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Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I wouldnt delete it str8 away, if it is in any violation of laws, im pretty sure it'll get mopped by admin soon enough....... In the meantime, im gonna get reading while I can, lolololololol, Thanks for posting it m8, NFW I could be arsed with all that typing, hehehe


lol Yeah i bought it damn hehe. Could have just printed it out . PPL should if the admins are going to Delete it. I will refer ppl to this thread though for alot of answers to ques thats for sure. Good Job Milonix420. Jubei


Thanks a lot, I hope you won't get into trouble. For those who fear it will be deleted, just copy the texts to a word document as I did, then it a nice capital title, make the subjects bold and save it=)


This thread has been up a Long time. just read what you need and leave it be.

or bump it.

look at the dates man


Jeez, sorry=) Funny thing is, the date is the same as today, except the year. I didn't read that far.
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Active member
i hope it doesnt get deleted but just incase i pent the last 45 min copying and pasting lol. are their any pictures with the actual book. lol this is so funny this was the next book on my by list.


actually somone linked the merigold site or w/e and it would have listed it all on one page i believe. theres a few other places with it posted i think the less we mention delete in this thread the longer it will stay tho, lol