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Marijuana Might Make Your Sons Retarded!


Why are you so mad?

Why are you so mad?

OK webpage warrior:dueling:

My eldest son (the fastest sperm I produced that time) is a super-intellect. Tested in the top .4% (that means out of 1000 people, he is in the top 4

blah, blah, blah,

Again, this point, along with the following claims to your kids' awesomeness, are, long winded and irrelevant. You sure do type a lot, problem is, you don't really say much. It’s also a red herring since we’re talking fallacies.

My argument is that pregnant women who ingest cannabis while pregnant could potentially harm their fetus. Maybe you should borrow your avatars glasses and READ!

My kids will own your kids

My kids are still in grade school, but of course your kids are awesome, isn't everyone’s that posts on the web?:laughing:

WTF was your mama smokin', crack???

That's not very classy now is it?

I have been getting high (on cannabis) their entire lives - walked 'em to school high, went to parent teacher nites high

blah, blah, blah

red herring, long winded, irrelevant.:no:

Never made it an issue - made them do their own reading on it - never pushed my opinion on them. My one son did a class project on drugs - I encouraged him to read BOTH sides of issue. I will point out both the positive role models that smoked pot - Sagan, Jefferson, as well as dumbass athletes that ruin their careers for it.

what does this have to do with birth defects that result from canna use while pregnant? :confused:


You whipped out the pecker for the pissing match - don't complain when you measure up VERY short.

If tactfully debating my stance means pulling my e cock out then I am guilty. As far as falling short goes, I’m not the one getting fired up behind the keyboard, seems to me that with all the name calling, you are trying to fill the voids in your argument with red herrings and distractions. Maybe you’re just incapable of driving a point home without talking out of your ass. :moon:

You have nothing in your quiver but fallacy and innuendo - a meager knowledge is very dangerous, yours is meager as hell.

:confused::confused: really?

You belong to a pro-mj site - act like you are FOR it, not against US...

Fallacy of composition. :no:

I don’t belong to this site, I post and research here. It def does not inhibit my ability to exercise sound judgement given the facts that I do have.

This sounds like a cry for :1help: in arguing your weak ass points that your argument is based on.

So we can agree to disagree because I don’t have time to continue breaking shit down barney style while you continue arguing your red herrings, and long winded, irrelevant points and claims of family awesomeness. :beat-dead Go ahead and get the last word in, just try, for the communities sake, to keep that shit relevant.

Good day sir!:tiphat:


Nice one Mac - I think he's done...

I don't know ya - but I like ya...

Peace and pot to you and yours - from an old, short, fat, bald proud father of 2, and a very happy, extremely lucky husband of 1...


Active member
By some of the thread topics I whole heartedly agree with the study

just because someone smokes cannabis, does not mean they ever had a brain to begin with ;)

but personally i think cannabis evolves brains :)

drugs do that. they shift your consciousness, allow you totally new and different experiences.

are you experienced?


Active member
...but to be fair its like this

one guy chrashes in an airplane in the mountains, he becomes a ruined afraid wreck because of this.

while another man would do the same and find enlightenment.

drugs are like that.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I was just wondering where all of these retarded kids come from...

Using caffeine/nicotine/alcohol/narcotics/prescription meds while pregnant???

Pick any one or a combination thereof and you probably have your answer.


Active member
ok another metaphor.

take 3 stone age men (man with no experiences)

and give them a ride in an airplane

the first guy goes nuts and kills himself

the second goes nuts and starts a religion

the third guy goes "fuck yeah! coooool! lets do that again!!!"

(but drugs are like airplanes too in that, they need to be respected and handled with care, fools will hurt themselves (And perhaps learn not to be so much fools in the future)


Active member
about cannabis and pregnancy,

i dont know

i have heard stories about people who´s parents smoked in pregnancy and they turned out greater than the average person

and the vice versa

and this is one study about rats (and done by whom? (not only , by whom are they paid, but also, how smart are they really? (college does not infer smarts nor does a labcoat)

so, i dont know, and im not gonna argue about something i can only guess at.

though im rather leaning towards cannabis being harmless to the infant.


lifetime of birth defects and learning disabilities?? care to back that one up???

this thread is about a study; an improperly conducted, biased study in the same vein as the one Dr. Robert G. Heath conducted in 1974, when he came to the conclusion that marijuana kills brain cells. I'm sure you have heard of it, since your so well educated and all.

:laughing: ok now you sound like a fox news anchor

more like you have never read or seen any studies, therefore obviously you cant back up your claims

again no source; you literally just made this up

yea who needs them silly "internet histories"; almost as bad as them "book histories" *yuk yuk*

yes clearly you wouldn't stoop to name calling! you just stick to the facts! of course don't ask you to source those facts! they just are!

oops wait it appears you have already been doing some name calling

and now my personal favorite

well there is one thing we can agree on it seems; you definitely don't belong here.

aaaaaannndd.... done.

About 90% of that shit is being used out of context and you know it.

I'm not gonna get into another web duel so let's just save ourselves the time and effort and agree to disagree.

To the OP, sorry for the distractions and to SeaMaiden: I realize that my reply was a bit uncalled for. Your childs performance is a testament to your parenting ability. Although we do not agree here, we are free persons and can act accordingly.


Some scientists now believe that the effect of the life in the womb on emotional and physical health may be greater than that of the genes we inherit. The conditions in the uterus, ranging from mother's hormones to the nutrients supplied through the placenta, may significantly determine how a baby's liver, heart, kidneys, brain and mind will function during the adulthood.

In the Seventies and the Eighties, we learned that if mothers during pregnancy ingested such substances as the alcohol, cocaine, caffeine, and tobacco, they could harm their babies' physical and mental health, notably, lower the birth weight, height, and head circumference, and impair attention, memory, intelligence, and temperament. Likewise, we have known for a while that if a mother experiences excessive stress or suffers from an emotional trauma, her baby may be born with certain deficiencies which may persist into adulthood and cause more complications.

In the Nineties, we are beginning to understand how the stress and mother's emotional state affects her unborn baby. Take, for example, a stress hormone called Cortisol. When we are under stress, we manufacture cortisol. If you experience occasional stress, cortisol doesn't create a problem. However, if you remain under stress for a long time, cortisol may be too much for your body to handle. Cortisol can cause high blood pressure problems. A mother's excessive Cortisol can reach the baby in the womb and raise the baby's set point for blood pressure forever. This baby, when reach adulthood, is likely to suffer from high blood pressure.

Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. They are confronted with such unhealthy situations as the break-up of their marriage, physical or emotional abuse, open infidelity or simply disinterested and uninvolved partners who prefer staying out to staying home and supporting their pregnant partners. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth.

The babies of these mothers are exposed to a variety of stress hormones, toxins and malnutrition inside the womb. Some of these babies will continue to live in the same or often worse noxious environment. No wonder some will later become hyperactive, underactive, inattentive, or temperamental and exhibit poor self-control. Many of these children are later medicated with Ritalin or antidepressants. Not everyone understands that the problems a child exhibits today may have resulted from events that occurred several years ago.

Most of the gynecologists and obstetricians I have talked with are psychologically sensitive and recognize when their patients need psychological support. However, when referred for therapy, many feel embarrassed and hardly ever show up for psychological consultation. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. Doctors are understandably reluctant to prescribe psychiatric medications because of pregnancy or breast-feeding considerations.

Thus, a woman in such a situation suffers alone and remains isolated from her support system. She is expected to transcend all such adverse circumstances, and some do. Others don't have the emotional strengths to cope. Some have struggled with depression and anxiety all their lives. Moreover, even when they are seemingly coping with the excessive stress, they might still be constantly producing stress hormones and toxins and some will reach the baby in the womb.

Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. As a result, I.Qs of such children are found to be lower. Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory.

All of us want happy children. Happy children grow out of happy babies. Happy babies are born to happy mothers. Therefore, partners, families and friends of expectant mothers should do their best to make an expectant mother happy and relaxed. If she is depressed, nervous, or tense, encourage her to seek help.

Smoking "AS NEEDED" while pregnant helped my woman be stress free plus a few of my friends wives smoked "AS NEEDED" to relieve stress and cramps.

At age 2 my kid could say the ABC's count to 30. Say full sentences, tell me "daddy give me mote I watch cartoon" and turn the tv on and flip channels herself. I account that to her being relatively stress free during pregnancy and breast feeding till age 1

My friends kids are also smart for there age.

On the Flip side another girl I know smoked too much while pregnant. Her kid is a whiny lil shit who is always over eating. Poor Kid is gonna be a fat lil type 2 diabetic by age 5.
Why did she smoke too much and her kid turn out like a retard so far? Cause her boyfriend left and she was STRESSED OUT and DEPRESSED all the time. Instead of smoking as a tool to relieve cramps and headaches. She used it as a crutch to escape reality.


Kiss My Ring
hard to believe we made it to this level of intelligence being stressed so much!
i mean, how in heck could we have evolved to our present state without stress?
the stress of being hunted as food
the stress of finding food
the stress of determining which foods were beneficial or not
the stress caused by environment (hot and cold)
the stress of clan hierarchy
the stress of protercting territory
the stress of pregnancy...

imo, stress is a factor to our succcess.

stress is a natural protection against calamity.


on a more serious note- where can i get a retarded male rat? shit sounds cool as hell. bet i could teach that downy fuck a thing'r 2.


Active member
imo, stress is a factor to our succcess.

Indeed it is. Stress, and the desire to relieve it in some fashion causes synapses to fire and lightbulbs to go off in our brains to alter the environment.
Agriculture seems to be a reasonable trade-off in work invested as opposed to waiting for food to walk by.

We still do it.

Without stress we would be still grooming each other for lice.

As to the OP's referenced study, I would have to agree that mainlining enough THC into a pregnant woman to change the color of an elephant from grey to orange would possibly have some negative effect on the fetus, but to try to extrapolate any useful information in regards to casual use of MJ by humans seems absurd at best.

I gotta get to work so Govt. can fund another important cannabis study like this one.

Thanks a lot D.J. Short.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Thank you MacGyver420!
BattleAss was really getting on my weak nerves :(
The study is 40years old, has 6pages and does not reaches any conclusions.
So it´s just another pointless exercise of disinformation.


Active member
Battleaxe might have to go back to the "Breathing farts in air cause lung cancer" website.

"Pull my finger" IS CHILD ABUSE.


You can tell a lot from this study... A lot about who funded it anyway...

It seems to me that if cannabis DID cause birth defects, we would see the babies all over the "anti drug" ads. Since there are no cases of actual children being born with any ill effects, the best the prohibitionists can do is produce studies that give the impression to the layperson that cannabis is evil. Anyone who is at all sophisticated about the science of cannabis knows that this study means nothing. However, the people who wrote it know those people are few and far between, and this will spread like a game of telephone.

It also seems to me that cannabis could be a great way to reduce stress during pregnancy. Pre-term births and low birth weight are among the most recognized effects of maternal stress during pregnancy, established over nearly two decades of animal and human research, and pre-term babies are susceptible to a range of complications later, including chronic lung disease, developmental delays, learning disorders and infant mortality. There's even compelling evidence from epidemiological studies and animal research that babies who experience stress in utero are more likely to develop chronic health problems as adults, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.(1)

I would like to see more research done on which body chemicals are caused by stress to cause these reactions, and are there strains that can reduce those levels by measurable amounts. Then, we could do a well balanced study on humans.

As for the ethics of a pregnant woman using cannabis as medicine, many pregnant women and children in America participate in clinical research trials with toxic pharmaceutical drugs, but because of the federal scheduling status of cannabis, there can not be any trials done on humans. Pregnant women who are denied cannabis as medicine often have to turn to more dangerous and harmful alternatives.

1 http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=51730


Active member
Anyone who consumes cannabis while pregnant or allows their girl/wife to do so, does not deserve to be a parent. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The short lived rewards of getting lit for 2 hours doesn't equal the cost of a lifetime of birth defects and learning disabilities. It should be a crime for shit like this to happen.

jeez ****a calm the fuck down, you sound like an old church lady in 1920. i know a girl who smoked weed during 2 of her pregnancies to combat her nausea, both kids were born healthy and now 6 years after the first one was born she has 2 smart ass kids who are amazing the shit out of me cuz i didn't think kids could be so smart.

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