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Marijuana traces found in early bronze-age grave


Señor Member

Tuesday 10 April 2012
Pollen thought to come from a marijuana plant has been found in a grave in Gelderland dating back 4200 years.
The early bronze age grave is one of the many archaeological finds made by Dutch Rail staff while working on a new railway connection between the urban central belt of the Netherlands with the northeast of the country.
The grave was found five years ago but it has taken archaeologists several years to thoroughly investigate the remains, rail operator ProRail said in a statement. The findings are detailed in a 650-page book
As well as what is thought to be cannabis (sativa), the grave contained Meadowsweet. Both plants have medicinal and pain-relieving properties, leading archaeologists to believe the person in the grave may have been ill.
The grave itself was lined with wooden planks and, given the amount of Meadowsweet traces, the dead person may have been lain on a mat of the flowering plant, ProRail said.
A second grave found nearby is thought to have contained a child.

© DutchNews.nl


May your race always be in your favor
Maybe these called "primitive men" where a lot smarter than we "modern humans" realize.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Funny, I saw an article cut out on this very same topic at one of Nol's shops a couple of weeks ago.

And I thought that cannabis had been brought to the NL from Asia, and if so, apparently much earlier than thought!



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Maybe these called "primitive men" where a lot smarter than we "modern humans" realize.

Our best evidence shows that people who lived 100,000 years ago were no less intelligent than people today.

They lived in small communities of hunter/gatherers and that's why we find no cities built prior to the discovery/invention of large-scale agriculture.

As soon as people figured out how to control their food supplies, they started multiplying out of control.


Active member
Our best evidence shows that people who lived 100,000 years ago were no less intelligent than people today.

They lived in small communities of hunter/gatherers and that's why we find no cities built prior to the discovery/invention of large-scale agriculture.

As soon as people figured out how to control their food supplies, they started multiplying out of control.

take 100 babies and put them on an island with nothing, at best they become stone age people.

IF they manage to figure out the fire and spears and stuff like that ;)

Check on the island in about a 1000 years and they might still be just grunting or doing some simple language at best.


Active member
Wonder what the cavemen did when they were stoned?
No T.V., no music, no porn.
I guess it made cave living a bit more bearable.
The no indoor plumbing thing must have been a drag.
I guess they would trip out staring at the stars at night.
Might get a bit paranoid, what with wild animals trying to eat you and all.


looking for the bronze age photo. this was returned in the search. :nono:



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
StRa thanks for posting. This is an important find. Early evidence was found in Taiwan dating back 10,000 years, that was hemp rope likeness on a piece of pottery. But this Bronze age may have more importance. I hope since they found this pollen they search for artifacts like pipes, possibly seed or dna from the plant. DD


Sorcerer's Apprentice
take 100 babies and put them on an island with nothing, at best they become stone age people.

IF they manage to figure out the fire and spears and stuff like that ;)

Check on the island in about a 1000 years and they might still be just grunting or doing some simple language at best.

Man... this is a late reply.

What you describe is an issue of technology, not intelligence. You probably wouldn't know how to use a computer if you had lived on an island with nothing up until 5 minutes ago.

You'd still be functionally you, you'd just know much less.

Technology and language allows us to communicate our hard-earned life lessons to the next generation, giving them a stepping stone.

There are recent studies that suggest that civilized man is getting DUMBER, simply because society makes it less necessary for each and every person be a good critical thinker in order to survive. (Society makes us safe and safety means less selection pressure for higher intelligence. We don't need to be as smart to function in society as we would to function on our own or in small groups.)


Señor Member
There are recent studies that suggest that civilized man is getting DUMBER, simply because society makes it less necessary for each and every person be a good critical thinker in order to survive. (Society makes us safe and safety means less selection pressure for higher intelligence. We don't need to be as smart to function in society as we would to function on our own or in small groups.)

words!!!! there's a "documentary" about these studies......

