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Marc Emery agrees to 5 years in Prison


JJScorpio said:
You need to read the article. The Canadian Government urged the US to get involved because they didn't know how to handle him. Emery had to push and taunt and even after being arrested and fined 2 grand he still continued to send his seed catalouges to US and Canadian politicians and taunt them.

I can't believe he caved in. Wait and see what this trickle down effect has on every other seed seller in Canada. To be honest, if he would have been extradited and came to the US, if he would have kept quiet he probably wouldn't have had to serve the entire sentence. No one here does. And Federal pens here are a cakewalk. He pushed this fight to start a war and get something done. Why would he cave in before finishing the job? It makes everything he said or did worthless.

marion levenworth, lewisburg ,cake walks lol he did the right thing but I hope he took care of the other 2 people with him. Greg and shel??? they get a deal like that or better I dont know as I havent read this whole thread yet

fed joints are cake walks if you have 5 or less years


Red said:
Straight up....no matter what you think of Marc personally, this is some serious Bullsh*t. No one should do any jail time for what you was doing. I've known Marc for over 20 years, love him or leave him this is a very dark day.....

right on red most people have never met marc to hate him hell I bet marc didnt package up 1 bean and ship to the usa his company did and we all know that there are dishonest folk in every crack. I donated to marc every month for about a year his website helped and his seed biz got me growing

how can you hate someone you never met???


Active member



Re: Pot 'Prince' Favours Jail Time in Canada, Jan 15.

Some media outlets have published major errors about the plea deal Marc Emery -- my husband -- is working on with the U.S. and Canadian governments.

First, as correctly reported in the Post, the deal has not been finalized, so negotiations are still under way. The B.C. Supreme Court extradition hearing is scheduled for Jan. 21. Because the deal has not been presented or signed, there is still the possibility Marc will fight against extradition instead of plea bargaining.

Secondly -- as also correctly reported in the Post -- co-accused Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams' charges have not been dropped. They are not mentioned or included in the deal. Marc has stipulated he will only take the deal if his co-accused be spared from jail or prison, but further negotiations are needed to that end.

Lastly, Marc would still be extradited to the United States under temporary extradition and serve jail time, as the deal requires he plead guilty to charges in both Canada and the United States. He would serve six to nine months in a U.S. jail awaiting sentencing, and then the Americans would have 45 days to return him to Canada. He must serve no fewer than five years of the 10-year sentence in Canada as part of the deal.

Thank you for allowing me to clarify my husband's possible fate.

Jodie Emery, Vancouver.



hubcap said:
say someone is charged in canada for a 'crime.' does that mean canada or any other country CANT try him again for the same crime?

no, it means if the USA wants him, then they need to get him out of the prison before the statute of limitations makes it so USA cant trial him on a half decade old crime. Canada will say, "he is our prisoner". USA wont get him.

JJScorpio said:
if he would have kept quiet he probably wouldn't have had to serve the entire sentence. No one here does. And Federal pens here are a cakewalk.

american federal prisons are filled to capacity with; gang members, repeat violent offenders, HIV and HepC patients, homosexuals, people that will beat you to death for nothing.... on and on.. Most of the people who are released early on, "Good behavior" had probably raped and/or murdered somebody, or at least come close.

Emery will be treated as a high-class inmate in canada. Martha Stewart, who ripped off thousands of her investors was treated as a high class here in america. American prisons will not treat emery with such high regard. they will treat emery like a common, non-american, crack dealer. they will not treat him as a political refugee with any sort of diplomatic immunity.

the bottom line is, in america, if you steal money through investment, the justice system will treat you humane. Send cannabis seeds to americans, goto federal pound in the arse, prison.

another stupid fucking law solidified by americans who sponsor world policing and lucrative conduct, as well as, job security for their private run enterprises which are paid by lovely americans who dont seem to mind that somebody else is making all the decisions for them.


Active member
Lets start a protest. Everyone save up/make bullshit seeds for an entire year, then we'll mail them to every senator and congressman in the United States at the same time. Call it the Overgrow America Project (in memory of OG). Whoever can send out the most seeds gets a prize. I'll sponsor it.

Tell Washington to "get out of our lives" and stop wrecking our lives.


My thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Emery, and his family. I love my country and am ashamed of it at the same time. Something has to give pretty soon, the United Staes has become the bloated, bullying, decadent Roman Empire of modern times. Just like in days of old, there is now a flame burning in the basements and belly of the beast. Rome is again burning, and if things don't change for the better soon, the disenfranchised, abandoned, abused, and frightened people of this country will take to the streets and hold that dreaded election where votes are cast with bullets. Take our country back before it's too late!!!!!


I like Blind Eye's idea....

So, all we can do is attempt to come up with eloquent adjectives, for the awful situation...

This is completely deplorable....

ME is a human being, and this treatment is so disproportionate.

Our society is going the way of the totalitarian. "People/exhibitions of humanity/accountability" really do not matter that much anymore.


This is a great Idea... Maybe everyone should mail them in on 4/20.

BlindDate said:
Lets start a protest. Everyone save up/make bullshit seeds for an entire year, then we'll mail them to every senator and congressman in the United States at the same time. Call it the Overgrow America Project (in memory of OG). Whoever can send out the most seeds gets a prize. I'll sponsor it.

Tell Washington to "get out of our lives" and stop wrecking our lives.


This is a great Idea... Maybe everyone should mail them in on 4/20. Also if this case comes to America we Americans better stand up to fight this BS. I was also ripped off... ME's Karma caught up to him...although no one deserves prison for pot.

BlindDate said:
Lets start a protest. Everyone save up/make bullshit seeds for an entire year, then we'll mail them to every senator and congressman in the United States at the same time. Call it the Overgrow America Project (in memory of OG). Whoever can send out the most seeds gets a prize. I'll sponsor it.

Tell Washington to "get out of our lives" and stop wrecking our lives.


SolarT said:
I think he got screwed.
Frankly - I believe every Canadian of voting age should contact their elected officials - from the bottom to the top, and demand Emery be pardoned. There is a message that would be heard round the world.

truck said:
This is a great Idea... Maybe everyone should mail them in on 4/20.

Don't wait till 4/20!
Imagine if it was your family, friends or someone that didn't owe ya a couple hundred bucks.
Like him or not, 5 years for what we obliviously participate in and enjoy.
My elected officials would be keenly aware failure to act will end my support of them in the future. One person says it - Ehhhhh! If the phones don't stop ringing - then and only then will change occur. So get ALL YOUR FRIENDS and FAMILY to call too and watch what can be done one phone call at a time..
It could be a world wide statement that cannabis laws must be changed and international powers will not be coerced by US agendas

Or you can post here - which is nice but of little social impact.
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If you do send the seeds, use a new envelope that you have not touched, wear gloves, don't type the cover letter on your PC (Forensics) and apply the stamp and seal the envelope with a moist sponge, no licking them due to DNA.

Sounds overboard? If the assholes in DC get the seeds they will be looking to find their source.

It would make a statement wouldn't it, especially with an anonymous press release to the New York Times about it. Just be danged careful my friends.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
One of his friends, for example, was handed a 30-year sentence for growing 200 plants. This is wrong.

I am very happy I live in Finland.


For those of us who don't get seedy weedy
Hemp seeds are about $5 a pound on eBay (my bird's second favorite food)

Emery isn't bound for US prisons - yet.

If I understand correctly - Canada is saying he can't be tried in US because he was already found guilty and served his sentance in Canada and USA prosicution would be double jepordy. Still, they could find guilty, issue a pardon and save 5 years on prison costs - plus Emery would be supporting family and paying bills - and hopefully taxes. (Not that I support taxes, but we all get to contribute,l and I don't have any gold bars like Emery - then again - I don't have legal bills like him either.

US courts will continue on GWB's private agenda so long as current command is in line.
Our ground swell has begin. Just today they started MMJ vending machines in Cali.

It's bad for DEA to try and prosicute Canooks when they have the other extreame goin on out on the left coast. But they seem pretty desperate to atttempt to stem the tide in any way possible.
Seed by seed by God!
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