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Man angry after gun-point raid at his home




A rural Gatineau, Que., family is angry at police who raided their home armed with loaded guns looking for a marijuana grow-op, which turned out to only be a skunk that lived on their property. Auto mechanic Oliver MacQuat was home alone just before 8 p.m. Thursday when he saw flashing lights outside.
He thought a small water-bottling plant next door was being robbed, but then he heard a knock at his door.
The father of two was met by Gatineau officers who declared they had a warrant to search his home and arrest him.
"I thought I was going to have a heart attack," said MacQuat, who was handcuffed and seated on a stool while officers searched his home.
"That scared the living daylights out of me. They were very respectful, but it's very humiliating to be wearing handcuffs and to have people going through your house."
He was told the skunk smell — which is noticeable when driving by — was also similar to that of a grow-op.
MacQuat insisted the skunk thought it was spring after the unusually mild winter weather but police were adamant it wasn't a skunk.
Also in the midst of the half-hour raid, MacQuat said his son Emilio arrived home to 20 cruisers from Gatineau police and Surete du Quebec on and around the property.
Emilio, 18, was held at the edge of the property and not aloud inside until the raid was complete, according to his father.
Minutes later, the scene's senior officer walked inside to inform fellow officers the smell was, after all, just a skunk as MacQuat had pleaded.
"They were really embarrassed by it, but they were very sincere in their apologies," said Macquat, who owns his own auto body shop.
"But had they done their investigation more thoroughly, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
Police later told his wife Paula there wasn't enough snow on the steep roof of the 150-year-old home, so officers thought that was also a sign of a grow-op.
The force would not comment on the incident when reached Saturday.
But the family said officers were not rough and even cleaned their shoes before they entered.
MacQuat said he may have to get legal counsel to clear his name, but a lawsuit is the "last thing on his mind."
He also wants police to improve its procedures so mistakes like this don't happen again.
Can you imagine if this had been one of those US style, SWAT type raids, smash and enter, shoot the dogs and anything else that moves???

Over a skunk???

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck - skunk in backyard and not enough snow on roof. That's all a judge needs to sign a warrant?

The law is an ass...


Active member
I'd have to agree, its a little bit of an "overkill" situation...One would think that the mere smell of skunk would need more of an investigation to proceed with what went down..Skunks are everywhere!! They are excellent mousers and part of the plan...
The old-timer is clearly a decent man, and like my old man, says that a lawsuit is the last thing on his mind. He probably views it as a "handout."

Incorrect, old-timer. It's about teaching lessons. You deserve a settlement. You could have had a damn heart attack due to sloppy-ass police work.

I hope his kids get inside his head and convince him to sue these bastards.
I put out food to feed stray cats during the winter. I like having them around because when they are, we don't get mice during the winter.
What food do I need to put out to attract skunks? I am an animal lover and would attract them to feed them and am also enough of a prick to do it to piss off LEO.


I live on a street that doesn't have raccoons because we have so many skunks. I like having the little guys around ive almost ran into them a few times. If I ever have an odor issue the people next to me will just be looking for a skunk. Even had one hit right by the house, smelled the place up good for a few days.


Think of the mentality.

"I smell something skunky, you must be growing weed!"

All that wasted police effort that could have been put towards stopping violent crimes.
I'd like to see a return of police as our PROTECTORS from bad people.


Classy@home, it's not actually the LAW that did this man wrong, but the legalities, and actually more correct, illegalities. See the LAW OF THE LAND is the U.S. Constitution, and ANYTHING that goes against it is UNLAWFUL. So even though the government makes it LEGAL to to take your taxes from you for example, or make illegal to grow cannabis, these two "laws" are unlawful. And this is the type of understanding that we all need so we can nip the government in the bud, and not let them get bigger than needed, and at the same time stop the burden of taxes on the working class.

But nonetheless I do feel your frustration, and all I can tell you is to STAY mad, because that will keep you motivated, motivated to wakeup your family, friends, and people on this site, which we should start seeing as brothers and sisters. If ever was a year to give a 110%, not 100%, but that extra ALL YOU GOT (THE FIGHT), this is it, believe it or not, we're in GOOD TIMES right now, and if we want to keep what good we have left, then we need to fight (and of coarse I mean every way but in the physical).

Please research Ron Paul, Michael Badnarik, and Alex Jones.


Active member
yup, looks like the American right-wing has been VERY successful at spreading their police state around the world

Govt's know they're going to need militarized police for the coming worldwide economic collapse that is already well underway

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