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Manitoba Medical 10by 10 room/4-600, 1-1000



slick man!! really nice

good way to use your surrounding environment!

bubbas are looking healthy!!
HI guys, so I picked up a 1000W MH to put in the center of the room , gonna be sick!,
Thnx RR but these arnt bubbas , some are P.K , the other one is a HP, might look like a bubba , but has a very distinct old school hashy smell , mosdef not a bubbakush have some dried bud shots comming up soon..........
Welcome to the jungle BABY!

Welcome to the jungle BABY!

Here are some pics with a light on so might be kinda choppy, got the 1000 watt MH rocking the show , thing are looking huge , also got the gas going 2. these r pics taken @ 7-8 days into flower.

gonna get crazy up in this beoych!:laughing::ying:


Active member
in pic 4 looks like some pm or residue on alot of the leaves, am i a tripper or is that something you are neglecting? d
Thnx NAshshuk!, nope no pm here Mb in the winter, kind of shity pic quality , plus Im sure u just over medicating , prob seeing things ,lol hahaha thmx for stoping by brotha!


Active member
k cool was smokin pretty heavy, maybe just some plant orbs or something, d
hey D maybe u werent tripping on that shit, those r water marks on leaves from using the wand, water splashed on the leaves , lol hahahh
_ thnx greentoe, gonna clean up all tha lower spindely growth this weeek....
thnx MM
Im back and its week 4 flower

Im back and its week 4 flower

Im back with some pics of this Manitoba Medical OP, had some issues as you will see, underfeed a bit coupled with my apprentice removing all fan leaves , but he is learning.......(sort of)
they are comming back now, hope they blow up in weeks 5-6 .......

we also had a SITUATION where the power was lost to ac for 6 hours so they suffered some super heat stress till it got plugged back in .......tcb it wont happen again.....:ying:
Thnx for following along peace MAN- MED.


hey manitoba medical you really have a green thumb!! keep on rocking it !!

i think your girls look pretty nice and they should fatten up no prob!! good to see something other than KUSH.

high heat shut offs are pretty slick, cuts power to lights when the room gets too hot, safe and keeps your girls happy.

keep it up!!!

the med man

when was the last time they got a good flush of 25% nutes or even just water?


the med man

i noticed the lights are kind of high too, that for work purposes?

Hi everybody, thnx REDRAIN for the kind words.
oh yeah MM been going feed feed h20 or, feed feed feed then h20, and yeah raised up bulbs when had a lil heat stress maybe just haven't lowered them down yet , ]
think Im also going to go with a 1000 watt hps for last 30 days of flower, these are from a shared grow so I cant take 100% of the credit or responsibility for the issues, but I'm always trying to keep levels as good as possible, thnx for all the props/ tips

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
looking pretty good ther MM, not too shabby a couple issues I guess , but for the most part looking really good, I agree with MedMan drop those lights , hahah nice job TS
getting closer to harvest time @ ManitoBA medical

getting closer to harvest time @ ManitoBA medical

these r a few pics it getting closer to chop time , I guess it looking ok:rolleyes:, there were a few problems along the way, but getting ready to flush for like 2 weeks.

and then this last pic is of the cuddlefish and the pk side by side all flushed out ready 2 chop :ying:

thnx for following along this grow with me
Thnx ManitoBA

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