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Mango Terpenoids Increase Effects of Cannabis and Extend Its Buzz


The Dude
IMHO there is lots of enviormental, atmospheric conditions that high elevations effect has on plants like increased Co2. Different night temps can influence color. I think its around 15-20 degrees different from your daytime temps to influence more color.

This is why ICMAG is here for us to show out Lab like test grows. We are the scientists here, stoney ones lol. The info is out there, just gotta look hard enough.


agreed man...what is diif?...i plan on trying to turn my ko kushes and herijuanas purple by using very cold nighth temps in late bloom..


The Dude
agreed man...what is diif?...i plan on trying to turn my ko kushes and herijuanas purple by using very cold nighth temps in late bloom..

Don't try to force a strain that isn't normally purple. Purple plants have better defenses when it comes to the cold, others will stress out.

Just sent ya a pm about it. Check my Gods Gift and Blackberry Kush in my pics....black almost.


I tried mangos before during and after smoking and felt zero effects different from normal smoking without mangos.
Has anyone else tried this? Did anyone feel anything different?
I know that smoked terpenes do effect smoked THC, I did the first work with terpenes more then a decade ago, but I got zero effects from eating mangos and smoking Cannabis products. Nothing special except I really love mangos, especially Alphonso's.


Lol..Id lvoe to try it (my area is literally flooded with ripe mangos)..except I hate eating mangos lol..most fruits for that matter.

Sam,do you think that a strain rich in these "mango terpenoids" such as MangoHaze..will offer a synergistic effect when smoked?...basically,do mango strains get you higher.

If eating mangos compliments thc,then surely smoking/vaporizing mango terpenoids will have that same effect.It all ends up in the bloodstream correct?

Excellent information,Ill be running Mango Haze one day,

Sam since your the go to guy for genetic info,what strain do you recommend for the mango terpenoids?thank you


Same here Sam, I noticed no difference but mango's are a great food when high anyway, also there was an article somewhere that said chocolate prolongs the high and makes it stronger,
again I felt no difference but I feel its got more potential than the mango thing just because it has a lot of minerals like magnesium, another thing that is claimed to benefit the high:

How Magnesium levels in your body affect the quality of your Cannabis high.

"I have been doing some research lately, and have come to the opinion that magnesium levels in the body can have a profound impact on the quality of the high from Cannabis.
If you are a healthy person with good levels of magnesium in your body, your high is optimised due to the fine tuning Magnesium gives to your nerves and cannabinoid receptors.
A lot of cannabis users may not have good magnesium levels, due to poor diet or ill health, and they will often find the zing has gone out of their high.
I have added a rewiew on Magnesium in the human body for you to read."

For full article search the title in google.


Rinse excellent point,I think its a widely overlooked aspect in ANY drug's use,..many many things can have many different effects,both good and bad,to certain drugs.This can be things like vitamin c..chocolate,nicotine,and now mango.

I believe it doesnt TRULY warrant reasearch,because shit,one gets high enough these days,with all the variations of hash,oil,edibles,vaporizers,etc,etc.

Add to that all the modern day high potency strains,and I see no benefit to eating mangos prior to smoking.If your not high,then smoke more.Better yet,make some good hash or oil,


Rinse excellent point,I think its a widely overlooked aspect in ANY drug's use,..many many things can have many different effects,both good and bad,to certain drugs.This can be things like vitamin c..chocolate,nicotine,and now mango.

I believe it doesnt TRULY warrant reasearch,because shit,one gets high enough these days,with all the variations of hash,oil,edibles,vaporizers,etc,etc.

Add to that all the modern day high potency strains,and I see no benefit to eating mangos prior to smoking.If your not high,then smoke more.Better yet,make some good hash or oil,


I tried mangos before during and after smoking and felt zero effects different from normal smoking without mangos.
Has anyone else tried this? Did anyone feel anything different?
I know that smoked terpenes do effect smoked THC, I did the first work with terpenes more then a decade ago, but I got zero effects from eating mangos and smoking Cannabis products. Nothing special except I really love mangos, especially Alphonso's.

I feel full and happy that I got to eat some mango, which is always better than how I feel before eating mango. I really love mango. And coconut.

I can't say I got more high, or a better high. But hey, if there's a reason to toke and munch on some mango at the same time, why not? Maybe it's kinda like having a glass of milk when you eat a banana (Ca + K = facilitated ability of muscle fibers to contract, is a chemical reaction between Ca & K).


Active member
It may also be that the levels of Myrcene are kind of low in Mangos. Maybe a higher dose of that ternpenoid would be more effective.

I think there is a drink by this company Couch Lock, that basically has higher concentrates of the ternpenoids found in cannabis - to help with the high.

And I think it is more about extending the high length, and saving money/cannabis. Which is important for medical patients with many other bills.


Active member
been eating homemade mango and kiwi jam for the last few days to check it out and sometimes it is probably longer lasting and maybe i could say that i feel even more stoned as well, but very difficult to say it has been the extra myrcene or anything else, maybe just a good model of the last smoke, anyway mango jam is sooo good and sweet that i am going to continue in this habit for sure... i think Bi0hazard is probably right and each person has different levels and needs different amounts in their doses... anyway if you are stoned all day how could you notice?


I think if patients want to effectively,safely and EFFICINETLY medicate,they should be using vaporizers...there is one called the MFLB..magicflighth launch box..that uses .1g to get you HIGH...


I tried mangos before during and after smoking and felt zero effects different from normal smoking without mangos.

Nothing special except I really love mangos, especially Alphonso's.

Perhaps its a threshold thing. Also mangos are so sweet and jucy, that's an added benefit to any activity.

Well, maybe not philately.


Active member
I tried mangos before during and after smoking and felt zero effects different from normal smoking without mangos.
Has anyone else tried this? Did anyone feel anything different?
I know that smoked terpenes do effect smoked THC, I did the first work with terpenes more then a decade ago, but I got zero effects from eating mangos and smoking Cannabis products. Nothing special except I really love mangos, especially Alphonso's.

Great post. You just connected an idea in my head, maybe the mangos have to be cooked at a certain temp, just like making edibles? It could be that some terpenoids are much less active in their raw state, where you may have to prepare it like you would cannabis edibles with heating?

Maybe the amount of the terpenoid mycerene is low in mangos - but in higher concentrations extends the high of cannabis to a greater extent? I wonder if they have mycerene concentrates?


Active member
old old old news, nothing new here, well maybe for some n00bs,this hypothesis has been tested on mycotopia over 10yrs ago, and it's a hit and miss with 50/50 of heads.
it all in the head imo

a better one is using saffron with opium


Very kewl about the Mango ..
I have another question and I was wondering if anyone here might know this one??
Why does Skunk smell like skunk?? anyone? headband 707
This is what is extracted from the plant to make perfume and stuff. The different plants out there have a different terpene make-up....... hence the different smells. Its unlimited to the smells and tastes one can create with Ganja.

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