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Marc Emery Extradited to USA and Sentenced

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Once when I was a kid......I was wearing a red shirt in a field full of cows......or so I thought.... untill I saw BULL running at me about 50 meters away....Luckily I wasn't too far away from the barbed wire fence and managed to get beyond it with only a few scratches as the BULL pulled up sharply.....I could smell his breath, he was that close.....

A couple of years later I heard the term 'Don't wave red flags at bull's'........unless of course you wish to be a bull-fighter.......and I never fancied getting gored.....


Active member
A couple of years later I heard the term 'Don't wave red flags at bull's'........unless of course you wish to be a bull-fighter...

As far as I can tell, Emery desired to be a bull fighter. He waved the red flag knowing what a likely outcome would be -- he wanted to be civilly disobedient, and if he understands people like Martin Luther King like he professes to, then he knows punishment is part of civil disobedience:

One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.


I don't blame you for not wishing to wave the flag and enter the ring -- I doubt I would either. Just pointing out that I doubt Emery was caught unawares or that he's somewhere now that he never thought he would be.

He's at the "arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice" stage which is why there's a strong emphasis on his current "plight" in any media that comes from his sources.

P.S. You're positively a power poster today, Gypsy. ;)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well I have a young family (a 6 month old son and a 2 year old daughter)......and they would suffer if their Dad was behind the wrong sort of bars.....

But I can still help to grow more growers and breed more breeders with this website.......and I do see the light at the end of the tunnel of cannabis prohibition.....it get's a little brighter every day....

Vote YES on Prop 19!...(that's if you are a Californian and can vote).....


Active member
Well I have a young family (a 6 month old son and a 2 year old daughter)......and they would suffer if their Dad was behind the wrong sort of bars.....

But I can still help to grow more growers and breed more breeders with this website.......and I do see the light at the end of the tunnel of cannabis prohibition.....it get's a little brighter every day....

Vote YES on Prop 19!...(that's if you are a Californian and can vote).....


I echo the sentiment on the vote even though I'm not eligible. If I had the opportunity I'd vote for it in a heartbeat.


Active member
Please, do explain how overcharging people for cannabis seeds while claiming to "promote the cause" while he rolled in the $$$ is being "helpful to the cause". Also please explain how declaring himself the "prince of pot" is not a big egotistical show. And finally, explain why someone in his position didn't LOWER the cost of seeds to spread awareness, accessibility to grow, etc...while focusing his efforts on educating himself on the law and confronting lawmakers, not smoking a joint at a rally to draw attention to himself, and only himself.

yeah, i've heard those sex stories too and there's no doubt about his seeds being expensive and he sold a shitload of them to us americans. but he also helped a lot of us too. i personally know of two cases where he stepped in to help a lady in oklahoma (mary, mary...some of you may recall her from long ago at the original cann-com) and myself when i got busted in '99. not only did he set us up with lawyers but he also paid part of my retainer and followed my case for 20 months when it finally came to a good conclusion in my case...unfortunately m,m got 10-12 years (i don't know her details other than knowing he reached out to her as he did with me and others i have heard about over the years). i have been to his house too and it was nice enough but he was not living in luxury or anywhere close (his couch in the living room was a single bed with a pier-one tapestry covering it and his basement was his pot-tv studio with a hodgepodge of card tables and boxes as furniture). a good chunk of change went into supporting his public actions, the website/magazine and that 'pot-tv show'. i'm not trying to defend him but only pointing out that although he does come off as an arrogant asshole a lot of the time he has also done a lot of good and helped many individuals...and he definitely does not deserve to be sitting in prison.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

- Unknown


I'm done with responding in this thread because there are way too many people oblivious to ME's rampant thievery and him being a sexual deviate...

You think standing in public smoking a joint screaming legalization brings progress for "the movement"? WRONG. The guys at MPP for example lobby congressmen daily to confront them on their beliefs with cannabis, THIS is where you start with USA as an example. Not promoting yourself as "prince of pot", having an ego the size of Texas and having sex with 15 year old girls while recommending to forum members to dose their underage girlfriends with cocaine to 'loosen them up'.

He deserves to be in jail, not because of cannabis, but for robbing people blind, molestation and being a slimy, nasty human being. US prisons by far as a lot worse than Canadians I'm almost positive of that, so I hope he serves it here in the US and someone get's a whiff that he molested a 15 year old...

Yes I disagree with the cannabis laws and nobody should be put in jail for anything related to it, but again, someone said...you reap what you sow...


Active member
free marc...dude might be a douchebag but 5 years for selling seeds is fucking bullshit. fuck the us government fuck harper fuck the DEA...i hope one day the tides will turn and we can imprison those fucks for all their thievery and ruining peoples lifes...


i seen a interview with,the urban gardner i think-the guy that wears the shades
all the time,with mark.
it was funny as hell,he was bending the guy,s ear something terible
and when he came out after he was like yeah mark has done a lot for the canna
community but boy can he sure talk.
he looked like he had just done a hard day,s work when he eventualy got out.


Well-known member
I wonder how all those 'worldwide' rallies went yesterday.

Doing a Google search, I only say 1 report (below), from Vansterdam:

Rallies in support of Marc Emery held around the world
Supporters want the "Prince of Pot" free

Renee Bernard Sep 18, 2010 17:33:03 PM
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - Marc Emery, the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pot," has only begun to serve his sentence in the States, and already there are calls for him to come home.

A rally took place in Vancouver today to free the man who was convicted of selling pot seeds in the US via mail and online.

Jacob Hunter, the rally's organizer, claims similar rallies are being held around the world, in countries as far as China and Norway. "I don't think Marc should be in jail at all, but I am quite frankly willing to accept the half-measure of just bringing him home to Canada, which I would point out is actually a legal obligation for the public safety minister. He does not have a choice of whether or not to return Marc to Canada. Under the law, he actually has to."

Is it true that Canada's Public Safety Minister is legally bound to have marc returned to Canada????:blowbubbles:


ICMag Donor
I saw a clip from one in Alabama and couldn't find any others. There was 10 people in that one and it looked like 7 were still in high school.


I can't see Marc free till after Harper's government falls. These wanna-be Republicans with Dubya's mindset and impressive track record of fighting the devil-weed with harsher penalties are not going to budge.

Look at their idea of economic stimulus...build more prisons, and buy stealth aircraft technology....need I say more?

Bottom line folks, like him or hate him, he did for his own reasons choose to plea-bargain....he agreed to go....period.

Non violent cannabis crimes are not crimes other than the fact so much misery and lives wasted on the myopic stupidity of prohibition itself at the wasted tax and prosecution resources that would be far better spent on fighting the poverty and violence in our communities.

Nuff said...for now...Snowberry

Free the weed...Legalize, regulate and tax the entire commodity like any other. Stop the protected monopolies of the select elites and give them true free market competition.


Well-known member
Bottom line folks, like him or hate him, he did for his own reasons choose to plea-bargain....he agreed to go....period.

Yup, marc did the math - 5 yrs. in prison is bad, but it will always beat the probability of 10 yrs.:tiphat:

Sure hope this time-out passes quickly.


I'm done with responding in this thread because there are way too many people oblivious to ME's rampant thievery and him being a sexual deviate...

You think standing in public smoking a joint screaming legalization brings progress for "the movement"? WRONG. The guys at MPP for example lobby congressmen daily to confront them on their beliefs with cannabis, THIS is where you start with USA as an example. Not promoting yourself as "prince of pot", having an ego the size of Texas and having sex with 15 year old girls while recommending to forum members to dose their underage girlfriends with cocaine to 'loosen them up'.

He deserves to be in jail, not because of cannabis, but for robbing people blind, molestation and being a slimy, nasty human being. US prisons by far as a lot worse than Canadians I'm almost positive of that, so I hope he serves it here in the US and someone get's a whiff that he molested a 15 year old...

Yes I disagree with the cannabis laws and nobody should be put in jail for anything related to it, but again, someone said...you reap what you sow...

I would love to see some proof to back up your claims. Until you cite your sources, it never happened.

"Hundreds of thousands of dollars of Emery's illicit profits are known to have been channeled to marijuana legalization groups active in the United States and Canada. Drug legalization lobbyists now have one less pot of money to rely on." - http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/10/05/18624581.php
^ MPP specifically. So I guess you'll have to pick another angle to talk shit.


No, I'm defending him saying he gave a bunch of money away! People act like he was only in it for his own popularity, and I'm saying he put a lot of money behind this cause that people are neglecting.

And honestly, who the hell cares about his sex life? Bunch of hearsay and gossip. Are we in highschool InvisibleEmpire? You must be about 17 yourself.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
He didn't give as much as you think....nor as much as he claimed...the proof is out there...many of us have witnessed his actions first hand..He set what was happening in Canada backwards...for that he embarasses me and makes me mad...We were making progess...then he decided to continually "poke the bear" and the bear got pissed...not everyone likes the guy...and you know what? We are allowed to not to...should he be in jail? nah, but that doesn't mean I gotta like him or his actions...He was in in it for popularity...he loves the spotlight...more than it loves him. Hearsay? No way dude...saw the posts on his forum first hand, so did thousands of others..disgusting...You want to keep insulting people who don't like him, that isn't right, nor fair. You are allowed your thoughts and we are allowed ours. Make them without insults...
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