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Mammograms, Malignant Glioma, and Marijuana


Sunshine DayDreamer
:wave: Hello Ladies :wave: 'tis just me again :D ....

Thanks so Mrs.B I have had some much needed time to rest and reflect after some very tough times around the h3ad household and I am wanting to share with you all some things on my mind...
....now, marijuana is always on me mind:joint:.lol....... but with all serious'ness there has been a flood of other things goin' on up there as well... Two out of three of the items listed above have recently become my passion... Marijuana, I have always loved, and always been a proclaimed recreational user and the medical aspect of it had always been something I heard about, Until my Mother was diagnosed with cancer and did chemo therapy and radiation. I saw first hand what Cannabis can do for a cancer patient in more ways than one...

I want to express to you Ladies, if you do nothing else this year for yourself please get a mammogram... They say over 35 is where to start getting them and please do it yearly... My doctor says if there is cancer history you may want to start a bit earlier...

my story:
Mother had been over due for her to go get checked for about a year and a half and even when she felt a lump it took her 2 months to actually go to the doctor.... I don't know if she was just scared or didn't really think anything was wrong, but she didn't tell me and my sister until she was sure of what it was... so in April of 05 Mother was diagnosed with "invasive duct" breast cancer, the most common type of breast cancer there is....
...................lesson in this is DON'T WAIT!
Long story short she ended up having a mastectomy, removed the breast and at first the breast surgeon had assured us that if the cancer had not spread there would be no reason for any chemo therapy or radiation...

well, everything come back good and clear and we all thought she was home free, just recovery for 4-6 weeks and go back to work... :smile: ....

2 weeks later after major surgery....
....she went for her follow up and this Oncologist, which is just a fancy word for "cancer doctor" started recomending this 'preventative' chemo therapy so to improve her chances of it not returning in the other breast... Now, this was the first time we heard of this so needless to say it was a shock that one doctor would say one thing and then another say something else... This was the start of so called professionals not being straight up from the get-go and I am going to share some hind sight issues with this so that if anyone else is facing a choice like this, maybe my story can help in some way...

Many of you know that this is very difficult to talk about but also theraputic in some ways because my Mother passed away less than two months ago, but Not from breast cancer:frown: ... so, please be patient I am going to try and tell this story as best I can... the thread I had about it was deleted by myself during a very hard and emotional time at home and here on IC... so, in a emotional frenzy I deleted it in wanting to get rid of anything that reminded me of what happened, but now I have to face it and I think I am ready to share it all again, with the all important hindsight.... :ying:

Breast Cancer Awareness

So, it was layed out there.... Reduce your chances of the cancer coming back by 25% to 6% .... Installing a port and 6 treatments.... more time off work, losing her hair, and being sick...
Take your chances'...
..... of course I told Mom she did not have to do it... Her husband was insistant that she do it.. I told her it was her choice and the doctor seemed very pushy about her doing this... She did not want to...
She told me, she is doing it for him...

.... she started treatment 4 weeks after her surgery.....

to be continued.....
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Weed Widow

New member
It´s a funny thing how we manage to convince ourselves that that suspicious lump or mole or whatever is not really serious and will just go away some time soon. I did the same when a mole on my leg started to change colour. It went from it´s usual brown "beauty spot" to red like a blood blister to black......which was when I went to the doctor. Should have gone much sooner and it took two operations to remove all the cancerous cells. Skin Cancer can be really aggressive and I was extremely lucky to have caught it in time to stop it spreading. That was over 4 years ago and I am still clear of any signs of cancer.

So I can only re-iterate how important it is to go to the doctor when you find the first signs of anything...........better to be told it´s nothing to worry about early than to be too late for treatment.

Weed Widow


Active member
I followed that thread about your mom, I remember it all. I could feel your pain. I am very close to my mother also.
But you are right , women need to be aware and take control of their health. Get mamograms, paps, keep a eye on your blood pressure, take care of yourself.


Sunshine DayDreamer
Weed Widow said:
It´s a funny thing how we manage to convince ourselves that that suspicious lump or mole or whatever is not really serious and will just go away some time soon. I did the same when a mole on my leg started to change colour. It went from it´s usual brown "beauty spot" to red like a blood blister to black......which was when I went to the doctor. Should have gone much sooner and it took two operations to remove all the cancerous cells. Skin Cancer can be really aggressive and I was extremely lucky to have caught it in time to stop it spreading. That was over 4 years ago and I am still clear of any signs of cancer.

So I can only re-iterate how important it is to go to the doctor when you find the first signs of anything...........better to be told it´s nothing to worry about early than to be too late for treatment.

Weed Widow
you are so right and thank you for sharing...

Thank you too peiceofmyheart, and you are so right too... Take control ladies, when your health is the issue procrastination is unacceptable!... :smile:


ICMag Donor
MsG...thank you for the heads up, I really hate going to the doctor, they dont really listen to what your saying,[and this is just my experince with doc's] they want to push pills down your throat, and I hate taking pills, i dont know i guess i havent found the right doc yet, but thats my own thing, but I will get my ass in there and get a mammogram, I'm 47 so I better check it out, thanks for sharing and caring MsG, your a very special person :)


Sunshine DayDreamer
Mrs.Babba said:
MsG...thank you for the heads up, I really hate going to the doctor, they dont really listen to what your saying,[and this is just my experince with doc's] they want to push pills down your throat, and I hate taking pills, i dont know i guess i havent found the right doc yet, but thats my own thing, but I will get my ass in there and get a mammogram, I'm 47 so I better check it out, thanks for sharing and caring MsG, your a very special person :)
yes!.. you should... and I am happy that you are...
and as for me being caring, well, sometimes that can sure be a downfall... Going through an experience like this you really see the best and worst come out of people.. Lately I have just been trying to fight the anger towards the people around who did not do right IMHO, and then their judgement over the whole marijuana issue... weird how it was all OK when Mom was alive.. but now, uuhhhh I could be bad for doing that... I think perhaps people become judgemental towards others actions when they themselves took no action... people who argued with me about the fact that this could be Mother's last timeof her life.. They would not hear of it.. and now it's like they are mad at me because I was right... :frown: .. I am the only one that looked at the whole thing from a very realistic veiwpoint and everyone else was drowning their pain in alcohol, oh but it's legal!.. yeah, that ol' debate again... ggeeeezzzz, when will people understand that marijuana is not this evil substance that makes people do things they wouldn't normally do?.. That is alcohol!!!... :mad: ...SO... getting ahead of myself here.... but Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement to talk about it because keeping it all pinned up inside, I feel like my heart is going to just explode out of my chest sometimes...


Mrs G I am sorry for all your pain and trauma and all that pain your mom had to endure. Cancer is such a wicked horrid disease.
You must please continue to tell your moms story. It will help you to move on.As you said above that you have already learned valuable information from your mom, and that is to do checkups on time.

My mother was in her early 70's when she noticed bleeding, she went to the doctor and the doctor told her not to worry it will pass, 3 months later she mentioned it to my partner who is a doctor and he sent her with all the correct referrals for all the test.

She was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus. Exactly 1 year later after 2 extensive operations, a full period of Radiotherapy, and only 2 doses of chemo and she died.
This was about 6 or 7 or 8 years ago, I dont know, I sort of block out that whole terrible painful period for all of us. I cant even bring myself to do an exact date count of when she died.

I am sorry that I did not grow or know much about med weed At the time of my moms illness. I would have given it to her and I know that it would have helped her in so many ways.


Active member
Seeing your mom's favorite flower on your much needed holiday was a sign. That all is going to be fine and she is always with you in your soul.



My heart goes out to you, sometimes life is tough and not very pretty. You obviously are such a wonderful person that you will pull through this to. You are the most lovey and nice person I have seen on the net, I wish the very best for you.


ICMag Donor
I did it!

I did it!

I had my mammogram last week, I wont find out the results for a week or so the girl[and I say girl cuz she was about 10 hehehe ok maybe 25, real young] that did it said, so I get to think about that for awhile...it was alot different then I thought it was going to be, I thought you layed down and you dont, and it was very quick, uncomforable but didnt take long at all....I dont expect it to find anything but you always have that thought in the back of your head till you hear.....*fingers crossed*...thanks for listenin :listen2:
P.S. They had my age as 79...heehe.. wasnt sure how the mix up happened but they thought I looked pretty good for my age!!! lol
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Sunshine DayDreamer
aaawww yea!..Mrs.B.. .and welllll, you are a grandma, aren't ya?... lol... I'm poking fun... They did get that cleared up, right?... :chin: .....I have to say though, I am so proud of you and yea it's a uncomfortable but other than that it's not too bad, and very nessecary... I just got my notice the other day, it's been a year.. but luckily they will have last years double shots to compare and as always we hope for the best:ying: for all of us... The important thing is to go and just Do It!...
....and gee bobby that's awful nice to say but I don't know about all that, but thank you and you are kind for posting....
Thank You too PoMH, I of course would like to think so... :rasta:....



Active member
I'll bet the young technician thought those were nice breasts for a 79 year old. hahahahahahaha

Yes, it is an uncomfortable procedure to be sure and I am due for one in Oct.


Sunshine DayDreamer
Ms.Grat3ful said:
Breast Cancer Awareness

So, it was layed out there.... Reduce your chances of the cancer coming back by 25% to 6% .... Installing a port and 6 treatments.... more time off work, losing her hair, and being sick...
Take your chances'...
..... of course I told Mom she did not have to do it... Her husband was insistant that she do it.. I told her it was her choice and the doctor seemed very pushy about her doing this... She did not want to...
She told me, she is doing it for him...

.... she started treatment 4 weeks after her surgery.....
to be continued.....

..... OK..... *bigsigh* just picking up where I left off......

She started the chemo in July of last year. link>F.E.C. chemo treament ...

She of course within 2 weeks her hair was coming out like a dog shedding in florida'... didn't take long before we broke out the razor... bbbbbbzzzzzzzz........ yep, GI-Grandma she was then.... think Demi Moore!... ahhahahha......

anyway, she kept good spirits about it and seemed to do really well the first couple months, as treatments were 3 weeks apart... She was sick and weak... but wasn't helpless, she needed driven and help with housework, errond ran, laundry done, ect. but she could still dress herself and go to the bathroom unassisted.....

The 4th treatment threw her for a loop... she got so sick and was in bed for nearly the whole time... She was weak and kept saying she didn't feel right in her brain... Chemo brain she would call it...

.....and of course during all this she was provided with the best Hash and Bud the H3ad's could provide and when she would smoke she would be more herself and could actually think better...

....because I am a stay@home mom I had the freedom and responsibility of Mom during this difficult time while everyone else around me seemed to go on with life as usual....

...and like the Twilight Zone, part of me just couldn't understand why the word 'Cancer' didn't make them sit up and take notice that Mom could possible die!... I mean, that was my first thought... well, and I guess they thought of it but just didn't make the effort day to day because they thought there'd be time.... :redface: .... so anyway...

The 5th treatment Mom told the Doc, "I am not doing the 6th treatment... I don't understand why 6 is the magic number, I am sick and I think 5 is enough and I am ready to get better and back to my life. After all this was just 'preventative treatment' ... It had been comfirmed that they had got all the breast cancer in the surgery and it did not go into the lymph nodes.... so, all this was her 'choice' right?.... so, She was not doing number 6" .... and she didn't... The doctor and nurse tried soooo hard to talk her into it, but I don't think they paid attention to reallllly how sick she was, cause she put up a reaaaallllly good front for people... I mean, we'd plan days ahead before she got out in public, made sure she got lot's of rest and I was right by her side, incase she needed me...

This effected me so deeply, and I felt soooo sorry for her having to go through all this and life going on around us.... It was so strange... We talked like never before... :ying: She needed me like never before in her life... It was like it was just us two in the 'real' situation, to everyone else it was all this positive upswing and outlook but us looking at each other and knowing what the real deal was....
So.... the first week of November I get this email from her... She had been up real late... all it said was "Something is wrong, come and check on me"
I got there and I could tell she was disorriented and her left side was pretty much limp... She said it felt like the bottom dropped out of the elevator and she just fell down a hole... Like a rabbit hole... and couldn't get out....
We called the doc and rushed her to the ER. .... Hours and many Tests later, we find out she had a seizure..... at this time, we thought IT had to be because of the chemo... The doc had said to look out for dizzyness, numbness, ect... could be coming off of that chemo.... (now why don't I remember him saying that could happen when he was selling his 'preventative treatment') .....
Then we get the results from the CTscan... The doc sees a spot of something on her brain... :frown: ...
I just knew Something was really wrong....
Scheduled for more tests.... so we wait.... so much time wasted waiting... :ying: .....

..........to be continued........

Ladies Get Your Mammograms!!...


ICMag Donor


MsG....reading the exerpt of your story was very hard, living thru it must have been so tough!....and then typing it again, rough, but maybe kinda a letting go, trying to get as many women to get theirselves checked out, it worked for me :) ....I got my results yesterday and it said no cancer, I figured as much since I didnt hear right away...but it still feels good to see it for sure...so THANK YOU so very much for getting my ass in there and have the mammo! ....I'll be waiting to hear more of your story, thank you for sharing this very close and personal part of your life with us :)


Active member
hiya Ms. G... think you know my thoughts on early mammograms! Go for the squish ladies....don't put it off.

Ya know... throughout that heartbreaking journey..i think your Mom was one lucky lady.. she had you! (and still does)

Hey Mrs. B.. glad your boobies are ok!


**AWD** Aficianado
Godamn doctors, I hate the lot of them.
It seems that for all our waiting and paying people are still teated like guinea pigs with a # on our backs, it feels like such a business nowadays.
Ms.G your story stuck with me, I can't imagine losing my mom, she like many others is the glue that keeps our families shit together.
I find it admirable that you dealt positively with things and helped her as best you could, i'm sure you are one of her biggest accomplishments and that her stregth of mind and soul will live through you.

Keep the healing going i want to hear more.

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Sunshine DayDreamer
Mrs.B, Thank You for the kind words... and You are most welcome my dear... Those type'a stories make me so very happy and grateful for my IC Family...

Jenna, yes'mamI believe I do know where your thoughts on the whole subject are and You take care and know you are in my thoughts all the time... :ying:

Suby, Thank you for the encouragement and the post... I second guess myself everytime I go to write about all of this because I certainly don't want to be a downer or anything but I just look back on so many things that were out of my control and it pisses me off!.. :rolleyes: but I can't go back, but maybe my story would help someone else in some way, well, and in a way, a selfish way it helps me too.... Helps me to get some of the details out... I sit and think about it, I drive past my moms house and think about it... i see people she knew and I think about it... I can't seem to escape it most of the time...

I do have to say though, during all of this I had one friend here at IC that kept an open door to my venting... she listened, comforted, and sympathized with me half a world away... Some may know her as Indigo, I know her as my bestest girlfriend on the net, through all of this, she helped me keep my sanity when I would think I was going crazy... Don't get me wrong, H3ad is a wonderful husband and more supportive that I ever could have imagined, and sacrificed a lot of ME for the sake of my Mother's illness..... but there is something about when you find that friendship in another woman... as one who spends much time alone I value and miss her on the boards but also understand why she is not here... so, with that, I would like to say Thank You Indigo, honey, just for being my friend during all of that horrible time...
.....and now even though your life is so busy I want you to know,
we can't wait until you have another grow :ying: ...... hahhahah....

........ so anyway.....

two and a half weeks go by and she see's this doctor, neuroligist(ok, i know that ain't spelled right but i don't care) and he sits down, pulls out a peice of paper and writes glioma and says, "you can look that up on the internet, and ya see, ya have one kind that is like a dollop of peanut butter and one kind that is spread on the bread... and uhmmm, well, your's is spread on the bread..." ...
yep... FUCKING peanut butter!... he compares Brain Cancer to fucking peanut butter... so anyway, of course that wasn't a lot of information without the internet right in front of you... I thought, is this how you tell someone they might die?......:redface: ....
She has another seizure in the evelvator right after the doctors visit...
so, we go home and look it up.... oh SHIT!...
yep.... google Glioma....

holy shit!... no one survives a year with the 'spread on the bread' kind.... :frown:

........................................................................................................ to be continued......
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**AWD** Aficianado
Look it up on the internet :yoinks: WTF?
Peanut Butter is not proper bedside manner, don't you need at least an ounce of humanity to be a doctor anymore or are specialist exempt from that. :badday:
My mom had a partial masectomy and as strong as I felt because I wanted to be there for her I always felt helpless.
As much as I was able to research on what she had I couldn't take it out of her could I, it just made it worse for me.
I'm sure this awkward to share online, I still find the idea of "online friends" weird but cool.
We are rooting for you.

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