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Males worth messing with?


Is there any point in using male only plant for cooking? What I can gather, the predominate opinion is that males have nil THC value. Any opposing opinions? Thanks


Captain Expando
yes, I beg to differ... the medicinal value is extremely high. everything from antibiotics to pain killers to antidepressant agents. the chlorophyll alone will give a natural high in tea or cakes.


Thanks Zep,

Any suggestions on increasing the THC? I just had pollen pods come on, I trimmed to just below where they came on the main stem, about the second node from the top, and let the rest grow. I wonder if there is a best time to harvest the rest of the plant?


Captain Expando
You're welcome Truckin.

In general, the plant will tell you the best time to harvest... for example, pruning the leaves that are throwing shade on lower buds in a timely fashion. I use that trim to make cannabudder that some have called 'super potent'.


They do work! I made a quart of coconut oil out of two 3 ft tall males and loved it. It came in handy in times of need and when some buds came around I was able to break it down again and add the buds before straining. good stuff for sure. I have heard Males are most potent just prior to the main bunch of balls at the top of the plant begin to pop open. The coconut oil with just the males I was able to use with everything and it was awesome stuff, took away the pain and left a relaxed sense of pain reduction and was great on the head high, definitely different though.


I once made a single dosage of butter out of the top "cola" of a male plant loaded with flowers in full pollen-dropping mode. It came out much stronger than I expected--almost like tripping. So yes, you can have fun with a male plant, just not as many doses as a female will yield.

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