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Marijuana users lose an average of 8 IQ points !

I`m 8 points lower if I`m relaxed and ready to go to sleep. I mean hell.. Who does calculus in their leisure time anyway, am I the only one? lolol... I bet the relaxed and healthy people will live longer due to a lower level of cortisol. Shit, take 8 points off of my score any day! My mind is a transient organism, free in it`s own right to travel the universe. Damn, where did I put those car keys...


big twinn

Super Member
I didn't start smoking daily until college and I am among the top of my class as a pre-med biology major. 8 points my ass, Without good smoke, the stress would have made me cave a long time ago.


ICMag Donor
Well......you get +20 for usage....so still 12 points ahead of the average non-user! :biggrin:

seriously.. If I get as smoked as I can to the point of ultimate relaxation, my mind becomes prepped for larger ingestion with the assistance of a glass of red wine + caffeine. It is not difficult for me to remember 200 random numbers in 10 minutes and repeat them in perfect order. just don`t ask me the next day b/c that storage will be GONE! - thank you CANNABIS! Trust me... I know 'other' members of MENSA who smoke cannabis regularly. You have to be in the top 2% IQ(130+) of the population to get in.

8 points my arse.. what about the others who use their brains for advanced calculations as oppose the those who dig holes?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If this is the study that came out a few months ago, it actually only really follows a few people all the way through, it had a large group initially, but some used other drugs and couldn't be used, others quit toking etc.....
Anyway, another study shows that people who use any drugs at all, are likely to be of higher intelligence than the population in general....... We use to cope with a world full of dumbasses.
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lives on planet 4:20
taking into account how illogical humans are...it really doesn't matter what one's iq is

you are still guaranteed to make a lot of stupid choices in life!


Professor Organic Psychology
They say an indoor cat will live longer than an outdoor cat.

A cat with his balls cut off will live longer than a cat with them.

What is the hurry? Where is the fire? Life comes and it goes.

Much better to live a free man and enjoy than to worry about stupid shit.

Bill Mayer smokes weed... Is he dumb?


What were we talking about?
How many IQ points does one lose watching TV commercials? That's much bigger concern if you ask me . . .


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I never did well in school, ADD? I don't know. what I do know is that currently I test @ 139-142 on written IQ tests and I scored a 129 on a verbal IQ test back in '06. I balked @ the 129 result until I was told & assured that the verbal scores are always a bit lower than the written score results.



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
8 points .... hell i don't care ... i'm no rocket scientist !!! i'm a freakin retired cab driver ... wtf i care about losing IQ points . if i can get up & tend my garden & be at piece with my family & my world ..... i'm a happy man !!! pass me that bowl will ya ??? :biggrin:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think that study is biased to focus on guys that live to smoke, total wasteoids. They also do not care to develop their minds preferring to stimulate it by smoking.

Lack of mental activity over a period of years would account for an IQ loss imo. A mentally active person, even a heavy smoker, would not decline in mental ability. I would bet on that.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the drop in IQ probably has more to do with alcohol use and bad diet. If anything My I.Q. has gone up since i started growing. I have time to read and study things that interest me. I have gotten much better at guitar, over coming a previous plateau. I have also learned quite a bit about biology, botany, and horticulture though hands on learning. Smoking has also made me more patient and compassionate, which is a sign of higher I.Q. I tested in the 140's in middle school and I feel my comprehension of complex ideas has only gotten better with time. I am not one of those people that think IQ does not matter. I feel that is something dumb people tell them selves to feel better, kinda like beauty is on the inside for uggos. It may not be everything but it damn sure makes life easier. At a certain point I stopped looking at people as people. we are all just monkeys that walk up right and wear hats. then I found this and was very happy that other monkeys think like me.

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