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Male Flowering Questions


Active member
Greetings. I have been growing for about 5 years but I have never made seeds. I recently ordered BOG Sour Lifesaver and had some environmental issues that caused only 3 of the 10 to make it. I got one nice famle and one REALLY nice male.

So, I started thinking that I could pollinate the 2 plants and make more seeds. On to my questions...

The male plant is much more advanced in its preflowers than the female. How long does it take the male to be able to produce pollen? They have been under 12/12 for about 7 days.

Due to space constraints, I removed the male and placed it in a seperate small closet with a single 65 watt (true watts not incand. replacement). Will adding more light help speed up the process?

I intend on collecting pollen and immediately brushing a few bottom branches.

Here are a few pics of the male:





I really appreciate all who respond! Thanks for your time.


mad librettist

Active member
to add to the questions -

How much light does a male need once it shows flowers? I have a menage a trois male that is just not opening, not making pollen. I took it out of my cab a little while ago, and put it by a window.

will I get pollen, or do I need more intense light?


I had all my males next to a window when they started flowering. They don't need much light.


seeker of greater knowledge
Greetings. I have been growing for about 5 years but I have never made seeds. I recently ordered BOG Sour Lifesaver and had some environmental issues that caused only 3 of the 10 to make it. I got one nice famle and one REALLY nice male.

So, I started thinking that I could pollinate the 2 plants and make more seeds. On to my questions...

The male plant is much more advanced in its preflowers than the female. How long does it take the male to be able to produce pollen? They have been under 12/12 for about 7 days.

Due to space constraints, I removed the male and placed it in a seperate small closet with a single 65 watt (true watts not incand. replacement). Will adding more light help speed up the process?

I intend on collecting pollen and immediately brushing a few bottom branches.

Here are a few pics of the male:





I really appreciate all who respond! Thanks for your time.


to add to the questions -

How much light does a male need once it shows flowers? I have a menage a trois male that is just not opening, not making pollen. I took it out of my cab a little while ago, and put it by a window.

will I get pollen, or do I need more intense light?

well first of all WaterFarmFan thats a great looking male....
first and foermost a male plant depending on the genetic..lets use indica leaning hybrids...through my experience they usually start droping some pollen around the 2 1/2 - 3 week mark and usually die off after 6 weeks of flowering ........ try to use some cardboard and cut out a small slit to slide the paper under the plants canopy above the top of your pot this should be good to collect the dropped pollen.......

as for lighting the more light you give him the more plant matter and the more male stamen it will produce ...try and get a couple small cfl's in there with that you should have enough light to get a good amount of pollen off that male...

to answer your question mad librettist marijuana plants flower depending on the light cycle not really how much light you give it .(unless it's an autoflowering variety))....if its a male and not showing signs of stamen production after a few weeks their's a small possibility it might be sterile , but wait it out chances are it's simply a longer flowering variety ....

oh btw WaterFarmFan that male is a little large i have a helpful tip if you clone that male and flower out the clones you'll have an easer time collecting the pollen.......and if you find that it's a good male you'll also have some extra clones to collect fresh pollen at a later date........

hope this helped guys...have a good day and great weekend


Active member
Hey Vince. Thanks for the detailed comments. I ended up taking some clones of the male and kept the best one. I did not want to pollinate my whole room, as I am wanting max buds this round. I will flower a few cuts from the father to collect pollen before my next run in the fall. This male is super impressive as it has many Sour Bubble features and seems uber-vigorous.

Also, as I understand it, if I cross the SLS father back to the SLS mother that I will be creating F2s that could unlock muliple phenotypes? Does it matter that SLS is the combination of Sour Bubble and Lifesaver? Are these parents the P1 or F1?

Many thanks.



seeker of greater knowledge
Hey Vince. Thanks for the detailed comments. I ended up taking some clones of the male and kept the best one. I did not want to pollinate my whole room, as I am wanting max buds this round. I will flower a few cuts from the father to collect pollen before my next run in the fall. This male is super impressive as it has many Sour Bubble features and seems uber-vigorous.

Also, as I understand it, if I cross the SLS father back to the SLS mother that I will be creating F2s that could unlock muliple phenotypes? Does it matter that SLS is the combination of Sour Bubble and Lifesaver? Are these parents the P1 or F1?

Many thanks.


well the SB and the LS are the p1's parental stock for the f1 hybrid if you will (sls) i'm sure bog bx'd multiple times to get a uniform generation .... personally p1's are the parental stock used in creating hybrids....when you have something like the SLS and you do your own bx'ing you unlock many different phenos in the 2nd generation.......i suggest bx'ing and who knows you might find something very special......have a good one

mad librettist

Active member
ty guys, very helpful. Some seem to be opening now. I will just use a paintbrush.

It's menage a trois, and I have two females flowering - mazar-i-sharif and blue burmese bagseed (very hermie resistant - flowered on a neighbors kitchen windowsill without growing a single male part). I'm going for diversity, then I want to get my own variety going after a time. O. Haze x skunk is going too, one plant, no sex yet. I may have to store pollen.


from the looks of the plant, it needs a few more weeks to develop male nanners. just like a female, the male will start producing alternating branches at the top node, rather than 2 equal branches from a node when it is approaching its time to flower. once you see a good selection of nanners, you can take a cutting and put it in a glass of water that sits on a sheet of glass or paper. then just tap the plant gently to release the pollen.

mad librettist

Active member
So I gave up on the seed grow, and harvested all but one and a half plants. I had room in my cab for my male now, and after a week the flowers were twice as big and twice as many. On the other hand, it started growing female parts :(

So I would say the answer to my question is that you need some light intensity for males as well.

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