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Marc Emery Extradited to USA and Sentenced

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I'm going to continue to insult invisibleempire as long as he continues to troll my thread calling me a fool. You can ban me now, or you can take your own advice and respect my choice to rebuttle, fire with fire.

LOL What was Canada doing before Marc Emery, really? Where are these posts, where is the proof? I haven't read one word of proof in this entire thread. So forgive me for being skeptical.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Then you'll be banned. What did he do? Get annoyed at yet another ME thread, when there are multiple here to comment on? That isn't trolling. I probably would've told you the same. We don't need multiple duplicate threads all over the site.

Canada was very very close to decrimilization when Marc decided to start his antics. Go look it up. Now, we are further behind then the U.S. You aren't being skeptical, you are commenting on things you obviously know nothing about. There is proof, in these threads even. I'm not here to go research for you.


Proof or it didn't happen. LOL thats the way the internet works. You must cite sources when talking shit. Are you some kind of newfag? It's 2010 quit getting so butthurt.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Bye Bye :wave: Btw...betcha I'm at least 15 years older than you...KharmaWoman just didn't sound right...


LOL RAGEQUIT!!! Everytime I sign up here, I assume the b& will come soon enough. Hence why I dont invest any time into a gallery. See ya at Mrnice ;D BUTTTTHUUUURTTT, she got some sand in her pooter.


ICMag Donor
Just more proof that Emerys following is a bunch of school kids. And more proof why this has hurt Canada with legalization.....

LOL RAGEQUIT!!! Everytime I sign up here, I assume the b& will come soon enough. Hence why I dont invest any time into a gallery. See ya at Mrnice ;D BUTTTTHUUUURTTT, she got some sand in her pooter.
very true, Emery is put away because he disrespected the establishment , and basicaly dared them to try and test the WATER BONG DON. In my opinion he wanted to be martyred for the cause.

So he has got what he asked for, except the whole legalization thing. looking good out in California , and many dispensarys in van, are running with out too much interfearance from police, I would personaly like to see them made like in Cali where docs are on site and it takes basically an hour to obtain a MM card.

We all need to rise up and tell those old fools who make the rules there time is done!!!!

peace Respect TS
Not even close to martyrdom, because he even botched that up with a plea deal. I think that's what put the kibosh in his relationship with Michelle Rainey. I think she lost respect & felt betrayed by him after that. Michelle was a devoted activist to the very end. Fact is, alot of people lost respect for him on that. In my opinion, he played a dangerous game, & should have been a true man & an activist by sticking to his guns & conviction. Sure if he did, he certainly would have faced a bigger sentencing. Yet he would have been more of a political thorn on the US side, because there would be even more opposition & outrage, fueling the movement against the war on drugs. I'm not downplaying what he has contributed, which was a great deal, & deserves to be commended. However; in his own words, admitting to something what he did was wrong, when knowing that it was right, is the epitomy of a contradiction! He will be out in only five years. The price?...Eternal loss of credibility.:fsu:


Well-known member

..... it looks like the Canadian conservatives want emery to do all of his time in the USA prison system:


Comprised of nine bills, many of which failed to pass in previous Parliaments when the Conservatives had a minority, C-10 also cracks down on pot producers, young offenders, Canadians imprisoned abroad who are seeking a transfer to a Canadian institution and ex-cons seeking a pardon.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Ya the US has been trying to send him back since the beginning. Seems they wanted him to go to jail, but didn't really want to pay for it that bad lol. Peace GS


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I owe Mr. Emery.

Without his marketing I never would have learned of Seeds Direct, Gypsey and the cats.

Might have continued to flounder as a grower.

I may not agree with his means and methods, but I have clearly benifited and grown. In more ways than one.

As more and more states pass medical Mj laws, I hope and pray the US finds better uses of resources than DEA chasing pot growers.

now where's that bong,,,,,,,,,
Do we REALLY need to be spending tax money going through all this bullshit? Just let him be, and let Canada be, and then just go the whole way and leave everyone alone, it's none of the us's business. the government's only job, should be primary defense of it's constituents, i see none of that here! we need to revolt or something.

This is nothing more than the DEA, the Justice Dept. & whoever else making sure their the biggest swinging dick in the room. Look what they did to Tommy Chong over some God damn pipes.
They've been fighting the war on drugs since what? the 60's? It's all bullshit. Does anyone really think they want to win the war? ofcourse not, they'd put themselves out of a cushy government job. maintaining the status quo is what it's all about.
All of you folks that want to legalize pot ought to think twice.
I've got enough government intrusion into my life, I really don't need the gov. mucking around in my bag of dope.
And if anyone thinks legalization is going to change anything, it's not. Legalization will only sustitute one set of criminals for another.


This is nothing more than the DEA, the Justice Dept. & whoever else making sure their the biggest swinging dick in the room. Look what they did to Tommy Chong over some God damn pipes.
They've been fighting the war on drugs since what? the 60's? It's all bullshit. Does anyone really think they want to win the war? ofcourse not, they'd put themselves out of a cushy government job. maintaining the status quo is what it's all about.
All of you folks that want to legalize pot ought to think twice.
I've got enough government intrusion into my life, I really don't need the gov. mucking around in my bag of dope.
And if anyone thinks legalization is going to change anything, it's not. Legalization will only sustitute one set of criminals for another.

Spoken like someone who's never done a nickle or more at Camp Fed.

Mt Toaker

Eddie and SOW, because of my 2 Misdemeanors in the US I am not allowed into Canada. . . . I don't quite get it but they said if I want to go I have to pay $250 just to apply for entry and they still may not give it to me. Especially as warm as this winter has been here I would love to go snowboard up in the far north but alas it shall not be. Its not just drugs that need to be removed from our legal system, there is a whole slue of things that need to be changed, like most police forces cuz down to about 25% of the size they are now, or a number of police being relocated to high crime areas. The entire system is messed up and doesn't do anything but control lower class population, which is what the 1% want to do. Our current legal system is nothing more than class warfare.
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