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many apologies


Active member
super sorry guys about the bs thread the other day...about the stalker and my poor judgement at the time.

i didn't see many of the posts from the last pages b4 closed, but im sure i was gettin' ripped a new one.

anyway...i squashed that bs....w/ that bitch/cougar (like i said i did).....(wasn't much to squash other than getting told to 'fuck off' (via e-mail).

...my wife has known that the bitch was stalking me since quite a while ago...so we are all square there.

def wont let that shit happen again....and again sorry for the drama....

i'll be sticking to my blockhead and keeping my damn mouth shut.



If only Yummy could grow Blockhead like Yuk ;)

:ying:sorry about my harsh comment about your story
i got a bad rep from one of your friends for it
but i didnt mean no harm
just hate to see how someone tries to destroy a family
everybody got issues
some drink some are addicts some have eating disorder
but it all can be fixed
with lots of love
i am happy for your wife and your kid that you rewind
your thought again
best luck to all of you
and I hope you dont mind my mouthy post!
peace :ying:


Glad to hear you wised up Brudda...Dag nailed it your last thread 'don't be a douche'...pal

From what I hear Yummy could not grow OR get laid so you should be safe...for now


hahah this thread reminds me of stones and glass houses.

Goon on ya for choosing to do the right thing as it's never too late to do such a thing. Sure there may be consequences for doing it later rather than sooner but it is never too late. I hope things work out for you and yours.


Bent Member
God dam Right, Yukon! I accept your humble knee groveling apology. Never let that that kinda shit happen again, Son!

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
We all be human...all humans make mistakes...the important thing is to learn from our mistakes and improve the quality of our living. Realizing you've made a mistake is the first step in that process. Congrats on that. :)


Active member
relationships are work. as much as you want to fuck some strange your old lady prob feels the same way. think of the kid before doing anything dumb in the future

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