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Mass/RI/Con Growers here! ...Part II


Slip Kid

Been on a Mass jury lately? Know anybody that's been busted lately? No, I didn't think so.Stay in your basement.:)

Blaze 12

Active member
i hear ya slip ...been seeing a lot of kinda big bust lately and the people get probation and one guy had over 100 plants and beat it cause of messed up warrant another thing is the person there record and how they were doing it


I didn't mean to 'scare' people about getting busted... I doubt anyone is intentionally wasting time with people trying to follow the rules....or pot growers in general really.

It was just a reminder to not be stupid, because if you signed your name to a hardship license; you just consented to random searches of your home. It's not the plants I am worried about specifically; just my rights, privacy, and the privacy of others in my home.

/end rant.


Active member
HighLighter ..... It's the Wild West here man ..... No rules to post ;)

Kidding ..... But you are right they are progressive .... But only due to the corrupt money hungry powers that be ..... Plus RI is so poor everyone else goes w it

What ever I ain't sad ..... Decent plant counts and dry flowers .... Shitty thing though cause everyone knows somebody so it can be very cut throat .... Basement prices .... I'm use to prices that are double what's happening now .... Crazy .... But it you got the usuals and your on point the throats stay in tact

Better for the patcients .... Better meds ..... Cheaper prices .... That's what were here for

I remember the old summer time dry spells before the outdoor comes down ..... The schwag comes in ..... Dirt ..... Cheap ..... I take t-breaks when that happened ... No break now! :)


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
A trend I'm noticing is alot of people in "legal" areas are upset about recent pricing ? That sucks ..it's a trade off here ..risk decent charges vs fetching a low premium ..I hope u guys can find some middle ground

Besides that I hope errbody is happy ..weather cooled down (thank the heavens!) I think it's time to start popping some beans ! ..I'm trying to start back my first session September ..my ceiling should be fixed in a week or so and it's game on ..

Slip do u have any crosses planned or this yr ? Did u grow any of the PK crosses u had made ? I'm thinking I might get into those sour bxs and start to look again


so it can be very cut throat .... Basement prices .... I'm use to prices that are double what's happening now ....

we see the same thing around here. I'm not a care giver but it seems more and more attractive to get the retail rate from patients. The dispensaries seem to be growing/selling garbage @ 400 per Z. The import stuff, thats main culprit.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Haha, just puffing on the 'Sour BX' :smoker:

Thx GG. It's funny, yakking w/ some ex- NE'er in Montana and I asked him about the MMJ scene there, and he said, " It's the WILD WEST like you wouldn't believe!" :biglaugh:

I realized there was no room for me in the MMJ world w/ the pricing being what it is. You could see it yrs. back, when all of a sudden Cali weed started showing up here due to a glut out there.
I'll stick to hawking my "artisanal strains" for top $$. :D

Bless the caregivers that are in it for all the right reasons. :respect:

Slip Kid

An oz was almost double what it is now...in 1989.That was some money back in those days.:)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
That was when I was really giving it away! :rolleyes:

I just got an earful from the RI caregiver guy I had a session with this weekend, got me thinking...
I guess RI is small and you guys all talk/smoke amongst yerselves there, so I guess I'm disappointed there's no open talk about dispensaries and such.
Back to my bunker...


Active member
Hi, if you don't mind asking what's the average price of a zip in mass and ri for great dank grown correctly. Thanks PP if my question is out of line I will delete.


Well-known member
Down the line its 350-375. Having good genetics pays off, which is why smart people don't give em out willy nilly. OG's still for for 400, as they should (should be more if ya ask me). Regular meds go for 200-275.

In boston dank weed is 400/oz, I'm sure as you get more and more rural that number goes down.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hi pp, nice to see you posting. :)
I guess my interest in the R.I. dispensaries is what they're charging, and are they agri-biz type deals from a western state.
There's three of them now?
They allowed to buy from local growers, or is it done under the table w/ low-ball pricing?

The way Ma. is set up, it seems the dispensaries will have to produce for themselves, and once approved, must be selling product within 90 days. Just seems totally unrealistic to me.
I'm still getting 3 a zip, but know a lot of cats are below that.
I'm so small time I don't move any volume to speak of, just paying my costs.
I know this is a volatile topic, and tho I'd like to see a public forum on it, can understand if peeps want to keep quiet.
Carry on. :tiphat:


dude I was just saying.. not the greatest way to think if ur doing ANYTHING ILLEGAL PERIOD.. main priority should be how can I not get caught.. n how can I maintain a low profile.. .. not oo well the charges wont be that bad..

the police aren't busting pot growers for jail time for say.. but depending on ur record.. and what u get caught with.. and if u sold to a informant or undercover. depending on the circumstances ..

they found that busting people is a business that can make a ton of cash.. for the entire system.. Fines.. Lawyer Fees.. probation.. so even if u do get a deal to avoid any real bad shit.. its still a waste of time and money.. and then in the meantime if u aren't legal.. u aren't going to be risking GROWING on probation.... and now they know ur name for growin.. so guess who the cops are harassing..

I could care less. get urself busted lol means nothing to me.


Color me gone
BasementGrower, I personally know people that have been busted in the area for growing and already had a record. They weren't even close to sniffing any jail time and put on probation 3 years with 5-7 executed suspend sentence. That didn't stop either person from growing in their homes in the same exact towns they were busted in weeks after. Guess what both of them were off probation within 2 years and each of them were put on administrative probation within 3 months of their initial proby, which means you don't even have to report to a probation officer, just be subject to random call and drug test which never even happened. These people also smoked the whole time by simply using the whizzinator and never failed a drug test in the first 3 months. The cops didn't harass or knock on the peoples doors not even 1 time after their arrest or still to this day. Plain and simple you have not a clue of what your talking about. But I guess its hard to make friends when you still live in your moms basement....

Slip Kid

29 yrs growing and not a speeding ticket.I must be doing something right....I never advised anybody as to what to do about growing their own meds, just telling another story, relevant or not.I couldn't get more than $275/oz, everybody I know is generally older and generally broke...:) People have been being busted around my area fairly regularly and every single time they were up to something else non canna related and they still don't spend a night in the pokey.Mass juries are a very liberal group, I've sat on 4 and every old lady in there hated or distrusted cops and considered them to be born liars.
Prices are still very high in general, I know the younger kids pay $450 all the time, tourists pay $600.Too many smokers and not enough decent buds, same thing every summer.:) Didn't mean to rattle your cage Basement G but I've been around, seen some things...no need to scare the kids!!:huggg:Here's some advise, don't go out to bar rooms drink too much and sell 1/8's to other drunks who are "cool".It's amazing how many dimwits do this.
The Mass public would vote for full legalization if we were allowed to.You know the vote would be 70% yes, 30% no.You're right, people here don't care about MMJ, so much so they don't care if it's legal.Wise up!! No offense but come on...


Color me gone
I guess it depends where you stand on the totem pole, but I am with you slip $275 is the price I fetch for an O of the chems/blueberries or 9weekers now. Those kids go out and sell them for 300-400. OG's I can stil squeeze more towards the 300-400 only because I refuse to sell it for less, I'll smoke that shit myself. No one makes money on OG's on the east coast, not even the growers...


Active member
That seems to be the general trend in NE .... Since most had decrim or MMJ put in place ...... But I think as a whole the public is realizing the propaganda that the gov spread about MJ ..... All BS so they don't give a fuck ..... Bust me and I'll take a jury of my peers .... Please and thank you :)

Rock bottom pricing from eastern CT and up through RI/MA ..... but western CT closer to Bridgeport and NYC the prices haven't dropped ... $400/zip for anything .... 500+ for the top shelf


East Coast Grower
I don't think I'd pay anything more than 300-320 tops for a O of anything really, usually just under 3.. up here north of Boston I've been getting some good stuff, don't know if I could get anything better unless it was featured in this thread LOL ;) (seriously though, my buddy gets some homegrown and its damn good, other shit prob comes from CA, about the same quality usually).
One thing that was weird is I just got some outdoor bud?? little early for that, will never go for as much as indoor though.

I was disappointed about the caregiver laws in MA, too much focus on dispensaries. I've heard The Hempist guy was one of the first to get the ball rolling in that area. For the most part I would have to agree that a huge majority of MA supports MMJ and legalizing it, pretty sure there were only 2 towns in the entire state that voted no for mmj.

As far as legitimate legal concerns, I would be only really concerned if I lived in Boston and the immediate areas. The further west you go the more liberal and 'libertarian' if you wanna call it that ppl and towns get.

Fuck I miss Amherst :( That must be where you all are hiding out, out in the boonies!