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Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells


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The real irony in the situation here? The combined governments of the world are the primary authority behind more than 30 studies like these completed throughout the years – and kept them secret from the general public. It wouldn’t be very conducive for our government if word got out that a schedule 1 narcotic could actually help people.

The irony of this is that in the US, any "Ear, Nose, and Throat" specialists, as well as many other doctors/dental surgeons have medical cocaine available to them. Anyone in the general public that knows anything considers cocaine more dangerous than cannabis, even if they do think cannabis is harmful. Its generally even provided by the Federal government, which regulates it's manufacture, distribution, and tracks it's use.

Where is the big medical cocaine debate?

Here is an info page about cocaine's medical use:
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That study wasn't done with "human victims", it was done on cancer cells in a petri dish.

Research is great-more should be done. But the fact is, often studies done on other living animals don't translate to humans, much less in vitro studies -> humans.

Cappy- many of the most promising cancer treatments DO prevent cancer cells from growing rather than directly killing them, as that is generally less harmful to the person than chemo/radiation.

well said, smoking pot isnt healthy folks, lets face this fact shall we. eating it raw might be though.


Active member
I won't delve into any details, but the pro-apoptic part is key and cannabis does not work with all cancers.

I would say another user has pointed out that the smoke contains a carcinogen, yet no cancer for them

I would like to add a fact. The aspergillis is the mold most frequently found on cannabis, and it's spores contain a anaflatoxin that causes cancer, therefore schwag and low THC and other cannabinoids is important.


Active member
I won't delve into any details, but the pro-apoptic part is key and cannabis does not work with all cancers.

I would say another user has pointed out that the smoke contains a carcinogen, yet no cancer for them

I would like to add a fact. The aspergillis is the mold most frequently found on cannabis, and it's spores contain a anaflatoxin that causes cancer, therefore schwag and low THC and other cannabinoids is important.

well yes and NO You have named a genus with several hundred species. The main two that have any concern are Aspergillis Flavus, Aspergillis parasiticus. They can produce aflatoxin, the carcinogen. But most adult humans have a very high tolerance for aflatoxin, and its metabolized in the liver. You face higher exposure levels with grain, and drinking milk. The main carcinoma it can cause is liver cancer. Now if you are worried about it you can eat carrots, parsley, celery all are know to help reduce the effects of aflatoxin.


Active member
Sorry but this thread is full of mixed up and bad science or just a lack of knowledge adding to the confusion. I will pull together the articles, and journals that show what benefits/ harms cannabis has been shown to , or suspected to caused.


Active member
The negative aspect of old weed is the mold of the Aspergillus genus which is the most common found on cannabis, and may contain said aflatoxin.

We have a high tolerance for the toxin? It's not the toxicity I am talking about at all, you posited that fact because you filled it in for yourself. Sometimes exposure to it over time can cause cancer. I am not talking about the immediate effects.

Then you went to say if I am worried eat veggies, but the spores of the mold are inhaled. My mom had high aflatoxin levels and was having issues. Guess she could use veggies instead of the inhaler, right?


Active member
The negative aspect of old weed is the mold of the Aspergillus genus which is the most common found on cannabis, and may contain said aflatoxin.

We have a high tolerance for the toxin? It's not the toxicity I am talking about at all, you posited that fact because you filled it in for yourself. Sometimes exposure to it over time can cause cancer. I am not talking about the immediate effects.

Then you went to say if I am worried eat veggies, but the spores of the mold are inhaled. My mom had high aflatoxin levels and was having issues. Guess she could use veggies instead of the inhaler, right?

firstly I'm referring to long term exposure. And the rates of cancer are exceptionally low, due to the fact the human body has a natural defensive mechanism. The word most people refers to the 99 percentile your mom may have been the 1%. The listed veggies all part of the Apiaceae family have been documented to help the body fight aflatoxin. So yes maybe there is a natural way to help lessen your mothers issues. So yes eat the veggies and they will help the body fight aflatoxin.


Well-known member
thi is all very positive. even though this has been known about for, as you say, decades.
it is most frustrating though... my mother died of cancer of the bowel relatively young (45)
in the year 2000, and while she was recieving 'conventional treatment' i spoke to one of her care nurses about thc, and the possibility of a cure. her response was that ' none of the pharma companies are interested in a cure. they just want to treat with their expensive hit and miss treatments. if they cure you, you wont come back'
sick, but true......
chemotherapy is very expensive, weed is not.