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Marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy Safer than Tobacco, Alcohol


Cannabrex Formulator
I disagree... however

I believe they are safer in the physical department but when it comes to the mental aspect, LSD and MDMA aren't really a safe alternative to those.. they make you straight up crazy or e-tarded.

End of story.

That is 100% untrammeled moose feces, sorry buddy.

LSD and MDMA if abused as a recreational drug can have harmful effects......

If used properly and not gobbled down like fucking PEZ, they can be very very useful drugs indeed.


Cannabrex Formulator
MDMA, if you can get the proper stuff in crystal form is about as safe a recreational drug you can get if used with just a modicom of sense. I reckon if the whole worlds population was given a dose once a week along with a full body massage I reckon you`d reduce violence worldwide by79-90%.


This man speaks truth........


Cannabrex Formulator
LSD, in fact makes you crazy if you abuse it.
You will go clinically insane like my good friend did.



YOu go around making declarations of gospel truth based on yer personal experiences with TWO people....that's really gonna make you an expert.

I happen to know someone who had a 1/4 GRAM of LSD put into their beer (that's 2500 hits for those of you who don't know the math)....he is fine today. No "going clinically insane" or him going to any wards of any kind.

As long as you post things in absolute form, sounding like you are the authority on things, as opposed to saying "this has happened to some people", yer gonna get flamed (at least by me).


Lsd makes the Pineal gland start pumping, takes you way out of consciousness.
Sometimes it never stops, so you are basically "insane".

The CIA has been doing tests with LSD and found it great for brainwashing people (while they are under the influence)

They found Cannabis users were LESS susceptible to mind control.
Although it was kind of good as a truth serum as it bought up repressed thoughts to the surface of the mind.


Lsd makes the Pineal gland start pumping, takes you way out of consciousness.
Sometimes it never stops, so you are basically "insane".

The CIA has been doing tests with LSD and found it great for brainwashing people (while they are under the influence)

They found Cannabis users were LESS susceptible to mind control.
Although it was kind of good as a truth serum as it bought up repressed thoughts to the surface of the mind.

The second part may be true, since LSD does kinda open you up, but I don't believe you'll be able to show me one documented example of a person who took LSD in a good set/setting and had a bad trip, got HPPD or went crazy or anything. If you use LSD right and know what to expect, you will not have a bad experience.


Now in technicolor
Natural on one level means that it has at least (in most cases) had a long history of use by humans, mushrooms and weed are basically coded into our DNA.

If any drug was evil, I think meth would fit the description pretty well imo.
You think it being a pescription drug makes it any safer?

Remember more people die from pescription drugs than illegal ones every year.

I wouldn't call it evil in the sense that it's poisonous like strychnine, but the fact that it makes you feel like a God for 12 hours IS a problem. Most people just can't handle it. This + the fact that it's readily available make it evil for society. By saying it was a Rx drug I meant that it CAN be used safely.

What do you mean by "best off"? What value do you place on experiences, and the broadening of the way we can perceive things?


I strictly meant "best off" for the body, but I personally find that new experiences are priceless, and the this benefit you get from drugs far outweighs the side effects/cost and other cons associated with these drugs.

My point was pretty much what your point is, that these drugs are only compared and spoken about on the impact they have on the body and not on the psychological and spiritual benefits one might reap from taking the drugs.

For example, saying that smoking Cannabis all night will ruin your sleep schedule for a night might be true, but that's the only side of the argument you hear by anti-pot-ists. In reality, most people understand this fact but CHOOSE to use it anyway because they have judged that the benefits of smoking Cannabis that one time far outweighs ruining your sleep schedule for a night.


Active member
This was posted by Open Eyes...

How harmful are the drugs on the list drawn up by the ousted government drugs adviser and his colleagues? Cannabis was rated as the 11th most dangerous drug – less dangerous than alcohol (5th) and tobacco (9th).

I love it when there are no references listed at all as if they just pulled up those numbers out of thin air. For all i know they did but to me 19 people killed by cannabis alone reeks of lies.

Professor David Nutt was last week forced to resign from his role as chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. Research by Nutt and his colleagues, published in the medical journal the Lancet in 2007, rates the following as the most dangerous drugs. (They are listed in descending order from the most harmful and all figures are for England and Wales in 2008 unless stated otherwise.)

1. Heroin
Class A drug. Originally used as a painkiller and derived from the opium poppy. There were 897 deaths recorded from heroin and morphine use in 2008 in England and Wales, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). There were around 13,000 seizures, amounting to 1.6m tonnes of heroin.
2. Cocaine
Class A. Stimulant produced from the South American coca leaf. Accounted for 235 deaths – a sharp rise on the previous year's fatalities. Nearly 25,000 seizures were made, amounting to 2.9 tonnes of the drug.
3. Barbituates
Class B. Synthetic sedatives used for anaesthetic purposes. Blamed for 13 deaths.
4. Street methadone
Class A. A synthetic opioid, commonly used as a substitute for treating heroin patients. Accounted for 378 deaths and there were more than 1,000 seizures of the drug.
5. Alcohol
Subject to increasing concern from the medical profession about its damage to health. According to the ONS, there were 8,724 alcohol deaths in the UK in 2007. Other sources claim the true figure is far higher.
6. Ketamine
Class C. A hallucinogenic dance drug for clubbers. There were 23 ketamine-related deaths in the UK between 1993 and 2006. Last year there were 1,266 seizures.
7. Benzodiazepines
Class C. A hypnotic relaxant used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Includes drugs such as diazepam, temazepam and nitrazepam. Caused 230 deaths and 1.8m doses were confiscated in more than 4,000 seizure operations.
8. Amphetamine
Class B. A psychostimulant that combats fatigue and suppresses hunger. Associated with 99 deaths, although this tally includes some ecstasy deaths. Nearly 8,000 seizures, adding up to almost three tonnes.
9. Tobacco
A stimulant that is highly addictive due to its nicotine content. More than 100,000 people a year die from smoking and tobacco-related diseases, including cancer, respiratory diseases and heart disease.
10. Buprenorphine
An opiate used for pain control, and sometimes as a substitute to wean addicts off heroin. Said to have caused 43 deaths in the UK between 1980 and 2002.
11. Cannabis
Class B. A psychoactive drug recently appearing in stronger forms such as "skunk". The subject of intense controversy over its long-term effects and capacity for inducing schizophrenia. Caused 19 deaths and there were 186,000 seizures, netting 65 tonnes of the drug and 640,000 cannabis plants.
12. Solvents
Fumes inhaled to produce a sense of intoxication. Usually abused by teenagers. Derived from commonly available products such as glue and aerosol sprays. Causes around 50 deaths a year.
13. 4-MTA
Class A. Originally designed for laboratory research. Releases serotonin in the body. Only four deaths reported in the UK between 1997 and 2004.
14. LSD
Class A. Hallucinogenic drug originally synthesised by a German chemist in 1938. Very few deaths recorded.
15. Methylphenidate
Class B drug. Brand name of Ritalin. A psychostimulant sometimes used in the treatment of attention deficit disorders.
16. Anabolic steroids
Class C. Used to develop muscles, notably in competitive sports. Also alleged to induce aggression. Have been blamed for causing deaths among bodybuilders. More than 800 seizures.
17. GHB
Class C drug. A clear liquid dance drug said to induce euphoria, also described as a date rape drug. Can trigger comas and suppress breathing. Caused 20 deaths and 47 seizures were recorded.
18. Ecstasy
Class A. Psychoactive dance drug. Caused 44 deaths, with around 5,000 seizures made.
19. Alykl nitrites
Known as "poppers". Inhaled for their role as a muscle relaxant and supposed sexual stimulant. Reduce blood pressure, which can cause fainting and in some cases death.
20. Khat
A psychoactive plant, the leaves of which are chewed in east Africa and Yemen. Also known as qat. Produces mild psychological dependence. Its derivatives, cathinone and cathine, are Class C drugs in the UK.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/nov/02/david-nutt-dangerous-drug-list


Active member
I believe all the 19 deaths due to cannabis in the UK are related to soapbar and glass beads which are common in gang-manufactured marijuana imported into the UK.

There's proof for that too cause I saw a UK special on pot and they showed the HOLES in some Brits lungs from smoking that crap. That's a one-off cause no other studies outside the UK have ever shown holes in lungs from smoking marijuana.

So it wasn't the marijuana that killed them, it was the shit added to marijuana by cartels that kills them. All the more reason to legalize or at least regulate the quality.


I believe all the 19 deaths due to cannabis in the UK are related to soapbar and glass beads which are common in gang-manufactured marijuana imported into the UK.

What are the glass beads?

Doctor John

Glass Beads: more like a powder than beads.... its fibreglass, in powder form, the bud is dusted with it to make it look like its covered in resin glands...... the powder twinkles in the light, sounds silly I know, but its evidently a ruse by the Chinese and Vietnamese commercial growers who are now fairly prolific. Can't add much in the way of mass/weight, but its supposed to make the product look good.... dont fancy the idea of smoking powdered fibre-glass myself........... nor anybody else for that matter - one of the many many negative results of world wide "drug" prohibition, which itself causes far more harm than all the "drugs" do.............

Where on earth does the "19 deaths from cannabis" statistic come from? Another galaxy perhaps?????????????

{I wonder if its cannabis trace in the blood of road crash victims, or suchlike....... if so, its totally meaningless}
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Active member
This week a new episode of Explorer aired on natgeo. I highly recomend everyone watch it. It was the best description of an acid trip I've ever heard. It explains how LCD affects the seratonin 2 receptors & what a halucinating mind looks like. There is 1 guy in the states who has had the DEA's permission to experiment with LSD for the last 30 years. He has been constantly dosing rats to see what negative effects LSD has. The scientific conclusion is unless you were going to develope schitzophrenia anyway LCD is safe. However after long term continuous dosing the rats do begin to develope schitzophrenia symptoms like avoiding social contact, no longer seek pleasure, skidish and aggressive. But it only makes sence that if you are tripping everyday for a year you might go crazy. Buy that's more a weakness of the human mind vs an actual change brought on by the LSD.


done em all and I think if you got quality mdma or lsd its harmless in the right situation... and if you have mental problems then they will fuck with you and you might end up with something else wrong with ya cannabis its harmless so harmless that my old mother smokes it

Open Eyes

Three more members of the panel resigned today AFTER talking with whats his face.....Johnson. Obviously they are not into what johnson is......


Active member
Yes, and with the AMA basically doing its own reclassification of cannabis, this is a SCIENCE REVOLT! The scientists are bucking the system (or fucking it).

They've finally realized they've been repressed for years.

Welcome to our pot club, scientists! We've been repressed for decades. Now you know how it feels to have to listen to the government's endless lies when you have the proof in your hands.

This is as big as Galileogate!

Don't want your government LYING about your research? Then LEGALIZE IT!

Open Eyes

I am over the moon about the AMA's recommendation to allow cannabis in medicine as this has been long overdue. No longer will we have to listen to their drivel about how it does nothing, medicinally speaking, and is a dangerous killer as well as a maker of rapists that seek out white women. This reefer madness will soon stop as the last loaded gun of the government has been discharged with no effect at all.

How long will it be before the UK decides to allow cannabis for medicine? Lets hope soon.


Active member
I am over the moon about the AMA's recommendation to allow cannabis in medicine as this has been long overdue. No longer will we have to listen to their drivel about how it does nothing, medicinally speaking, and is a dangerous killer as well as a maker of rapists that seek out white women. This reefer madness will soon stop as the last loaded gun of the government has been discharged with no effect at all.

How long will it be before the UK decides to allow cannabis for medicine? Lets hope soon.
The UK does allow cannabis for medicine. But only in extracted form by the UK company GW Pharmaceuticals. So they are lying if they say it has no medical value.

Open Eyes

So they are prescribing this to people that want it and at the same time denouncing it's efficacy? The government here is a two headed monster.


Lammen Gorthaur
Good luck selling that to a media that uses trite phrases like, "everyone knows" (when they don't), "clear and present danger" (when it is not) and "helping us to win the war on drugs" (when we lost it a long time ago).

As long as people in government can profiteer off of prohibition, drugs will be a whipping boy to scare the little people into voting this way or that.

We have to make common cause with those people who would support legalization (or at least decriminalization) on the basis the government is seeking more and more power to control more and more aspects of human behavior and our individual liberties. Unfortunately, those people are mainly conservatives; the same people our movement has been vilifying and criticizing for decades. How's the hope and changed worked for us? The answer is that marijuana laws - especially medical marijuana - still suffer under the federal prohibition. Our movement isn't failing because it is unjust; our movement has failed because we embrace those tactics that are guaranteed to continue to fail and the only thing dumber than this fact is the fact we refuse to recognize it and change our ways. The sum total of these facts is the realization we are suffering by our own hands and no other.


I’ve been a long time user and fan of MDMA, but I don’t like the negative side effects and health problems that are associated with it; so I was in route for a legal healthier alternative. I tried a lot of legal products on the market, but it was all hype. The closest thing on the market is a product called, that can give you similar euphoric effects and lasts around 5 to 6 hours.

Wow, nice job advertising your shit on here. You're wrong, however. The closest legal product to MDMA is bk-MDMA, also known as methylone. It's a research chemical and, as the name suggests, closely related to MDMA itself, it's the beta ketone form of it. But still, nice try.

Also, if you use MDMA responsibly, you're gonna be perfectly safe, the negative effects that come from responsible use (post-use depression which lasts a couple of days) are inevitable since it's a serotonin releasing agent and your brain has to "restock" on serotonin after MDMA causes it to release all of it at once. If the "herbal alternative" doesn't have those effects, it's not an alternative to MDMA since it doesn't release serotonin.
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