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That almost exactly describes the time I 'overdosed' on marijuana. It might just be that you took too high a dose.

Ditto... I ate too many brownies one time and felt the exact same way... Me thinks it's because of THC overdose... I have never been able to smoke enough to get me feeling the same way... Your body can absorb more THC through ingestion than it can though inhaling smoke, which is probably why you can't overdose smoking but you can by ingesting it


Patient Grower
Strange...I had a script for Marinol back in the early '90s. Got it because I was on probation and wanted to pass the piss tests, and it worked for that. But what I recall about the actual experience was b-o-r-i-n-g. As a matter of fact I still have 4 of the pills left from that script, because I found them so boring they served me better as a souvenir. Don't for a second think I didn't try double and quadruple dosing to get an effect. One of the stranger things about Marinol, people either don't like them because they trip balls or because they find them boring, opposite ends of the spectrum.

So why isn't there a black market for Marinol if it's an effective substitute? Opiate users definitely prefer Oxycodone to heroin, assuming access being equal in ease and price.


Active member
I saw that stuff on TV.Would you try it? I don't know if I would...........
Considering everything I've read and experienced with man-made stuff over the last 3 decades.... I wouldn't touch that crap (Or marinol) with a 10 foot pole. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :tree: :blowbubbles:

p.s. Anyone remember when designer drugs were all the rave and a bunch of teenagers in the same town all ended up with something similar to a genetic disease? Can't remember the name of the disease it mimicked. Turned out some guy was cooking it up in his garage or something.... some derivative of MDA or something. Was a while ago.


I am not a advocate but a story to relate to the thread. I was getting my dental cleaning talking to the lady about my wifes cancer( it was kinda funny cause she was doing the usual hows the wife and kids) and she had a young friend with 5 kids with lung cancer that was given 12 months to live and was still around on 18 months later that was taking marinol. Now I had not brought up the subject but did let her know the MMJ does wonders for the sick. She said it was funny cause her friend actualy gained weight from the munchies, I wondered how much better or if she whould have felt better with a organic nug. Its good because the main school america sees the light and the more people see that it does some good even if its a derivative sp then it another step in the right direction.


... Your body can absorb more THC through ingestion than it can though inhaling smoke, which is probably why you can't overdose smoking but you can by ingesting it

I just read a few days ago that when you ingest THC it goes through the liver (obviously) but that when the liver metabolizes it the THC becomes 3x stronger. Could that be the reason for the feeling of 'overdose'? Makes sense to me. I think when people ingest it (especially noobies) they can easily 'od'.