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male or female ?


New member
Hey all !

Im almost 2 weeks into flowering of my ak-47's and they have definitly started showing sex by now.

I saaadly dont have a camera available so I cant post pics of them, which would help a lot, but Im pretty sure atleast 2 of them are males or atleast 1 male and one hermie

I have been trying to use the search to get a good clear idea of what the male pollen sacks look like and what the female flowers look like but havent gotten any good posts so far.

So can anyone direct me to a good place with a guide of how to check which is which with some good pictures, and if its from a ak-47 plant thats a huge + :p but not necessary

Thanks all !




New member
thanks !

one of my plants acctually looks kinda weird, I have been looking at some "how to grow" guides and looking at the pictures there and she doesnt look like any of them

its like instead of these 1 and 1 male or female "sacks" that the hairs come out of or the balls start to form there are like a bunch of them really tight together, Id say maybe 5 - 10 in a single little ball, wondering if I should pull it out now or wait untill I have a better view of whats going on, would be awesome to see some female hairs arrive from all of these little buggers :p but not sure if its worth the risk

or is what Im descriping a normal thing for male plants ?

this is only my first grow and I only have 4 plants :p so I ofc want as many of them as possible to be females haha but not wanting to risk the crop of 1 - 2 plants for a chance I get more females, how long can I wait after they first show sex untill they release their pollen ?


The Tri Guy
if theres 1 then a female can fool ya and look male for a short time, but if theres a cluster of them then its male. sorry.


New member
if theres 1 then a female can fool ya and look male for a short time, but if theres a cluster of them then its male. sorry.

thanks for the quick reply, that was what I was afraid of, sad really since its the plant I had by far the most ambitions for :p it was always the quickest to grow and adjust and the bushiest, however the others have caught up pretty well so Ill be happy with any harvest on my first grow :p even just getting buds will be awesome :D


The Tri Guy
I'm actually sexing a couple of plants right now, and so I thought I'd take a couple of pics to show the pre-flowers, Skotty shows what they look like a little older, but you can actually tell even earlier than that if you know what to look for. The surest sign is the stalk that the male pollen sack sits on. Here's the pics.


It was really hard to get the lighting right on the male, so I did a few pics.




New member
Wow man, great pictures ! really helpfull and highly detailed :)

I already pulled out 2 of my males, was absolutly sure they were males after they were starting to grow balls all over the place on the top of the nodes :p

got my 2 females 4 weeks into flower now, they are looking great, those white female hairs all over the place and they have really bushed up, almost cant wait 4 - 5 weeks more for harvest :D

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