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Marijuana Nation on National Geographic


the one thing I got out of the show.Oaksterdam is a great idea. I don't live in California,but I now wish I did live there.most cities want to fix areas that are cosidered shady.here's your blueprint.wake up AMERICA. Taproot


i was gettin a lil nervous at the begining and wanted to holla stfu natgeo when they were describing(profiling) indoor growers....hope the nieghbors werent watchin.
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
i just got the same thing mang,,,, i been watching NG for long time,,, and

when i go for tune in to show the other night,,, asking me to call my service

provider>>>>fucck it,,, sooner or later it will be torrented or youtubed
Same thing.. If anyone comes across a torrent version or a streaming video or something maybe post it in this thread.


Marijana Nation on National Geographic Channel

Marijana Nation on National Geographic Channel

Its a show about medical marijana, seeds and growers.
And people getting HELP!
I personal thought the report Lisa Ling did a good job.
Can you believe it! fair reporting!
I'm still in shock!
It comes on again Dec 6th Saturday at 6:00pm.
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Yeah, I was pretty impressed as well. When I first started watching I thought they were going to start in on the same ol stuff. After awhile it started to show how much good it does and how we bennefit from mary jane. Nicly Done Ling!


Does anyone remember what was said at the end of the show. It was when the seeds were being poured into someones hand and I believe it was Lisa talking and she said something along the lines of.. if somone was to give you a handful of seeds would you just throw them away or plant them?. I can't remember the exact words i was a little high haha. I thought that was a good ending though and may make a few people think and possible throw down some seeds themselves.


"if someone gave you a seed and said with this seed you can cloth people make paper make fuel make rope have medicine, an intoxicant...

would you plant it or would you throw it out"

something along those lines..


Lisa Ling Is On Our Side

Lisa Ling Is On Our Side

Methinks Lisa Ling is a midnight toker. One shot showed an Asian woman's lower face (nose/lips) toking away. Sure looked like Lisa to me!

Too bad she didn't mention the tremendous tax potential of legal cannibis. Instead of spending tax money trying to empty the ocean of pot, why don't we tax it and make money on it?

Still, is was a great show, but the Cheech and Chong Roast on TBS was better....just kidding! Nat Geo is a great channel.


cant stop wont stop
BL4ZE20 said:
Does anyone remember what was said at the end of the show. It was when the seeds were being poured into someones hand and I believe it was Lisa talking and she said something along the lines of.. if somone was to give you a handful of seeds would you just throw them away or plant them?. I can't remember the exact words i was a little high haha. I thought that was a good ending though and may make a few people think and possible throw down some seeds themselves.

"so if a stranger walked up to you and poured pebble like seeds into your hand and then said, plant them and your harvest can be made into rope, cloth or paper. it could help the sick, or intoxicate. what would you say? would you keep the seeds? or chuck them away?

i actually really liked this ending statement. i basically shows her/nat geo's true veiw of this herb.
it shows the truth.
and the only negative statment there was calling marijuana "an intoxicant"

and really who says an intoxicant is a bad thing??????

alll in all i think my fav part was when that med grower told lisa ling to squeeze one of those buds and feel her fingers afterwords....

she said its sticky...

and that stoned bastard with a glazed look in his eyes and half a smirk chuckles.."yeah, Sticky"


Registered Medical Patient
I watched this special on a plane last nite and I have to say I was a bit turned off...They said growin outdoors was bad for the environment, but failed to mention the growing number of ORGANIC growers trying to help the environment rather than hurt it!!! I also thought it was very sneaky that they sandwiched the show in between a show on Heroin, and a show on Meth!!!WTF!!! MJ is nowhere near the same as either of those nasty ass drugs!!! I felt it was very biased towards the DEA and didn't really focus on the benefits of medical MJ and in fact, how HARMless it is and very helpful to a ton of peeps!!! Lisa Ling is a hottie though, and it was funny watchin her squeeze the buds...I agree, I think she tokes up too!!!!Fuck the media, they will never see it from our perspective...Peace all

- Z


Get two birds stoned at once
Where can we watch this thing?????

Whoever recorded it PLEASE make it available as a torrent and post it here.
I wrote this in the other thread about this show.

I really enjoyed the show. Yeah there was a couple things i didnt really agree with but oh well. When talking about the outdoor growers out in the parks and stuff.......I lived in cali not too long ago and I was always told if I ever wandered out in the woods to always take a gun for protection from mountain lions and bears. I dont think they ever think about that part though. They would much rather make pot growers look like bad people. I did like how the guy with the huge ass grow answered lisa's question(im going by memory on this so I might not get all the words right, I'll hafta watch it again and get it word for word) Anyways, she's holding a bud and asks would this get you really high? And his reply was..... yeah, but whats high?

Cock a doodle doo
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The place that marc emery took them was pretty cool.

The cancer/lymphoma patient part was pretty good.

I dident really like it overall.

Would rather spend an hour on these forums hosnestly :joint:

Just my opinion.


the Canadian guy w/ the million dollar room:

"You can eat 2, 4, 8.. even 10 cookies - it doesn't matter, you can't OD from it."

"You can't die. Believe me - I tried."


668, Neighbor of the Beast
ZeusOGrefugee said:
They said growin outdoors was bad for the environment, but failed to mention the growing number of ORGANIC growers trying to help the environment rather than hurt it!!!

You are right that they should have made a distinction between "national park guerrilla growers" and average folks growing outside. I think they did somewhat when talking about Humboldt, but didn't really point out the difference.

But no doubt a good portion of the NPGG crews are destructive and violent to boot and aren't doing average folks like us an favors with their tactics.

NGC should use this thread as a focus group for the follow up show that they really need to do.