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Mammograms, Malignant Glioma, and Marijuana


Sunshine DayDreamer
:wink:Mrs.B ....:friends: .... :ying: ...

.....bartender it's so good to see you... :ying: Thank you so much....

:biglaugh: G'Piggy... you do have a unique sense of humor.... :smoke:
.... and so sorry to hear of your loss':petting: .... I am sure he is in a better place:wink:

Ya know, I can't say that I would have gone to get checked if this hadn't happened to Mom... so, believe me when I say, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her....
Also, there are a small percentage of men who get breast cancer as well, and I would think how ever hard it is for a woman, it has to be that much more difficult dealing with 'breast cancer' as a man... The tech at the hospital and I were talking about the smaller the breast the harder it is on the patient getting a mamo, Poor Guys:redface:...

Take Care Ya'll
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Sunshine DayDreamer
Ms.Grat3ful said:
National Breast Cancer Awareness

.... have you got yours?....​

I got my results today and I am good for another year... and like Mrs.B said, It just feels good to be sure...
I think that time can be your best friend or your worst enemy and knowledge is power in a sitation like this....
...and IF I could go back, I would have insisted my Mother go in to be checked months before she got around to doing it....:ying:

.... so, Don't put it off!!...


one year ago today!!

gramma watt

I need a mammogram...
Been at least 5 years since I had one....and that was a f@cked up experience.......perhaps why it's been five years...

I was at a good job with health insurance at the time...I went to the doctor because my periods were going mad...on and on for days...really heavy. (Turns out I have fibroids, but that is another story)

So the NP does a breast exam, cause I rarely go to the doctor, and it had been many years since I had a breast exam. Says she thinks she feels a lump in my right breast...sends me to the University to get a mammogram.

So I get the mammogram...they look at it...and say they see a couple "suspicious" areas in my right breast, and they want to do a needle biopsy.

O.K. sure.

So I go in for the needle biopsy...they kay me face down on a table and let my boob fall through this hole in the table...so they can squeeze it between two plates and pinpoint an area to stick the needle in.

Weeeelll, I am about 41 at the time, gravity taking it's toll on the old ta tas...and there was not enough boob to get a needle in with out shredding said boob...yes they squashed my tit to the size of a biopsy needle.

Like a crepe.

For an hour, at least.

They finally gave up, said I would have to come back in and be knocked out and have a regular biopsy done. The doctor who was trying to do the biopsy asked me a few questions before I left...like do I smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, eat a lot of sweets...to which I said..."But of course...all three ...in great amounts" and is that breast sore when I am menstruating...which it is.

she then told me she thought the spots in my breast looked to her more like benign cysts..

She probably shouldn't have said that...it gave me a reason to procrastinate 5 years...maybe longer, since I no longer have insurance.


Active member
hey all ladies please stay on top of your exams very important, my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor and so was her mother . No health insurance they are free why wait. :rasta:


i apologize if i scare anyone but women should definitely get their breast exam sooner, like 21. there's not as much of a chance of breast cancer at that age but i have two (2) friends who've already been diagnosed with breast cancer and one who's had to have surgery, both weren't even 25 yet. one just turned 22, her cancer is benign i think. the other one had issues years ago and she's 26 now. my mother is a cancer survivor as well. so please do checked out.

also, i know of a few women, friends of friends, who have died from blood clots due to the use of birth control, also before they were 25.


Sunshine DayDreamer
gramma watt said:
I need a mammogram...
Been at least 5 years since I had one....and that was a f@cked up experience.......perhaps why it's been five years...

I was at a good job with health insurance at the time...I went to the doctor because my periods were going mad...on and on for days...really heavy. (Turns out I have fibroids, but that is another story)

So the NP does a breast exam, cause I rarely go to the doctor, and it had been many years since I had a breast exam. Says she thinks she feels a lump in my right breast...sends me to the University to get a mammogram.

So I get the mammogram...they look at it...and say they see a couple "suspicious" areas in my right breast, and they want to do a needle biopsy.

O.K. sure.

So I go in for the needle biopsy...they kay me face down on a table and let my boob fall through this hole in the table...so they can squeeze it between two plates and pinpoint an area to stick the needle in.

Weeeelll, I am about 41 at the time, gravity taking it's toll on the old ta tas...and there was not enough boob to get a needle in with out shredding said boob...yes they squashed my tit to the size of a biopsy needle.

Like a crepe.

For an hour, at least.

They finally gave up, said I would have to come back in and be knocked out and have a regular biopsy done. The doctor who was trying to do the biopsy asked me a few questions before I left...like do I smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, eat a lot of sweets...to which I said..."But of course...all three ...in great amounts" and is that breast sore when I am menstruating...which it is.

she then told me she thought the spots in my breast looked to her more like benign cysts..

She probably shouldn't have said that...it gave me a reason to procrastinate 5 years...maybe longer, since I no longer have insurance.


Free Mammogram FAQs: Mammograms for Underserved Women
by PJ Hamel
Friday, October 19, 2007

Q. I don’t have health insurance, and I just can’t afford the cost of a mammogram. What can I do?

A. There are a number of resources you can access to receive a mammogram at no cost. Try any of these:

The American Cancer Society. Go to cancer.org, find the blue box on the upper right (“Find ACS in Your Community”), enter your zip code, and it’ll direct you to your local ACS office. They can tell you what resources are available in your area. Or call the ACS toll-free: 1-800-ACS-2345.

Gramma, That does sound awful!... However, they have made great strides and the information above will help you get checked out... It's such a peice of mind.. I know, I just went... :D Take care...

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