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Mark Souder, Former Congressman, Resigns


Nothing makes me happier than seeing drug warrior assholes become victims of their own undoing. When that asshole is a shame to my native state of Indiana, it feels even sweeter. Mr Souder, please give our collective thanks to that woman you're schtupping for getting you out of office!

Mark Souder, a Republican congressman from Indiana, plans to resign amid an affair with a female aide, Fox News reports.

We'll publish more details as soon as they're available.

UPDATE: Politico sent out an email alert confirming the Fox News report. "Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.), a former congressional staffer who was elected to the House in the Republican revolution of 1994, has told colleagues he will resign Tuesday because of an affair with a female aide, a House GOP official told POLITICO."

Full story here.
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High Noon

His statement made me laugh.

Thats what you get for saying same sex couples ruin the sanctity marriages. Did it hurt when you feel off your self-rightous pedestal? Yeah, I bet it did. Fuck you and all of your "Godly" followers.




Just another conservative pointing his finger at everyone else. Should know by now that EVERY SINGLE one of these drug warrior types are involved in some unethical behavior.

We just need to send TMZ to all these conservative "I want to get my nose in your business and tell you what you're doing wrong" people. Time to pay them to uncover dirt on all these scumbags and get them out of office like punk Souder. They ALL have dirt like this. The more hard core on drugs, the dirtier they are. It is obviously some weak ass attempt to keep attention off of themselves.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good riddance to one of the top ass-hats to ever disgrace our presence.


these people have no shame whatsoever. he was probably relieved that it was this that was revealed first, and not his pedophilia.

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