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Mandala seeds - Satori smoke report


New member
Hey AN, great smoke report. I read your report on A11 too. How does the Satori compare with the A11? Do you have a preference?


sup hazetoker. :wave: thanks for the advice man. the hashberry do seem to be getting better with time. two plants in particular stand out but the others still seem a little generic, i have some with a lemon fresh/citrus scent and others with a light berry scent. hehe. it's definately not bad but the two stand outs are head and shoulders above the other. there was a fair bit of variation in aromas on the vine in bloom so I guess it's a case of picking the right one for your own body chemistry. i don't know about the feed, i noticed the bio-bizz flowering booster added a funny taste so i dropped that but everything else run with this feed without it has tasted good, though i haven't been using biobizz long, besides they get a good couple of weeks on plain water so should be more than enough to leech any remaining flavours from the feed. thanks again man.

ola sverige, i wouldn't want to be without either i must admit. the satori is clearer than the a11 but both are creative, social and up highs. the tastes aren't really comparable, the a11 is exotic fruit juice, the satori is greek retsina wine, both are great but very different in this regards. when it comes to growing them, neither seem to have many particular quirks though i would say the satori is probably more controllable and easier (not that the a11 is hard) to grow. i don't know man, let me know what specifically you are curious about and i'll try my best to help out! :wave:


Its funny when flowering I had a few that had the citrus/berry aroma. But the citrus/lemon did not come out in the cure. The berry was the strongest aroma. This is why I like mikes strains cause you get so many smells and all are extoic. Sucks your saying a few are generic. I wonder why? I have yet to get any generic smells or taste from mandala (satori,white satin,hashberry,and sadhu).


high hazetoker good bros. yeah, it's a bit of a pig but i suspect the flavours will define themselves better as they spend more time curing but i suppose body chemistry plays a part too. generic is perhaps a bit strong, perhaps it's just that there is a lot of this kind of flavour in vogue right now. like i say, the flavours can only improve with curing. the charas were beautiful and i have high hopes for my selected blackberry pheno as a hashmaker.

even if i don't end up keeping this strain around i know she will work for lot's of people and regardless my opinion of mandala seeds remains exceptionally high. they do good shit and they do it the right way, good sources (people working landraces to give a fresh product rather than rehashes get a lot of respect in my book), good genes, good value and a refreshing attitude is a winning combination in my book. :respect:


New member
Thanks for the reply AN. I think I will go with the Satori over the A11, because I really like Mandala's style.
A couple questions:
Which Satori pheno did you prefer?
After a longer cure, was the spear type still much harsher than the bat type?



sawaat dii sverige :wave: i agree bros,mandala have got their vibe spot on. after a longer cure the spear pheno does improve taste wise, the underlying flavours pushing through the pungency, particularly the pine aroma. i do still prefer the bat pheno through, peppermint pine with a spicey hint. it really is quite delicious. I could open and close a jar for 20 minutes sniffing!! the high on both remains as reported and is a wicked creative, cerebral high. i've decided to absolutely definately devote some garden room to running a couple more packs to select a mother from more than two females from a ten pack.

looking forward to seeing another satori grow. good luck sverige, enjoy your grow.


Active member
Hey A.NOther!

I´m glad that the Satori turned out nice for you.

As you know, my Satori grow had been pretty much fucked up by fungus gnats.

Nonetheless it´s interresting bud.

I found quite some diversity among the plants, especially in size.

I plan to do a smoke report as soon as the buds are in a right condition.

But here is a little preview of my favorite pheno.


Quite strong, heavy, definitely not a clear/fesh smell, funky, green, woody, hard to describe.

Breaking it up, you can catch some fruity tones, but only for a wee second.

Bag Appeal:

Those are not as big as with the other phenos, but they have a nice shape, are pretty tight and compact, with a decent trichome content.

Not extremely hairy, but the rusty red stigmas reaching out here and there add to the bag appeal.

It crumbles up into a very powdery and dry feeling, even tough it has enough moisture content.

This is a phenomenon that all of my Satori buds had in common.

The buds do not feel sticky at all, all tough they have a nice trichome coverage that can be seen with the naked eye, and the right moisture..

Crumble up a bigger piece and you will get a little stickyness, but not nearly as much as all the other strains I´ve grown, including quite a bunch of Sativas and Sativa dominants...


A little harsh and still a wee bit green, but a little hashy at the same time.

The smell of the smoke is extremely hashy.


Very special.

No racyness, and no body stone either.

After a few puffs, you think that it was nice, but not really a ripper.

Then after quite a while, you look around and know that you are stoned, but on a very subtle level, but not subtle enough to provide you from a very light psychedelic effect.

This can be staring weed.

You catch yourself gazing at something that you normally just walked on by, and all of a sudden you get the desire to take a picture of your surroundings, because they have a very special aura at this moment...

Not a potency wonder, and very subtle effects.

But if you decide to do something and be active you will really get into the Satori dimension.

Many Sativa crosses get you up and electrified, - not the Satori.

On her you have to get up first, and then she will lift you up.

The high is subtle but long lasting.


High guys,

I think everyone's descriptions of the high is spot on with my experiences with this strain. But tell me if you guys have experienced this. I've had a couple sessions with people who weren't everyday smokers, maybe once a week smokers. Each time the light smokers would seem completely disconnected, like off in there own little world, and they'd be sittin there tapping there foot like crazy. Another time one of them experienced some paranoid delusions. I'm curious if any of you have had any contrasting experiences like this with light smokers after they smoke the satori.



THATS a a post and smoke report is DONE

nice work and THANKS A BUNCH for sharing with us!!!


hey spicecowboy, good to see you bros. :wave: and thanks for sharing your views. it's interesting that you saw more variation than me, i believe the strain was updated so whether we have pre and post updates I don't know. it's funny you should mention the texture as i notice something similar, not so much a dryness but rather that instead of the trichs feeling sticky they have a more oily feel than is usual. i have no idea what this could be attributed to though. the effects you experienced sound spot on the same. very creative and cerebral with zero raciness and i too love the colour/visual enhancement that this strain brings. i often find myself staring out into the trees marvelling at simply the distinction between the blue of the sky and the multitude of greens in the treeline! hehe.

definately one of the most interesting and dare i use your words, special, high that i have experienced for a while. are you going to give it another run without the gnats! hope you're well. :wave:

hehe, hey stoney b, yes that sounds very familiar, someone close to me spent a very similar hour on our couch day dreaming away beforebecoming almost trance like! came out of it entirely clear headed and was curious as to why so much time had passed. hehe. i think it is the fact that the power is disguised by the fact it is such a different high from what your occasional smoker will have experienced before. i'm glad there are a few more satori fans out there! take care bros. :wave:

high hub, thanks man. :wave:


New member
What a great report! I really enjoyed your presentation of the grow shots... It was nice to be able to watch the progression of the buds over time. Very well written and easy to read. You really do have a connoisseur's ability to observe subtle flavors and qualities of the high.

I'm off to read your other smoke reports and perhaps order some Satori! :)


Well-known member
amazing report......

satori is a really unique plant.
great yeild...
great high...
and some phenos have smells ive never smelled in canabis before.

i dont know how they can improve it, except for locking down the favorable phenotype, there can be freaky plants in the mix.


hands down, the best smoke grow/smoke report that I have ever read.

Thank you for your observations and the polished writing that delivered them.

Nice photography as well. :smile:


Active member
Thanks, for job well done

Thanks, for job well done

Hey now, I too been curious about this herb. excellent pics and readable smoke report. Can't wait to give this Mandela product a try. Thank again :joint:


sawaat dii dionysus, bodhiseeds, hal, smokaholik and rastatrue. thanks a lot for all your kind comments and good vibes. the input of others makes writing reports rewarding although to be honest there is nothing but fun to be had trying new strains so it's not an onerous task trying to but some thought into them but it is definitely nice to know people are interested and we are adding something positive.

i said this in a different thread but i have to give credit where credit is due, i have a bunch of more than willing testers (guinea pigs? jeje) who are equally willing to give their honest opinions. i try to make sure no one knows what they are smoking until after some opinions have been garnered and i (more we in actual fact) also try and smoke each strain in a variety of situations (daytime, workin', interacting with straights, partying, relaxing etc.) to get as wide a view on the strain as possible. it's always difficult to be totally comprehensive as highs and even aroma and taste can be pretty subjective and can vary slightly (or a lot) user to user but we try to strike as good and fair a balance as we can and if someone doesn't like it we are sure to say!

thanks again for stopping by and i hope you are all safe, happy and high. :wave:


Hi and thanks for the extremely interesting and informative report - the story about forgetting about the bath on the Bat pheno had me laughing out loud, as that's exactly the type of thing I do on similar herbs :) (the most common for me going into a room and forgetting why I'm there but I know I'm supposed to be doing something, lol - thus end up going back to the previous room and looking around/rethinking what I was doing, haha)

All the best and keep up the great work
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thanks for the kind words ondalow. :D

ola British_Bulldog. thanks for the vibes and i know exactly what you mean about walking into a room and thinking why am i here and what did i want? my mind needs a prompt so starting from the beginning again tends to remind me. unfortunately (or not, it makes life interesting) with the satori you're likely to be distracted again on the way back. ad infinitum. hehe.

take care and thanks again for the positive comments. :wave: