaco...Thank god for the Eagle.
I miss those ChemDD shots.

Here are a few girls that got the flip this evening, all in 4-5 gallons of Coco.

AlienKush : LVPKxAlien


I've also got a little side project with a few SSSDH cuts in rocks...gravity fed to a tub, a-la Autopot style except DIY. Should be wild:)

Investigation out on hooked, miscolored leaves showing up in my veg area!



That's funny about those leaves MP, looks exactly like the funky leaves kksc spits out from time to time. And nice looking purp!!


I was very lucky with the PM issue this time, my guess is that on a few plants I sprayed Eagle without using a spot of dishsoap and thus the spotting.This run with the spots has brought me into a very intimate relationship with PM and how it looks on the plant matter under a scope, where it actually is and how it digs it's foot into the leaves.The silicone may have helped as well by toughening the leaves, not giving the spores access to the interior of the leaf itself.Who knows but I'm glad it wasn't a total disaster.I'm no fan of Eagle 20 but sometimes you do what you need to.Apparently it only lasts in the plant from 30-40 days so whether or not I'm smoking Eagle in the end is up for debate.I know that seedlings are more resistant than cuts in my short experience with this blight.It's like a great looking girl with a few pimples on her chin...


Well chaco if you've got a little pm showing towards the end in the middle of summer that's definitely a sure fire sign that your environment is in check for this time of year. Usually summer is the one time pm will leave you alone, ya know... I'd rather have that with a couple powder blotches on lower leaves than deal with summer grown buds, no doubt.

I've had the stuff come back towards the very end on lowers a couple times, kept happening until a took a bucket with bleach water and a mop and hit all surfaces in the room - floors, walls, ceiling, so on. Same with all my tents, I took an all down and basically submerged them in bleach water and let them dry out in the sun. Then hit with the eagle. Nothing since. That pm can be tricky business, leave any spores around on any surfaces and as soon as the eagle isn't in the plants system they latch back on. Especially with anything with diesel of chem in the name... It's crazy how resilient the stuff is.... it's like canna-herpes
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Yes indeed, I have a bucket of bleach water and soap that I constantly wash my hands when moving from room to room.The buds are perfect, winter style rock hard buds with no rot and a great yield.I barely had enough time to water this morning and tie up the tower of power in my bathroom grow.That spot as well as another giant sister in my main room where the PM is are totally clean and my SSSDH has a few random spots and my best CC is just doing great witha tiny spot every few days.I only trimmed for about an hour and a half this morning before work and I still have some oz's to go on that damn chem sour.The lower areas or spots near the walls are most likely to be hit, one of my chems started to look like it was coming on strong so I just defoliated and trimmed the shit off everyday.After I saw what that did to the yield I think I'm into defoliation now! I'll be damned if I know what I'll do with all this bud now that my commercial enterprises have been nipped in the bud, so to speak.I need some real big glass jars, I used to have a giant old pickle jar I buried my La Nina in when I was gone for 7 months.I need some more of those.I washed all the walls down anywhere I removed plants, wiped down whatever I could.My last run with seedlings had one spot of PM and it was back in a corner against a wall but I'm pretty happy to have basically a solid years worth of heavy smoking from this run.I might trade some weed for firewood but other than that it's in my jars or my compost pile.:)Kind of a bummer because I'm used to being "in the game" a bit but now I can screw around more...Wait until you see this bathroom grow, it couldn't be better, a huge Sister , some ecsd and SSSDH all without a blemish other than a few yellow leaves from switching to 9/koolbloom.Today is day 44 and I spent an hour tying the huge branches into proper position.I'll hopefully have a camera by then.


Have I told you guys how much I love this SSSDH cut I have?!?!All from 3 seeds given to me by a most generous member.We all know how cuts from a seedling can behave much differently than the original plant and that is the case with this one.This thing might max out at 2ft if flowered at 1ft, has an epic sativa buzz, smells like a plant from another world and has colas like my forearm(when I'm lifting!).One nice joint will send me out to work like a hero.This plant will run very nicely with a few chems.The dwarf versions in my monster bathroom superdome are spectacular.One of my all time finds over a long growing career...damn chefro, cutting this chemsour stickys up the scissors like mad, I have to keep a bottle of alcohol and some paper towels to clean the scissors every 10 min.My bet is that this chemsour chokes on the inhale!! Enjoy the rest of the summer, the best 45 days are on the way:).The college kids are already leaving and I had a drag race last night with my fav lobster captain, if it wasn't for that cadillac in my way...


That's sweet you found a great one. I've only gotten to try 1 sssdh but it was really nice as well. Leaned heavy to the ssh undoubtedly.

Case of oil came in today,. Ran about a zip of material so far, mostly mtg diesel popcorn, still have a couple 5 gallon buckets packed with sugartrim and lowers to do. Anybody know where I can get a glass bho tube? Getting sick of these basters... Much happier with the consistency of this stuff as opposed to the budder, it's much harder.

The ti pad is nice n toasty, time to get stoned!!

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I could use one of those hits right now, I have some nice bubble but after HL gave me those oil chunks, it makes having a smoke break quick and easy...bang, bang and you're done.Makes rolling a joint seem a bit archaic and difficult. Burned the end of my thumb trying to milk the last hit out of a Chaco-lope joint.Sorry, now that it's all mine I can make up my own names. Hoping to buy a camera this week, my buddy who turned himself into a pro photographer with no qualifications past a few ducks taking off, reccomended a Cannon camera that you can drop pretty hard and that goes underwater.I think it's around $300.I think I need the smash-proof option.There's a great youtube video that explains all the functions rather nicely.The girls at the beach are better looking everyday, right at the end of summer, I guess I'll skip the beach next July, I've figured out all the real big ones come out then...:) Enjoy the next 40 days, they're about the best of the year!


Yeah the oil always makes quick work of me. I've got to have some sort of ebb and flow with my oil smoking or nothing ever gets done, I rarely tab a huge dab and then go out or get to work. Much respect to you guys if you can. It turns me into too much of a stoned fool to really be high but functional in the way I like. But for an end of the day treat? It's my favorite.... the ti pad gets me like nothing else. :needcoffee:

You can have my camera, it's a POS!

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